Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1096: The true meaning of the sword!

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Compared with Xiao Dan's charm, the swordsmanship she played was dull. Just a hands-on style, Wan Dong has lost interest.

However, all the superior swordsmanship is not unresolved, but the intention is to start first. The seemingly pedantic and meaningless starting hand is often filled with a kind of momentum that makes the opponent tremble with fear. If the heavy pressure of Taishan collapses before it is displayed in a move, then it will be like a pig and a dog!

However, Xiao Dan's hands-on style has no trace of charm, and it does not bring any psychological pressure to the other party. The complete flower frame is flashy.

And when Xiao Dan unfolded the following moves, Wan Dong's heart shook his head frequently. This set of swordsmanship played by Xiaodan was really not an ordinary inferior player.

Of course, because of the practice of Xuan Tian Wu God's tactics, and once enlightened Holy Sword Dao, Wan Dong's vision is inevitably more critical than ordinary people.

If it was a irrelevant person who exhibited such a sword in front of Wan Dong, Wan Dong might have already laughed. But for Xiao Dan, Wan Dong couldn't laugh at all. Although the swordsmanship is clumsy, but it even brings out Xiao Dan's seriousness and perseverance.

Looking at Xiao Dan, he made every effort to use this incomprehensible sword technique to the extreme of perfectness. Wan Dongfei couldn't laugh but felt a bit heavy. Looking at Xiao Dan's expression, where she showed Wan Dong is a set of swordsmanship, it is clearly her hard work and struggle in this cruel world!

If the cruelty of the mundane small world lies in the harsh living environment, then the cruelty of the Daomen big world is extremely unfair!

Zhang Xuefei and Zhang Xueru are only one or two years older than Xiao Dan, but their cultivation behavior is a lot higher than Xiao Dan. Perhaps Xiao Dan has spent his whole life and cannot make up with them. difference.

Is this gap because Xiaodan's qualifications are not as good as those of the Zhang family? Absolutely not! In Wan Dong's view, even if Xiao Dan's qualifications are not the best, they are definitely superior, and they are not inferior to those of the Zhang family. The only reason for this gap is the injustice of fate!

Who let the Zhang family sisters die and was born in a Sanpin family? Relying on the power of the family, Sister Zhang's family was born with rich resources that Xiao Dan couldn't even imagine. It was with the help of resources in the family that the sisters of the Zhang family could establish such a great advantage in front of Xiao Dan.

Can we compare Li Weiqian, who came from the second grade family, what can the Zhang family sisters count? Li Weiqian's age is similar to that of Xiao Dan, and she is also younger than the Zhang family sisters, but she is now a strong player in the earth wheel. This achievement, maybe the Zhang family sisters, have to work hard for another ten years before they can achieve it.

Thinking of Li Weiqian, Wan Dong couldn't help thinking of Huang Fuqing again! This is undoubtedly a more anti-nature girl. At a young age, the cultivation base has already reached the realm of heaven. Compared with Xiaodan, it is not even described by the cloud mud.

A drop of crystal clear sweat beads slipped slowly along Xiao Dan's cheeks, under the shade of sunlight and swordman's glory, like crystals, emitting a dazzling light. Wan Dong couldn't help but sigh, this drop of sweat is not only dazzling, but also dazzling!

The same sweat, but not the same gain, this kind of injustice from fate, undoubtedly makes people most helpless. And it is this helplessness that brings out the cruelty of this injustice!

However, in such a frustration, Xiao Dan did not give up. She is still persistently struggling and fighting. Perhaps even she herself understands that this kind of effort and struggle is only useless in vain.

This is ridiculous in the eyes of some people, but respectable in Wandong's eyes. The image of this weak girl named Xiao Dan in Wan Dong's mind seemed to grow taller at once.

Wan Dong didn't know that if he changed himself to Xiao Dan, would she have the courage and perseverance like her. Although Wan Dong does not have the advantage of his family, he is additionally favored by God. How many lucky people like him are there in the world?

Speaking of it, maybe he Wandong is the one who should not question the unfair fate at all!

"Mr. Xu, what do you think of my sword technique?"

Just when Wan Dong's heart was full of thoughts and his mind was uncertain, Xiao Dan's tender voice showed a little nervousness, and suddenly rang in his ears.

Wan Dong froze for a moment, and then realized that Xiao Dan's set of swordsmanship had been unconsciously finished. Wan Dong couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart, Xiao Dan was so serious, he even distracted.

"Xu Gongzi, why don't you speak, is my sword technique too bad?"

Wan Dong's silence made Xiao Dan's pretty face obviously more nervous and disappointed.

Wan Dong couldn't help but hurt, and shook his head with a smile, "Of course not! Actually, this sword technique, you have already played quite perfect, it can be said that it is flawless, I really can't think of something that needs pointing. "

Wan Dong's words were half-truths and half-truths, and they were completely good words for Xiao Dan. Her set of swordsmanship, regardless of the merits and demerits, Xiao Dan's skills are all in place, and it is indeed flawless. But it is not that there is no need for pointing, but there is no need for pointing at all. A little black awning, no matter how to decorate and improve, it is impossible to become a big cruise ship!

Wan Dong said that Xiao Dan's pretty face was like a lotus flower in full bloom, and she smiled brightly.

"I have practiced this set of swordsmanship for eighteen years, and I don't know if it's good or not, right? Listening to Mr. Xu, I can finally rest assured."

"Eighteen years?" Wan Dong stunned.

In such an unremarkable clumsy swordsmanship, Xiao Dan actually spent 18 years on it, and it is still the most precious and the most beautiful 18 years in life. This makes Wan Dong ’s heart seem to be The man punched the pain like a punch.

"Can't go on like this anymore!" Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a low growl. Even if he didn't have the guilt he had for Xiaodan before, he could never let Xiaodan go on like this.

Set the mind, Wan Dongdao "Xiao Dan, although I have nothing to point you to, but I have a set of swordsmanship here that I want to teach you, would you like to learn?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Wan Dong's words hadn't drifted away, and Xiao Dan jumped with joy as if he had won the prize.

Wan Dong nodded and extended his hand, "Then please lend me the sword."

Listening to Wandong asking for a sword, Xiao Dan's expression suddenly became a bit tweaked, "Xu Gongzi, my sword is very common, I'm afraid you are not used to it ..."

Xiao Dan's background must be very ordinary. I am afraid that her family can send her to the outside of Lin's house to practice, and she has already exerted all her strength. Of course, it is impossible to buy her a sword.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "No problem! You can use the sword, I can use it!"

Xiao Dan's expression was relieved, and he nodded heavily, saying, "It's my worry, the real master, even the grass, can also be used as a sword. Presumably Xu Gongzi is such a master."

While talking, Xiao Dan handed his sword to Wandong.

Wan Dong looked up, it was really an extremely ordinary sword, presumably it was bought in the weapon shop beside Linyangcheng Street, and most of it was still the cheapest. But when such an ordinary sword that couldn't be more common, and Xiao Dan's face, did not compromise on the tribulation, and did not give up on the future, Wan Dong's head was like a cross in the night. A dazzling lightning flashed suddenly, and a trace of enlightenment came suddenly in this light!

Wan Dong froze for a moment, and stretched out half of his hand, as if stabbed by someone, and stood there stiffly. Everything in heaven and earth, everything around it retreated like a tide, and only the sword drawn in the "Jianxian Jue" flashed in front of him.

so similar! The sword in "Jianxian Jue" is exactly the same as Xiaodan's sword.

Wan Dong subconsciously scanned Xiaodan's sword three times, and found that Xiaodan's sword was a common iron, and there was no spirituality at all.

"Doesn't ...... what is recorded in 'Jianxianzhi's recipe" is not the sword's recipe at all, but a kind of sword meaning, the same rule of law as the true meaning of the wind and the true meaning of the cloud-the true meaning of the sword? ... So what is Is it the true meaning of swords? Ordinary swords ... ordinary ordinary people ... ordinary ... ordinary ... his! Can the true meaning of swords be "ordinary"? ... but it makes no sense, how can swords be ordinary? What? From the moment when the sword was born, it was extraordinary, and since ancient times, but for all the power that has been achieved on the sword, which is not the existence of Zhen Gushuojin? Where can it be with the ordinary word? Does it matter? Furthermore, it is said that the sword is the king of the soldiers! Since it is the king, why not talk about ordinary? "

At this moment, Wan Dong's head was like a storm, and he couldn't calm down for a moment. Wan Dong was vaguely vague, he had already touched the true meaning of the "Jianxian Jue", but it was still so little that he could not fully control it.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

Xiao Dan's soft voice came from his ear again, and Wan Dong looked up subconsciously to Xiao Dan. Without seeing Xiao Dan's facial features, he first saw her pair of shiny, star-like bright eyes. . What kind of essence and energy can make Xiao Dan's eyes bright like this?

"Wait!" Wandong's heart shook suddenly and could not help but blurt out loudly.

Xiao Dan and others who were looking at Wan Dong in a daze and wondered, were all swayed by Wan Dong's screaming heart, and his face was shocked.

Wan Dong couldn't care about that much. At this time in his mind, the storm suddenly turned into a terrifying thunderstorm. Thousands of lightnings lit up at the same moment, almost sweeping away the darkness completely Under the striking thunderstorm, a thin figure was clearly getting taller, and that face gradually became clearer ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14665123->

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