Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"What's the matter, where is the heavy fog?" Shen Lian, who was standing on the high platform, was suddenly taken aback. The thick fog that danced in front of his eyes covered the sky and covered the sun. I saw the sea of ​​clouds. Patriotic Pine

There is no such change in the Eight Desolation Soul Formation. It is strange that Shen Lian is not surprised!

"The surname is Shen, I advise you to close it as soon as possible, so as not to get rid of it when you regret it!" Seeing a wave of unrest, Shen Lian's expression was even more chaotic, and Ling Tianhou sneered.

Shen Lianhuo turned his head and stared at Ling Tianhou, somberly said, "You are too pretentious! What if Mu Tiannan broke my Eight Desolation Soul Formation? His morale has been consumed by two full Sure, do you think he will be my opponent? By then, it will just take more effort. "

"Since this is the case, why do you panic like this?" Ling Tianhou was not frightened by Shen Lian's words. He sneered, but made Shen Lian's face slightly pale.

Too lazy to say more to Ling Tianhou, Shen Lian shouted Lu Xiong's name sharply around him! Lu Xiong led a blood-skeletal killer. He was trying his best to track down the "mysterious master". Hearing Shen Lian's call, he hurried back.

"Shen Gong, I waited for a while and did not find the mysterious Sacred Realm Strong ..."

Not waiting for Lu Xiong's report, Shen Lian interrupted him impatiently with a wave of his hand, condensing and saying, "There is no third Holy Soul Realm strongman in this valley, I think the one who caused this mess must be the one who did not know Where did the strange kid come from. Lu Xiong, you immediately took someone into the thick fog, and you must find out, Mu Tiannan, what the **** are they doing. "

"Yes!" Lu Xiong responded, and was about to leave. Suddenly, the world shook like a big earthquake, and Shen Lian and Lu Xiong's face changed at the same time.

"Shen Gong, what happened?" What happened so unusually made Lu Xiong's heart very unreliable.

Shen Lian's face was as thick as water, and she didn't answer. She held Qingtian with her hands and hacked out. Several palms, mighty, like a long dragon, flying in all directions. Upon seeing this, Lu Xiong was taken aback by surprise. Shen Lian naturally understood the meaning of this move.

"Shen Gong can't, many of our brothers are still active in the battle at this time, they haven't withdrawn their battlefields. Once the battle was launched in full swing, I'm afraid they will also encounter unexpected events!"

Lu Xiong was thinking about the blood skeleton killer scattered in the Eight Desolation Soul Formation, he was busy persuading Shen Lian, but Shen Lian did not pay any attention to it. Guanghua flew out.

Although Lu Xiong is dissatisfied, he dare not declare it to his lips, and can only pray for those blood skeleton killers in his heart. However, a moment later, what happened to Lu Xiong happened, and Shen Lian was busy with a big pass, but there was not even a trace of waves. As for the sky-high murderousness released by the full operation of the Eight Waste Destruction Soul Arrays, the shadow is gone. The world is quiet, in Lu Xiong's view, full of strangeness.

"Why ... how could this be? My connection with the Eight Desolation Soul Arrays was cut off!" Just when Lu Xiong was puzzled, Shen Lian suddenly exclaimed, and then an old face was all thickened. Owned by a deep horror.

Lu Xiong didn't respond at first, so he asked, "Shen Gong, what are you saying?"

"What did Mu Tiannan and the little hybrid do, why can't I have any more power to disturb the position?" This sudden change, even with a refined experience, can't help but panic, the voice is clearly translucent Shivering.

"No ... won't it?" Lu Xiong couldn't believe his ears, his expression was dull.

"Hahaha ... Shen Lian, this time I want to see, where else can you escape!"

When Shen Lian and Lu Xiong looked at each other and were surprised, Mu Tiannan laughed loudly. As a meteor swept from a distance, he reached ten feet in front of the platform in the blink of an eye.

Compared with the scorching head that was tortured by the Eight Wastes Soul Array before, Mu Tiannan at this time was like a different person. His eyes were shining, his spirit was vigorous, and when he looked far away, it was almost a general I adjusted myself to the best state, ready to fight the lion fighting the enemy.

"Mutiannan!" Shen Lian gritted his teeth and let out a roar, swept down the high platform, and confronted Mutiannan.

"Muru Mu, you must not let go of the devil with the surname Shen!" Ling Tianhou's tears were about to flow down when she saw Mu Tiannan coming, roaring with a trembling voice.

Mutian Nanchong Ling Tianhou nodded his head lightly, and immediately looked at Shen Lian's body, and looked at Shen Lian's body. It will make some shameless means. Now you and I face each other, dare you fight me? "

"Don't I be afraid of you? I was consumed by 20% of Dao Qi, you are no longer my opponent."

"Really? Hey ... Don't be too confident yourself, don't forget, your elaborately arranged Eight Desolation Soul Formation has just disappeared."

"Hum ... if I guessed right, it wasn't you who broke my Eight Desolate Soul Formations?"

"It turns out that you haven't gotten confused! I am Mu Tiannan who never disputes the merits of others. You are right. It is indeed someone else who broke the Eight Desolation Soul Formation!"

"Who the **** is the young man, let him come out, the old man must put him down!" Shen Lian roared angrily.

"Okay, isn't he there? I'll see if you have the ability to kill him."

Shen Lian couldn't contain his anger, but Mu Tiannan smiled and pointed at him behind him, then said.

"What !?" Shen Lian was taken aback by surprise and turned his head subconsciously. With this look, his surprised eyes almost didn't stare out. I don't know when, Wan Dong has already jumped onto the high platform, holding Ling Tianhou in his arms.

"Fuck king bastard! Lu Xiong, are you a dead man?" Ridiculously, Lu Xiong stood there like a wooden pile at this time. He didn't know that Wan Dong had reached behind him and rescued Ling Tianhou. Thanks to him, he is a master at the pinnacle of Shinto, and Shen Lian was scolded with rage.

When Lu Xiong heard Shen Lian's scolding, he woke up to Shen'er, and looking back, Wan Dong already held Ling Tianhou, jumped off the platform, and fled to the side!

"Come to die!"

Where does Shen Lian allow Wan Dong to rescue people from under his eyes? In a loud scream, five fingers condensed claws, Huo Ran grabbed it, bursting claw strength, turned into five ways, and poured out toward Wandong.

Such a terrible offensive seems to have turned into an army of thousands of horses, and it has to be turned into fly ash in a moment. Don't look at Mu Tiannan's smile on his face, but a heart is really tight. If it is not for him and Wan Dong have a plan, he can't help it.

If the offensive of the Holy Soul Realm depends on Wandong himself, it cannot be resisted. But since Wandong took over this porcelain job, there must be diamonds. Just when Shen Lian roared and galloped his claws, and when he was about to catch up with Wandong, Wandong's figure suddenly collapsed, and at the same time, he vacated a hand to shoot in the void continuously, and he flashed the strength of golden glory. Burst out.

"It's a bit of a skill, but in front of this seat, but a child's play! Break me!"

When Shen Lian saw this scene, a sneer came out of his mouth, and the five fingers spread out into a fist, and the five claws suddenly became one in the air, straightening into a tumbling mad dragon, wanting to turn Wandong The golden mango released was wiped out in one breath!

However, just as his claws were about to collide with the golden awns sacrificed by Wan Dong, the golden awns suddenly burst apart, turning into a little golden light, rushing in all directions, seemingly disorderly. go with.

For a moment, even Shen Lian couldn't figure it out. It wasn't until a clear golden net of energy suddenly appeared in the clear sky that Shen Lian realized that Wan Dong wasn't forced to do anything at all, but was struggling to die, but to provoke the situation.

But what kind of situation did Wan Dong provoke? When Shen Lian's entire body and mind were filled with this huge doubt, the golden giant net collided with Shen Lian's claws. Crazy Dragon's claw strength immediately began to struggle violently in the golden giant net. Shen Lian never believes that a little monk of the first stage of the grid can trap his claw strength! But facts are facts, even if Shen Lian ca n’t believe it anymore, he ca n’t change it.

The crazy dragon's claw strength dissipated and disintegrated at an alarming speed under the envelope of the golden giant net. It seemed that his claw strength was simply vulnerable. This made Shen Lian almost unimaginable. What kind of huge energy is contained in the 'gold net' spread by Wan Dong!

"Lu Xiong, take him to the old man!"

Shen Lian was shocked, but not too shocked, and soon reacted, roaring like a mad lion roaring.

Just now Shen Lian has scolded a dog blood sprinkler. No matter how well he behaves, Lu Xiong can't imagine the consequences he will encounter. Waiting for the deep roar to fall to the ground, Lu Xiong was like a sharp arrow off the string, slashing towards Wandong to kill.

Seeing the situation, Lu Xiong brought out the strength of feeding milk, and the quick words were indescribable. In a blink of an eye, the distance to Wandong has been reduced to less than three feet, and I can easily catch up with just one breath.

Lu Xiong was about to breathe a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, the figure in front of him suddenly flickered and disappeared into the air. This scene made Lu Xiong's hoarse hair stand upright. Such supernatural powers, even the strong man of his Shinto Peak Realm can't do it. No, even the stream of refining can never be done.

"That kid is a ghost !?" Lu Xiong's heart was chilling, and such an absurd thought flashed in his mind involuntarily. But if this idea is absurd, how can we explain what happened in front of us? Lu Xiong is completely messed up ...

Not only Lu Xiong, but also Shen Lian was a little bit confused. Wandong's actions are too weird to be discussed with common sense, is it a ghost? --by: dad856 | 55634 | 16927588->

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