Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1236: God-like Wandong!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Can't you break the battle if you are less proud? You will break the body when the old man rushes out of it!" Shen Lianhuo turned to stare at Lu Xiong with a loud noise. "Although he is not very proficient in playing against the first method." But I have also studied for quite some time now and I will join forces with the fine-sensing air flow changes to break the array! "

"Strictly abide by the law of Shen Gong!" At this juncture of life and death, Lu Xiong can only fight for a first-line life with 120,000 points of spirit!

"Little hybrid old man, let's see what is heaven and earth!" Shen Lian stared at Wan Dong's eyes full of anger. If it were not for Wandong Hengkong, he would never fall into such a dilemma. Rather than losing in Mu Tiannan's hands, it is better to say that it was planted in Wan Dong's hand, and Wan Dong is just a Maoer who grew up. If the young face is passed out, I am afraid that it will even let the place go. How can I not hate?

Wan Dong sneered and didn't bother to respond to his right hand held up, and his fists were suddenly clenched into a fist. The golden light flew all over the sky, and immediately rolled into dancing and gathered into a golden golden dragon.

"Lu Xiong is now!" As a holy soul realm, Shen Lian was taken aback, but he wasn't shocked by this power. He screamed as if he was out of the cage and the tiger vacated, and his palms shook his strength, as if he was crossbow The arrow swishes out. As soon as the golden light was about to break through, it was immediately obliterated and invisible.

After breaking this golden light, Shen Lian couldn't breathe and looked back quickly to Lu Xiong to see another golden light shattered and annihilated the mind under his palm. This only loosened the view of Lu Xiong and let him down.

However, Shen Lian hadn't had time to blast Mu Tiannan to show off no less than ten golden awns in all corners, and then suddenly broke the ground and drilled the dazzling brilliance. Shen Lian's eyes hurt, not to mention that he almost shook his heart.

"This is not possible!" Shen Lian exclaimed with a step forward and stopped at a loss. Even the Holy Soul Realm can only sigh in the face of such a situation. Not to mention Lu Xiong, the whole person panicked and looked at Shen Lian.

A dozen times suddenly, the golden light rushed to the sky and entangled in the sky, forming a golden net. Compared with the red light network that made Mu Tiannan and others suffer before, the golden giant network is simply a super upgraded version. Not only is the momentum soared, but also its power has increased. Even Mu Tiannan stood outside and was shocked. And Ling Feiqiu and other masters of Ling family looked more pale.

If you are facing the same power of the red light network, at this moment, you may have already been sucked alive by adults.

Ling Feiqiu always thought that Wan Dong's so-called "reversal" was actually to seize control of the position. Although this seems to have been a terrible thing, now looking at Wan Dong's "reversal" is definitely more complicated than expected. To be honest, Ling Feiqiu looked down on the confrontation before and thought that it was just a side door. Until then, he realized that this strategy was so profoundly and profoundly used that even the power of the Holy Soul Realm should be deflated.

After all, Ling Fei Qiu is just a layman, at most, just looking at the bustling, but Mu Tiannan is different. Cooperating with Wan Dong to complete the "reverse battle" actually gave a lot of benefits and even a feeling of uneasiness. I just feel that I have risen up to a great extent against the law, and solved a lot of puzzles and doubts in the past.

Wan Dong's "reversal" is not only about gaining control of the position through local changes, but also improving and changing the original position to a considerable extent in the process. At this time, although the position is still the Eight Desolation Soul Formation, it is no longer the same as before.

The power of the golden light network soon showed a pound of magnificence and was stripped from Shen Lian and Lu Xiong's body, forming a visible light column above the two people's eyes. It was amazing!

Shen Lian had expected that his qi would be sucked away, but thought that the speed of sucking away would be so much faster than before! Feeling that the qi inside the body disappeared like running water, Shen Lian couldn't help raising a trace of fear.

Needless to say, Lu Xiong's face was even whiter than that of the paper. His eyes were full of consternation and panic. His hands and palms seemed to be crazy and dancing. But Lu Xiong exhausted all his strength and felt like he was fighting with the sky and he could not see the hope of winning.

"What should Shen Gong do ... what to do?" Lu Xiong completely panicked and asked Shen Lian almost in tears.

Shen Lian gritted his teeth and gathered his breath in a violent manner, waved his palms vigorously, and carried enough force to tear the sky, and threw it toward the golden light net above his head. Although Shen Lian has expected this to be the only way to drink thirst to quench thirst, the madness of the body's energy will be lost. It is really a letdown, even if you get some breathing opportunities.

Shen Lianman thought that by virtue of self-cultivation enough to break the golden light net, the fact once again let him fall into the abyss. The violent and powerful palm of the sky looked like a sky river hanging upside down, but the majestic force blasted on the golden light net and burst the light net. Shen Lianqi is like a violent beast slammed hard against the iron net. Although the original plain iron net appeared a deep den under this impact, it still supported and refused to burst. At the same time, countless golden awns quickly rose from all directions and inextricably flowed into the light network slowly. The depressed deep nest began to rebound a little bit and the energy sacrificed by Shen Lian quickly disappeared in this rebound. "how come!?"

Shen Lianxin shuddered suddenly, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into the ice cave. There was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead. This is uncommon for a powerful person in the Holy Soul Realm.

"Breakout ... Breakout!" Mu Tiannan, who was standing outside, could not help but open his mouth. The shock and admiration on his face were almost beyond words.

At this point, the power of the Eight Desolation Soul Formation is considered to be brought to the extreme by Wan Dong!

"Hum ... is it so easy to break?"

Wan Dong's nose made a few cold humming right-hand pinch tactics to break the sky and hit the golden light net with a sudden trembling, actually sending out a real human soul like a morning bell and a drum. Then on the golden light net, ten million thin golden awns broke out like a violent storm, and the two of them, Lu Xiong and Shen Xiong, fell on their heads.

It was conceivable that the original Eight Waste Destruction Soul Array could only take in the air but could not issue such an offensive. Shen Lian and Lu Xiong were in a situation ten times more difficult than Mu Tiannan and others before.

The golden awns look as fine as the silver needles, but the violent energy contained in each golden awn is extraordinary. Shen Lian and Lu Xiongxiu cannot be sensed. The two immediately anxiously dared not hesitate, they will show their skills, and they will continue to work hard to sweep down the golden mansions. The jumping up and down is like a crazy dance, which is very funny.

Just watching Mu Tiannan and others laughed! Everyone is wondering what would happen if they changed positions with Shen Lianxiong? Just thinking about it gave us a creepy feeling.

Among all the people, Wei Wandong still maintains a gentle smile on his face, but this gentle smile will always set off a raging wave in the eyes of Ling Feiqiu and others. This large array is like a world of exclusiveness to Wandong. Here is to control all the gods. Just move your fingers casually, even if you have reached the holy soul realm, you must jump up and down in cold sweat! This is a kind of power Ling Feiqiu can't tell but can't help but be horrified.

Shen Lian and Lu Xiong tried their best to deal with Ru Jinmang but hurt them, but let them lose air faster than before!

"Little **** is going to kill!" Shen Lian probably never groaned like a beast in his mouth.

Such Shen Lian must be very scary if it is usually. But at this time, in the eyes of Ling Feiqiu and others, it was just a beast that was struggling before he died, and naturally there would not be much fear.

But Ling Feiqiu and other people's minds are already a bit heavy. The ending of a powerful Sacred Realm will always make people feel a little sorry!

"Yao Ting stopped when the refining gas was consumed to 20%."

Unconsciously, Mu Tiannan's title to Wan Dong changed. It was no longer a kid but Yaoting. This slight change shows that Mutianan has recognized the status of Wandong strong!

"Is it necessary?" Wan Dong was slightly taken aback.

Mu Tiannan laughed, "Since I promised Shen Lian to fight a battle, I must let it die!"

Between words, Mu Tiannan Meiyu is full of a strong man's openness and self-signaling Wan Dong is very moving.

"Yes! I also said that I want to break Lu Xiong's body into pieces!" Mu Tiannanyin suddenly uttered Ling Tianhou's mouth.

"Daddy, you are almost exhausted and afraid that you are not Lu Xiong's opponent." Ling Wushuang perplexed with a worried look.

"Who said? A villain like Lu Xiong can squeeze to death with one hand!" Ling Tianhou was very dissatisfied with Ling Wushuang and even snorted a few times. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 16998089->

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