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After listening to Wan Dong ’s words, Xin Biantian ’s face immediately showed a moving expression, saying, “You have not only blamed Wen Xiong, but also gave him a great fortune. , Let me as a brother do not know what to say. "

Wan Dong chuckled and looked at Xin Zhixuan, saying, "Yi Xuan has a life-saving grace for me, how can I not care about her safety. Besides, I don't care about what you said, and you know, Wenxiong didn't need Suffering from this pain. "


Xin Biantian couldn't help but stunned, but Wan Dong burst into laughter.

"Is Xu Gongzi about to leave?" Unlike Xin Xiantian and Wan Dong's high emotions, Xin Zhixuan's expression revealed a bit of loneliness and reluctance.

If Xin Zhixuan didn't say that, Xin Biantian didn't realize it, and his expression became heavy immediately. His mouth opened to Wan Dong and he wanted to say something, but at the end he only sighed.

Although he wanted to invite Wan Dong to stay, he thought, if Wan Dong really stayed in the small Taoyuan Valley, wouldn't he have buried his genius and ruined his future?

This truth is even clear to Xin Zhixuan. Even though the expression was full of reluctance, she still did not say a word of retention. She is empathetic and does not want to embarrass Wan Dong.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little heavy, Wan Dong chuckled and said, "The difference in front is for the reunion in the future! We are so destined, we will definitely see you again!"

Although Wan Dong's tone was very certain, it did not bring much comfort to Xin Zhixuan. The fate of this kind of thing is invisible and untouchable, the most unpredictable. It is not only fascinating, but also the most unreliable. If only by fate, the agreement to meet again is tantamount to the moon in the water and the flowers in the fog!

How alert is Wandong? Seeing Xin Zhixuan's expression, he thought of this layer, holding Xin Zhixuan's shoulder, softly said "rest assured! Taoyuangu is so beautiful, I will definitely come back!"

"Is it true, will you really come back again?"

Wan Dong thought about Xin Zhixuan's thoughts for a very long time. As soon as he said this, the sadness and loneliness on Xin Zhixuan's face disappeared without a trace, replaced with strong excitement and strong expectation.

Compared to fate, the promise is obviously much more reliable!

"Ha ha ha ... that is of course! I will not only come again, but will bring you gifts when I come again!"

Wan Dong smiled very brilliantly, and really hoped in his heart that Xin Zhixuan could have such a kind and gentle but beautiful and lovely sister.

"Well! I'm waiting for you!" Xin Zhixuan nodded heavily, his expression very solemn. [Popular. ]

Comforting Xin Zhixuan, Wan Dong turned back to the body of Venerable Ghost Face and took off the ghost face on his face. The mask showed a pale face when it stood down. It was neither handsome nor ugly. It was ordinary. It definitely belonged to a category that could not be picked up by the crowd.

It seems that the ghost face is here for the ghost face venerable, not just to hide the ugliness, but purely to brush the sense of presence and play cool and mysterious. A heart that dislikes ordinary people jumps in a very ordinary body. It is really pitiful for those who want to come to the ghost face.

"Xu Gongzi, what do you want this ghost face to do?" Xin Zhixuan asked curiously.

Wan Dong smiled and put the ghost face on his face, then turned back to Xin Zhixuan and blinked. He smiled and asked, "How is it, looks good?"

"Good looking! This mask is so handsome on Xu Gongzi's face!"

Xin Zhixuan praised what he didn't want. When the side of Xin Xiantian's forehead stood up, a black line was hung. Obviously it's a mask, who's face is the same, this woman ...

Not only did Wan Dong take the mask, he even wore the black robe of the Venerable Face. Wan Dong gave Ghost Face Lord the same figure, in a trance, as if Ghost Face Lord came to life again.

"Xu Gongzi, are you going to pretend to be a ghost-faced Venerable?" Xin Biantian's heart moved and asked with some surprise.

Wan Dong nodded, but did not say the intention of doing so, but only told him, "I also hope Brother Xin can help, don't let the news that Venerable Ghost Face is dead, spread to Taoyuan Valley."

Although I do n’t know what Wandong ’s purpose is to pretend to be a ghost face venerable, Wandong ’s expression is so dignified that Xin Biantian dared not neglect and hurriedly nodded.

"Xu Gongzi, are you in a hurry to leave? We haven't expressed our gratitude to you yet!"

Wan Dong smiled and said, "No need, I am in a hurry, I can't stay for a long time. However, can you tell me how to go to the headquarters of Shengshuizong?"

"Holy Water Sect's headquarters? Oh, it's very close to here! Look, there, Sheng Shuizong's headquarters is at the top of the peak!" Xin Biantian pointed to a towering mountain not far away.

Wan Dong nodded his head, and when Zhang Xin changed his mind to ask again what Wan Dong was going to do at the headquarters of Shengshuizong, Wan Dong's figure had turned into a streamer, and he immediately went beyond a thousand feet.

"Brother, you said, Mr. Xu, will he really come back?" Xin Zhixuan asked with some concern.

Xin Biantian said with a heavy voice, "I've never seen such a great person as Xu Gongzi! At a young age, his cultivation practice has been terrifying, and even more rare, his character is so noble! You Rest assured, he will never lie to you! "

Hearing Xin Xiantian said, Xin Zhixuan's heart suddenly settled down.

"Dao Qi, Da Qi Na! God, is this true, is it true?"

As soon as the brothers and sisters talked, Wen Xiong suddenly jumped from the ground, staring blankly at his palm, his face full of inexhaustible excitement, almost the same as madness.

"Tiange! I can practice too, and I can use my morals! Tell me soon, I'm not dreaming!"

Wen Xiong rushed forward and hugged Xin Biantian. This Wen Xiong's strength was already strong, and at this time he had Dao Qi again. Xin Biantian's complexion immediately changed, a face quickly turned red, and there were more green muscles on his forehead and neck.

"Stinky bear, do you want to strangle my brother alive?"

Xin Zhixuan saw something bad and rushed up, facing Wen Xiong's buttocks. Wen Xiong realized that he was excited for a while, and he used it hard, and hurriedly released Xin Biantian.

Wen Xiong loosed, Xin Biantian couldn't help bending down and panting, and at the same time he was shocked in his heart. This family of beasts was really amazing. Wen Xiong was able to practice just now. He didn't hold off his spine. It won't take long for this to continue, Wen Xiong's combat strength is absolutely terrifying!

"Fuck things, do you want to kill me?" After a slow come, Xin Changtian roared at Wenxiong.

Not so strict, Wen Xiongbao will forget who is the boss.

Wen Xiong scratched his head and apologized again, and tossed for a long time before he resolved Xin Biantian's anger.

"Brother Tian, ​​what about Grandpa Xu? He gave me such a great fortune, I have to thank others, how can I give them three bangs, no, nine! Eighteen!"

"Save it! People like Xu Gongzi will rarely kowtow him? But Xu Gongzi said before leaving, and then the safety of Zhixuan will be handed over to you. If Zhixuan loses a bit, he will come back and strip Your skin! "

"Then Mr. Xu is so worried! Even if Wenxiong's liver and brain are smeared, I will never let Zhixuan suffer another trauma!" Wen Xiong's combat power increased greatly, and his confidence also soared.

Xin Wentian was quite satisfied with Wen Xiong's statement.

"It's useless to say, the key depends on the action! Well, although we escaped this time, but also suffered heavy casualties. Let's first settle in for the hero who died in Taoyuan Valley!"

Just as Xin Biantian led the people to bury Junwen and others together, Wen Xiong suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted, "Brother Tian, ​​come and see, the headquarters of Shengshuizong seems to be in trouble."

Xin turned the world's subconsciously to turn his head and saw that the peaks and peaks were not far away, the fire was soaring into the sky, and there was more smoke turning into a black dragon, straight into the sky.

"Brother, this must have been done by Xu Gongzi!" Xin Zhixuan shouted excitedly.

Xin Xiantian let out a long sigh of relief and slowly said, "Who is not Xu Gongzi? Who is Xu Gongzi? This is to cut the grass and remove the roots. We want to keep our Taoyuan Valley safe forever!"

Everyone in Taoyuan Valley was grateful to Wan Dong for Dade. At this time, she was moved to tears. Some people even bowed down to the flaming mountain peak, chanting words in their mouths, as if praying for gods!

Although the package is dead, the foundation of the Holy Water Sect is still there. No one knows if he will have a king thing or a Zhang thing again in three years and five years. Now Wandong uproots the headquarters of Shengshuizong, which is undoubtedly a complete removal of the threat for Taoyuangu. How can his heart not touch the people of Taoyuan Valley?

"Everyone listens well! Xu Gongzi is our biggest benefactor in Taoyuan Valley. In the future, everyone in my Taoyuan Valley can't be the enemy of Xu Gongzi, and the second must be the head of Xu Gongzi's horse! Come in the water, go in the fire, No one is allowed to violate! "

As soon as Xin Biantian's words fell, everyone in Taoyuan Valley would be like this!

The headquarters of Shengshuizong, for Wandong, is not a problem at all, and it is easily swept away. Wandong shakes his body and swoops westward at the fastest speed.

What Wan Dong said is true, he does have an emergency, and it is not an ordinary emergency!

From the jade amulet for the ghost face venerable, Wan Dong learned that the blood skeleton was going to Hu Xiaoshan in a place west of this place, and a group of Li Jiaqiang who was rushing to the Mu family were encircling and suppressing.

If this was the case, Wan Dong was not so urgent. The reason why this team of Li Jiaqiang would appear in Huxiao Mountain was to **** Miss Mu Family back to Mu Family!

The reason why the blood skeleton is so big is to take down Mulian, and then use Mulian as a bargaining chip to threaten Mu Yucheng and even threaten the Mu family.

Blood skull's acting style, how cruel is that? Wan Dong couldn't even imagine what kind of suffering Mu Lian would suffer once he fell into the hands of a blood skeleton. Simply now, the blood skeleton is still dispatching masters in the Quartet, but has not yet started.

Mulian is in danger, how can Wandong not be in a hurry?

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