Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1178: Seal the mountains!

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"Hey, what are you doing, it looks like a magic. 77nt.Com Thousands of Novel Network (This chapter is updated by the love reading book network 92Ks.Com) [sogou, 360, sosoSearch free download novels]" Mu Tong came over The tiptoe nodded Wandong and asked impatiently.

Wan Dong stood up with a wry smile and said, "I'm afraid we cannot leave here in a short time."

"I thought you had the real skills, and after a long time, it was also a half-hanger! Fortunately, my sister did not expect you, otherwise I must be disappointed!"

Mu Tong, a 14-year-old yellow-haired girl, is a sister of a bite, and she is very playful in her petiteness. Wan Dong understands why Mu Lin loves her so much. There is such a second sister sister long partner around, I would never be lonely.

"Boy, don't you try my cooking skills?" Lu Youlong's cries came from mid-air, rolling and enduring.

"He ... he said let's try what he did?" Mu Tong didn't respond for a moment and asked Qiao's face full of strangeness.

"It seems to be cooking ..." Wan Dong couldn't help but give a wry smile.

Lu Youlong, a powerful man in a divine peak, actually delves into cooking. If it is not what he sees with his own eyes, Wan Dong can hardly believe it.

Back to the bamboo house, Lu Youlong had already been properly arranged. On a bamboo table, there are four dishes on steam. Not to mention how it tastes, just looking at the appearance, Wan Dong can see that Lu Youlong must be proficient in cooking, and that level must be at least above Chen Yi.

The four dishes, two meats and two vegetarians, are extremely delicate. They are so delicate that Wandong ca n’t even recognize what dishes Lu Youlong is cooking and what kind of meat is cooking. And one thing is beyond what Wan Dong expected. He not only smelled the aroma of the dishes, but also felt the quite aura flow from these four dishes, although not as obvious as the spirit pill, but in the dishes Appeared, but it was actually only seen by Wan Dong.

In other words, if you eat such a dish for a long time, it will be equivalent to swallowing the elixir and it will be of great benefit to cultivation.

"How is it, my cooking is good?" Lu Youlong's face was very proud when looking at Wan Dong, who was slightly stunned.

Without waiting for Wan Dong to answer, Mu Tong beside him couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of spit. I'm afraid the gluttonous worm in his stomach has already turned upside down.

"There's an aura surging in this dish, which is really a bit incredible."

"Oh, your kid's feeling is sharp enough! Yes, you think I'm good at cooking, just for the desire of the stomach, in that case, you can't help but look down on someone Lu. Eat this meal , Less is worth your hard work in January. "

Wan Dong smiled. Although Lu Youlong's words have some exaggerated ingredients, so to speak, while enjoying deliciousness, while improving cultivation, how comfortable should this be? Lu Youlong is fluent in flute and culinary skills, and can better combine the two to practice together. That's why he is definitely a wizard in the world of Daomen.

"How long do you have to talk, when will you be able to start eating?" Mu Tong was obviously impatient, and shouted with a small mouth.

I was disdainful before, but now I can't wait so much. The little girl's change of mind is also as unpredictable as a woman.

"Slow down! Where there is only food, there must be wine!" After all, Lu Youlong slipped back to the bamboo house without much effort, and walked out with a wine jar in his arms.

"Hey ... you two are really blessed today." Lu Youlong smiled and photographed the mud seal on the wine jar. At the time of standing, a refreshing and intoxicating fragrance immediately filled the room.

Not to mention Wandong, even Mu Tong couldn't help twitching his nose frequently, with an intoxicated look.

After Lu Youlong poured the liquor into the bowl, a bowl of emerald green appeared, and the temptation was even more indescribable.

Mu Tong subconsciously reached out to pick it up. Unexpectedly, Lu Youlong slapped her hand, and frowned, "What kind of wine do you drink in a little girl's house, you don't have your share!"

When Mu Tong pouted, she would cry, but Lu Youlong didn't get used to her many problems and ignored them. After a while, Mu Tong felt bored himself, and gave Lu Youlong a fierce glance, only to look at the dishes.

Is n’t the wine not allowed to drink? Mu Tong thought so and did the same. A small cherry-like mouth burst into incomprehensible fighting power immediately. A gust of wind wiped the clouds and four dishes, half of them came into her stomach.

Fortunately, Wan Dong and Lu Youlong's interest is more in the wine, let her be left to her.

This wine is indeed a good wine, at least one of the best wines Wandong has ever tasted.

This is not only in its taste, but in the feeling after drinking. Another wine, swallowed in one bite, is like a swallow of fire, but this wine is swallowed, but it seems to swallow a clear stream. Time, and then attributed to Yuan Mansion. This kind of feeling is often only realized when practicing, Wan Dong did not expect that just drinking alcohol can also get such a wonderful effect.

The wine is really a good thing, with it, it seems that people can put down all the mustard. Wan Dong and Lu Youlong were drinking each other in reverence, and there was still a little bit of anger between each other.

"How is it? I'm not such a good figure, right?" Lu Youlong's face was slightly intoxicated with a few glasses of fine wine. This is of course because Lu Youlong refused to use Dao Qi to dissolve the alcohol. For such a good wine, if it is vaporized by Dao, it will be a bit violent.

"Feng Shan Da Zhen?" Wan Dong's brow furrowed tightly, Shen Sheng said, "It seems that this Feng Shan Da array can not only trap people, but also be your eyeliner. Our every move on this mountain can't hide yours. eye."

Lu Youlong couldn't help but feel a little stunned, but he didn't expect that a casual drink he asked, when he went to Wandong, could actually see so much information.

Wan Dong did not wait for Lu Youlong to answer, and then asked, "How do you know that I am studying the whole situation, can you perceive my mind?"

"Hahaha ... Boy, this question you asked is not a question at all, and you will understand it when you reach my level."

"There will be a day, and this day will never be too far away."

Looking at Wan Dong's bright and shining eyes, Lu Youlong's heart was shocked. If you change to other young people, Lu Youlong will only feel that he is the one who does something more, and he makes a rant, but to Wandong, he can't feel half like this.

"Your Feng Shan Da Zhen is extremely complicated and majestic, but it is not unbreakable." Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, poured a sip of wine, and said slowly.

"Really? Okay, then I'll wait for the day you break through."

Lu Youlong's expression clearly showed some unbelief, and Wan Dong did not argue.

However, Wan Dong is really not bragging. Speaking of the formation method, Wan Dong never believes that Lu Youlong's attainments will surpass Xuantian Daming God. With the help of Xuan Tian Da Ming Shen's memory, Wan Dong really did a lot of work against the Fa. He now suffers from a loss and is too shallow to repair. His mind is not strong enough to put the array of Fengshan Formation into his mind at once. But this is not a problem, Wan Dong has thought of a solution, but it will take some time.

Wan Dong and Lu Youlong were drinking each other, but Mu Tong was hungry, and the atmosphere of a meal was not good.

After eating, Lu Youlong disappeared again. It seems that on this small mountain top, Lu Youlong is still busy with many things.

Wan Dong was not idle, and adjusted his interest rate to keep his body in the best condition, and Wan Dong began to get busy.

His mind is not enough to cover the entire Fengshan Great Formation at the same time, then he can only detect part of it, and then connect the obtained array together to finally piece together the complete array of Fengshan Great Formation.

This process is not only time-consuming and laborious, but also very boring. At first, because of curiosity, Mu Tong followed Wandong around, slowly getting annoyed, and leaving Wandong alone, he went to play around.

The entire mountain top is under the cover of the mountain formation. As long as Lu Youlong does not change his mind, there is nothing to worry about. Wan Dong did not stop, and Mu Tong went.

In a blink of an eye, seven or eight days have passed. The complete array of Feng Shan Da Zhen now lies quietly in front of Wan Dong.

Looking at the complete array, Wan Dong felt somewhat familiar.

After some reflection, Huo Ran's eyes lit up in front of Wan Dong, and this Feng Shan array was very similar to the Jiuqu Jiugong array. No, it should not be said to be similar, it should be said that the Nine Qu Nine Palace Array is an upgraded version or a complete version of the Great Mountain Formation.

That's right, the more Wan Dong looked, the more certain he was in his heart.

Nine tunes and nine palaces, Qu is the defense, and the palace is the attack. Nine kinds of defensive positions, nine kinds of offensive positions, alternately merged with each other, you can produce ninety kinds of changes, and also ninety-one kinds of positions. Are all offensive and defensive.

This mountain formation is the same, on the surface it is on the defensive, but once someone walks around in it, triggering the change of the gas engine, the defensive will immediately turn into an offensive. It is like the red and blue lines on a time bomb.

However, this mountain formation is not complete. Wan Dong found nine kinds of offensive positions, but only five kinds of defensive positions. As a result, the changes are much less, and the power is naturally greatly affected.

However, the majestic momentum of this grand array is beyond Wan Dong's imagination. In contrast, Wandong's Jiuqu Jiugongzheng is a complete version, but it looks a little more angry. Moreover, the Fengshan Formation is fixed, and it is also different from the Nine Songs and Nine Palaces. In order to deploy this array, it is necessary to require an extremely large number of crystal spirit stones as the basis for the array to work. Where is convenient and quick for Wandong to use a living person to form an array?

But having said that, Lu Youlong used to seal the mountain to protect the mountain, unlike Wandong's use of the Nine Qu and Nine Palace Array to fight the battlefield. Wan Dong lamented that Lu Youlong had such a great skill. The number of crystals required for this great mountain formation is definitely a staggering number. -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16192529->

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