Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1101: Song Shixiong is in trouble!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Not only the outer disciples of the Lin family, but also the inner disciples, all gathered on the Yanwuchang and also occupied the best position. Outside disciples naturally dare not make this order, only to swallow their voices.

"Mr. Xu, Ji Ping!"

Wan Dong and Chen Jiping are looking for a place to stay. Sisters Zhang and Xiaodan wait for a few Xuefeimeng girls to line up the crowd and walk over.

After all, this girl, especially the beauty, was popular. After seeing a man, she gave way to the two sides. In the crowd, the Zhang family sisters were like no one, even Wandong was envious.

"Cough ... I didn't expect you to come even with Mr. Xu. It seems that Huang Fuqing's appeal is really amazing!"

As soon as he came, Zhang Xuefei said with a smile.

"Everybody has a heart for beauty, not to mention Xu Gongzi's internal and external cultivation, and his handsome character is simply a dragon among people. If he is seen by Huang Fuqing, he may be chosen as a concubine in minutes Huangfu's home. "

After a deep discussion last night, there was obviously a few gaps between Sister Zhang and Wan Dong, and a little more intimacy. When speaking, there were no such worries.

Even Xiao Dan's courage seems to be much bigger, and she simply ignores Wan Dong's "futile" face and giggles.

"I'm not interested in Huangfu Qing, but I just love watching the fun. By the way, Xueru girl, your inner disciples don't wait at the inner gate. Why don't you come here and squeeze our outside disciples?" Wan Dong asked Road.

Zhang Xueru loosed his shoulders helplessly and said, "To my liking, I won't even be able to show the room today. But the owner of the house has orders. All the disciples of the inner door must come together to show their grandness! , Several elders even went to meet the gate of Linyang City. "

Wan Dong sighed repeatedly, and the status of this product family in the Daomen world is beyond his imagination. Huangfu Qing, even not a first-line disciple of the Huangfu family, received such courtesy. Imagine if the owner of the Huangfu family arrived, what would be the scene? I am afraid that the millions of people in the entire Linyang City will have to kneel down the street.

With the appearance of the Zhang family sisters, Wan Dong and Chen Jiping no longer need to worry about occupying a good position. Zhang Xuefei just yelled a little, and Wan Dong and Chen Jiping stood in a position with excellent perspective.

In the time between the talks, a large group of people stepped into the gate of the Lin family.

Headed by two people, Wan Dong recognized Huang Fuqing at a glance. At this time, Huang Fuqing, dressed in a lot of clothes, lightly applied Fan Dai, showed a face that was all over the country, and it was more beautiful than Wan Dong saw her for the first time. And at this time, Huang Fuqing, with a smile on her face and a calm and calm expression, is more like a world than the last time she was tossed by a flaming dragon. An unusually noble breath continually spread from her body, as if it were a goddess, not to be profaned.

This is the second time that Wan Dong has seen Huangfu Qing, and he can't help but be surprised and praised.

"In the end it is the young lady of the Huangfu family, really it is a phoenix among people, no one can compare!" Zhang Xuefei whispered quietly, with a sour taste in his voice.

Zhang Xueru knows her sister best, knowing that Huang Fuqing's manners are so numerous that she is a little jealous, smiles slightly, and pats her shoulder gently to show comfort.

The woman's jealousy has always been stronger than that of the man. Wan Dong smiled, and her eyes moved from Huang Fuqing to the old man walking next to her. majesty. It must be Lin Yingyang, the head of the Lin family!

Wan Dong couldn't see his cultivation behavior, but under speculation, his cultivation behavior was at least above the peak of Shinto, such as the first stage of Shinto like Lingwei Linggang, compared with him, the breath was like a child. Weak, it is simply impossible to compare.

One step behind Lin Yingyang and Huang Fuqing, Lin Rulong and Lin Rufeng, two sons of Lin Yingyang, and Lin Chengxu, a first-line disciple who lives on the line of the Lin ’s future successor, saw Lin Chengxu ’s eyes like radar It seemed that he kept sweeping around Huang Fuqing and didn't know what was in his heart. It seemed a little bit timid.

Wan Dong couldn't help but snorted, and even despised Lin Chengxu. Seeing him hate himself like that, Wan Dong thought he was really passionate about Duan Lengyan, but now it seems that it is not so!

Huang Fuqing and Lin Yingyang stood side by side, and as soon as they stepped into the Lin Mansion, a mountain of tsunami-like cheers immediately sounded. The boys are even more exhausted, and each one is a ruthless wolf!

But having said that, in the face of such a stunning Huang Fuqing, how many men can calm down?

In the face of the mountain's tsunami-like cheers, Huang Fuqing was very calm. A pair of beautiful eyes and a symbolic ring swept for a week. It was a response, and then he did not squint and sent a Yipin family lady to send. , To the fullest.

This is the outer door of Lin's house. Of course, Huang Fuqing could not stay. With Lin Yingyang's company, he quickly entered the inner door.

Once the inner disciples did, and then flooded into the inner gate like a tide, they couldn't wait to appreciate Huangfuqing's beauty, but the outer disciples had to stop with deep regret and looked at the inner gate. Direction, looking forward to when Huang Fuqing left.

"Cough ... Didn't the two of you see enough?" Chong Wandong and Chen Jiping joked with smiles.

Chen Jiping was really attracted by Huang Fuqing's style, so that Zhang Xueru asked the words twice, and then she returned to God with embarrassment and embarrassment. She dared not look at Zhang Xueru with guilty conscience.

And at this time, Wan Dong also frowned slightly, out of sight, but what he thought was not the beauty of Huang Fuqing, but how to approach Huang Fuqing. Huang Fuqing's entry into the inner door of the Lin's family is like a fish swiming into the deep sea. It is very difficult for him to enter the inner door, let alone see her.

"Cough ... Mr. Xu, seeing you are so focused, why not let my sister find a way to bring you into the inner door?"

Wan Dong's heart moved. This was a way of thinking. His eyes could not help but looked at Zhang Xueru. Although there was no express word, his eyes were enough to explain everything.

Zhang Xueru's eyebrows flicked, and Zhang Xuefei looked a little bit weird, saying, "Don't listen to this girl talking nonsense, if it is usual, take my face and bring one or two people into the inner door, it is not difficult, but now But it is not. In order to protect Huang Fuqing's safety, the old man gave an order in person. Any idle people, etc., must not enter or leave the inner door at will, so ... "

In fact, Wan Dong thought of it, and sighed. He was secretly in his heart. Is he forced to force him into the inner door? Wan Dong has this courage, but he is not sure. The Lin family just came out with a strong person in the Shinto realm, which was enough for him to suffer. It was not good. Before he could see Huang Fuqing, he had already become a dead person.

When Wan Dong was hesitating, the crowd dispersed in the murmur of one after another.

As soon as Wan Dong looked up, Zhang Xueru was still there and asked, "Why don't you go back to the inner door?"

Zhang Xueru chuckled and said, "I am not favored by others who are tempted by Huang Fuqing. Since I have already seen them, why should I stare at others like a fly? With this time, it would be better for us to be together Talk, come and be happy. "

Although Zhang Xueru has a gentle temperament, he is also proud after all.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "That's right! Let's go back to the small courtyard together. Brother Chen's tea ceremony time is really good. Let him drink a cup of tea for us. It is also a quick thing for everyone to have a chat while tasting!"

Wan Dong's words were in line with everyone's thoughts, and the group went to Chen Jiping's small courtyard.

But before they arrived at the small courtyard, Wan Dong saw Liu’an's expression nervous, and he hurriedly walked towards them from the direction of the small courtyard. When he saw Wan Dong, his pace accelerated, and finally , Straight into a gallop.

Wan Dong couldn't help but laugh, "Deacon Liu, don't run away, it's too late! That Huang Fuqing has entered the inner door already. Ha ha ..."

"Xu Gongzi, why are you still laughing? Hurry up, Song Shixiong is here in person, waiting in your small courtyard, waiting for you to cast your own net!"

Wan Dong then realized that dare to love Liu'an was here to report to him.

Liu An said that Zhang Xueru and Zhang Xuefei were immediately nervous, especially Zhang Xuefei, a pretty face was a little white.

"I didn't expect that Song Shixiong came so fast!" Zhang Xueru whispered and hurriedly turned to Wan Dong and Chen Jiping. "You two can't go back anymore, or go out and hide!"

"How long can you hide?" Wan Dong shook his head with a smile.

Zhang Xuefei stomped anxiously, "I can't control that much, but when I can hide, it's better than going in from the net now?"

"Want to escape, late!"

Zhang Xuefei was about to pull Wandong away, shouted, and suddenly sounded, Song Shixiong's figure, like a big crane, rushed through the sky.

Sister Zhang's face changed all over, and she was very nervous. Liu An gritted her teeth and suddenly stepped forward, intercepting Song Shixiong halfway, and shouted, "Mr. Song, this is outside Lin's house. What do you want to do?"

"Who are you?" Song Shixiong's eyes shot towards Liu'an.

Liu An is just the middle level of Xuan marks at present. Compared with Song Shixiong's peak of Tiange, it is far from the point. He can't bear the pressure of Song Shixiong at all, and his body is trembling and trembling. But Liu An was a bit of a guts, clenching his teeth, and said, "Under Liu An, it is the deacon outside!"

"Outside deacon? Hahaha ... I thought you were the outside elder! Your little sesame and mung bean man, dare to stop me, I think you don't want to live anymore, leave me aside ! "

Song Shixiong was willing to buy Liu'an's account. In his roar, his big hand waved straight, offering an applause, forcing Liu An to the side.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Sister Zhang took a step forward.

Seeing the second daughter, Song Shixiong's eyebrows immediately frowned, and he said with a deep voice, "Is the two of you girls?"

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