Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1374: Mutiannan is furious!

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The mystery of the two uncles and nephews, the two of them have been together for a long time, and their cooperation is also extremely skillful, which is seamless. But today's situation seems to be a bit different. Mu Tiannan stretched out his hand to help, but Mu Yucheng did not get up as before, but took advantage of the situation. Instead, he suddenly exerted force and continued to sink.

Mu Tiannan was secret in his heart, could Mu Yucheng already know that the dangerous danger he encountered in Tiansha Valley was moved at this time?

Thinking this way in his heart, Mu Tiannan was very touched, but only felt that Mu Yucheng was really filial.

The smile on Mu Tiannan's face grew brighter, and he quickly said, "Okay, Yucheng, this is not safe for the old man, just get up!"

Mu Tiannan comforted Mu Yucheng at the same time, and secretly exerted force on his hand, to force Mu Yucheng's body to be dragged. In any case, Mu Yu Chengdu is the master of the Mu family, especially in the face of the Ling family, Mu Tiannan can't let him kneel down, this is related to the majesty of the Mu family!

But beyond what Mu Tiannan expected, Mu Yucheng showed his determination beyond his imagination, even if he had n’t had time to react, he suddenly felt sinking in his hand. Then, Mu Yucheng's figure knelt heavily on the ground. And not one knee, but a pair of knees fell to the ground together.

How is this good? Mutian Nanzhi was a little ignorant!

"Yucheng, you ... what are you doing?"

Mu Tiannan finally found that something was not right, the first was Mu Yucheng's complexion. Full of guilt and self-blame, it is very complicated. Looking back, Mu Ao, Mu Xuansheng, Mo Taichang and others all looked heavy.

"Invite the second uncle to exercise the right to be the elder of the Taizhou, to remove Yucheng from being the head of the Mu Family, and choose another talent!"

Just when Mu Tiannan was puzzled, Mu Yucheng suddenly said loudly. Slightly bitter tone, not as good as a blockbuster, it was Mu Tiannan's heart shaking and his ears buzzing.

At the same time, all the people present changed their colors. Especially Ling Xiongqi and Ling Feiqiu looked at each other in shock, they couldn't believe their ears.

"Never mind the owner!"

Mu Ao knew that for the past few days, Mu Yucheng was already in deep self-blame for Wandong, but he did not expect that when Mu Tiannan came back, Mu Yucheng would resign as the head of the house. Shouted.

Mu Ao's words just fell, and Mo Taichang suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud, and said painfully, "Too elder, the head of the house, this whole thing started from me. If I say wrong, it's all my fault! Mo Too often willing to die with death! "

"Subordinates are also to blame!"

Mu Xuansheng also kneeled down, his face full of guilt and regret.

Mu Tiannan returned to Mu's house happily, but he never expected that it would be such a scene to greet him. Although Mu Tiannan hasn't had a clue so far, he doesn't know what happened, but a heart has already hung high.

"Mu Ao, what happened?" Mu Tiannan turned to Mu Ao decisively and asked Shen Sheng.

"This and this ..."

Facing Mu Tiannan's gaze that was sharper than the knife, Mu Ao sweated straight from his forehead. Don't look at Mu Tiannan's usual smile, he seems to be very friendly, but once severe, the idlers can't bear it.

When Mu Ao came this way, Mu Tiannan felt that the situation was serious, and turned his eyes to Mu Yucheng, "Yu Cheng, it's you!"

"Second Uncle, I'm sorry Mu Family, I'm the sinner of Mu Family forever! Just ask you to order and go to the position of Mu Family Master ..."

"Don't say it's useless! Tell me, what the **** happened?" Mu Tiannan shouted impatiently before Mu Yucheng finished.

"Yes ... it's about Wandong and Wanzi ..."

Seeing Mu Yucheng look embarrassed, I don't know where to start, Mo Tai often emboldened and said involuntarily.

"Wandong?" Mutianan was a little stunned. The name was a little strange to him.

Mo is too common, but also feels strange, Na Na said, "Why, too elders do not know? Then Wan Dong Wan Gongzi is the sweetheart of Miss Lian'er in the ordinary world.

Mo Taichang explained that Mu Tiannan was more confused, and his brows became tighter.

"I know this, but it's so good. What do you say about him?"

"It's strange, didn't Wan Wanzi follow your orders, and together with Ling Tianhou, came to support my Mu family?" Mo Taichang was surprised.

Mu Tiannan was even more ignorant. Shen said, "Just kidding, isn't that kid always in the world of vulgar, how can I see him above?"

"No! It seems that Wan Gongzi has another name called ... Xu Yaoting!" Mu Ao was also confused at first, and then suddenly thought of something, he broke.

When Mu Ao talked about Xu Yaoting, Mu Tiannan's complexion suddenly changed, and he was full of surprise and asked, "What are you talking about? You said that Yao Ting's child is Lianer's sweetheart in the ordinary world."

"Why, you don't know at all?"

Mu Tiannan was surprised, and Mu Yucheng and Mu Ao looked at each other.

"Are you sure?"

Mu Yucheng and others immediately nodded.

Mu Tiannan's body shook, and he couldn't help laughing out loud, "Stubborn boy, the old man you are hiding is so bitter! Hahaha ..."

Ling Xiongqi raised his eyebrows, and suddenly said, "No wonder Yao Ting is so caring about the Mu family, and dare to feel that he has such a relationship with Mu family."

"Isn't it! Tianshagu is desperate to save the old man, not afraid of hardships and dangers, so I can help my Mu family with thousands of miles. If he hadn't thought of him as a child of my Mu family, why should he do this? My son-in-law, my Mujia revival is really promising! "

Mutian Nanyue said that he was more excited, a face glowed with red light!

"Quick! Let the stink boy come to see me!"

Mu Tiannan was so excited that he did not notice at all the embarrassed expressions of Mu Yucheng, Mu Ao and others.

Mu Tiannan didn't notice, but Ling Xiongqi was looking at the Sixth Road. At this moment, he couldn't help but sink in his eyes, looking at Mu Yucheng, Na Na said, "Master, Yao Ting, what's wrong with that kid?"

Ling Xiongqi asked, the smile on Mu Tiannan's face immediately froze, and at the same time his gaze shot towards Mu Yucheng.

Mu Yucheng couldn't help crying. He didn't say anything. Mu Tiannan was already like this. If he knew the whole thing, then he couldn't move the thunder? But at this point, the concealment could not be concealed, and Mu Yucheng did not intend to conceal it.

Chang took a breath and said, "Yao Ting's child was hit hard by the Ninth Five-Year Plan. At this time ... the life and death are uncertain at this time ..."

"Unknown about life and death !?"

These four words fell into Mu Tiannan's ears, straightened into four skill heavy punches, slammed into his heart fiercely, and one punch was heavier than one punch, so that he would not change his life and death, Shaking his body, he took four steps back. At the same time, a complexion turned into a piece of iron blue. The monstrous anger rushed up, making it ten steps around him, and instantly turned into a place of vital exclusion.

"Second Uncle, please be angry ..."

"Quiet his grandma's legs! The hybrid in the Ninth Five-Year Plan is to ruin my Mu family's future, I cao his ancestor!"

As Mu Tiannan's identity and self-cultivation, he was swearing at this time. The roar, trembling, rang through the first peak.

The children of Mu Family who were in the middle of training, woke up from Ruding in anxiety, and threw their eyes in horror towards the direction of the scolding.

Luo Xiao and Ding Shan Wei Qunying were no exception, and they all stood up at this time.

"It seems to be the voice of senior Mu! How could his old man have such a big temper, what happened?"

With that said, as soon as Dingshan Weiqun Ying was done, he had to step forward to see what happened.

How smart are Ping Wuniang and Xiao Zhenwei? With a little thought, I knew that Mu Tiannan knew the truth, and if Dingshan Weiqun rushed over at this time, everything must be exposed.

It's hard to imagine that Dingshan Weiqun Ying will continue to stay in Mu's house after knowing the truth, and around Mu's house is full of fierce blood skeletons. Once they leave Mu's house, the consequences will be unbearable.

Ping Wuniang and Xiao Zhenwei did not dare to neglect and hurriedly stopped everyone. These two people are the most straightforward on weekdays, but at this time they have to compile one after another nonsense to appease Dingshan Weiqun Ying, it is really difficult for them.

"Homeowner, what do you mean that Yao Ting's child is still alive? Where is he now? The elder of the etheric elder will be able to heal it!" Ling Xiongqi forcibly calmed down the restless mood and asked repeatedly.

Mu Tiannan also reacted violently. At this time, it is not the time for the troubles of the ancestors of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, saving talent is the key!

Mu Yucheng shook his head and said, "Yao Ting was finally rescued by Emperor Kun Peng, and he was not at our Mu family at this time."

"How ... how could this be?"

Mu Tiannan was dumbfounded when he heard that, even though he was supernatural, he was helpless at this time.

"The ninety-five-year plan is really abominable! When I was at Ling's, I saw that he wanted to be unfavorable to Yaoting, but he was taken by Taishang Elder, and he didn't dare to do it. Unexpectedly, he would face Yao at Mujia Poisoner under the court! "

"In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, if he meets in the future, I will kill you with my own hands!" Mu Tiannan was full of hate and nowhere to vent. He couldn't help staring at Mu Yucheng and others and said, "You are also waste! So many people!" , Even the Ninth Five-Year Plan can hurt Yaoting, what are you doing? "

"Yu must die if he sins!"

Mu Tiannan said this, Mu Yucheng had just been lifted by Mu Ao, and immediately knelt down again, regretting that "the ninety-five years will never be stronger, but in the face of us, we will never be hurt. The court, just because I was dizzy for a while, actually ... I just stood by with arms folded, and the Ninth Five-Year Plan will be unscrupulous, which will make Yaoting ... "

"what did you say!?"

Before Mu Tiannan's words were finished, Mu Tiannan's anger could not be suppressed anymore, his eyes were glaring, the green muscles were exposed, and the anger seemed to be turned into substance, setting off a storm all over his body.

The people present, there is no lack of the strong soul of the Holy Soul Realm, the weakest is also the pinnacle of Shinto, but at this time, his face is all changed, such as the towering male mountain, trembling in both strands! --End of Chapter Content->

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