Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1204: Kill back to Qijiazhuang!

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However, it was Fu Ling, the blood skeleton killer, Qi Xuan certainly would not feel that Wan Dong's approach was wrong. [Sogou, 360, sososearch downloaded and nodded for free, saying, "I haven't asked my son's name yet ..."

Killing Fu Ling, slamming Muqi, is definitely something that Qi Xuan wants to do, but it is difficult to do, but Wan Dong not only did it, but it is still so relaxed and unstoppable, which makes Qi Xuan to Wan Dong Identity, surprisingly curious.

Wan Dong pondered for a moment, and said, "Don't worry who I am, I ask you, have you ever entered the treasure of trial?"

"Ah, 3f you ... how do you know where?" Wan Dong's words made Qi Xuan startled and asked with a shudder. "No, you ... are you cheating me?"

Qi Xuan's expression made Wan Dong more sure of his guess and asked, "Do you know Xiao Lang, right?"

"Young Master Xiao ... who the **** are you?" When Wan Dong shouted Xiao Lang's name, Qi Xuan's face immediately filled with a strong vigilance, a trace of murderousness, brewing in his eyes, there was a discovery that was wrong, It must end up with Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "You don't have to be nervous, Xiao Lang is my brother's worship, I'm definitely not harming him."

"Really?" Qi Xuan lowered his guard a little, but he didn't completely let go.

Wan Dong yelled again and said, "And I know that you can't enter the Trial Treasure Land, because your cultivation practice has reached the initial stage of the heavenly standard."

"Yes! This is the biggest secret of the treasure of trial. If you are not Brother Xiao's brother, it is impossible to know this." Until this time, Qi Xuan did not believe Wan Dong completely, and his mind was completely relaxed.

"This son, if it weren't for you today, my life would definitely be lost here, please Qi Xuan to worship!"

Wan Dong hurriedly helped Qi Xuan to live, saying, "Since you are Brother Xiao's friend, it is naturally my friend. It is reasonable to save you. But Uncle Qi, what happened here, how could the family be Collusion with blood skeletons? "

Qi Xuan did not answer, but first issued a heavy and abnormal sigh, his face even more distressed. After a moment, steadying his emotions, Qi Xuan was about to speak, and suddenly there was a very rapid horn sound in the air.

Hearing the sound of the horn, Qi Xuan's complexion suddenly changed, and he rushed to Wandong Road. "This is the assembly of the Ping family's trumpet. It must be what happened, otherwise it will not be blown."

Wan Dong frowned, and asked, "What else can happen? Didn't all your Qi family disciples move to the treasure of trial, and you are safe ..."

"No! I'm worried that the children couldn't bear to leave me, and then they came back. In that case, they just fell into the encirclement of the family and blood skeletons. Son, you do n’t know , My daughter, and Xuehong and Xueqing two brothers and sisters, at the beginning, they said they would n’t go, and finally they were forced to die by me, so they had to go. They are likely to be stupid and come back ... "

"Wait! You just mentioned Xueqing, is it Hu Xueqing?" Wan Dong asked in a hurry.

Qi Xuan looked up at Wan Dong in surprise, and asked, "Why, son, do you know Xue Qing?"

"That's right! Uncle Qi, you go first, I'll go and see!" Hu Dongqing may be caught in the encirclement, and Wan Dong is not calm.

"Son son, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm a greedy life-and-death man?" Qi Xuan's words to Wan Dong are not slow, and the voice hasn't landed yet, he has turned his body and turned towards him The direction of time flew away.

Wan Dong smiled without stopping, and then followed.

Qi Xuan's temperament is not small, and he clearly knows that Wan Dong has followed him, but he refused to return his head. He just said dullly, "You must be careful when you get there. Although there are a large number of masters, they ca n’t be stronger than Tumuqi. The most terrifying is the blood skeleton killer, especially the strongest one called Rongqi, which is probably the first-level strongman of Shinto Realm. "

Wan Dong chuckled lightly, without words, to deal with such a third-rank family as Qi family, using the first-class strong of Shinto realm, it was really a little overkill. It seems that the Ping family does not want the Qi family to spread their collusion with the blood skeleton.

The situation of the Ping family is different from that of the Lin family. There is no unified city. The Qi family and the He family of the Sanpin family surround the Du'e Mountain. They occupy a place and arbitrarily distribute it, forming a small town. Each small city is the exclusive sphere of influence of the major families. In addition to the family, if any other family wants to step in, it needs the approval of the local family.

The Qijiazhuang built by the Qi family, in the Sanpin family under the jurisdiction of the Ping family, can only be regarded as medium in size, and in these years, because the Qi Xuan and the outside elder Tu Muqi of the Ping family were incompatible, the Qi family was crowded out and the Qi family Not only did Zhuang not expand, but he was compressed a lot.

In any case, Qi Jiazhuang has always been the home of Qi Xuan, but at this time, here is a sword and sword shadow, and the fire is so high that it has almost turned into a ruin.

"Huo Tongyun, the river flows!"

As soon as he approached Qijiazhuang, Qi Xuan's teeth snapped, and a burning anger was sprayed in his eyes.

Following Qi Xuan's gaze, Wan Dong saw a group of people shoving a rotten, blood-stained young man, and came out from the other direction. It seemed that like Wan Dong, they were also preparing to enter Qijiazhuang. Although Wan Dong did not know Huo Tongyun and the river flow, it is expected that the two of them must be among this group of people.

Unlike Huo Tongyun's cold face, Jiang Shui Liu frowned tightly, and his face was heavy. The gaze was constantly on the young man's body, as if he was hesitating.

"Wait!" Jiang Shuiliu seemed to have made a decision and suddenly raised his hand to stop the entire team.

Huo Tongyun's face immediately showed a trace of impatience, saying, "What are you going to do with the river?"

Jiang Shuiliu touched his nose and smiled bitterly. He said to Huo Tongyun, "Brother Huo, do we really want to hand over He Jun to Mr. Rong? You need to know that once we do this, it means that we killed this by hand." Child. Don't forget, He Jun grew up watching us. "

"Nonsense! It's still using you to say, don't I know? But you don't forget, it's not that we are going to kill this kid, it's his father who is stubborn and ignorant of current affairs, can we blame us? Besides, Mr. Rise Do you dare to disobey the order? He is a blood-skeleton gold sword-level killer. He may have killed more people than you and I have seen! "Huo Tongyun stared at him.

Jiang Shuiliu had just stabilized his expression, and immediately hesitated to struggle again.

Huo Tongyun grabbed his arm and pulled him closer, lowering his voice and said, "Brother Jiang, I have to persuade you that the He family and the Qi family are over. If you want to follow their mistakes, just accept Take your lady's heart! At least, don't hurt me! "

"You two black and white, heartless and heartless dog thieves, some kind of kill the young man now!" Although He Jun was not very young, but he was very stiff, and suddenly struggling to reach Huo Tongyun He Jiang scolded in exile.

"Little bastard!" Huo Tongyun angered, and flashed his hand on his face. The corner of He Jun's mouth suddenly cracked, blood dripped, and his clothes were red.

"It's time to die, and his mother's mouth is hard, just like your father, it's stinky and hard!"

Facing the fierce and evil Huo Tongyun, He Jun's face was not afraid, but he didn't even blink his eyes. Huo Tongyun's eyes widened, and his eyes widened even bigger.

"Huo Tongyun, Xiaoye curse you must not die!"

"Hi! My **** can't cure you yet?" Huo Tongyun snorted with a murderous look across his face, his palms raised again.

Jiang Shuiliu flashed and stood in front of He Jun, holding Huo Tongyun's palm in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Huo, he is just a child, why are you embarrassing him? Besides, really put him I was killed, I am afraid it is not good to explain to Mr. Rising. "

"Jiangshui Liu! Your kindness, really makes me sick!" Huo Tongyun snorted coldly and took back his palm resentfully.

Jiang Shuiliu turned his head to look at He Jun. He seemed to have something to say, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back again, but only gave a helpless sigh.

"Hurry up, Mr. Ryo's patience is limited!"

"Huo Tongyun, rivers and streams, you two animals, even a child, it's a waste of humanity!"

Huo Tongyun was about to turn into Zhuang, Qi Xuan scolded and flew.

"Uncle Qi!"

Seeing Qi Xuan, He Jun groaned with tears in his eyes. In any case, He Jun is still a child who has not yet grown up. All this is too cruel and heavy for him.

Looking at his body covered with scars, He Jun was a blood man. Qi Xuan was also distressed, and his tears kept spinning in his eyes. Everyone is loyal to the family, and getting along in private is relatively pleasant. Especially Qi Xuan and He Fei came to know each other. He Jun is not only the one Qi Xuan looks at growing up, but also the care of him. In the eyes of Qi Xuan, He Jun is almost as important as Qi Jie.

"Jun'er, Uncle Qi is late, let you suffer!" Looking at He Jun, Qi Xuan's heart seemed to be hurt by an invisible hand.

He Jun shook his head like a rattle and said, "Uncle Qi, it doesn't matter if Jun'er suffers a little bit. The key is my mother ... my mother ..."

"What's wrong with your mother?" Qi Xuan's heart sank suddenly, only to feel that all his hair was standing up.

"Hey ... Let me tell you. Now Hejiabao has turned into a sea of ​​fire. Except for this kid, there is no one left, it has been completely rejected!" Huo Tongyun said with a sneer.

Upon hearing Huo Tongyun's words, Qi Xuan only felt that his blood was frozen. The reason why He Feilai fell into the hands of Rongqi is because of his coincidence, he happened to be a guest in Qijiazhuang. Qi Xuan kept thinking that after escaping from the encirclement, he must warn the He family, even if He Fei could not be saved, he would also save his family.

However, Qi Xuan did not expect that the action to suppress Qi Jiazhuang in Qing Dynasty was carried out simultaneously with He Jiabao in Qing Dynasty ... -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16458489->

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