Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1079: The water outside the Lin's house is not shallow!

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Liu An nodded and said, "You are sensible! But don't be too happy too early. Even if I don't trouble you, it doesn't mean you can sit back and relax. Where are these outside disciples who don't want to hug your thigh?" As long as there is a tone of voice over your son, your kid will have a hard time eating! "

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I will take care of this, thank you Deacon Liu for mentioning it!"

"Okay! Come with me, I will arrange a place for you!"

The Lin family covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres and hundreds of thousands of rooms in Guangsha. Even if they are outside disciples, they do not worry about having no place to live. The residence of the outside disciples, of course, cannot be compared with the third-line inner disciples, but it is stronger than the ordinary people in Linyang City.

Liu An took Wan Dong and went around in seven rounds, and soon came to a slightly remote and deserted courtyard, saying, "Just stay here and be a companion with Chen Jiping!"

"Chen Jiping?" Wan Dong was whispering, and the courtyard door suddenly squeaked, and was opened from the inside, revealing a somewhat thin figure.

When the person saw Liu An, he froze for a moment, then immediately bent down with a smile, and said very respectfully, "Chen Jiping had met Deacon Liu."

The age of Chen Jiping should be slightly older than Wandong, but the older ones are also limited. It is also a young man, but this Chen Jiping is a little bit less heroic, a little more sad and depressed, especially at the brows, there is a Sichuan character pattern at a young age, and I do n’t know that I am worried all day. Something.

"Chen Jiping, I think you are alone every day, lonely and lonely, today I will arrange a companion for you. Come and see, this is Xu Yaoting, he will live with you in the future.

"Have seen Brother Xu!"

At first glance, Chen Jiping was a prudent master. Even in the face of Wandong, he did not dare to care about it, and held his fists respectfully.

"Brother Chen said it seriously, just call me Yaoting later!"

"Um! You two are close, let me go first if I have something!"

"Deacon Liu is slow!" Seeing that Liu An was leaving, Chen Jiping hurried forward to stop him.

"You still have something?" Liu An paused, squinting.

Chen Jiping hurriedly and carefully reached out a wooden box from his arms, opened the wooden box, and inside lay a quiet pill of Qi. Although Wandong didn't know how to make alchemy, he looked at the white fire dragon alchemy for a long time, and he had some research on the spirit pill. The Ningqi Dan in the wooden box can be said to be very rough in quality, which is very different from the white fire dragon. Seeing Chen Jiping treat it as a treasure, let Wan Dong appreciate the hardship of Lin's outside disciples.

"Deacon Liu, this is what I saved, I will give it to you, thank you for your care of Ji Ping!"

Chen Jiping was obviously reluctant, and his eyes were full of struggle, but in the end, he still handed the condensed gas to Liu An.

Such things as Ning Qi Dan are basically useless to monks above Xuanzhen Peak Realm, but they are of great benefit to monks below Xuanzhen Peak Realm. Then Liu An coughed lightly, and did not hesitate for a long time, then he collected Ning Qi Dan together with the wooden box. "Jiping, I know you're not easy. The children of the Song family are really doing things too much, even I can't pass it. But, the Song family is too powerful, let alone you, even me I ca n’t afford to provoke it. So, I ’ll try my best to talk and make peace for you, do you think so? "

"There will be Deacon Lau Lau!"

"That's good, that's good, you two talk, I'll go first!" After that, Liu An turned away without looking back.

Chen Jiping looked at Liu An's distant figure, his eyes full of deep sorrow. I don't know if it's for something else, or for that pill.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Wan Dong coughed and asked when he saw that Chen Jiping couldn't recover for a long time.

"Ah? Oh, no ... it's okay. Yaoting, let's go, I'll take you in first!"

Chen Jiping hurriedly introduced Wan Dong into the small courtyard. The small courtyard is not very big, but it was clean and tidy by Chen Jiping. It looks very organized and looks very comfortable. The same is true in the room. Although the furnishings are simple, they are spotless and clean. The windows are clear and clear. Chen Jiping is a very careful person.

There are a total of two beds in the room, one Chen Jiping is in use, and Wan Dong naturally chose another one.

Wan Dong didn't have any salutes, and he didn't need to clean up. The monks, the simpler they are, the more they can return to the original, and Chen Jiping is not surprised.

"Yao Ting, are you a new disciple who has just entered the Lin family?"

Wan Dong nodded, and Chen Jiping asked again, "Did you go get Ningqi Dan?"

Wan Dong frowned and said, "No, no one said to me."

"Oh, it may be that Deacon Liu was negligent for a while. Every new disciple who has visited Lin's family can go to the" Outer Department "to get a Ningqi Dan and a junior fairy formula. I will take you now Get it. "

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?" Wan Dong froze for a moment, but he didn't expect to enter the second grade family.

Chen Jiping smiled bitterly and said, "This is the essence of the second-grade family, which is far beyond our third-grade family."

Listening to Chen Jiping's words, Wan Dong's heart suddenly jumped and asked, "Is Brother Chen's surname Chen, is it the Chen family from the Sanpin family?"

Chen Jiping looked immediately, and said, "Yes! Our family's surname is Chen and his name is Yi, a female hero. Presumably the Yaoting brothers have heard of it?"

really! As soon as Chen Jiping made this remark, Wan Dong's heart was immediately excited. He was worried and did not know where to start looking for Chen Yi. Unexpectedly, when he first entered the Lin family, he let him meet Chen's disciples. With Chen Jiping in, why can't he be reunited with his mother?

And learning that Chen Jiping actually came from the Chen family, Wan Dong was also very close to him.

"I don't know that Brother Chen turned out to be a disciple of Chen's family. I have a lot of disrespect for my brother. Please ask Brother Chen to forgive me!"

Seeing Wandong as respectful and courteous, Chen Jiping was certainly proud, but he was a little guilty and shook his head: "Our Chen family was originally considered to be among the best in the Sanpin family, but when the family changed, the Chen family split in two. The owner led us away from the village, Turning to the Lin family is now a difficult situation, and it is more difficult than those families who are not good at it. The Yaoting brothers are really serious. "

It is not surprising that Wan Dong had heard Xiao Lang talk about Chen's situation. Frowning his brow, he pondered for a moment and said, "Brother Chen doesn't have to be depressed! I expect Chen's family will have a hard time!"

"Hehe ... then thank Brother Xu for his words!" Chen Jiping smiled reluctantly, apparently did not take Wan Dong's words into his heart.

"By Brother Chen, Deacon Liu mentioned the Song family before, what is the origin of the Song family?"

When Wan Dong mentioned the Song family, Chen Jiping's eyebrows clearly rose with a strong anger. He almost gritted his teeth and said, "The Song family is the most powerful Sanpin family in the city of Linyang, and it is also the most trusted by the Lin family. Since the beginning of our surrender to the Lin family, the Song family has repeatedly embarrassed our Chen family. It ’s common for disciples to bully. I only hate the Song family and the shelter of Lin ’s uncle Lin Rulong. My Chen family has no way to complain, hey! ”

"Lin Rulong? Hum ..."

Wan Dong is so clever that if he thinks a little bit, he can guess things very well. The Song family and the Chen family have no grievances, why should they live with the Chen family? Wasn't Lin Rulong instructed him to bully the Chen family? The purpose is to force Chen Yi to follow suit and follow Lin Rulong. If Wandong didn't come, he wouldn't let Lin Rulong's conspiracy succeed. And the Song family, since they are willing to be dog minions of other people, don't expect a good ending!

"Don't say, Yaoting, I'll take you to the Outer Department to collect Ning Qi Dan first. But I think, even if you get this Ning Qi Dan, I'm afraid I can't keep it."

"Brother Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Yi shook his head and said, "You don't know Yaoyao. Among the outside disciples of the Lin family, several forces have already formed. The lonely family like you and me are the targets of bullying."

"Ha! Listen to Brother Chen's meaning, the water outside Lin's house is really shallow! Since this Ningqi Dan will soon fall into the hands of others, then I won't even pick it up!"

"Do you think that's enough? If you don't pick it up, others will still find your head. At that time, you will be more troublesome. But if you pick it up on a monthly basis, one for each month. After the year, you will get the Ningqi Dan again, and you will own it. Besides, do n’t you get the Ningqi Dan, do n’t you even need the Xianqi? How can you practice without the Xianqi? "

"So this is the case? Hahaha ... Since that's the case, Brother Chen, I'll trouble you!"

Chen Jiping nodded and said, "Yao Ting, you remember, after receiving Ning Qi Dan, you must give it to Xuefei League first. Among the disciples of the Lin family outside the door, there are twelve branches, big and small, which one should honor , Which one is filial piety afterwards, that ’s a particular thing. It ’s out of order, not only will it send you away, but it will also cause you more trouble. ”

Wan Dong couldn't help but sneer. No wonder Lin's outside disciples didn't do anything well. After a long time, they spent all their energy on these things.

"Is the Xuefei League the most powerful of the 12-point alliance?" Wan Dong asked quietly.

"That's not true! To say that the most powerful is the Song League! But the Xuefei League is different from other sub-allies. All of them are all female disciples. Women, always have some privileges. And, the leader of the Song League Song Wen has a love for Zhang Xuefei, the leader of the Xuefei League. This rule was set by him at the beginning. "

"Hehe ... Brother Chen, if it wasn't my luck, I met you and taught me so many rules, I think I'm in trouble!"

Chen Jiping smiled bitterly and said, "It's all people who fall into the horizon!"

"Brother Chen, how long have you been in the inner door of Lin's house?" Wan Dong asked again.

Chen Jiping figured it out and said, "It will be almost three years!"

"Three years? No, Brother Chen, if it's three years, then you should have the Ging Qi Dan, there should be 36 in total. Except for what you gave to the 12th League and Deacon Liu, you still have There should be twenty-three, and twenty-three condensed gas pill should be enough for your cultivation to break through to the first stage of Xuan marks. "-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14486197->

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