Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1179: Purple Sword Killer!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong would like to know that Lu Youlong has devoted all his energy and effort to arrange such a large mountain array for such a large amount of effort. In the past few days, Wandong has tried every means to ask Lu Youlong, but he always It ’s a tad, and he would n’t say much. Please add the classics | Dian | Wandong's heart itching in 9494-7767, a new group of book friends, is helpless.

Now that the investigation has cleared the details of the Fengshan Formation, then this Fengshan Formation can no longer trap Wandong. But Wan Dong knew that Lu Youlong was his biggest trouble with Mu Tong. As long as you can't lay Lu Youlong, it's useless even to shovel the Fengshan Formation.

Wan Dong painstakingly researched and sealed the mountain formation for the past few days and could not help ignoring Mu Tong. Just when he was going to find Mu Tong, there was a thunderous anger in his ear, "Let her go!"

It is Lu Youlong! Wan Dong was shocked in his heart and hurriedly swept away in the direction of the anger.

"Hey ... Brother Lu, but a little girl of Mu Family, is it worth your thunder and anger?"

When Wan Dong rushed, a vicious voice fell into his ear again, confirming Wan Dong's guess that Mu Tong was indeed in trouble.

Before Wandong approached the bamboo house, Wandong felt two strong and one weak, and three strange smells. The two strong atmospheres are really strong, each of which is comparable to Lu Youlong, and they are all powerful in the peak state of Shinto. The weak one is not really weak, but in comparison. In the first stage of Shinto realm, who dares to say weak?

And these three people could quietly crack the Great Mountain Formation, came to the top of the mountain, and grabbed Mu Tong. Presumably, among the three, there must be a person who is proficient in formation.

The other party's cultivation is too high, Wandong never dared to get too close, and the true essence of the early morning wind has run to the extreme, hiding his breath in the wind as much as possible. Fortunately, here is the top of the mountain, and the mountain breeze is not limited, creating a lot of convenient conditions for Wandong.

Mu Tong is still alive! This made Wan Dong really relieved. However, Mu Tong's situation at this time was not optimistic, and he was firmly controlled by the first-level strongman of the Shinto realm, and not far away, the two strongests of the Shinto realm stood proudly. Such a strong lineup, even Lu Youlong, can hardly grab Mu Tong out.

The identity of these three people surprised Wan Dong. The two Shinto Peak Realm Strongmen each embroidered a colored dagger on their chests, while the Shinto Realm first stage embroidered a golden sword. Now Wandong has dealt with the blood skeleton many times, and naturally knows what this short sword means. Two sword-levels and one gold-sword-level blood skeleton killer came for Mu Tong. This is simply anti-aircraft artillery to fight mosquitoes, which is too exaggerated.

"No, they seem to have come to the landing dragon!" Wan Dong thought suddenly, and keenly felt that nine out of ten of the attention of the three blood skeleton killers were on Lu Youlong.

Lu Youlong didn't seem to care much about the two Shinto Peak Realm Powerhouses, but put more attention to the first stage of Shinto Realm, and that first stage of Shinto Realm clearly felt a little guilty before Lu Youlong Look away.

"Fu Sheng, I didn't expect that you still joined the blood skeleton." After a long while, Lu Youlong sighed softly, his voice full of disappointment and regret.

"Brother, why can't I join the blood skeleton, aren't you also a member of the blood skeleton?" 2b

Xu Fusheng's words blurted out and immediately surprised Wan Dong. He did not expect that Lu Youlong was actually the killer in the blood skeleton.

"Yes! But just because I regret it, so I stop you from joining the blood skeleton! Once you enter the blood skeleton, you will no longer be free, and you will live in the condemnation of remorse and conscience in your life, you 'S soul will suffer! "

Lu Youlong was a little excited, and the regret in his voice was also unabashed.

"Lu Youlong, the Sect Master is not thin for you, it can be said to be graceful, but if you say this, you will inevitably be ungrateful?" Said one of the two Shinto Peaks.

Lu Youlong glanced back at him and said, "Qi Wudao, Jin Feiyu, don't you think it's ridiculous to say this? What grace is added, it's simply the use of nakedness. It's not just me, you are the same, all are just The killing tool in the hands of the patriarch. If you do n’t retreat from the cliff and repent, you will be completely over in this life! "

"Shut up!" Angrily Jin Feiyu, gray hair, dancing wildly against the wind, the murderousness is unabashed. "The Sect Master is still fantasizing about you, I think you are completely saved! As I mean, it will be You should be completely obliterated from this world! "

"Flying Fish! The Sect Master explained clearly that you must not hurt Lu Youlong. Our task is only to bring Mu Tong back to our headquarters. Lu Youlong, assassinating Mu Tong was your task, should you not stop us?"

"It might not have been a few days ago, but now ..."

Lu Youlong's eyes narrowed, his eyes flashed coldly in the middle of his eyes, and he was clearly ready to shoot.

"Although the Sovereign has orders, don't embarrass you, but our task must be completed. No, I'm going to offend Brother Lu!" Que Wudao looked cold and turned to Xu Fusheng. "You take Mutong away first."

"Brother, I'm sorry!" Xu Fusheng glanced at Lu Youlong, clenched his teeth, and flew up.

"Leave me behind!" Lu Youlong burst into sight, and volleyed to Xu Fusheng.

Although Wandong played against Lu Youlong, Lu Youlong didn't use his full strength at that time, but was just playing with Wandong. Where is it like the present, it is like a **** of heaven, and he hasn't waited for him to approach Xu Fusheng, This made Xu Fusheng's eyes panic-stricken.

"Brother Lu, you are so excited!"

But at the same time, Que Wudao was not idle. With a sneer, his figure stepped forward, his right palm shot in the air, a soft and strange qi, and he swam towards the landing like a thread. .

The practice of Que Wudao is no worse than that of Lu Youlong. Lu Youlong does not want to fight hard with him. The intention is to avoid Que Wudao's offensive and stop Xu Fusheng first. What Lu Youlong didn't expect was that Jin Feiyu also shot the first time.

Moreover, Jin Feiyu did not have reservations like Que Wudao, almost full firepower, and brought Lu Youlong a great threat from the back and belly. Lu Youlong was almost the same as the cultivation of the two. At this time, he was enemies in the stomach and back, and he could only press his body forcibly to avoid the two's attack.

After being blocked by Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu, Xu Fusheng and Mu Tong had already arrived more than ten feet away.

"Xu Fusheng, if you take Mu Tong away, then the relationship between you and me will be cut off!"

"Brother, everyone has their own ambitions. If you must do this, then I can't do anything. It's just that in my Xu Fusheng's heart, you will always be my brother!"

Xu Fusheng's words were beautiful and touching, but his figure didn't stop for a moment. In a blink of an eye, he swept more than ten feet away.

Although Lu Youlong was annoyed in his heart, he was entangled with Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu, but he couldn't get away with it.

Xu Fusheng they came this time after a detailed plan. Xu Fusheng came to break the battle, and Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu were responsible for entanglement with Lu Youlong.

Seeing that Lu Youlong could not catch up again, Xu Fusheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, before this breath was relieved, a surging sword like a blood river, somehow, suddenly fell from the sky, and the power was amazing. Xu Fusheng made a strange cry in surprise.

In a hurry, Xu Fusheng unconsciously let go of Mutong's hand, and when he realized that he was wrong, and then grabbed Mutong, a violent wind suddenly rolled and brought Mutong Leaving him.

This happened so suddenly that even Xu Fusheng couldn't respond, let alone Mu Tong. I just felt that the flower in front of me and the figure was light, and the people beside her changed into Wandong like a trick.

Although these days, Mu Tong's attitude towards Wan Dong has changed slightly, but he still can't get out of the category of disgust. However, seeing Wan Dong at this time, Mu Tong's attitude is completely different, where there is a little disgust in my heart, only the ecstasy that can't be said.

"Brother Yao Ting!" Mu Tong couldn't help but shouted loudly, and Wan Dong couldn't help but stunned.

However, from the call of Mu Tong, it can also be seen that she was really scared. It is no wonder that Mu Tong, as a young lady of the Mu family, has been cared for since she was a child.

Blood Skeleton's killer, even if it is a man, he must whisper in his heart, not to mention Mu Tong is just a girl who has not yet grown up. For the sake of his own conspiracy and self-interest, the blood skeleton must use even a little girl like Mu Tong, which is really not an abomination!

Seeing that Mu Tong was scared with a bluish complexion, Wan Dong was quite distressed by the game, and if Mu Lin was here, he didn't know what it would be like.

Gently holding Mu Tong's hand, Wan Dong whispered comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, with me, you won't be okay."

Not to mention that a few days ago, just an hour ago, if Wan Dong dared to do so, Mu Tong had to chop his hands. But now, Mu Tong only feels that his heart is extremely safe and firm, and he has no plans to break free.

"You ... where did your kid come from?"

The sword of Wan Dongfangcai really scared Xu Fusheng. He thought that a master appeared. Unexpectedly, Wandong was such a stinky kid, and he was very annoyed.

"The powerful man in the divine realm actually dealt with a girl, do you still want your old face?"

Although the first stage of Shinto Realm is far less powerful than Shinto Peak Realm, it is not enemies of Wandong. While arguing with Xu Fusheng, Wan Dong madly turned his head and thought about his way out.

"Boy, Xu Fusheng is not what you can deal with. Use your body to escape!" Lu Youlong found that Wu Dong had robbed Mu Tong from Xu Fusheng's hands between Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu. I was pleasantly surprised, but I was very worried. -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16192530->

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