Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1197: Give dragon scales!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Chalcedony is really effective, Lu Youlong's life is already intact. \\ (^ o ^) / \\\\ (^ o ^) / Wandong's tight heart string finally relaxed. Turning his gaze to Xiao Zhenwei and Heping Wuniang, this time it was really thanks to others, and finally came forward to grab the last frontline for Lu Youlong. Without them, the ending of Lu Youlong is really unpredictable.

Devouring the core of the nine-yin fire dragon, it is indeed a great improvement in the ability of Dinglong, but it has been gestating chalcedony for three thousand years. It is not so good and requires time.

"Hey ... little brother!" Xiao Zhenwei rubbed his hands and came over with a smirk on his face. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. His expression was very tangled.

Can Wan Dongyan not understand his thoughts? Unable to bear his embarrassment, he smiled slightly and beckoned to Dinglong.

Dinglong now fully thought of Yinglong's core, and was somewhat reluctant to Wandong's move, but he did not dare to make too much. After circling in the air, he flew over the air. .

Immortal ancestors were born of alchemy masters, and naturally were the absolute idols of Ling Yuanjie, Xiao Zhenwei, and Ping Wuniang. Faced with Dinglong, it was like monks facing Buddha's relics. It was difficult to describe the mood and feeling in words.

Looking at the Dinglong at his fingertips, Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wu Niang burst into tears. Especially Ping Wu Niang couldn't help but cover her mouth and sobbed softly.

"Wu Niang, this ... this is Ding Long Na!" Xiao Zhenwei's eyes didn't dare to blink at Ding Long. The shock and excitement in his words almost reached the point of nowhere.

Where can Ping Wuniang speak at this time? It's just a nod of vigour, as if letting her die at this time, she also has no complaints and no regrets.

Wan Dong thought about it, and suddenly reached out to Ding Long. Ding Long has grown up to now, which is already extraordinary in spirit. Without Wan Dong opening his mouth, it will be clear. There was a low Long Yin in the mouth, and the figure slowly backed away. In a pair of dragon eyes, it was clearly filled with reluctance.

Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wu Niang immediately captured this feeling of Ding Long. Xiao Zhenwei turned to Wan Dong with some surprise, and asked, "Little brother, are you ..."

Wan Dong frowned, and said a little unpleasantly, "This guy is getting more and more choking. I want it to give two dragon scales to two seniors to commemorate. Who knows it is unwilling? ! "

"Ah !?" After listening to Wan Dong's words, Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang's eyes were bulging out of their eyes.

Let a dragon lay down dragon scales, owing to what he said. How is this different from having a person give away human skin? What if I change to Yinglong? It has long been a paw to shoot Wan Dong into a puree.

"No, no, no ... No, it's our three lives to see Dinglong in this life. How dare we have that undivided thought?" Xiao Zhenwei said with a hurry.

Ping Wuniang's mind was obviously similar to him, and she nodded incessantly. Although Dinglong is the magic weapon of the immortal ancestor, it is also the representative of the immortal ancestor. Offending it is equivalent to offending the immortal ancestor. Where do they have such guts?

Wan Dong smiled and said, "This guy's dragon scales are bred with a dragon fire, which will be of great benefit to your alchemy. Do you really not?"

"Dinglong's fire !?" Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang looked at each other, involuntarily gasped at the same time. A thick hope erupted from the eyes of the two like a volcanic eruption.

For the alchemist, the fire of Dinglong is equivalent to an artifact, and its temptation is absolutely beyond imagination. As long as Xiao Zhenwei and Peace Wu Niang are not saints, there is no reason to be indifferent.

Seeing this, Wan Dong smiled and said, "Do you know the Ling Family's elder Ling Yuanjie?"

"Ling Yuanjie !?" Wan Dong mentioned the name, Xiao Zhenwei's pair of white eyebrows immediately frowned, his eyes clearly revealed a touch of disdain and hostility, and he turned his head subconsciously to Ping Wu Niang.

Ping Wuniang's expression was a little unnatural at the moment, and her eyes were dodged with her left, and she refused to face Xiao Zhenwei. This slightly weird atmosphere immediately reminded Wan Dong of a possibility. He couldn't help but feel a little funny, but then he thought about it and was relieved. Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wu Niang and other old seniors naturally have young Meng Lang.

"What's wrong with him?" Xiao Zhenwei snorted and asked.

"He has taken a dragon dragon scale from me, you ..."

"What !? Brother, how can you give Dinglong Dragon Scale to that person? That person is not a thing at all, this is a blasphemy against Dinglong!" Xiao Zhenwei was immediately excited and said, waving his hands constantly.

Wan Dong didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly. After a while, Xiao Zhenwei calmed down and looked to Wan Dong, his mouth closed and closed, a pair of 'love you hard to open' Looks like.

Wan Dong nodded his head clearly, turned back to stare at Dinglong, and said in a deep voice, "Don't be stingy, a core of Yinglong is enough for you to regenerate hundreds of dragon scales, so why should you spare two?" ! "

Wan Dong refused to get used to Dinglong again, and his breath was three points more severe. Dinglong finally succumbed, white light flashed on his body, and two slap-sized colorful dragon scales floated in front of Wandong.

"Little brother, like ... such a precious thing, how can we thank you?" Xiao Zhenwei held the dragon scale exuding the divine light, excited and moved, and all his brain was written on his face. A prestigious and admiring predecessor, this time in front of Wan Dong, a young man, was cramped.

"Hahaha ... what thank you? Xiao Lang was my brother, and you were like my grandfather. Grandson filial grandfather, do you have to thank grandpa?"

"You are Langer's brother for worship?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Xiao Feifei could not help but exclaimed, and then suddenly said, "No wonder you call me aunt when you see me, and dare to follow Langer Discuss there. "

Wan Dong nodded with a smile, and Xiao Zhenwei was firm, and Wu Ping Ping Niang blinked and smiled: "Since our grandson is filial to us, let's take it!"

Ping Wuniang felt a little uneasy in her heart. When Xiao Zhenwei said this, the uneasiness in her heart eased a lot. She was about to nod her head. She suddenly woke up and glared at Xiao Zhenwei. Things, who is with you ... is "we"? You dare to take advantage of me, I think you want to fight! "

Don't look at Ping Wu Niang's mouth is fierce, but Wan Dong can see it, Ping Wu Niang's heart must be happy. Xiao Zhenwei and Wuliang Niang should have been born as a pair, but unfortunately because of fate, they could not hold hands until now. I hope the two can come together and spend a good old age together.

Two pieces of dragon scales were further exploited by Wan Dongsheng, and Dinglong had some opinions on Wan Dong. He was too lazy to take care of him again. The dragon's body fluttered and flew towards Yinglong's body. One claw shot, Ying Long's inner core, immediately fell into its claw.

From the core of this Yinglong alone, the realm of this Yinglong is indeed lower than that of Jiuyin Fire Dragon. In comparison, the inner core is a little smaller, and the luster is not as brilliant as the inner core of the Nine Yin Fire Dragon, but the spirit contained therein is also very powerful. At least from the shocked eyes of Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Ping Niang, this judgment can be made.

Taking the core of Yinglong, Dinglong did not greet Wandong, and with a roar, he got back into Wandong's body. It's hard to imagine that a huge mad dragon will be hidden in a person's body. This is the magic of the magic weapon!

"Little brother……"

Xiao Zhenwei seemed to have something to say, but just one mouth, he was interrupted by Wan Dong, Wan Dong smiled and said, "Grandpa Xiao, I have said that, Xiao Lang and I are brothers, your grandson, Your little brother is not my life! Just call my name Yaoting. "

"Good! Yaoting, it stands to reason that with the Dragon Fire, we should also be satisfied, but for our alchemist, the top alchemy materials are also missed and missed. You can see if we can respond Get something from the dragon's body ... "

"What's so difficult about this? What do you want, just take it away!" Wan Dong waited for Xiao Zhenwei to finish his speech, and said cheerfully.

"Then ... then we are welcome!" Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang looked at each other with great joy, and rushed towards Ying Long's body.

"Yao Ting, Yinglong is different from other dragon species, and dragon blood is very precious. After drinking it, not only can it be tempered **, but it can also improve cultivation, you don't miss it." Wanwan doesn't move. There seemed to be no interest in the dragon's body, Xiao Zhenwei reminded.

"Improve cultivation?" Wan Dong's heart burst into shock.

This series of recent events has made Wan Dong deeply aware that his cultivation practices are still too low. Under the current ups and downs, it is difficult to make a difference with his cultivation. Among the many problems that lay before him, the most urgent thing is to improve cultivation.

"Of course!" Xiao Zhenwei nodded and answered, while taking out a dark green dagger, and made a cut seven inches below Yinglong's scale. Ping Wu Niang handed over a small porcelain bottle in a timely manner with great understanding, and after a short while, he received a full bottle.

Xiao Zhenwei handed over to Wandong and said, "You are now in the pinnacle of the earth wheel. Yinglong's blood is the most effective for you. You can try it to see if you can break through the heaven grid realm!"

Wan Dong nodded, tilted his neck, and poured that small bottle of dragon blood into his throat.

The **** smell in Wan Dong's imagination, he didn't even feel the slightest bit, but it was like drinking a cup of syrup and liquid between his lips and his throat, filled with sweetness and mellow, actually making people Some can't stop, just kill all the wine in the world.

Dragon blood entered the throat from the mouth and slid all the way into Wandong's abdomen. That kind of feeling is like a small sun rising in the belly, a warm feeling, a moment of effort, it will spread out in Wandong's body and penetrate into the limbs ... - -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16438155->

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