Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1182: ‘Playing with a dead pig’ method!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Such words, if spoken from Moulian's mouth, Wan Dong will be touched by a mess, but from the mouth of Mu Tong, a little girl who hasn't grown up yet, Wan Dong just felt a little funny . Kiss

Seeing Wan Dong's smile, Mu Tong's pretty face was full of serious words, "Don't laugh, I'm talking psychologically! Yes, I hated you for dying before, I always think you ruined It ’s the happiness of my sister ’s life. But now I see you and understand you, I think you are the happiness of my sister ’s life! "

Wan Dong shook his head and smiled, "So, don't you call me to kill me?"

Listening to Wan Dong's words, Mu Tong's face immediately showed a look of embarrassment, Na Na said, "In fact, I didn't want to kill you, but just wanted to give you a lesson and express my heart. Who knows your cultivation level is so high, but I was taught by you. "

Listening to Mu Tong's words, Wan Dong couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and said, "Tong'er, I didn't know it was you at that time, so the shot was a bit heavy ..."

"Hey, rest assured, brother-in-law, I'm not as careful as you think!" Mu Tong said with a crisp voice before Wan Wan finished.

"Brother-in-law?" Wan Dong couldn't help but stunned. This title was strange to him.

"Giggle ... why isn't it right, you were my brother-in-law!" Mu Tong's eccentric Chong Wandong blinked and said with a smile.

A smile immediately burst out on Wan Dong's face, which was recognized by the Murian family, which is a rare happy event for him. Although Mu Tong is only Mu Lian's sister, and can't decide the marriage of Wan Dong and Mu Lian, this is always a good sign.

"Sister-in-law, please see you! May I tell you another great event. My sister has now been released, and I can see that my father's marriage to you and my sister has obviously been loosened a lot. "

"Is this true?" Mu Tong's news was more exciting than Wan Dong's brother-in-law.

"Of course! Can I still lie to you? But my father is still angry, and you still have to suffer."

"What are you afraid of suffering? As long as your dad can recognize my marriage with your sister, I can eat any bitterness!" Wan Dong said anxiously.

Seeing Wan Dong's excitement, I wish I could go to Mu's house to marry Mulian now. Mu Tong was very funny and kept laughing, but turned his heart, and even his sister could find such a good destination. Feel glad.

Wan Dong was excited, not far from behind them, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps. Wan Dong couldn't help but sneered, listening to this footsteps, Xu Fusheng was not worried that they would escape.

Wan Dong raised his head and said to Mu Tong: "Tong'er, this Fengshan formation has been cracked by me. You go east for one mile, then go north for three miles, and then go southwest to get out of the seal. Shan Dazhen, find the way down ... "

"No! I won't go!" Before Wan Dong's words were finished, Mu Tong pouted his mouth. Wan Dong had some understanding of her and knew at a glance that Miss Mu's stubbornness was guilty again.

Wan Dong always thought that although Mu Tong and Mulian were sisters, they were quite different, and they were not like them at all. But now it seems that he is wrong. At least the two sisters are stubborn to be stubborn. It ’s the same. If you are the only one, you will never be persuaded.

"Tong'er, it is impossible for you to escape with me, besides ..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen! Sister is waiting for you, if you have a length and a length of two, and let her live?" Mu Tong covered his ears with both hands, shaking his head like a rattle.

Wan Dong's face sank, and he was going to stare, but Mu Tong didn't eat him at all, and before Wan Dong opened his mouth, he said softly: "You don't need to stare at me, that's useless! I fight My dad has no idea, let alone you. "

Wan Dong couldn't help but stagnate, and when he reached his mouth, he could only swallow back with a wry smile.

"Sister-in-law, please, don't drive me away! I want to stay and fight with you side by side!"

"Fight side by side?" Wan Dong frowned, looking at Mu Tong for a moment, then smiled and said, "Miss Mu Er, won't you go without a crystal on your body?"

"Crystal?" Mu Tong froze for a moment, then pulled the storage ring, said, "There are some. Brother-in-law, now at this time, what are you asking about this?"

Wan Dong's heart is sure, and said in a loud voice, "Aren't you going to fight alongside me? Okay! Today, our brother-in-law and sister-in-law will fight together with Xu Fusheng! You give me all the crystals on your body.

Listening to Wan Dong's words, Mu Tong's mind also followed his heart, and he quickly handed over all the crystals in the storage ring to Wan Dong. Obedient, like a pile of hills, there are thousands of fear. The young lady of the Yipin family is really rich!

"Hey ... why didn't you two run away?"

During the speech, Xu Fusheng appeared slowly in front of the two. Looking at his well-thought-out look, as if his prey had entered the expression, Mu Tong's hatred was tickling. When did Miss Mu Er suffer such suffocation?

"Brother-in-law, shall we fight with him now?" Mu Tong sipped softly, and then he had to start.

Wan Dong hurriedly dragged her back and scolded, "What are you fighting for? You are not a cat, there are no nine lives! Stay behind me, your brother-in-law is not so desperate to let the young aunt work hard!" "

Mu Tong threw out his tongue and obediently turned to Wandong.

"Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you. As long as you give that girl to me, I will let you go for a life! How?" Xu Fusheng decided to look like Wan Dong and said with a smile.

"Fuck you uncle! Do you have no brains when you are a young man? But the young man kindly reminds you that if you are acquainted, you should obey, otherwise you will be buried here!"

"Shame to the face, who will die if you don't die ?!" Xu Fusheng was furious, too lazy to say to Wan Dongduo, his body suddenly leaned forward, like a poisonous snake that rushed to the prey, rushed directly to Wan Dong.

Anyway, in this great mountain formation, Mu Tong can't escape, and Xu Fusheng simply doesn't care about Mu Tong at this time, and is determined to put Wan Dong to death.

Seeing Xu Fusheng rushed over, Wandong Jianmei raised his eyebrows, and the radiance of the palms of his hands burst into lightning at the same time, breaking into the sky.

"Brother-in-law, it's not that I said you, you are too bad, are you using Jingjing as a hidden weapon? Also, your precision is too bad, no, there is no precision at all!"

Seeing that Wan Dong threw out more than ten crystals in one breath, the closest piece to Xu Fusheng was also three feet away. Mu Tong pouted, and couldn't help shouting.

"Hahaha ... Stinky boy, are you frightened?" Xu Fusheng couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Laugh, laugh, and soon you won't be able to laugh!"

Wan Dong sneered and took Mu Tong's hand, his figure backed a dozen steps.

"Want to escape? Can't escape!" Xu Fusheng burst into a blast, and his speed suddenly doubled.

However, just after Xu Fusheng was only a few feet away from Wan Dong and Mu Tong, the moment they were able to capture the two, Wan Dong and Mu Tong's body was like a teleport, moving straight from his eyes, moving He reached more than ten feet beside him.

Although Xu Fusheng is a strong person in Shinto Realm, he has no such skill, and was taken aback.

"Oh ... Old man, just because you want to catch me and dream?"

"Damn it!" Xu Fusheng burst into tears, his body collapsed sharply, and at the same time, he increased his speed to the extreme. With a distance of more than ten feet, he had already crossed without using half a breath.

Xu Fusheng's pair of meat claws, eager to break through the sky, gleamed like a steel-like rime under the sunlight, letting people look at the scalp. If it was caught by him, even steel would have to be penetrated on the spot.

However, Xu Fusheng's ambition to get the claw actually fell through. Xu Fusheng clearly watched his sharp claws pierce Wandong's body, but Wandong actually disappeared in front of his eyes like a cloud through the sun, strangely disappearing.

"What are you looking for, I am here!"

When Xu Fusheng was at a loss, Wan Dong's figure sounded from behind him again. Xu Fusheng seemed to be electrocuted. Huo turned his head. As expected, Wan Dong and Mu Tong were just over ten feet behind him. He looked at him with sneer.

"You ... what kind of body are you?" Xu Fusheng was not only shocked, but also began to feel a trace of terror. A monk in the pinnacle of the earth wheel should never have such a skill.

"Hey ... you want to know, let me tell you too! Listen, my name is ...‘ playing dead pig ’, hahaha ...”

"Playing dead pigs?" The name is so novel that Xu Fusheng couldn't help but stunned for a while, but he immediately understood it, an old face, straight and angry, and Wan Dong was playing with him. !

Xu Fusheng under the rage, no matter how much, condensed all his qi on his legs. For a time, within a few tens of feet, Xu Fusheng's shadow was everywhere.

Just as Xu Fusheng was chasing Wan Dong's figure frantically, Wan Dong and Mu Tong stood quietly in a place where he could not reach him, and never moved. On several occasions, Xu Fusheng clearly rushed towards them, and Mu Tong was even frightened and exclaimed, but at the last moment, Xu Fusheng seemed to hit the wall, his body stopped abruptly, Then he turned to the other side and continued to chase.

This situation is full of weirdness, and Mu Tong is inexplicable. It was as if there was something between them and Xu Fusheng, so that they were separated from the two worlds.

Mu Tong is a little girl, and in curiosity, he unconsciously raised his hand and looked forward, wanting to see if there was really a gap between them and Xu Fusheng.

Wan Dong was shocked and hurriedly pulled her back.

Looking at Mu Tong's frightened and bewildered expression, Wan Dongdao "three steps forward, he entered the battlefield. At that time, it would be difficult to come out."

"But ... but are we not in the Fengshan formation now?" Mu Tong felt more and more confused. -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16192533->

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