Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1205: One move to kill!

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"Yes ... did you do it?" Qi Xuan's eyes turned into a red, as if bleeding, the unprecedented hatred, words are indescribable, only one point, even if Huo Tongyun broke corpses today, it is difficult Dispel this hatred in case. 77nt.Com Qianqian Novel Network (This chapter is updated by Just Love Book Online 92Ks.Com) The fastest update

"Uncle Qi, they did it! They killed my grandfather, uncle, uncle, and also killed my mother! Uncle Qi, they are beasts, they are all beasts!" Qi Xuan asked, He Jun almost collapsed on the spot, Lines of blood and tears rolled down his cheeks. That kind of sorrow, that kind of despair, can't be imagined, what the young He Jun experienced in Hejiabao.

"Huo Tongyun, rivers and waters, you two hybrids who have suffered a thousand knives, I won't kill you today, it's hard to understand!" Hearing the **** accusation from He Jun, Qi Xuan couldn't hold himself anymore. The murderous air burst out of him like a volcanic eruption.

"Want to kill us? Qi Xuan, your head is broken, just because you can kill both of us? Hey ... Brother Jiang, it's rare that Qi Xuan throws himself in the net, and white gives us a head start. How, I Carry forward the style and give him up to you? "Huo Tongyun seemed to hear a huge joke, his straight smile couldn't even close his mouth.

The face of the river was sinking, and Huo Tongyun was ignored. Instead, he turned his gaze to Qi Xuan with a complex expression and said, "Brother Qi, to this point, it is definitely not what Jiang wants. If you are willing to change your mind now , Even if Jiang died on his knees in Du'e Mountain, he asked the Ping Family Master to forgive you ... "

"Fart! The person who should ask for forgiveness is he is the same, you are! It is right or wrong, black and white, even if it is living in this world, what is the point?" Qi Xuan said just before Jiang Liushui finished speaking. Break it with a blast.

The river was dark, and his mouth opened to want to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh, his expression was full of loneliness.

"Jiang Liushui, what do you have to say to him? Since you don't want this skill, then I'm welcome! The surname is Qi, take the trick!"

Huo Tongyun snorted coldly and was about to start, but someone was faster than him. I saw a violent wind rushing, followed by a scream of screams from the sky. Huo Tongyun looked back, his eyes almost glared out, and the masters of the Huo family and the Jiang family, as if they were racing, fell down in a hurry. The blink of an eye fell to the ground. (Just love to read the book network)

"Lao Wu, Qi Jun, what the **** are you doing, hurry up and stand up for me?" Huo Tongyun didn't figure out the situation for a while, and he scolded.

"Hum, I'm afraid they can't stand up in their lives." Wan Dong appeared with a sneer.

"Where did you guy come from? What do you mean by that ..."

"Brother Huo!" Huo Tongyun's roar had not yet landed, and the river's exclamation sounded.

"What's the matter?" Huo Tongyun looked back impatiently, only to find that Jiang Liushui's face seemed to be covered with a thick layer of foundation, pale, and he could not see even the slightest color. Huo Tongyun's mind couldn't help sinking, and he followed his eyes subconsciously, only listening to a burst of soft sounds, the blood on the chests of the eldest five, Qi Jun, and others seemed like a fountain. When he came out, the height of the direct shot was a foot, and even the fool could see that most of them could not survive.

In order to show his loyalty to the Ping family and show his blood skeletons, the person Huo Tongyun brought out this time did not have a mediocre hand, and as a result, he was utterly and utterly killed by Wan Dong, and Huo Tongyun was not surprised.

The same is true for rivers and rivers. At this time, some of them could not believe their eyes, and their expressions were dull.

"Uncle Qi, there is no time to talk nonsense with them!" Wan Dong snorted lightly and turned to look at Uncle Qi.

Huo Tongyun, the rivers and rivers were shocked, and Qi Xuan's mind was also endless. In my heart, the estimate of Wan Dong has increased by several grades. I sighed in my heart, no wonder that Wan Dong dare to create Qijiazhuang alone, it turned out to be a bold artist!

"You ... who the **** are you?" Huo Tongyun hadn't put Wan Dong in his eyes. At this time, Wan Dong's eyes were full of fear.

"Since you are willing to join in with the family and become a blood skeleton dog, then you have to bear the consequences!"

After all, Wan Dong's body suddenly grew, and he pushed towards Huo Tongyun.

Huo Tongyun was so shocked that he kept busy to the fullest, and his palms were simultaneously split into a tremendous amount of strength. He only wished to beat Wandong into a minced meat before he could be completely at ease.

Huo Tongyun can escape from death with the power of breastfeeding? He thinks too naive! As soon as Huo Tongyun moved, Wan Dong followed, and with a slap, he did not see any earth-shattering power, but it was an invisible and powerful force, but it was the destructive power of Huo Tongyun's Wanjun. Swept away. Without giving Huo Tongyun any breathing opportunities, Wan Dong rubbed his body forward, his right palm like a heavy hammer, and slapped **** the shocked Huo Tongyun's chest.

In the hands of Wan Dong, the owner of the majestic Sanpin family, in the hands of Wan Dong, had not even walked through, he was smashed with his internal organs, and his eyes widened down. This fell, never stood up again.

"Good! It's good to kill!" Seeing Huo Tongyun fuzhu, Qi Xuan and He Jun shouted together, that is called a happy relief.

Where did Jiang Liushui think that Huo Tongyun was so vulnerable in Wan Dong's hand, and when he realized that something was wrong, Wan Dong's figure was already close to him. Wan Dong's fruit is fierce when he hugs the grass and beats the rabbit, which really makes Jiang Liushui feel cold.

When the conscious under the river was about to reject the enemy, Wan Dong's five fingers, like the devil's claws, suddenly choked his throat. At the moment when Wan Dong wanted to tighten his five fingers, Jiang Liushui shouted angrily, "Slow, I have something to say!"

"Hum! Last words? You are still rotten in your stomach, nobody wants to listen!"

Wan Dong's face was full of icy sneer, and the bone marrow of the rivers and rivers looking straight was frozen. How could he not imagine how a young man in his twenties could have such a terrifying and terrifying momentum?

"Brother Qi, let me finish my speech, and see it for you and I have a meeting!" Seeing Wan Dong made no sense, Jiang Liushui hurriedly turned his attention to Qi Xuan again.

In the end, Qi Xuan was a kind person, frowning lightly, and said to Wan Dongdao, "Master, let him finish talking."

Wan Dong was very respectful, and without much hesitation, he released the river.

Wandong's letting go, the river immediately retreated several steps back subconsciously, as if Wandong was a bomb that would explode at any time. I wish he could be as far away as possible from him.

"Jiang Liushui, just say what you want, and after that, you and I will be determined, and we will be enemies with each other!"

Jiang Liushui took a breath and settled and said to Wan Dong, "Brother Qi, you and I have a meeting, don't you know me yet, am I a kind of indifferent and murderer of friends? I ... I was really forced to do nothing but to do it, but even so, the people of Hejiabao, I did not kill one in the river. If you do n’t believe it, you can ask He Jun. "

Qi Xuan turned his head to look at He Jun. He Jun nodded gently, confirming the words of the river.

Qi Xuan glared and shouted, "Even so, what's the matter? Although you are not a murderer, you are also an accomplice! What to say is compelling? But you are greedy and afraid of death!"

Qi Xuan's words came out, like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of the river, making his face instantly pale.

Jiang Liushui lowered his head, and his voice was filled with sorrow. "Brother Qi, you said it well. I also hope to have the courage of Brother Qi, to completely break away from the family, but I am not you after all, I can't do it, I I really can't do it ... yes, I am a coward, I am a coward! "

With that, Jiang Liushui clenched his fists tightly, his nails pierced into the flesh, and blood dripped down the fist, showing the extreme pain in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Qi Xuan suddenly couldn't bear it, and had to continue to scold Jiang Liushui, but at this time, he became a little bit interested and just bored. He shook his head and said to Wan Dong, "Son, can you look at my face and spare him a life?"

Jiang Liushui was just a small person, Wan Dong did not care, waved his hand, and went with Qi Xuan.

Qi Xuan looked at the river and said, "I know that you ignore your conscience, not only do you not have enough courage, but more importantly, you care about the lives of your loved ones. But I want to remind you that you must continue to follow the family. It will be a road of no return, and it will also put your loved ones to death. Today we will not kill you. After you go back, think carefully! Let ’s go! "

"Brother Qi, I ..."

Jiang Liushui seemed to have something to say, but Qi Xuan waved his hand and didn't let him say it.

At this time, the sound of fighting within Qijiazhuang, instead of weakening, had a trend of continuous strengthening. Wan Dong couldn't wait, and Qixuan made a wink, and then swept into Qijiazhuang first.

"Hey ... Stinky girl, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no hell, you can run on your own, lie down for me!"

Soon after Wan Dong entered the village, he heard a wicked smile and rang in front of him. Wan Dong's eyes narrowed, and he immediately saw a bi-year-old young woman who was retreating to him while fighting. Over here.

The woman's body was covered with mottled blood stains, fearing that she might have suffered minor injuries. But the woman didn't mean to compromise at all. It was a rare decision to reveal something all over her body.

"You group of beasts, killed my father, I fight with you!"

Seeing that there was no retreat, the miraculous woman bit her silver teeth in despair, and no matter how many, she would rush into the enemy group and fight desperately with the enemy.

If her weak body fell into an enemy group, she was afraid that Yumin would die in a matter of minutes. Wandong hurried at the foot of the wind and went up with the wind, holding her wrist from behind.


Qi Jie never dreamed that someone behind her would sneak attack, and the other party ’s high level made her terrible. She did n’t even have time to make a response, and her wrist fell into the hands of others. Involuntarily shouted ... -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16458491->

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