Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1183: The situation changes!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong nodded and said, "That's right! But Xu Fusheng is in the" array of formation ", a change of the Fengshan formation, which is much more dangerous than our situation at this time."

Mu Tong suddenly thought of it and said, "The dozen crystals you threw before were not for attacking Xu Fusheng?"

Wan Dong laughed. "Of course not! Could my brother-in-law be even worse than your little aunt?"

Mu Tong's pretty face turned red, and then looked up to Wandong, a pair of beautiful eyes, like a star in the sky. "Brother, you really have the ability."

Wan Dong couldn't help but feel a fluke. If it weren't for the Feng Shan Formation to be similar to the Jiuqu Jiugong Formation, he wanted to get it through. It was never so easy. But now Wandong is confident. With this great mountain formation as a relying battle, Xu Fusheng is not worried about playing.

After a frantic chase, Xu Fusheng finally stopped, taking the first-stage cultivation of his Shinto realm as an example. At this time, he was also tired and shouted straight through. From a distance, it really looks like a stupid pig who can't catch a rabbit.

"There can never be such a way of doing things in the world, it can't be!" Xu Fusheng shouted with his back to Wan Dong and Mu Tong, his teeth spreading his teeth. But at this time, although he behaved very fiercely, in Mu Tong's eyes, he was only funny and funny, and there was no trace of fear.

"Tong'er, don't you think it's hard to hear him?" Wan Dong asked Mu Tong with a smile.

Mu Tong nodded sympathetically, saying, "It's not only unpleasant, it's unbearable!"

"Okay! Then let him shut up!" Wan Dong smiled slightly, his toes gently twisted on the ground, and a rock with a big fist immediately shouted at Xu Fusheng's ass.

Xu Fusheng was estimated to be confronting Wan Dong Mutong's phantom at this time. He was completely unprepared to be behind him. He didn't wake up until he was about to be hit by the stone, and he hurriedly fell forward.

In the end is the strong man of Shinto Realm, Wan Dong's sneak attack was unsuccessful, the stone flew past Xu Fusheng's spine. However, Xu Fusheng fell quickly, just like the evil dog snatching shit, but still very entertaining and ornamental, which attracted Mu Tong to smile.

"Brother-in-law, I have to play too!" Mu Tong immediately came to interest, yelling at Wan Dong.

If letting others know that their two areas of realm are actually using a Shinto realm as a toy, and they are having fun, I do n’t know how many people will be surprised.

"If you want to play, just play, anyway, there are some stones!" Wan Dong chuckled.

As soon as Mu Tong heard it, he suddenly came to a sigh, a soft drink in his mouth, his arms folded in the air, and immediately there were more than a dozen pieces of gravel, which were taken into the air by her energy.

"Cough ... Brother-in-law, you were too petty just now, so it's fun to play like this!" With a chuckle, Mu Tong's right foot gave a slight pause, a dozen pieces of gravel, and immediately wrapped in an invisible strength. Down, like a cannonball that burst into the air, whistling toward Xu Fusheng.

Although Xu Fusheng faced Wan Dong Mutong face-to-face, he could not see anyone at all because of the influence of the situation. In front of him, there was nothingness. However, in this piece of nothingness, a dozen pieces of rubble suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blasted at himself. This kind of scenario, even if it is the top strong man in the Holy Soul Realm, would be shocked by insurance.

Xu Fusheng hurriedly slammed his palms out, and the reaction could not be said to be slow, but a guy with more than a dozen rubble still made him difficult to resist. Three of them hit his lower abdomen almost simultaneously. Mu Tong's strength is not small, although it does not hurt Xu Fusheng, it also makes him so painful, his waist is arched high, like a prawn.

But this pain finally made Xu Fusheng pass the god, staggering back a few steps, and said angrily, "This is a change in the situation, it is not a **** at all."

"Cough ... you just know!" Mu Tong smirked, his arms stretched again, and dozens more rubbles screamed at Xu Fusheng.

It was just this time that Xu Fusheng was clearly prepared, and with a low drink, a piece of blue body strength immediately exploded from his body, and the dozen pieces of rubble were still a few feet away from him, and then turned into Stone powder, floating all over the sky.

Mu Tong was not reconciled and tried several times in succession, but the result was the same, and they were easily blocked by Xu Fusheng.

"Where are you two rats? Where are you hiding? Get out!"

Can only be passively beaten, but he didn't even know where his opponent was, Xu Fusheng's heart was not good. In the booming sound, Xu Fusheng's palms were split like a ferocious wheel, and the powerful Shinto Realm was on display for ten percent. The sky, the layers, the palm-like waves spreading in all directions, spreading in all directions, making Mu Tong nervous, pulling Wandong to back away.

Wan Dong smiled and comforted, "Don't worry! As long as he can't break through, even if he misses the sky, he can't help us."

Sure enough, Xu Fusheng's palm strength did not spread far, and he was dissolved by the sky-to-sky light, and he could not reach Wan Dong and Mu Tong.

"Impossible! The changes of Fengshan Formation are clear to me. This cannot be Fengshan Formation!"

Xu Fusheng also tried to decipher the situation, but after groping for a while, it was a mess of water, and there was no way to decipher it. Where did he know that Wan Dong not only broke through the Fengshan Great Array, but also made up for the missing parts of the Fengshan Great Array according to the Nine Qus and Nine Palace Arrays. .

Seeing Xu Fusheng yelling in the field, it was like crazy. At the beginning, Mu Tong still felt interesting, but slowly lost interest. Boringly said, "Brother, it seems that it is not so fun ..."

"You two men and women, wait for me to break through the formation, and see that I will not break you up!"

Hearing Mu Tong's complaint, Xu Fusheng shivered straight and roared.

Wan Dong frowned, looked at Mu Tong, sneered and said, "It's not fun, then let's give him some more material!"

After all, Wandong took out another dozen crystals from the storage ring and scattered them out. Every piece of the dozen or so crystals is hauled by Wan Dong Shennian, which seems to be chaotic and unruly, as if the celestial celestial body is scattered, but actually has its own goals.

More than a dozen crystals fell at the same time, as if opening a starry sky, hundreds of thousands of colors of light, and breaking out of the ground at the same time, rushing towards the sky, the gorgeous light, which surprised Mu Tong was stunned.

Hundreds and thousands of roads rose up and intertwined with each other in the air, turning into a grid of color, and went down towards Xu Fusheng.

This scene, Xu Fusheng not only saw clearly, but also felt strong. Especially with the fall of the color grid, Xu Fusheng felt an unprecedented and terrible threat approaching rapidly. Even his sweaty hair stood upright.

"Little bastard, what did you do !?" While Xu Fusheng was scolding in shock, his palms were splitting one after another, as if to split a path in the void and escape from this place.

But around him, it was as if an invisible copper wall and iron wall were laid down, and despite his troubles, he wanted to break through.

When the color grid reached a certain height, it was fixed there, and no longer moved down, but this did not make Xu Fusheng feel a little relaxed, but it became more and more tense.

"Tong'er, look, the fun is coming!" Wan Dong grinned badly, flicked his fingers, a trace of anger, and instantly turned into a blast, hitting the complex grid.

The next second, a ball of fireballs the size of a basketball immediately spit out from the color grid and roared straight to Xu Fusheng.

"What the **** is this?" Xu Fusheng yelled and hurriedly responded with a wave of palms. With just a bang, the fireball burst.

But the fireball is not gravel, and the gravel bursts and turns into stone powder, which is no big deal, but the fireball bursts, but it turns into a flying flame, and within the scope of the color grid, it suddenly turns into a sea of ​​fire.

Xu Fusheng was caught by surprise, and was burnt by a group of flames that couldn't escape.

"Little bastard!" Xu Fusheng was frightened and angry, anxiously raised his body's Dao Qi together, while protecting the Dao Qi under his body, waving his palm to extinguish fire.

"I let you scold!"

It was about this time that Xu Fusheng refused to obediently and softly, Wan Dong also came out of anger, and his lips, his fingers popped up one after another, a dozen fingers, and the puff fell on the color grid almost simultaneously.

A dozen fireballs followed and screamed out like a haunted soul, chasing Xu Fusheng. This time Xu Fusheng was a good learner. He didn't dare to smash the fireball casually and chose to dodge.

More than a dozen fireballs flew endlessly and forced Xu Fusheng to jump up and down. Unknown people thought Xu Fusheng was dancing with fireball.

"Cough ... This is fun, this is fun!" Mu Tong suddenly came to rejoice again, and clapped his hands and shouted.

The original Fengshan formation, lacking several offensive positions, makes it more than defensive and insufficient offensive. Well now, after being supplemented by Wan Dong, the power of Feng Shan Da Zhen can be fully demonstrated.

"Sister-in-law, no less, no more fireballs!" It's really not a big thing to watch the bustle. Now that the fireballs besieging Xu Fusheng has reached more than 20, Mu Tong is still not satisfied, urging Wan Dong repeatedly.

Mu Tong's voice was very sweet and beautiful, just like a natural sound, very touching, but it fell into Xu Fusheng's ears at this time, but it was not the same thing at all. It is no exaggeration to say that it is directly compared to the call from hell. Even more terrifying.

Wan Dong's brother-in-law, in order to make the younger sister happy, was really out of it, completely disregarding Xu Fusheng's life and death. The number of fireballs around Xu Fusheng doubled in a flash.

Yes, Xu Fusheng is a strong person in Shinto Realm, and he also has a very delicate body method, but even so, it can't stand up to Wandong's almost cheating screen-like attack. The range of activities was compressed again and again, and dozens of fireballs seemed to be equipped with trackers, holding him tightly. Xu Fusheng was facing such great pressure for the first time in his life. , A little negligence, it will turn into ashes! -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16192534->

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