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"My God! Who is Xu Gongzi, how can he be so angry?" Although he knew that Wan Dong's killing was not directed at himself, Wen Xiong couldn't help but cold sweat, his voice was bitter Said.

As soon as Wen Xiong's words fell, Xin Biantian threw an extremely stern look at him. I was afraid that Wen Xiong would say something inappropriate, and it would anger Wandong even more.

"Let me see, there must be something bad written in the jade letter, which will make Xu Gongzi so angry." Xin Zhixuan said.

"Of course! What good thing can blood skull do?" Xin Biantian nodded gently.

Seeing Wandong's anger getting more and more intense, Venerable Ghost Face also developed curiosity and couldn't help asking.

In this question, Wan Dong's knife-like eyes suddenly fell on him. With such a sharp and compelling eye, the Venerable Ghost Face only felt as if he was pinched by his neck, his breathing was not smooth immediately, and a heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"Are you called Venerable Ghost Face, is it because of this mask?"

While the Venerable Ghost Face was sweating nervously, Wan Dong suddenly asked.

In the face of Wan Dong, who was in anger, the Venerable Ghost Face did not dare to be negligent, and nodded subconsciously.

"How many people have seen your true face?" Wan Dong asked again.

Ghost-faced Venerate jumped, instinctively asked, "You ... what are you asking about this?"

"Answer me!" Wan Dong shouted out loud, not only the ears of the Venerable Ghost Face buzzed, but he was almost deaf, and his mind was greatly shaken. In the end, he couldn't help but spit out blood, and his body stepped back three steps .

"Only among the blood skeletons ... Only the Master Sovereign has seen my true face. But ... but what do you want to do?"

"I want you to die!" After asking, Wandong took a shot, and Venerable Ghost Face couldn't avoid it at all. Wandong's palm was directly shot on his chest. In an instant, the internal organs of Venerable Ghost Face turned into an instant. After making minced meat, people naturally cannot survive.

Xin Biantian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, his heart shaking. This is the strong man in the pinnacle of Shinto, just died in Wandong's hands, and it seems no different from the ants.

"Xu Gongzi, you ..." Seeing Wan Dong angry and murderous, Xin Zhixuan wanted to comfort a few words, but when it came to his mouth, he didn't dare to export easily, and his heart thumped.

Wan Dong turned back to see Xin Zhixuan's pretty face with some fear, and the anger in his heart miraculously relieved a lot. This is a beautiful and gentle girl who is kind and full of justice. Who would have the heart to make her sad for such a girl?

Wan Dong tried his best to calm down his expression and smiled and said, "I'm nothing, you don't have to worry about me."

"That's good!" Xin Zhixuan didn't say too much, but that bright smile was more than a thousand words.

"That ... Master Xu, thank you for saving me Taoyuangu!"

To be nervous, Xin Biantian is even worse. After all, his previous actions towards Wandong are really not friendly. Now that others have rescued their lives, how can this not make Xin become embarrassed?

Not to mention Wen Xiong, hiding behind Xin Zhixuan, half-covered and half-covered, he has no courage to face Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Brother Xin doesn't have to thank you, did you save me too?"

"No, no, I ... Hey! Xu Gongzi, it's all my fault. You were obviously seriously injured. Instead of seeing death, I drove you out of the valley and got stuck in the herd. I ... I'm almost It ’s not an individual! "

Xin Biantian is a brilliant man in the end. Seeing Wandong being so magnanimous, he felt even more uneasy in his heart, and said quickly.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "Brother Xin, don't say that! Actually, you drove me out of the valley. You didn't want me to be venomed by the holy water sect because of you. At that time, compared to the valley, it was safer than the valley. As for Well, it ’s something that happened later. It ’s not about you, it ’s not what you can expect. How can I blame you? ”

"Xu Gongzi, you ... you don't have to say it anymore, and I have to let myself go! No matter what, today you saved all of us in Taoyuan Valley, and from now on, whenever you have any orders, I will go to Tangyuanhu, and then Keep your word! "

Wan Dong is naturally very grateful and even said a lot. Xin Xiantian stared back at Wenxiong again and shouted, "What are you still doing there? Don't hurry up and admit mistakes with Xu Gongzi?"

Wen Xiong heard this, and his face suddenly went to the extreme. Almost step by step came forward, did not dare to look at Wan Dong, the man with his head deep down, two feet tall, at this time, very tweaked, just like the wrong daughter-in-law.

"Xu Gongzi, I'm not a human being. You adults don't care about villains, just ... forgive me!"

"Let me forgive you? It's not that easy!"

Facing Wen Xiong, Wan Dong's peace with Xin Biantian before the change, Jian Mei's eyebrows tightened, and his face immediately became extremely cold.

Wen Xiong was dumbfounded, and a chill lingered in his heart, making his thick body tremble involuntarily.

"Mr. Xu, this ..."

Xin Biantian did not expect that Wan Dong would hold onto Wen Xiong so tightly, and when he was about to say a few good words for Wen Xiong, Wan Dong shot directly.

A purple awn is like a sharp arrow off the string, shooting straight at Wen Xiong's brow. Wen Xiong exclaimed, subconsciously want to avoid, but where can he hide? That purple mang, with a snap, shot into Wen Xiong's eyebrows.

It seemed that Wen Xiong was shot with a headshot, and he simply fell flat and fell to the ground with a pop.

That's the key to a person's vitality. Once hit, the consequences can be disastrous. Xin Biantian was stunned. He thought that Wan Dong would teach Wen Xiong a fierce lesson, but he never dreamed that Wan Dong would directly kill the killer!

"Ah! It hurts! My head is about to split ... Help, help!"

When Xin Biantian was shocked and didn't know what to do, Wen Xiong suddenly heard a cry of pain from the ground.

Xin Xiantian looked down and saw Wen Xiong holding his head and rolling on the ground. The painful appearance seemed to be suffering from snake bites.

"Not yet dead?" Xin Biantian was first happy, but then frowned again to see Wen Xiong's painful appearance. It might as well be dead!

Xin Zhixuan and Wen Xiong had a very good relationship. Naturally, they couldn't bear it anymore. They almost said to Wan Dong with a crying cry. "Mr. Xu, I know Wen Xiong had all kinds of mistakes. Just spare him! "

Wan Dong seemed indifferent as if he didn't hear it.

Xin Zhixuan was helpless and leaned over to appease Wenxiong. Unexpectedly, as soon as his hand touched Wenxiong's body, he couldn't help but exclaimed. Wen Xiong's body turned hot like boiling water.

Xin Biantian hurriedly pulled Xin Zhixuan up, preventing her from touching Wenxiong's body again. Wan Dong's cultivation practice is too high, and his methods are extremely powerful. Xin Biantian is very worried. Xin Zhixuan is unreasonable and unreasonable. He can't save Wen Xiong, but will be punished.

Xin Biantian didn't dare to plead with Wan Dong, and even Xin Zhixuan's face was not good, so he didn't even mention it. It was just non-stop praying, praying that Wenxiong could hold on. It hurts a little when it hurts, it's better than losing it.

Besides, this can't blame other people's Wandong, only to blame them for their lack of eyes!

Wen Xiong's cry of pain lasted for half an hour, and then he slowly stopped. Although only a short half an hour, Wen Xiongfu could get up and down, but he was soaked in sweat.

Wen Xiong is a family of taming beasts, most of them are thick-skinned, painful nerves, far slower than ordinary people, can pain him like this, one can imagine, how strong the pain is, not inferior to cramps and peeling!

It seemed that Wen Xiong had just crossed countless high mountains and lay there, panting, unwilling to move. Even at that corner of the eye, tears still flashed.

Xin Biantian sighed and was about to lift him up. Wan Dong suddenly uttered an angry rebuke, "lie on the ground and pretend to be dead? Don't sit cross-legged for me, and follow the rules of my heart, and run every day!"

Wan Dong's anger scolded Xin for a while, but Wen Xiong seemed to be electrocuted and suddenly sat up from the ground. Immediately draw a mysterious trajectory with both hands, and put it on your chest.

Xin Biantian was about to open his mouth to ask, but his mind suddenly jumped, and he felt a faint feeling that the surrounding heaven and earth aura seemed to be attracted by something, and a brain rushed towards Wen Xiong.

"What's going on? How can Wen Xiong mobilize the spirit of heaven and earth?"

The Beast Taming family is different from ordinary human beings. Ordinary humans can easily be recognized by the spirit of heaven and earth, so as to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth and turn into qi. A family of tamable beasts cannot. They must pass the right mind to achieve it.

The beast family has long since fallen. Where can I find this secret? That's why Wen Xiongkong has a brute force, but he can't practice.

Xin Biantian felt more than once, Wen Xiong's natural divine power, if he could use Dao Qi to increase his strength, his combat power would be terrible. At that time, in the face of Wen Xiong, Xin Biantian might be the only one who fled the road by virtue of the talent of chasing the wind.

"Don't Xu Gongzi just punish Wen Xiong, but he is telling his heart?"

Xin Biantian suddenly woke up to God, and turned his head to look at Wan Dong in amazement.

Wan Dong's mouth turned up slightly, showing a smile, but he didn't speak. Xin Zhixuan said with a smile, "Look at me, Xu Gongzi punishes some things, but also spreads merits."

"Hahaha ... Zhi Xuan who knows me too!"

Wan Dong finally gave a big laugh, shouted his thumbs up to Xin Zhixuan, and Xin Zhixuan blushed.

"Axiong, he has finally come to work! With the natural brute force of the Beast Tamer family, coupled with the heart formula passed by Xu Gongzi, I don't think it will take long before the combat power will be qualitatively improved. 'S opponent! "

Wan Dong nodded his head, agreeing with Xin Biantian's words. He smiled and said, "After he finishes his exercises, you tell him to let him protect Zhi Xuan well. If there is something wrong with Zhi Xuan, I will see him next time.

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