Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1198: Enter the sky!

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That kind of taste, beyond Wandong's expectations, was more acceptable than taking a panacea.

And while Wan Dong condensed his mind and felt its beauty, Jin Dan, who floated in his Yuan Mansion, seemed to be pulled by some kind of Qi machine, and suddenly turned violently. At the same time, the qi in his body has been very calm, and suddenly became excited. At an alarming speed, he rushed towards the little dragon blood. That crazy look was like seeing a naked woman's maniac.

Wan Dong's heart tightened, he sat down cross-legged in a hurry, concentrated all his thoughts in his body, and dared not have the slightest care. The peak of the earth wheel is only one step away from the heaven grid realm, but this step is far away from the world. A negligence, the consequences are unbearable.

Just when Jin Dan launched, that dragon blood suddenly changed its appearance, just like a good sheep, and suddenly became a hungry wolf eating people. An extraordinary and terrifying force burst out of it.

As soon as this force broke out, it was close to the Yuan Mansion. The qi in Wandong's body could not be stopped. In other words, this force was not blocked by the qi of Wandong at all. It was like a bullet shot into the water, passing through the layers of qi, and directly struck Wandong Jindan.

Xuan Tian Wu Shen's tactics practiced by Wan Dong are different from those of other monks. This golden pill is the foundation of Wandong. Once it is first created, it will be an irreversible disaster.

Just when Wan Dong was very nervous, Jin Dan in his body suddenly exploded in brilliant glory, and in the dark, there seemed to be more Sanskrit singing, lingering in Wan Dong's heart and ears. Along with this Sanskrit, Wan Dong's mood calmed down immediately, detached, as if everything was no longer related to him.

Wan Dong only focused on the changes in his body, but did not know that his breakthrough also brought an unusual impact to the outside world.

Xiao Zhenwei, who is focusing on taking dragon blood, and the keel of the dragon, cultivated the highest, and felt the influence first. The two turned around and looked at each other, and they saw the horror in their hearts from each other's eyes.

"This ... this Yaoting is really breaking through the heavenly realm? Why is this momentum ..." Ping Wu Niang'e's eyebrows were tight, her old face was not visible, and the shock was unmasked.

Xiao Zhenwei looked up subconsciously to the sky, and saw the sky that was originally light and breeze, at this time a large piece of spirit cloud gathered. These spirit clouds are not condensed but not scattered, and even more faintly transformed into a huge figure, just like a god.

"The God of Heaven! This ... This is a scene that only appears when breaking through the realm of God. How can it appear on Yaoting?" Ping Wuniang exclaimed again.

Xiao Zhenwei narrowed his eyes, and one of them erupted in a straight line, wanting to see what happened in Wandong's body. But what he expected was that Wan Dong's body was wrapped in a thick layer of mist that could not be melted. With his eyesight, he could not penetrate it. When he wanted to force in, he was shocked by a lot of resistance.

Even Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wu Niang could not figure out what was happening inside Wan Dong, and Mu Tong was even more impossible. Anxiously, he jumped up and down, scratching his ears and scratching his head.

Wan Dong can ignore the feelings of Xiao Zhenwei and others at this time, and all his mind is gathered on the golden pill in his body.

When Wandong broke through the peak of Xuan marks, the first colorful lines appeared on Jin Dan in his body, and at this moment, there was a second colorful lines on Jin Dan in Wan Dong, which was looming slowly. Slow forming.

The colorful lines that are forming not only exude a kind of exciting divine light, but also the direction of the lines is full of mystery. As soon as Wan Dong's mind was invested in it, he was deeply attracted by it and could not be transferred for a long time.

Looking at the slowly forming colorful lines, Wan Dong seems to be witnessing the birth and generation of heaven and earth. A lot of mysteries and various laws came one after another, making Wan Dong almost forget that he was making all-out breakthrough at this time.

At the same time, the true meaning of the wind, the true meaning of the cloud, and the true meaning of the sword in Wandong's body also seemed to be infected by some kind of Qi machine and began to operate spontaneously. So, Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wu Niang's shock is even more indescribable.

Under their gaze, Wan Dongli suddenly turned into a breeze and merged between heaven and earth, obviously sitting there, but their consciousness was stunned. At this time, Wandong is clearly part of the world, and it is difficult to leave! It is no exaggeration to say that such a state can not be easily achieved even by them.

And when the two of them carefully wanted to find out clearly, what kind of state Wandong was in at this time, suddenly, a majestic momentum that stirred the wind and the world and shook the world, burst out from him. Qiang Ruo and Xiao Ping were involuntarily shaken by their momentum, and their hearts were beating wildly.

There is also a huge sword shadow that is tens of feet long and several feet wide, rising from behind Wan Dong, the sword shadow is not only huge, but also terrible, the true meaning of countless swords is full of haunting, as if casually If you hack it, you can completely turn this world into nothingness.

Xiao Zhenwei and Peace Wu Niang could n’t even be surprised at this time, and sat down cross-legged involuntarily, staring blankly at Wan Dong, feeling the powers exuded from his body in a subtle sense, unconsciously, the two of them The bottleneck was actually a little loose.

Although there was only a slight loosening, the shock and rejoicing that Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wu Niang brought were far beyond their tolerance, so that both of them could not believe that all this was true.

As a disciple of the second grade family, there are few powerful people who can enter the Holy Soul Realm. It's not that they don't work hard, or that their talents are not good enough, and they really don't find an opportunity to enter the Holy Soul Realm.

Yes, for monks, an opportunity is something more precious than talent, luck, and hard work. It is indistinguishable to the naked eye and has nowhere to look for. It can only be understood by heart, just like seeds, and only seeds can breed crops on the ground. Without seeds, even if the sun is shining and the rain is still there, nothing will grow.

Needless to say, the two Xiao Ping felt in Wandong today are the seeds. It is the basis that they can enter the Holy Soul Realm in the future. It can be seen from these that the looseness that Xu brought to the two is likely to be a change in the whole life. Its significance and preciousness are completely beyond Xiao Ping's imagination.

It's a pity that Mu Tong's level is still too low, and Xiao Feifei put all his attention on Lu Youlong, otherwise the two can also benefit from it.

Wan Dong did not know all this, and he had no time to ignore it. As more and more power from Dragon Blood is absorbed and fused by Jindan, the second colorful lines are becoming clear at an alarming rate.

Although Wan Dong has not fully understood the laws of heaven and earth contained in this second colorful pattern, the Dao Qi in his body has already started to operate in a special and new way.

This operation is like opening up a new world in front of Wandong. Endless shock and joy, endless suddenness and epiphany are like a torrent, and immediately flooded Wandong.

At the same time, the outside world, the spirit cloud that shrouded Wandong's head, seemed to finally be unbearable. It burst into bursts and turned into a "dragon-absorbing water" -like spiritual force cylinder, falling straight from Jiuxiao. .

The loudness of the situation forced Mu Tong's retreat to a few feet away, and his face was full of excitement.

Xiao Zhenwei and Wuliang Niang looked at each other in surprise, and then raised their palms in unison. They each madly tried their luck. They just separated two thick barrels of spiritual airflow from that spiritual cylinder and poured them into their bodies. .

It's not that Xiao Zhenwei and Wuliang Niang are greedy and want to take advantage of Wandong, but they are worried that such a vast and terrifying spiritual flow into Wandong's body will directly propel Wandong's **.

It ’s just that Xiao Zhenwei and Heping Wuniang did n’t know that Wandong ’s cultivation was a supernatural ancient and modern “Xuantian Wushen tactic”, and it was supplemented by the turbulent tactics of changing the sky. Said that he would explode.

Fortunately, the spirit of Daomen World is plentiful and abundance. Although the two forcefully separated a part of it, it will not affect Wandong's breakthrough. For both of them, this is also a character.

The majestic spirit directly poured into Wandong's body, and the Dao gas in Wandong's body quickly turned into tens of thousands of vortices. Qi, skyrocketing at an alarming rate.

The bottleneck that prevented Wan Dong's entry into Tiange Realm was like paper stale at this time, completely unbearable. With a loud bang, it rushed through!

It was at this time that the second colorful pattern on Wandong Jindan was formed horribly, and the simple and mysterious feeling that kept flowing made Wandong fascinated.

An hour later, Wan Dong was satisfied, and slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the world from the perspective of a celestial monk for the first time, Wan Wan is full of novelty about everything.

"Brother-in-law!" As soon as Wan Dong opened his eyes, Mu Tong couldn't wait to pounce on him. He looked at Wan Dong again and again, and his eyes were full of concern.

Mu Tong is really not good to Wan Dong, the brother-in-law, for fear that he will fail.

Wan Dong shook his head with a smile, his eyes turned, and he saw Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wu Niang sitting not far from him.

Wan Dong was slightly taken aback and asked Mu Tong: "What happened to the two seniors?"

Mu Tong shook his head and said, "I don't know. Soon after you sit down, they will sit down with you until now."

"Oh? Could it be ..." Wan Dong's gaze circulated between the two of them, nodding with a smile. Concealed in my heart, "It seems that they must have learned something from my breakthrough. In the future Daomen World, maybe two more powerful people of the Holy Soul Realm are needed ..." & lt; / dd & gt;-by: dad856 | 55634 | 16438156-& gt;

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