Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1095: Teach the fairy tips!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Who said your qualifications are Yu Lu? Qualifications Yu Lu can break two days in a row?"

"Why do the brothers ask for some reason? I can go from the peak of the yellow seed to one step to the middle level of Xuan marks. Not all of them are thanks to your brother?"

Wan Dong shook his head again and again: "Brother, don't be so pretentious. If you are not real gold, you can't stand my fierce fire to practice! To see me, your qualifications are not bad at all, and it is even more valuable that you still have one The gritty quality of the stock is based on this, and will certainly be among the strongest in the future. "

Chen Jiping's enthusiasm by Wan Dong is a good young man. Who doesn't have Lingyun's aspirations in his heart, and who is willing to be the sole of others' feet?

"Brother, aren't you comforting me?"

"Of course not! It's just that the menstruation is too low. It ’s too low in practice. It can only be a waste of time. Since the menstruation is based on the essence of the moon, it ’s supposed to take the way of Rookang, I just have one. The door immortal tactic, called the spirit rhinoceros seal, is suitable for the elder brother. "

"Ling Xiyin?" Chen Jiping's face showed a trace of confusion.

Wan Dong didn't explain it, even when the Lingxi Seal was displayed. I saw the golden light from Wan Dong, bursting out from Wan Dong's body, and in Wan Dong's body, he almost spontaneously formed nearly a hundred different kinds of spirit seals, as if they were substantial. Floating around Wandong, but not condensing.

At the same time, the auras of heaven and earth that were scattered around were attracted by these large and small spirit seals, and they rushed in droves, and then under the guidance of these spirit seals, all the rivers returned to the sea like Wanchuan. Influx into the body.

All the immortal tactics, regardless of their grades, have one thing in common. That is to attract the spirit of heaven and earth, to be incorporated into the body of the cultivator, and then turn into Dao qi for the cultivator. The biggest basis for the classification of Xianjue is to see its speed, scale, and fluency in attracting heaven and earth.

Looking at Wan Dong, the blink of an eye was enveloped by the spirit of heaven and earth, so that even his figure was a little indistinguishable, and Chen Jiping's startled eyes almost jumped out of his eyes. come out.

This speed of absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, he had never dared to think before, and it was more than a hundred times faster than when he performed the menstrual cycle. In other words, if Chen Jiping used the spirit rhino to practice one day, then it would be equivalent to one hundred days using the moonlight. The difference between the two is self-evident!

More importantly, Wan Dong is right. Menstrual menstrual is on a feminine route, and the same is true of the spirit rhinoceros. Chen Jiping changed the spirit rhinoceros, but there is no problem at all. There is no need to worry at all. Xianju will have conflicts.

"How is it, how is my spiritual rhythm than the menstrual period?"

After Wan Dong showed the power of the spirit rhinoceros, he collected the immortal tactic and smiled and asked Chen Jiping.

Chen Jiping just woke up at this time, and he rose up in a hurry, rushed towards Wandong, and said with a trembling voice, "please teach me brother!"

After being injured by Song Xiu, Chen Jiping's heart eager to become stronger, beating more and more violently. Seeing opportunities at this time, where would you miss them?

Wan Dong hurriedly supported Chen Jiping and smiled, "Big Brother doesn't have to be like this. I was going to pass this spirit seal to you."

Knowing the preciousness of the spirit rhinoceros, Chen Jiping studied very hard. Coupled with Wan Dong, a mentor, who took the trouble to give instructions, it didn't take long for Chen Jiping to grasp the essence of the spirit rhinoceros. Although it is impossible to do like Wan Dong, hundreds of spiritual seals can be transformed with a single thought, but two hours later, beside Chen Jiping, five spiritual seals have also been transformed.

Even though there are only five courses, Chen Jiping's cultivation speed has risen five times than before!

Looking at other people's cultivation and their own experience, it feels absolutely different. Seeing the qi in his body, soaring at a speed that he had never experienced, Chen Jiping's eyes flashed with tears in excitement.

If he still lacked self-confidence before, the spirit seal had already filled him with confidence. Compared with the rapid advancement in the cultivation of the basics, the reincarnation of the character makes Wandong more important.

Needless to say, Chen Jiping still has a long way to go, but he has firmly grasped the hope in his hands.

Chen Jiping has been able to independently operate the Spirit Rhythm Seal. According to Wan Dong ’s previous apprenticeship experience, Chen Jiping ’s getting started may not stop for a while. Like a child who just got his favorite toy, he always has to play until he is sleepy, tired, and unable to play, before he gives up.

While Chen Jiping was practicing, Wan Dong took out the "Sword Fairy Secret" handed over to him by Huangfu's ancestors that day.

Since he got it, he hasn't found time to understand. The ancestor of Huangfu helped him so much, and even passed on to him the fame that made him famous. Wan Dong could not help but care about his only request.

Wan Dong is still very confident in his understanding. Lei Beng's tactics, Ling Xi Yin's superior fairy tactics are all sorted out by Wan Dong from the memory of Xuantian Daming God. , And the inheritance continued, he believed that this "Jianxian secret", it certainly will not fail him.

But when Wan Dong really opened the "Jianxian secret", he found that he was overconfident.

The whole fairy tale, even without a word, just painted an ordinary long sword.

This sword is really not ordinary, there is no characteristic at all, just like the long swords randomly placed in the weapon shops on the street. Wan Dong wanted to understand, but he couldn't even find a breakthrough in understanding.

Turning the sword upside down, it fell over and looked at it for a long time, but did not look at it. There was so much paste in his head that he couldn't understand the slightest clue.

After holding it for a while, Wan Dong just felt that his head was getting more and more painful. He knew that if he continued this way, it would be counterproductive if he failed to do so.

"Huangfu ancestor, it seems that you are always overestimating the kid, it is not that the kid does not work hard, it is really this" sword fairy trick "is too pitted."

Wan Dong shook his hair with a bitter smile, and returned the "Jianxian Jue" to the storage ring.

Seeing that Chen Jiping was still practicing, Wan Dong didn't want to disturb him, and walked out with a shambles.

The small courtyard where Wan Dong and Chen Jiping lived was in a remote location, and no one would come or even pass by on weekdays. However, as soon as Wan Dong went out, he noticed that there were several sneaky figures that appeared around.

Wan Dong couldn't help but sneered, knowing without asking, these guys were mostly Song Meng people, staring at them here, Xu was afraid they would run away.

Too lazy to make noise with these little shrimps, Wan Dong went directly to Yanwuchang.

After beating Song Xiu violently, Wan Dong was famous at the outside of Lin's house, and it was almost unknown to everyone. The original lively performance martial arts venue, because of the appearance of Wan Dong, was completely quiet in an instant. One by one, it seemed as if they were hitting a fixed spell, standing there like a wooden pile, staring at Wan Dong with their eyes, some timid, and even dare not take a breath.

It's all soft eggs, and I'm afraid that it will look like this one time. It's really not bloody! They are also young people. These disciples outside the Lin family are not far worse than Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde.

Thinking of Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde, Wan Dong's heart is inevitably sad. The blink of an eye came to Daomen for nearly two months, but he was unable to reunite with Luo Xiao after all, and speaking of it, it was considered a trick.

"Mr. Xu!" Wan Dong was awakened with a clear and sweet voice.

Wan Dong followed her prestige and saw that Xiao Dan flew over like a lark bird, and behind her were a few young girls who looked at the badges on their chests.

In fact, Xiao Dan is a very nice girl, clear and clean, delicate and clear, very attractive. Wan Dong's heart was a little bit overwhelming when she thought that she had exposed her fiercely before and scared her.

"Xiaodan girl, you are here too."

Wan Dong greeted with a smile.

If Wandong is angry when it is wind and thunder and rain, when it is peaceful, it is spring and wind and rain, it is almost like two people.

Xiao Dan's expression stood with a bit of shame in front of Wan Dong, a few steps away, nodding with a smile.

Seeing the sword in her hand, Wan Dong smiled and asked, "Why are you practicing the sword?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Dan nodded again and again, and then cautiously hoped, "Xu Gongzi, your cultivation level is so high, you can't beat the impossible Song Xiu in three or two times From now on, must be extremely proficient in kendo? "

How can the little girl's mind hide Wan Wan's eyes? Just before Wandong apologized to Xiao Dan, it was a good opportunity.

Gently smiled and said, "Don't dare to be proficient, that's to know one or two!"

"Mr. Xu is really humble! Sisters, let's ask Mr. Xu to give us some pointers?"

Xiao Dan turned around and hurriedly asked several sisters behind her.

A few girls can't do this. Where is the unreasonable reason? For a time, there were twitters all around Wandong, with a soft pleading voice. Faced with such an offensive, I am afraid that the hard-hearted man must also be on the spot.

"Since that is the case, let's talk. Xiao Dan, you will dance the sword technique you danced before."

Xiao Dan was still a little nervous, afraid that Wan Dong would not agree, but unexpectedly Wan Dong agreed to be so refreshing, and he was overjoyed in his heart, and he would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At the moment, there is no refusal, the smile on Qiao's face is suddenly converged, and Fang Wandong clenched his fists, and he said seriously, "Please enlighten me!"

Xiao Dan's appearance may only be regarded as a beautiful appearance, but when you take it seriously, there is a rare amount of heroism in the eyebrows, which makes the temperament of the whole person suddenly change, compared with those beautiful girls. It has a unique taste. Just like tea, you can taste its mellow flavor only if you taste carefully. And yes, the more delicious the better! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14645488->

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