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Before Zhang Xueru came, he had clearly discussed with Zhang Xuefei, but now he suddenly became so ‘compassionate’, which made Wan Dong ’s heart even more unreliable. In comparison, Zhang Xueru is much more difficult to deal with than Zhang Xuefei.

"Sister, don't ah, let's run into such a strange person as Xu Gongzi, did we just let it go?" Zhang Xuefei shouted in disbelief.

Zhang Xueru's face suddenly showed a sad, faint way: "But you didn't see it, was Xu Gongzi's expression very embarrassing? I think it's okay ..."

Wan Dong couldn't hear it anymore, and grinned bitterly, "The two girls, supporting my elder brother at the first blow, Yao Ting is really grateful. If there is nothing to say, it really can't be justified. But Xueru said well Well, it ’s a tremendous study, really ... "

"Cough ... Mr. Xu, don't get me wrong, we don't have to learn your unique skills, we just have something to ask for, and I hope you will agree with Mr. Xu anyway."

Before Wan Dong finished speaking, Zhang Xueru hurriedly said.

Wan Dong immediately understood that after a long time, the two sisters asked him for something. People have worked so hard to prepare for such a long time, if Wan Dong can't say anything, it would be too unreasonable.

"What's the matter, girl Xueru please tell me."

Zhang Xueru's expression became solemn in a moment, and he pondered for a moment, saying, "Don't hide from Mrs. Xu, our mother is now suffering from a serious illness and her life is at stake. The only way to get her to danger is to find a grass called Lingyin Grass As far as we know, this Lingyin grass only grows in the Baicao Valley, and there must be a very powerful fairy beast guarding around it. With the ability of me and Xuefei, even if it is found, it is difficult to get it. So , We want to draw on your strength from Xu Gongzi ... "

"Wait! If it's just a powerful fairy beast, it shouldn't be difficult. Your Zhang family is also a Sanpin family. There are certainly many masters in the family. Even if your family can't deal with that fairy beast, you can go to the Lin family, anyway. , Your Zhang family also belongs to the Lin family. I do n’t think the Lin family will refuse to help even this little busy? "

Wan Dong looked at Zhang Xueru with a smirk. Although his eyes were soft, Zhang Xueru had a feeling of being seen through and evaded.

Can't help but give a wry smile, and took a long breath. "I know, this is not to be concealed from Xu Gongzi. But since you have been seen through by Xu Gongzi, let me tell the truth. Lingyin grass does grow in Baicao Valley, But Baicao Valley is not the Lin family, not even the sphere of influence of the Huangfu family. "

After listening to Zhang Xueru's mention of the Huangfu family, Wan Dong's expression immediately condensed three points. Since Zhang Xueru referred to the Huangfu family, it means that the owner of Baicao Valley must be one of the other two first-class families on the same level as the Huangfu family.

Only in this way will the Zhangs and Lins dare not act rashly!

"Is that Baicao Valley the sphere of influence of the Mu Family of Yipin family?"

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Zhang Xueru and Zhang Xuefei suddenly looked at each other. Zhang Xuefei couldn't help but blurted out and asked, "How do you know? Have you heard of Baicao Valley?"

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "Although the Zhang family and the Lin family cannot easily enter and leave the Baicao Valley, they can always report the matter to the Huangfu family and let the Huangfu family come forward. But they have no or reported it, but it is useless. Then there is only one explanation. The owner of Baicao Valley is not only one of the top three first-class families, but is likely to have a gap with the Huangfu family, and does not buy the account of the Huangfu family at all! There is a slight contradiction between the Huangfu family and Mu Family, so I would guess that the owner of Baicao Valley is Mu Family! "

After listening to Wan Dong's explanation, Sister Zhang's family was suddenly enlightened, but at the same time, he felt even more admiration for Wan Dong. Just by saying a few words and a little rumor, you can guess the owner of Baicao Valley. This one-in-one insight is really beyond human reach.

"Xu Gongzi is right! My father loved my mother so much. I asked the father Lin for help more than once. The father Lin was unable to bear my father's begging, so he reported it to the Huangfu family, and the Huangfu family also Someone once pleaded with the Mu family, but the Mu family's small belly chicken intestines refused categorically. Since then, my mother's life has been completely eliminated. "

When Zhang Xuefei mentioned this matter, he gritted his teeth, a pretty face, full of resentment, but at the same time helpless!

Wan Dong smiled bitterly, "Even if the Huangfu family have no choice but to ask for my head, isn't it forcing me to jump into the fire pit?"

"No!" Zhang Xueru hurriedly said, "The Mu family will only stare at the Huangfu family, and our little shrimps, they will not pay attention, and I believe they will not think that we will have such a courage. Groundbreaking. "

"So you come up with a surprise and take risks?"

"Exactly! For my mother, my sister and I have to fight together anyway. Although the Baicao Valley is the home of the Mu family, the precautions are not very strict, but it is the place where the Mu family's disciples usually try. If we are lucky, we have at least 50% of the odds. If Xu Gongzi assists, the odds are at least 70%! "

"Good luck?" Wan Dong couldn't help but smiled. In a place like Daomen Dajie, if it's all luck, it may end up confusing how he died. However, from this, it is enough to see the filial piety of the sisters Huaer.

Comparing your heart, if it is Chen Yi who desperately needs Lingyin grass, he will not hesitate at all!

"Cough ... Mr. Xu, this matter is indeed extremely dangerous. If you don't agree with us, we will not have a half complaint."

Where Zhang Xueru would not understand Wan Dong's meaning, could not help embarrassing. If you are lucky, you will be fooling others, maybe it works, but it is obviously meaningless in front of Wandong.

"Okay! I promise you guys!"

To the surprise of the Zhang family sisters, Wan Dongfei not only agreed, but also promised very readily, and did not even consider it carefully.

Although Zhang Xueru was overjoyed, but hesitated at the same time, Nana asked, "Don't you think about it anymore?"

"Hehe ... there is nothing to consider, just for your filial piety, I have no reason not to agree."

Sister Zhang's heart was deeply moved, but how did they know that Wandong and Mu's family already had an inextricable relationship, and even if they didn't have such a thing, Wandong was already thinking about it and would like to make time to go near Mu's. Turned around.

According to Wan Dong's idea, the happiest thing is to kill Mu Family directly and marry Mu Lian, but he knows that with his current practice, he simply doesn't have that qualification. But in any case, he has arrived in the Daomen World, and he is on the same plane with his beloved. The distance between them is no longer heaven and earth, but only the distance, not to breathe the air that Mulian once breathed. Where can Dong appease his increasingly restless heart?

"Xu Gongzi, I ... we really don't know how to thank you!" Zhang Xueru's face flushed with excitement. If it wasn't for men and women, she really wanted to give Wan Dong a big hug.

The same is true for Zhang Xuefei, looking at Wan Dong's beautiful eyes.

"Hahaha ... I'll see you outside."

"Then ... how about we set off tomorrow?" Zhang Xueru couldn't wait.

"Tomorrow? Isn't it too urgent?" Wan Dong was slightly surprised.

The same is true for Chen Jiping. Baicao Valley is the site of the Mu family after all. That's the Yipin family. Without thorough preparation, they would go off without hesitation. That would be death!

"That's right, Xueru girl, I think it's better to make enough preparations before acting." Chen Jiping also persuaded.

Zhang Xueru opened his mouth and seemed to have something to say, but he was hesitant about any concerns.

Seeing Wan Dong, his heart burst into light, and he smiled and said, "Xueru girl is so urgent. Most of them are for me. Do you want me to temporarily avoid the Song family's edge?"

Zhang Xueru really convinced Wan Dong's insight, as if he could read mind art, and he can always guess people's mind very accurately.

With a slight cough, Zhang Xueru said solemnly, "Today I have visited Mr. Lin Feng and Mr. Duan, but I haven't seen one."

"Why, what happened?" Wan Dong's heart snapped.

Zhang Xueru's expression became more and more solemn, and even Zhang Xuefei gathered her eyebrows. "Mr. Lin Feng was angered by the old man because he refused to tell where the treasure cultivation site was, and he was sent to the forbidden room to think about it."

"There is such a thing?" Wan Dong was startled.

Zhang Xueru sighed and said, "I really don't understand what Mr. Lin Feng thought, but he did not hesitate to fight with the old man for the cultivation site. Originally, after his return from Ascension Mainland, Mr. Lin Feng's performance was very eye-catching and very happy. It almost made him seat the top seat of the second-line disciple of the Lin family, but now it ’s all over. Saying that cultivation treasure and contributing it to the family would have been a great credit, hey! "

Zhang Xueru sighed for a long time, because Lin Feng was worthless. Where did she know that Lin Feng did this to comply with the oath they had made together on that day, so as not to let evil people, by virtue of the treasure of trial, plague the world.

In fact, on that day, when forced to let the second-line disciples of Xinlin's family take refuge in the trial site, Wan Dong thought of such consequences, and now it happened. It is conceivable that Lin Feng was under great pressure when Lin Yingyang hardened.

"If you just thought about it behind closed doors, shouldn't it be serious?" Chen Jiping asked the Lin family more familiarly.

"Yes, if you just thought about it behind closed doors, of course it's not serious. But the old man said, three days later, if Lin Feng refused to tell the truth about all the information of the cultivated treasure and contributed it to the family, he would have to use family law and completely abolish it. Mr. Lin Feng's self-cultivation! "-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14695429->

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