Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1221: Evil to the sky!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Is n’t the Ping family ambitious, and they are embarrassed with the blood skeleton? That sword of Ping is the first price that the Ping family must pay!


Without any suspense, Wan Dong's palm, like an iron hammer, slammed into Ping Yijian's chest. The room is full of energy, and there is a lot of gold in the distance. It looks like it is a layer of pure gold for Ping Yijian. The momentum has become Ping Yijian's swan song in this world.

Rolling and dancing, Ping Yijian is like the boat that was ups and downs in the stormy waves, not to mention Pingwan Marriott, even Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang are both worried about it.

It's hard to imagine that Ping Yijian could survive from such a strong and overbearing palm. Ping Marriott's heart almost didn't jump out of his throat. A hysterical scream came out, and Ping Marriott ’s palms seemed to cramp, dancing in succession, countless strength, swaying in the sky, like a man-made heavy rain, spreading directly from Wandong Falling. Seen like this, Ping Marriott will never let go if he does not split Wan Dongsheng into meat.

It's just that Ping Marriott wants to kill Wandong, but it's not that easy! In fact, Wan Dong has already started to move after he fought with a sword. The true meaning of the wind instantly ignited to ten percent, Wan Dong's figure suddenly became misty and unpredictable. A gust of wind fluttered in the palm of his mind.

After calming down the anger in Marriott's heart, and calming down a bit, he was shocked to find that, under such a crazy offensive, Wan Dong, although slightly embarrassed, was unscathed!

A small celestial realm at the first stage, actually able to be in a godly realm, is almost unscathed under a nearly offensive offensive. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, I am afraid there are not many people who can believe it. The strong man couldn't help but sigh in his heart, that there was such a young man who was almost wicked!

"Little bastard, if I don't break your corpse to pieces today, I will marry Ping Marriott not to be a man!"

Ping Marriott just calmed down some of his anger and was inspired again after discovering that Wan Dong was safe and sound. Once his body shape rose, he had to pounce on Wan Dong again. The strong man named Xie hurriedly dragged him.

If it were n’t for Xie ’s coveted candles, Ping Yijian would n’t bet with Wei Shaoqing. If the two did n’t bet, the next thing would n’t happen. Think about it, Ping Marriott directly transferred all of his anger to the surname Xie. Seeing the surname Xie came to block it, he glared at him unkindly, and even in his eyes, there was even a murderous secret.

The strong clothing surnamed Xie knew what Ping Yijian meant to Pingjia. At this time, his expression was a little sullen. He coughed and said, "Brother Ping, now is not the time to rush to take revenge. I just looked at the Pingjiazi as if he had a breath. If rescued in time, there may be rescues ... "

A word to wake up the dreamer! The surname Xie hadn't finished speaking, Ping Marriott had turned anxiously to look at Ping Yijian, this look, Ping Marriott's whole body of hair fell upright. Ping Yijian did have a breath, and after struggling, he was struggling to sit up halfway. Although it looks like golden paper and has very few vitalities, as long as he still has a breath, then with the ability of the family, there is a possibility of saving him. Even if there is no complete cure, as long as Ping Yijian is alive, his sins will be relieved. What Ping Wanwan had never dreamed of was that, taking advantage of the arguing between him and Xie, Wan Dong was like a hungry wolf smelling a **** smell, but he quietly touched Ping Yiyi again. .

At this time, Ping Yijian is already as fragile as infants and children. Where can it stand up to Wan Dong's second round of "Ravaged"? Ping Marriott didn't even think that Wan Dong would be so ruthless, failing to hit the second kill immediately, and immediately issued a second blow, and still in the face of his master, this is not just to kill a sword, It even flattened Marriott's face!

Not to mention Ping Marriott, even the strong man with the surname Xie was stunned when he saw it, and his heart was breathless.

When Ping Marriott responded, Wan Dong had almost reached Ping Yijian. The ridiculous Ping Yijian obviously hadn't eased from the blow just now. Where did he sit halfway, stupid, completely unaware, The **** of death has come.

"Dog mongrel, dare you!"

Ping Marriott's mouth could not help but let out a trembling scream, and the whole person seemed to be crazy and staggered. The hair, which was originally bound well, was completely messed up and fluttered like a lion's mane running wildly.

It's a pity that Ping Marriott didn't practice the lion roar, even if he broke his throat at this time, he didn't want to stop Wan Dong. I saw Wan Dong's fingers together, breaking through the sky, and more than a dozen flashes of Jinmang's wind, and immediately screamed out, different from each other, and fell on Ping Yijian's body. When every wind falls, Ping Yijian will spit out a mouthful of blood, more than ten fingers, and more than ten mouths of blood. Such a blow, even when Ping Yijian is full, may not be able to withstand it, let alone he has reached the time of dissipation.

And Ping Marriott can only watch this happen, even if it is anxious, but there is no way to stop it! He hasn't experienced this helplessness and the feeling of fright and panic since he was trained to upgrade to the middle level of Shinto realm.

"I slaughtered you ..." Ping Marriott even had the thought of tearing Wan Dong alive. In the roar, howling directly at Wandong.

"Hey ... First take care of your young master, maybe there is a rescue!" Wan Dong Yi was not afraid, and kicked the body of Ping Yijian out of his body with his legs raised.

Ping Marriott's anger turned into anger, but Ping Yijian may still be saved, but his mind could not help but rejuvenated. Ping Sihai entrusted Ping Yijian's safety to him. If Ping Yijian died, where would he have his face to return to Ping's home again, and see Ping Sihai again?

Although Ping Marriott was extremely angry, he was eaten by Wan Dong. No matter what Wan Dong said was true or false, he could only turn around and pounce on Ping Yijian.

No longer ignoring Ping Marriott, Wan Dong turned around and flew back, and stood in front of Wei Shaoqing.

At this time, Wei Shaoqing's face can be described as 'dead ashes'! He thought that after his period of hard work in hell, his cultivation became soaring. When facing Wandong, he couldn't be ashamed, but after seeing Wan Dongcai's shot, he only knew that he was whimsical!

His progress is indeed not small, but Wandong's progress is even greater! Instead of getting closer, the two are getting farther and farther away. For a time, Wan Dong seemed to be an unattainable peak standing in front of Wei Shaoqing, making him breathless.

Ping Yijian's encounter with Peace Marriott, the strong man named Xie, all looked at him. He didn't want Wei Shaoqing to achieve the same level as Ping Yijian, and he didn't want to turn himself into Ping Marriott. Ping Marriott ’s status in the Ping family is not low, and he is the elder of Ping Sihai. He does not take care of Ping Yijian, and there may be room for change, but he is different! If Wei Shaoqing has three longs and two shorts, and there is only one waiting for his end, that is-die!

At the sight of Wan Dong meeting Wei Shaoqing, the strong man named Xie immediately became nervous and hurriedly leaned over to Wei Shaoqing, protecting him only, and staring at Wan with vigilance. Don't let go.

Seeing this, Wan Dong smiled slightly and said, "What's going on? Doesn't the gambling game continue?"

The strong man named Xie was shocked in his heart, and only wished that he could dissect Wan Dong and study it in detail. Why did other young people see him with trembling when they saw him, but Wandong disregarded him so much? Although it is a devil, but the devil is too unforgiving!

"Boy, you are so brave! Ping Yijian dares to kill, are you not afraid of Ping Wanhao breaking you up?"

Wan Dongxie laughed and whispered, "I'm afraid that even if Ping Wanjun breaks my corpse into pieces, it's hard to dispel his hatred. It's just a pity that he can't care about me now."

"What?" The strong man with the surname Xie was stunned, his face puzzled.

"Fuck king bastard! What the **** did you do to a sword !?" Before the voice of the strong clothing surnamed Xie had landed, he heard a scream of anger from Ping Wanhao, and rushed over like a crazy lion The staring eyes couldn't shoot a bullet, turning Wandong into a fishing net.

Wan Dong shook his head and smiled, "It seems that your realm is still not high enough, and I can't even see what means I use. I advise you to bring Ping Yijian to find a master above the Shinto Peak Realm." If you have time, you may be able to save a sword and a life, otherwise he will really be buried here. "

"You and I……"

Ping Wanwan wanted to be angry, but before he sent it out, Wan Dong glared back at him with a cold eye. "You just yell at me here, and you will miss the best time for treatment. The one who killed Ping Yijian It ’s you, not me! ”

Hearing Wan Dong's words, Ping Marriott suddenly lost his temper and gave Wan Dong a fierce look. He didn't greet Xie's and Wei Shaoqing. He held Ping Yijian and the meteor flew away like a moon.

Watching Ping Marriott disappeared, the strong man named Xie suddenly woke up to God, and looked at Wan Dong with shock, saying, "You ... you didn't even plan to kill Ping Yi from the beginning. Sword, you hurt him instead of killing, leaving a breath in order to transfer away Ping Marriott and get rid of a strong enemy for you ?! "

Figured out this joint, the strong man named Xie, his face was immediately covered with indescribable shock!

Wan Dong was so young that he had such a cultivation practice, which shocked him very much, but he never imagined that Wan Dong's wits and wits were so terrible in a dangerous situation! Such a young man, the strong clothing surnamed Xie does not feel terrible!

Only after Wei Shaoqing thought about it, did he understand the key to it. A face also changed suddenly. The deep-seated fear of Wandong in his heart was an unstoppable madness, and he took Wandong as if The number one enemy in my life! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 16797269->

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