Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1235: A lot of emotion!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Shen Gong, I ... I ..." Lu Xiong looked helplessly at Shen Lian, but he didn't know what to say for a while. Patriotic Pine

Shen Lian was not embarrassed to be too harsh on him. In the situation just now, it would be helpless to change to him. However, Shen Lian still didn't have a good face, and gave Lu Xiong a fierce glance, although he didn't scold, but this one was enough for Lu Xiong to worry for half a year.

"Good boy, I really have the ability!" When Lu Xiong and Shen Lianzheng were depressed, Mu Tiannan burst out a hearty laugh.

Shen Lian and Lu Xiong turned their heads subconsciously, and were immediately surprised to find that Wan Dong carrying Ling Tianhou appeared strangely beside Mu Tiannan. This was even more shocking than Wan Dong's sudden disappearance from Lu Xiong's front. They didn't even see from which direction Wandong went to Mu Tiannan. This is simply a fantasy for the strongest in Shinto Peak and Holy Soul Realm!

Wan Dong can no matter what Shen Lian and Lu Xiong feel in their hearts, smiling at Mutian South Road, "Where are the juniors have the ability, you are good to cooperate with senior Mu!"

"Ha ha ha ... stupid boy, why did you learn to slap it? What did I cooperate with, I just accompanied these two counselors to talk nonsense." Mu Tiannan's appreciation of Wan Dong was more and more The smile on his face was as if Wan Dong was his grandson.

"Hey ... Senior Mu, don't be humble. If it weren't for you, a master, who held their attention, where could I have succeeded so easily?" Wan Dong was very clever, plus Mu Tiannan surprised him He has a good impression. In a few words, Mu Tiannan's happy mouth closed again. If it was n’t for Wandong who was too young, he would have wished to worship Wandong. As for what should be accepted as Wandong, he didn't even think about it. Nothing else, just to be ashamed!

The strong man of the Holy Soul Realm seems to be very powerful in the eyes of others, but only those who are really in this realm will understand that this is really nothing. Above the Holy Soul Realm, there is still a sky, they are just a group of people standing on the ground. A qualification like Wandong is simply not something that a Holy Soul Realm can control. If it is not done properly, this excellent seedling will be destroyed. Then Mu Tiannan is a sinner forever. The old face was also lost to grandma's house!

"Tianhou, are you okay?" The three brothers of the Ling family, Ling Tianhou's temper to Mu Tiannan, Mu Tiannan's attitude towards him is much better than that of Ling Feiqiu. Asked Zhang Kou.

Ling Tianhou at this time only felt that his whole person seemed to be in a dream, and everything showed an unreal feeling. In particular, Wan Dong took him to escape from Shen Lian and Lu Xiong's hands successively. The whole process made him thrilling at the same time, but also puzzled. I just thought it was like a huge trick, which made him unpredictable.

"Mu Lao, is this ... is all this true?" When Mu Tiannan asked a second time worriedly, Ling Tianhou only spit out a sentence.

"Fuck things, look at your unlucky look!" Mu Tiannan thought at first that Ling Tianhou had been poisoned by Shen Lian. After hearing this from him, he couldn't help laughing and scolded.

"I tell you, you can safely escape from danger, it is thanks to Yaoting's blessing, you have to thank people!" Mu Tiannan couldn't help but sigh. Not only does Ling Tianhou trust other people's blessings, he is not the same? If you don't encounter Wan Dong, the consequences, Mu Tiannan really dare not imagine. Even if he was able to get out by virtue of tyrannical cultivation in the end, I am afraid that his lifetime reputation would be completely destroyed.

Ling Tianhou turned his head to look at Wandong. His eyes were full of surprises, and he couldn't believe it in his heart. Is it such a young man that made Shen Lian such a powerful person in the Holy Soul Realm completely chaotic?

When Ling Tianhou was about to speak, Wan Dong opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Uncle Ling, don't have to say thanks! I have the same brothers and sisters with Tianhua and Wushuang, you are their father, that is, my father! What I did Everything is justified and I dare not bear a thank you word! "

Ling Tianhou has already seen Wan Dong's ability. Even characters such as Shen Lian and Lu Xiong can't stop it. Naturally, they are so powerful that they need not say much. At this time, I heard Wan Dong's words, gentle and courteous, humble and respectful, and there was no young person who was successful, arrogant and proud, and Zhang Kuangyu's troubles, which surprised Ling Tianhou, and at the same time he was greatly appreciated.


When the waves in Ling Tianhou's heart were rough, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang rushed around, surrounded by Ling Feiqiu and other masters of the Ling family. In order not to let Shen Lian be suspicious of Wan Dong's disappearance, Wan Dong specially arranged for Ling Feiqiu and others to hide and wait on the spot. Only Mu Tiannan confronted Shen Lian. Seeing that you were done, Ling Tianhou was rescued, and Ling Feiqiu immediately led the impatient brothers and sisters.

In the desperate situation, Ling Tianhou only hopes to see his children again. This time his wishes have been fulfilled, and his heart is not excited. He hugged Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang together, and the irresistible spout came out of his eyes.

It is said that men do not shed tears because they are not emotional!

In this situation, no one will cancel Ling Tianhou. On the contrary, many people, including Ling Feiqiu, couldn't help but tears.

Fluttering in Ling Tianhou's arms, Ling Wushuang was already crying, but from time to time he would look at Wandong, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"Brother Xu, thank you for saving my second brother!" Ling Fei Qiu Chang took a breath and bowed down to Wan Dong. It doesn't matter at all, Wan Dong is just a junior. Ling Feiqiu this week, a master of the Ling family even knelt down directly to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong was caught off guard and hurried to support Ling Feiqiu. Unexpectedly, Ling Tianhou with Ling Wushuang and Ling Tianhua also knelt in front of Wan Dong.

Wan Dong was even more flustered, and said, "Uncle Ling, what are you doing, get up quickly? Tianhua, Wushuang, we are like brothers, don't you embarrass me like this?"

The most unbearable thing for Wan Dong is that someone kneels to himself, not to mention his elders. He jumped up and down in a hurry, and even a thin layer of sweat oozed from his forehead. I was used to seeing Wan Dongtian not to be surprised, but he had a chest full of chests. Suddenly seeing this, Mu Tiannan felt very funny and couldn't help laughing.

"I see! This kid is not a ghost at all, he took advantage of the change in position!"

As Mu Tiannan smiled happily, Shen Lian finally figured it out and shouted again and again in a strange cry.

Mu Tiannan closed his laughter and looked at him coldly, his voice full of sarcasm said, "Do you want to understand now?"

"This kid actually reversed my Eight Desolation Soul Formation completely, cutting off my connection with the situation, so talent ... But this ... how is this possible?" It is not difficult, difficult to figure out the entire joint with deep intelligence Let him accept.

Looking at Zhi Shen's reluctance, Shen Tian also felt emotions in her heart.

Mu Wannan was only shocked when Wan Dong turned the mystery of the Eight Wilderness Soul Arrays, such as several family treasures, to him, but when Wan Dong would reverse the method of the array and confess to him and Pan, Mu Tiannan As with Shen Lian at this time, some are unacceptable.

He even hoped that everything Wan Dong said was simply wrong, otherwise he would have lived in vain for his great age. However, the facts have proved that Wan Dong is completely correct, and his attainments in his formation have actually reached a point where he and Shen Lian both have to look up to.

It is said that goods must be thrown away, and people must die than others. Mu Tiannan is a thorough experience. He has been studying the battle together for decades, but he is not one-tenth of the young man Wan Wan. Mu Tiannan couldn't help but wonder if he was a pig brain?

"Boy, who is your master and who taught you the formation?" Shen Lian completely ignored Mu Tiannan's sarcasm, and stared at Wan Dong with a pair of eyes, and asked with clenched teeth.

Shen Lian's question immediately aroused the resonance of Mu Tiannan. He was also curious in his heart. What kind of awesome character could actually train a wicked apprentice like Wan Dong.

"none of your business!"

Just when Shen Lian and Mu Tiannan stared at Wan Dong with blank eyes, when he revealed the answer, unexpectedly, Wan Dong had a lip, and he spit out these four words neatly.

Mu Tiannan's chest was stuffy, and there was only a wry smile on his face. He was still calm, but Shen Lian was completely messed up, shouting wildly at Wan Dong, "You little bastard, if the old man does not smash you tens of thousands of corpses today, he will never give up!"

"Shen Lian, what are you saying is a bit big?" Mu Tiannan smiled coldly, looking at Shen Lian's eyes provocatively.

"Mutiannan, the account between you and me really deserves to be counted today." Shen Lian's eyes narrowed and his face was occupied by murderous opportunities.

The war was on the verge, and Lu Xiong was not arrogant enough to think he could stand alone. Immediately, he took something out of his arms, threw it into the air, and made a thunderstorm.

His behavior was obvious to people with a clear eye. Ling Feiqiu sneered and said with a sneer, "Do you want to call someone? Stop dreaming, all your men are now trapped, I am afraid they will not come."

"What?" Lu Xiong's face immediately appeared shocked.

Wan Dong is not a nonsense. He waved his hands and chopped out. It was a little bit of golden light. Looking at it from a distance, like the lake surface under the sunset, it was sparkling and very quiet. It's a pity that Shen Lian and Lu Xiong didn't appreciate this beauty, and could only feel the bursts of chilling murderous opportunities, and they rushed to the face.

"Mutiannan, you want to provoke the situation !?" Shen Lian's heart sank, and made an angry cry.

Mu Tiannan sneered and said, "Are you only allowed you to do the first five, and not allowed me to do the fifth?"

"Fuck! Are you not going to fight me for 300 rounds?" Shen Lian had already left his anger and roared like thunder.

"Of course I have to fight with you for three hundred rounds, but I have to wait until your morale has consumed 20%! This is fair! Ha ha ha ..." Mu Tiannan's laughter called a cheerful, straight out Far away. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 16927590->

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