Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1222: The surname Xie wants to cry!

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"Who said I didn't plan to kill Ping Yijian?" When the strong man named Xie Xie and Wei Shaoqing stared at each other in surprise, Wan Dong suddenly said coldly, and immediately made the two feel a wave of extremes again. Strong chill, straight into the heart.

"You ..." The strong clothing surnamed Xie's lips shuddered, and he spit out a note. The shocked color between the eyebrows could no longer be concealed.

Wan Dong sneered and said, "You are so sure that I am telling the truth? Really think that you can save a Ping Yi sword if you find a strong Shinto Peak Realm? Hahaha ... If it were not you, you were too naive, it was too silly!"

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, the strong man named Xie couldn't help but shudder. Yes, everything is said by Wan Dongkong, how can I believe it? It must have been doubtful in Marriott's mind. But even if he doubted again, he still had to do what Wan Dong said. Could it be that Ping Yijian's vitality was cut off just because he was suspicious? Knowing that it is not credible, but can't believe it, knowing that this trace of hope is insignificant, but it still needs to be firmly grasped at all costs. This is simply a tragedy for Ping Marriott. But at the same time, it also shows Wan Dong's terrible!

Not only will Ping Wanhao be transferred away, but he has no time to avenge himself, but he will die! This calculation is too deep and terrible! Wandong has dealt with Ping Marriott in this way, how will he deal with himself? The strong man named Xie couldn't help but shuddered again, his hands and feet cold.

The strong clothing surnamed Xie kept reminding himself in his heart that, of course, he must have a spirit of 120,000, and he must never go to Wandong's path. But the smile that never disappeared on Wandong's face made him feel nothing. In the face of Wan Dong, he was even more saddened than letting him face a strong person who was higher than his own Shinto Peak Realm. This feeling is more than what the word "awkward" can describe.

Can't be passive like this anymore! The strong man with the surname Xie has a ruthless heart and decides to start strong first! Since there is no chance of playing a game, then use one's own strengths to attack the other, and resolve Wandong by force!

To be practical, it is still smart to adopt this method with the surname Xie! But he didn't expect that Wandong's means are far more than he thought!

Seeing the surname Xie, the strong man in the suit took the lead in killing, and Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang hurried over together side by side. Solved the Ping Marriott Peace Sword, which has surprised Ling Tianhua's brothers and sisters, which is equivalent to cutting the danger of two points, and cutting the point by one point, which also means that their probability of survival is greatly improved. Doubled. As long as you fight, then everything is very promising!

"Why, don't you plan to continue the game? Don't you want the candle shade?" Wan Dong asked with a cold smile.

The surname Xie snorted, and said in secret, "Kill you, the candle can't run away!"

"It seems that if I want to get Tian Yi Cao, I have to kill myself first?" Wan Dong's eyes turned to Wei Shaoqing, which caused Wei Shaoqing to panic.

Upon hearing this, the surname Xie raised a bit of anger when he was neutral, but he didn't expect that Wan Dong was even thinking about their days when they were playing with candles. This is ridiculously ridiculous!

"Then you come and kill it!" The strong man with the surname Xie's eyes narrowed, his palms flicked suddenly, and he was like a dragon's strength, and immediately swept away. A strong man in the middle of the Shinto realm, when faced with a younger generation who is far weaker than himself, even took the lead in disregarding his face. If this is spread, the face of the surname Xie must be swept away. However, all of them are involuntarily in the clothing strongman. He even feels that if he does not take the first shot, he may not even have the chance to take the shot.

In any case, the strong man with the surname Xie shot, and as soon as he shot, it was ten percent. The sky and sand danced wildly like a black wind, even the light was blocked, and the world was dark.

The strong man with the surname Xie seems to have seen that Wan Dong's physical skills are not good, he simply does not give him too much space for activities, and as soon as he came up, he exhibited such a screen-like attack that was almost ridiculous. If you change to an opponent who is equivalent to a strong suit, this type of attack is simply suicide. Not to mention the difference in attack power, it will cause great loss to itself, which is really unwise. But for the Wan Wandong, the Ling family's brothers and sisters, who are far less inferior to the strong clothing, such tricks are downright suppression!

Wan Dong didn't feel anything, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang could not bear it first, especially Ling Wushuang, a pretty face was covered with pain and horror, under such an offensive, she even Thirty percent of the self-cultivation can't be displayed.

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters were no longer able to support, Wan Dong waved his hand to sacrifice the samurai sword and danced a **** sword awn, and directly covered the two brothers and sisters under their swords together, resisting the offensive of the strong man with their own strength.

Seeing that the three of Wandong seemed to be under control and could not get out, Wei Shaoqing ’s mind was calm, and he could not wait to say to the strong man named Xie, "Xie Lao, you must kill this kid, and you must not stay. Hold him! "

Wan Dong really made Wei Shaoqing feel dreaded, even fearful. If he could not see Wan Dong killed, he was afraid that the rest of his life would be peaceful!

Isn't the strong man named Xie thinking so? But he discovered more and more that killing Wandong was not as easy as he thought! Even now, although his palm strength has completely covered Wan Dong, but want to kill Wan Dong for a while, it is impossible!

After getting in touch with Wandong, the strong clothing surnamed Xie's real combat power against Wandong finally has a tangible experience, not inferior to any strongman at the beginning of Shinto Realm! How can a celestial elementary beginner play the same strength as the Shinto leader? At this point, even the strong clothing surnamed Xie couldn't understand it.

But Wei Shaoqing's words, he agreed in his heart that Wan Dong must die!

"Lie down !!!"

The strong man named Xie gritted his teeth, and the offensive instantly violently scored three points. The **** swordman's stubborn support in Feisha's walking stone shook obviously, and seemed to have a posture of collapse at any time.

The strong man named Xie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that Wan Dong has indeed reached the limit. Although beyond his imagination, it is still within the scope of his suppression.

Seeing this, Wei Shaoqing was also very pleased with a smile on his face.

However, before Wei Shaoqing's smile spread on his face, he suddenly froze. Hearing a trembling dragon-yin only for a moment, he was almost shocked. Immediately afterwards, there was a huge white fire dragon, as if crossing a fissure in time and space, suddenly burst out. As soon as the white fire dragon appeared, the terrifying power suddenly swept away. The strong man named Xie had not yet reacted, and was swept back by the power of the white dragon, almost sitting on the ground without a buttocks. Very embarrassed. As for his ‘sandstone and black wind’ that covered the sky and the sun, it instantly disappeared, and heaven and earth returned to the clear again, but there was a majestic white dragon that circled and danced.

Wan Dong wanted to support more for a moment, and then summoned Dinglong, but the strong man named Xie was indeed stronger than he thought. By this time, he was really irresistible and could only call Out of the dragon.

"Where did this dragon come from?" The strong man with the surname Xie thought he had control of everything. Who would have suddenly jumped out of a white giant dragon, which surprised him that the Six Gods had no Lord, and all his faces White.

This is still true of the strong clothing surnamed Xie, as are Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang. Although in the ordinary world, Ling Wushuang had the honour to witness Dinglong once, but Dinglong at that time was far less powerful than it is now, and it also brought deep shock to Ling Wushuang. Fortunately, the brothers and sisters found that this Dinglong seemed invincible to Wandong, but it was very kind, which gradually relaxed his mind.

"Sorry, I'm disturbing you to enjoy the gluttonous feast, but this old boy is really difficult to deal with, so I can only give him to you!"

Although Dinglong defeated Yinglong, but Yinglong's combat power, Yomo is equivalent to a Shinto peak realm powerhouse, and Dinglong's victory is not easy. Presumably Dinglong's current combat power, Yomo is at this level. In addition, although the fairy beast has spirituality, no one is cunning after all. The two mid-level powers of the Shinto realm are definitely more difficult than a Yinglong peak realm. That's why Wandong didn't release Dinglong to deal with Xie's Peace Marriott in the beginning, but first designed the reason to transfer Ping Marriott away. If it was not for such considerations, Wandong would be happy to keep Ping Marriott's life together.

Dinglong is enjoying the inner core of Yinglong very happily, and was called out by Wandong's abruptly. However, these irritations did not dare to attack Wandong at all. The leader twisted, and his fierce eyes immediately locked the surname Xie.

"You ... can you still summon the dragon !?"

At this time, even the surnamed Xie could hear his voice trembling. Although he felt a little embarrassed, the surname Xie was totally uncontrollable. This is really amazing! Dragon, what a noble and powerful existence? The first stage of a small celestial lattice can be summoned at will, which is almost the same as the night of the fantasy.

"How do you feel pleasantly surprised?" Wan Dong asked with a smirk.

Surprise? I am afraid that the surname is Xie. At this time, I even have a heart crying.

Perhaps it is remembered that the core of Yinglong was hanging, Dinglong's performance was very simple, and there was a dragon roar, even the chance of nonsense was not given to the surname. The huge mountainous body twisted and rushed towards the surname. Regardless of the offensive, the sound of the wind caused by Dinglong Flying Thunder was thunderous and thrilling!

Where does the surname Xie dare to have a little slack? With a strange cry, he waved his hands hurriedly and managed to welcome him ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 16797270->

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