Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Quenching martial arts?" Wan Dong's heart moved. This can only be done in the trial treasure land. Is it possible that Qi Xuan has also entered the trial treasure land?

If this is the case, Qi Xuan is not only a bad person, but also probably his friend. (This chapter is updated by 92Ks.Com.) The fastest update Xiao Lang will try to control the treasure is very strict, and no one can come and go at will.

Wandong looked back at Tumuqi, who seemed to be worried that he couldn't find a chance to stagnate the **** skeleton. At this time, he looked at Wandong, his face full of flattering smiles, and he just knelt down and licked Wandong's toes.

This Ping family is also a second-rate family. It is so humble. I really do n’t know what Ping Sihai thinks.

"You are ..." Wan Dong asked with a smile.

Tu Muqi stood upright immediately, and answered seriously, "In the following Tu Muqi, he is an old man."

"Elder? Ha ha ... so, Brother Tu's status is not low."

Tu Muqi quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "Where is it, compared with the scenery of Brother Fu in the blood skeleton, what is my elder in this area?"

"Ah!" Tu Muqi's voice just fell, and he heard a scream.

Wan Dong looked back and saw a Pingjia master, who was slapped on the chest by Qi Xuan. With the blood spurting, the chest of the Pingjia master was sagged, and it looked like 80% couldn't live.

But Qi Xuan was not too good. In the flash of killing the opponent, the palms of the other two Pingjia masters were shot on his back almost simultaneously. Qi Xuan spewed a blood arrow in his mouth, staggering, and rushed forward for five or six steps before he stood hard.

"This surnamed Qi is really damn! Brother Fu rests a bit, I'll catch him!" Tu Muqi frowned, screamed at Wan Dong, and then threw himself out.

The ordinary parents of Tu Muqi are really not given in vain, and their self-cultivation is quite low, which is not much worse than the ups and downs. Tu Muqi's shot, wide open and close, vigorous blast, Qi Xuan's figure immediately froze a lot, far less flexible than before.

In the duel of the monks, martial arts rank is of course important. In the final analysis, the victory or defeat must be divided into strength and weakness. Qi Xuan's cultivation practice seems to be slightly worse than Tu Muqi. What's more, Qi Xuan is obviously after a series of hard struggles. At this time, he is already exhausted, and he is no better than Tu Muqi's invigoration. !

Bang Bang Bang!

In a blink of an eye, Tumuqi and Qi Xuan even palmed three hands. 77nt.Com Qianqian Novel Network under such a tough game, Qi Xuan's martial arts skills are no longer high, it is useless, snorting, Qi Xuan took a big step back.

"Hey ... the surname is Qi, I hope this moment is not a day or two, you are destined to be planted under my palm!" Taking the upper hand, Tu Muqi's face immediately showed a smug sneer.

Qi Xuan spit fiercely and turned his head to look at Wandong. His heart was sorrowful, knowing that he was afraid that he could not pass this level today. But the sorrow did not stay on Qi Xuan's body for long, even if it disappeared.

"Tumqi, how about you killing me today? My descendants of the Qi family have escaped safely. It won't take long for your conspiracy to flatten your family to see how you stand in this world!"

Qi Xuan said this, the smile on Tu Muqi's face suddenly froze, and said, "Bullshit!" Thousands of miles are under the control of my family. Where can your apprentices escape? Don't think it's a district Obstacles can be used to hide from the sky, and it won't take long for Mr. Rong to find them all and kill them one by one! "

"Humph! Then let him find it! He will soon know how stupid he is!"

"I think the stupid person is you, lie down to me!"

Tu Muqi burst into a scream, his figure rose again, and the volley of the wind splits the palm of the wind, bringing hundreds of green and energetic palms, and forced him to Qi Xuan like a rainstorm.

"The surname picture, even if it is dead, I want to pull you back!"

Qi Xuan faced a decay in the face, facing Tu Muqi's palm strength, not evading, but greeted him positively. Stretching to the extreme with his heart, he actually put countless fist-shaped palm shadows around him. The palm strength released by Tu Muqi was stunned by his violence.

Strongly enduring a sip of blood and not spitting it out, let alone the tumbling injury in his body, Qi Xuan's figure flew wildly with the wind, his fan-like right palm, and volley pulled him fiercely towards Tumuqi.

"The surname is Qi, you are crazy!"

Tu Muqi didn't expect it to be this time, Qi Xuan was even able to erupt such a terrible power, obviously surprised. While struggling to resist evasion, he screamed at several of his men, "What are you waiting for, kill him! If the owner blames me, I will do my best!"

Tu Muqi was so embarrassed by Qi Xuan that he couldn't help but feel annoyed, his voice sullenly roared.

Tumuqi's voice had just fallen, and several masters of the Ping family had lifted their bodies together, and each exhibited their unique skills. For a time, the whole world was submerged in a noise like a crying wolf.

Countless energies, with the momentum of encirclement, rushed towards Qi Xuan like a desolate, for a time, Qi Xuan as a whole fell into the eye of a typhoon, and his vitality was cut off.

"Humph!" At this moment, Wan Dong's nose made a soft hum, his figure turned into a cloud of smoke, and almost invisible swept past.

Qi Xuan wasn't unaware of the dangers around him, but he ignored them. His eyes were only staring at Tu Muqi, and as he said, he was determined to back up with La Tumuqi.

"Hey ... surnamed Qi, want to pull me back? Dreaming!"

Seeing that Qi Xuan's palm front was about to be printed on Tu Muqi's body, Tu Muqi's figure suddenly started, and flew to the side unexpectedly, Qi Xuan's palm was extremely light to avoid Qi Xuan's palm .

Qi Xuan's heart could not help sinking, he was so anxious that he fell into Tumuqi's trap. He wanted to pull Tumuqi back, and Tumuqi took the plan and used himself as a bait, and then he was easily lured into this desperate situation.

Qi Xuan was not afraid of death, but he was so unlucky, but Qi Xuan was very unwilling, staring at Tu Muqi's eyes, almost screaming blood.

When Qi Xuan was almost angry and almost burning, a big hand like iron tongs suddenly grabbed his wrist, waiting for him to react, a force that could not resist him, he took him straight , Jumped out of the 'wind eye'.

The world is changing, life is desperate, Qi Xuan has not had time to be excited, and a heart fell to the bottom, because he found that it was not the other person who saved himself, but the blood skeleton killer.

In comparison, Qi Xuan would rather die in Tu Muqi's hands. Although he was not reconciled, he was rather happy. But falling into the hands of the blood skeleton killer means that life is better than death.

"Are you finally unable to bear the shot?" Qi Xuan turned his head to stare at Wan Dong, and his words were full of provocation, probably wanting to anger Wan Dong, so that Wan Dong would give him pleasure.

"Brother Fu, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Qi Xuan was about to die, Wan Dong came to rescue him, and Tu Muqi was also very surprised, so he came forward and asked.

He didn't know what surprised him even further. Wandong Huanmu glanced at some of the masters of the Pingjia family, and took a slight pause. His right palm suddenly burst out, comparable to the strength of the first stage of Shinto Realm, and it was like a detonated bomb. , A burst of indistinguishable to the naked eye broke out, but it was a terrible wave of energy. The poor masters of the family did not even have a chance to react, so they were slashed into the sky by Wan Dong's palm. After the landing, they couldn't even find a complete body.

"What! Brother Fu ..."

When Tu Muqi thought that such a thing would happen, the whole person was a little dumbfounded, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, full of horror and confusion.

"Who is your Fu brother?"

Looking at Qi Xuan who was pale, Wan Dong's face showed a cold sneer.

As soon as Tu Muqi listened, his face changed again. Wan Dong turned and pointed to Fu Ling's body, coldly said, "That's your Fu brother!"

"Ah !? Who are you?" Seeing Fu Ling's body, Tu Muqi couldn't help it, and he shivered tremblingly, quickly withdrew his sword, and asked with a wary look.

"The Tangping Pingjia family was actually colluded with the blood skeleton. I didn't see it with my own eyes. I really can't believe it. The Pingjia family reversed its actions and dug its own grave!" Wan Dong said, slowly approaching Tumuqi . The invisible coercion was like building a mountain on Tu Muqi's shoulders, making his legs tremble.

"No matter who you are, today is your death!"

Tu Muqi stepped back a few steps, his face suddenly sharpened, his sword in his hand turned into a cold and cold mountain, stab straight to Wan Dong's heart.

"Just because you want to kill me? Joke!"

Wan Dong hurried forward a few steps, and at the moment Jian Guang was about to reach his body, his fingers suddenly waved a clip, only to hear a crisp sound, Tu Muqi's sword edge was actually stabilized by Wan Dong's **** Clamped firmly.

Tu Muqi used all his strength to feed on the milk, but he couldn't make Jian Feng push forward even an inch.

"Why don't you go and make a front stop for Ping Sihai, I believe it won't take long before he will come to you!"

After speaking, Wandong's fingers were suddenly hard, and Tumuqi's long sword couldn't bear it immediately. With a snap, he made two cuts. Wandong's fingers sandwiched the broken sword and moved forward like a cold wind The figure of Tu Muqi went wrong.

Wan Dong's movements were too fast, and as soon as Tu Muqi didn't even feel the pain of death, the whole person had completely lost consciousness.

After losing the **** broken sword, Wan Dong turned to Qi Xuan to look over. At this time, Qi Xuan was like being beaten with a stick, and the whole person was blinded. Until Wan Dong came to him, Qi Xuan slowly returned to Shen'er.

"You ... aren't you the killer of the blood skeleton?" All this is too dramatic for Xuan Xuan. Even the ups and downs of life are not enough to describe.

Wan Dong smiled and pointed to the black robe on his body. "No, I borrowed this dress."

Qi Xuan subconsciously looked at Fu Ling's body, but he couldn't help crying and laughing. If people in the world borrow things like Wan Dong, how crazy is the world? -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16438161->

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