Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1375: Destiny gold!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

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Although Mu Tian Nan paid great attention to maintaining the image of Mu Yucheng's head of household on weekdays, by this time, he could no longer control himself. Especially when I thought that Wan Dong was sincere and fearless of hardship and danger, Starry Night Chi aided the Mu family, but unexpectedly he was treated with such indifference by Mu Yucheng and others.

"Please family law!"

Anger is like a wild horse that has gone away, running endlessly in Mu Yucheng's body. Mu Tiannan's male body shook and shouted sharply.

Mu Tiannan shouted like a thunder, making everyone on the scene shock-like and trembling.

Mu Ao and others looked at the horror, Mu Yucheng was even more ashamed, kneeling on the ground, his head was about to stick to the ground.

Ling Xiongqi, Ling Feiqiu and other masters of the Ling family are also trembling at this time, looking at Mu Tiannan almost with a dull face.

Once the family law came out, it was like a landslide! This is the privilege that Mu Tiannan has as the elder of the Taishang, and the greatest restriction on the master of the Mu family! In the history of the Mu family for thousands of years, there are only a handful of times to ask for family law. The several Mu family heads punished by the family law all end up with the tragic end of being accused by Mu family descendants as the sinners of the Mu family.

One place in the family law is to lose reputation!

"The elder Taiyuan is angry, this must not happen!"

After Mu Ao and others woke up to God, they immediately fell on their knees and pleaded continuously.

"Too elders, even if the head of the family is wrong, but it hasn't reached the point of asking for family law, please be too elders to take back life!"

"Besides, the head of the family was an unintentional loss, and he regretted remorse very much afterwards. This law is still free."

"Being overly responsible, Mu family will certainly not accept it! Furthermore, over the years, the owner has worked hard and contributed a lot to the Mu family. Even if the merits and demerits are equal, can it always be?"

In order to exonerate Mu Yucheng, Mu Ao and others also worked hard. Even though Mutian Nan was full of anger and power, he still stuck his scalp and Mutiannan's hard top, even though his foreheads were sweating coldly, but his expression was still firm. Should cry or laugh.

"I made mistakes and I was plausible. The old man really underestimated you! But do you know the significance of Yaoting's child to my family?"

Mu Tiannan's voice has been deepened to the extreme, and every word he spit out is condensed with infinite anger, as if it has turned into substance, such as a sword, a sword, a halberd, and it brings a chill.

"It means ... the Mu family's longevity in the next millennium!" Although Mu Ao is also a holy spirit realm, the gap with Mu Tiannan is obvious. At this time, he was trembling and said hard.

"So you know!"

Mu Tiannan drank with a loud voice, not to mention a thunder, Mu Ao, Mu Yucheng and others swayed.

"Too elders, in the final analysis, all the fault lies with me! Mo Tai often wishes to die with death!"

Mo Taichang's voice was regretful and sad, and tears kept falling in his eyes. If it were not for his self-righteousness and stubbornness, why would such misunderstandings arise and finally lead to the serious situation nowadays? Repenting and blaming himself, coupled with the guilt of Mu Yucheng, Mo Tai often never just talked about it, he really had the thought of thanking him with death.

"No! Elder Mo is wrong, but Yucheng is ultimately to blame! Just ask the second uncle to ask for a monk's method, not only for Xiaodong's child, but also ... an explanation for Lianer! I'm not a good one Owner, I am not a good father! "

Mu Yucheng's voice is full of pain, and his face is needless to say. No one knows what kind of torture he is suffering at this time! Others only need to face Mu Family, but he also needs to face his daughter!

Mu Tiannan's heart can't help but soften, Mu Yucheng's past years are really not easy.

As the head of the Mu family, a large Mu family, he had to worry about big things, small things, piles and pieces; as the father of two daughters, big and small, he did not let him worry. Thinking of this, Mu Tiannan also blamed himself a bit. Over the years, he has lived too freely.

"Nan Lao, that Emperor Kunpeng was raised by Yao Ting, and he was spiritually compelling. Since it saved Yao Ting, maybe Yao Ting can still save you, you don't have to get too angry!" Ling Xiongqi stepped forward in time Come, say a word to Mutian South.

This sentence obviously made Mu Tiannan's anger lessen, his frowning frowning, Shu spread out a little.

Ling Yuanjie also said at this time, "Although I have little contact with the Yaoting child, I found out that although he is young, he is not small, and he can always create miracles. I think this time will be no exception."

Mu Tiannan was silent for a long while, and finally nodded, saying, "I have always felt that Yao Ting's child was born of a robbery and would not die early. I hope the Taji people will have their own appearance and peace. Through this robbery! "

As soon as Mu Tiannan's words came out, his anger gradually converged, and Mu Yucheng and others were all relieved for a long time, relieved!

Seeing Mu Yucheng still kneeling on the ground, Mu Tiannan sighed softly and waved his hand, "Get up!"

Mu Yucheng struggled for a while before he stood up, his body was still a little soft. Although he thought that Mu Tiannan would be furious because of Wan Dong's affairs, he never thought that he would come to the point of asking for family law. However, Mu Yucheng didn't feel much wronged. Even if he left the future of the Mu family alone, as a father, he was guilty of ruining his daughter's life and happiness.

"Do you know that Yaoting condenses the fire with Taoism, and can melt all things in the world!"

Mu Tiannan glanced around for a week and suddenly said something. Mu Yucheng and others were puzzled for a moment, looked at each other, and dared not answer easily.

Mutian Nan paused for a while, and slowly added, "In my opinion, it's enough to smelt 'Destiny Gold'!"

Mu Tiannan's voice is not very loud, but it is thunderous and thundering, bursting in the heart of Mu Yucheng and others!

Mu Yucheng's feeling of just calming down immediately set off a turbulent wave, a resolute face changed drastically, and the complex was dazzling, completely exposing the vigorous activities in his heart.

"Nan Lao, you ... aren't you kidding me? The 'Fate of Destiny' can't be changed for hundreds of millions of years, and even the ancestors haven't been able to take it for a hundred years. How could that child Yao Ting do it?" Mu Ao looked The voice was dull, and it was like shaking through a storm.

"Huh! You all think that Yaoting is a child, so he despised him naturally, and even thought I asked him for a monk's method for him. It's ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

Mu Tiannan was simply too lazy to explain, and after a rebuke, Mu Ao and others looked embarrassed.

"The ancestor once said, 'Fate of Destiny' is also the gold of annihilation! My Daomen this time coincides with the annihilation of the world, can it be spent safely, this piece of 'Fate of Destiny' is crucial! You thought I persuaded Yao Did the court join our Mu Family only for the future of our Mu Family? Superficial! "

Although Mu Tiannan was not as hoarse as before, Mu Yucheng's face sweated more urgently! The sinners of the Mu family could no longer afford him. The sinners of the whole door were enough to crush his crushed bones, and they would never be destroyed.

Mu Ao, Mu Xuansheng, and Mo Taichang were all stunned and could not say a word.

As a family member of Mu, they certainly know ‘Fate of Destiny’ and even know what ‘Fate of Destiny’ means!

It was a piece of mysterious metal that Mu Family had luckily obtained more than a hundred years ago. Since then, it has been regarded as the treasure of Mu Family Town! In order to solve its mysteries, the ancestors of the contemporary Mu family began to retreat from that time. Until now, a hundred years have passed, and they have not yet left the customs.

"By the way, what about the children under Yao Ting? You **** things, aren't they against them?"

Mu Tiannan suddenly thought of Luo Xiao and others, his expression was sharp, and he asked with a condensed voice.

Mu Yucheng hurriedly responded, "No, we are already sorry for Xiaodong, how can we be sorry for his little brothers? However, we have not told them about Xiaodong ..."

"Do you still hide them? Confusion! Can this kind of thing be concealed? You call them, and the old man tells them the truth!"

"Second Uncle, if they told them the truth, with their character, I was afraid that they would immediately go down the mountain and leave. This would never work!"

"Huh, you ignore the life and death of the boss, but still hope that others will stay and throw blood on your head, Yucheng, you can't be shameless to be such a man!"

"The second uncle learned! If it's usual, then it's okay, but now there are fierce blood skeletons all around, and once they leave in anger, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Listening to Mu Yucheng's words, Mu Tiannan calmed down, frowning and saying, "Your concerns are not unreasonable. But if you keep on hiding like this, the misunderstanding will surely get deeper and deeper. Once the truth becomes clear, the consequences may be It ’s not much better. "

Mu Tiannan clasped his brows and turned his brain, trying to come up with the best of both worlds, but found that he couldn't even think of it with his brain power. He is very clear that Luo Xiao and others are not only loyal to Wan Dong, but also have left life and death out of their belly. Not to mention just blood skeletons, even if you have to face the whole world, don't expect them to stay.

"You **** things, **** it!"

Mu Tiannan thought about the pain in his brain and couldn't think of it. He couldn't help but spilled his anger on Mu Yucheng and others, and his mouth was a curse.

Mu Yucheng and others only had to bow their heads again and again.

"Yao Ting, Yao Ting, you must be alive! If you die, the old man is afraid to be faceless and stand between the world!"

Mu Tiannan had a bitter smile on his face, and bitter water in his heart. If Wan Dong could appear in front of him at this time, he would have a life span of 180 years.

Just as Mu Tiannan prayed sincerely, there was a burst of shouting outside.

Mu Yucheng turned his head to look at Mu Ao, angrily said on his face, "It must have been a blood skeleton messing up, hateful!"

"Why, when I'm not at home, blood skeletons often come to trouble?"

Mu Tiannan looked pale and asked.

"It's not! Two or three, like a fly, it's very annoying!" --End of chapter->

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