Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1100: Huangfu Qing is here!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"What !?" Zhang Xueru said, and Chen Jiping could not help but exclaimed. Abandoning a cultivation practice, this is more difficult for a monk to accept than death. "Does the old man do this too much?"

Zhang Xuerue raised her eyebrows lightly, with a bit of annoyance in her words. "The old man was just angry, but he didn't plan to do so. This is the result of Lin Rulong and Lin Chengxu's father and son."

Wan Dong snorted coldly in his heart and knew without asking him that this must be Lin Rulong's father and son worry, Lin Feng replaced Lin Chengxu and became the first-line disciple of the Lin family, so that is the case, intending to kill Lin Feng directly in the cradle.

"Xueru girl, you said that three days later, Mr. Lin Feng will tell the story of that treasure land?" Chen Jiping asked worriedly.

Zhang Xueru shook his head with a complex expression and said, "I heard that Mr. Lin Feng's attitude is very firm. Even if the second old man persuaded him, he would not let go. As for three days later, it is really difficult to predict ..."

"If Master Lin Feng doesn't say anything, will the old man really be so cruel, and abandon his practice?"

Zhang Xueru said with a bitter expression, "The old man is the head of the Lin family. He has always said what he will do. He does not change the word. Coupled with the compulsion of Lin Rulong and his son, I am afraid that when the old man feels embarrassed, he has to make a decision.

Wan Dongchang took a breath and asked, "Which girl is Leng Yan?"

Zhang Xueru said with a loud voice, "I heard that the old man even got a strange treasure, which was very beneficial to the girl Duan, so she closed her door. This girl was really lucky, somehow, I could get the grace like the old man, I Look, even Lin Chengxu is nothing like this. "

Zhang Xueru was obviously envious of Duan Lengyan.

Hearing that Duan Lengyan was closed, Wan Dong let down her mind. To Zhang Xueru said: "Brother Chen is right, the trip to Baicao Valley still requires more preparation before it is complete."

Zhang Xueru was anxious, "but the Song family may come to you soon."

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Then we can't hide anymore. The Song family can't find us. Shiyou ** will throw anger on the Chen family."

Hearing Wan Dong's words, Zhang Xuefei's face couldn't help but be ashamed, saying: "This all blames my father. I persuade him to persuade even the mouth and the skin are worn out, but he refuses to give a helping hand to the Chen family. The whole child is a cowardly coward. "

"Xue Fei, what are you talking about?" Zhang Xueru gave her a blank look of tears. Where in the world does a daughter say his father like this?

Zhang Xuefei was dissatisfied and snorted softly, whispering, "That's it! When I heard Song Shixiong's rage, he immediately stunned, like a mouse that saw a cat."

Zhang Xueru had no choice but to take his sister. Chong Wandong smiled apologetically and said, "Although my father is the head of the Zhang family, he can't do everything in his own right. He also asked Xu Gongzi to understand his difficulties."

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Xueru girl is at ease, embarrassing Zun's embarrassment, I know it. But anyway, escape is not a way. And even if there is no Song family's business, I can't get away at this time just for Lin Feng. Go, brothers do n’t do this. "

"Did Xu Gongzi have thought of a way?" Zhang Xueru's eyes suddenly lit up, his face full of hope.

The more she came into contact with Wandong, the more she discovered that Wandong's man not only cultivated to be profound, but also had a very high mind, as if there were no problems he could not solve, as long as he was with him, he was extraordinarily practical.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "No hurry, there will always be a way. By the way, take advantage of these few days, don't be idle, try to improve your cultivation as much as possible. People can also escape faster, do n’t they? Ha ha ... You can take them, do n’t be stingy, use them all, if you can cultivate your own and upgrade to a new level, then too All right!"

Wan Dong took out ten Purple Pills from the storage ring and five of them in one hand, and handed them to Sister Zhang.

Seeing so many Zidans, the sisters looked at each other, straight upset.

At the beginning, Wan Dong only gave them a pill of Qi, and the sisters were already panic-stricken, but today Wan Dong shot ten more, and the two sisters were so shocked that they even held their breaths and thundered. Bursts, isn't this the best Ningqi Dan, how come it looks like cabbage potatoes, how much is there in Wandong?

Only one of these Purple Pills is already worthless. Now there are ten of them all in sight. Zhang Xueru exhausted all his strength before exhaling a turbid breath, strongly restraining his inner excitement, trembling "Xu Gongzi, so How many dare gems are you, how can you let our sisters dare to collect, this ... "

"Hehe ... Mrs. Xueru, you accept it! These gems are all made by Yao Ting. Although they are of great value, they are not rare."

Chen Jiping said with a smile.

"What !? You said that these masterpieces are all made by Xu Gongzi himself?"

Chen Jiping's words shocked the Zhang family sisters. It was more surprising than seeing so many Zidans at once! This quality of Ningqi Dan is not a boast. I am afraid that even the Lin family's chief alchemist cannot be refined.

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "I said that I made it inaccurately. In fact, these special gems are all re-refined with the low-grade Ningqi Dan issued by the Lin family every month."

"That's OK !?" Sister Zhang couldn't help but exclaimed in unison.

Chen Jiping laughed and said, "Of course! One hundred low-grade Ningqi Dan given by the Lin family can extract such a unique Ningqi Dan."

"Actually ... there is such a thing?" Zhang Xueru looked at Wan Dong in disbelief.

At this time, Wan Dong no longer had to hide the sisters and nodded happily.

"Sister, let's make a fortune!" Wan Dong nodded, and Zhang Xuefei jumped up excitedly. While jumping, he grabbed his fingers and said, "Let me count, we Xuefeimeng all these years It ’s not a matter of saying that it has also accumulated ten thousand earth-energy Ningqi Dans. Does n’t that mean that we can distill nearly a hundred of such exquisite Ningqi Dans? ”

Zhang Xueru's temperament can be much quieter than that of Zhang Xuefei, but at this time, it is also somewhat difficult to hold himself, and his excited cheeks are full of Hongxia.

Chen Jiping couldn't help but laughed again and said, "You are exhausting my brother, hehe ..."

Wan Dong chuckled, "Now you can safely accept these gems, right?"

"That's of course! With your chicken, who only lays golden eggs, who would be distressed by gold?" Zhang Xuefei whispered while arrogantly putting Zidan into the storage ring.

As soon as Zhang Xueru heard the anxiety, he quickly pinched Zhang Xuefei and blamed her for being ecstatic. Wan Dong is nothing but just funny. The two sisters, although they have a mother and compatriot, have different personalities. They are really a pair of sister flowers blooming together.

The four of them chatted until late at night before the sisters of the Zhang family left.

In the blink of an eye, Wandong was awakened by a loud noise from Rudingzhong, frowned slightly, and was about to get up, and Chen Jiping also woke up at this time.

"Yao Ting, why is it so noisy outside?"

Wan Dong also felt strange. The small courtyard where they lived was very remote. If it was n’t for something sensational outside, it would never be so noisy.

The two rinsed freely and walked out of the small courtyard together.

As soon as they left the small courtyard, the two saw the ** disciples of Lin's family outside, with their faces full of excitement, while talking and going to the Yanwuchang.

"Does the Lin family have any great event today?" Chen Jiping was puzzled for a while. He stayed at the Lin family for three years, and it seems that he has not experienced such a scene.

Wan Dong reached out and stopped a Lin Jiawai disciple passing by him. The Lin Jiawai disciple was eager to face, as if there were babies in Yanwuchang, he was robbed late when he went, now Let Wan Dong stop his footsteps, a sudden anger appeared on his face.

However, just as he turned his head to swear, as soon as he saw Wan Dong, the anger on his face suddenly turned into a deep fright, and even he couldn't help but step back three steps.

Wan Dong couldn't help but make a wry smile. It is difficult for this man to get a good name, but it is easy to get a bad name. It took less than three days for Wan Dong to come here, and he already made this disciple of the Lin family outside fearful.

"What are you afraid of, I won't eat you again!"

"Hehe ... that ... that I have seen Mr. Xu!" The disciple of the Lin family's outer door was laughing nominally, but the laughter was even uglier than crying.

Wan Dong waved his hand and went straight to the topic "What happened?"

"Don't you know? Miss Huang Jin of the Huangfu family, Huang Fuqing, is visiting the Lin family today. Everyone is rushing to see Feng Rong!" When he mentioned Huang Fuqing, the disciple flew up again.

"Huangfu Qing is coming?" Wan Dong was taken aback.

"Yeah! What honorable person is that Miss Huangfu? She is able to come, it is definitely our Lin family's luck! Mr. Xu, if you don't hurry, you won't occupy a good seat."

To see Huangfu Qing, do I have to take a seat in advance? Something funny in Wandong's heart! However, more than a month later, Wan Dong really missed Huang Fuqing. Speaking of which, the two were also comrades who had died together.

"Yao Ting, don't be stunned, let's rush over." Chen Jiping was also excited at this time.

As far as the Sanpin family is concerned, the three great first-class families are as far away as heaven. It was strange that Chen Jiping was not excited when he had the opportunity to see Huang Fuqing in a few days.

Looking at the excited Chen Jiping, Wan Dong's thoughts could not help but come alive. Lin Feng and Song's troubles might all fall on Huang Fuqing.


Wan Dong responded with a smile, and went to Yanwuchang with the crowd.

Huang Fuqing ’s popularity is really not ordinary. When Wan Dong came to Yanwuchanger, he discovered that a Nuoyang Yanwuchang was so crowded that there was almost no place to go ...- -by: dad856 | 55634 | 14695430->

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