Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

ead336; --Start of chapter content->

Both are extremely powerful, and this collision, even if it is described by a comet hitting the earth, is not an exaggeration.

Incomparably pure qi, spattering everywhere, mixed colors, like fireworks on New Year's Eve, splendid anomalies, but also dangerous anomalies. In the realm of Mutian Nan and Chang Sibo, Dao Qi has been compressed to a terrifying level. Every course, even every trace, is full of deadly threats. Even if it is the pinnacle of Shinto and the steel bone, as long as it is slightly stained, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not pay a heavy price.

For a time, within a radius of more than ten miles, it became a place of vital exclusion. Both the blood skeletons and the Mu family suffered large casualties.

This is the ultimate strongman, even if it is just the aftermath of the battle, it is enough to make most people unbearable.


Chang Sibo's face was cold, his right hand stretched out suddenly, like a devil's claw, awakening the evil in the demon world, the black gas around him, immediately rising in the sky, turned into a black vortex, from time to time there was a human-shaped black shadow, from the vortex Walk out. That black gas, as if it really communicated with the devil world, ushered in the army of demons!

A monstrous magic flame, mixed with a desperate cold breath, quickly diffused, and it was not safe for ten miles away. Ping Wuniang, Xiao Zhenwei, Mu Yucheng, and all the powerful members of the Holy Soul Realm of the Mu Family, hurriedly worked together to build a wall of light in the void, struggling to stop the spread of this breath, otherwise the Mu Family disciples, I do n’t know how many, they will be buried among them.

"Chang Sibo, do you know what the old man looks down on you the most? It's your evil spirit!" Mu Tiannan said coldly.

Chang Sibo sneered, his right hand vanished, and it seemed that the army from the demon world immediately gathered in an array, wrapped in a dark cloud like black air, and attacked Mu Tiannan with mighty force. Along the way, everything withered, like a demon annihilation!

Mu Tiannan was disdainful, but he didn't dare to carelessly. The body floated slowly, and the big hand wandered in the air, as if painting in the sky, but not the beautiful picture, but the road. With a trace of Daoyun, it spreads and spreads on Mu Tiannan's body, and a red Chihuahuaguang gradually rises from him. Just like the Holy Light of the Ancient Buddha, it is filled with a kind of purity, a kind of solemnity, a kind of solemnity, but also a hint of domineering, suppressing all evil!

"You have a demon to destroy the world, and I have the Holy Light! Don't look at it today, whether this evil has swallowed the world, or the light has dispelled the evil cloud!"

Mu Tiannan's voice was sonorous, and the golden light soared like a curtain of light before the landing, pressing down on the magic army in the dark cloud. The light curtain is not only pure and magnificent, but there is even a faint roar of the sound of the road, and it is like a monk chanting the scriptures.

This is the light of exorcism and the way of Weitian!

I'm afraid that only a superpower like Mu Tiannan can unleash such earth-shattering power!

One evil and one positive, one dark and one bright! Both of them are strong enough to move the mountains and fill the sea, and they can see everyone present, but they are all shaking.

Those who cultivated as high as Ru Ping Wu Niang, Xiao Zhenwei, Mu Yucheng and others, all held their breaths and paid attention to it like never before. The confrontation between Mutian Nan and Chang Sibo shows the road as if it were on-site teaching. For them, it is an extremely rare opportunity!

Cultivating as weak Rudingshan Weiqun, at this time can only feel the grandness of the duel, and have experienced eye addiction, but if they can remember this grandness, they will definitely have an indelible positive for their future practice. influences.

Those who are weaker are already creeping to the ground, eyes closed. At such a level of duel, they can't even do even the simplest viewing. If you watch by force, even if you do n’t die on the spot, you will have to destroy Daoji!

The cloud finally hit the light curtain, and it was a showdown between two people, but it seemed to resonate with the whole world. The ground was shaking, the wind was roaring like a roar of the beast, the sky seemed to be torn, and the rumbling muffled sound kept coming, like thunder in summer.

"Zhenwei, look at the two of them, who will win?" Righteous evil spirits in the sky, strangled together frantically, Ping Wu Niang'e frowned, asked in a low voice.

Xiao Zhenwei's eyes focused on the midair, and after a long time, he slowly shook his head. Although they are all holy spirits, the gap between them and Chang Sibo and Mutianan is still terrible.

With the abilities of the Taoist monks, the limit they can reach is the Holy Soul Realm. They are completely incapable of making a detailed division of the Holy Soul Realm. I just know that the powerful of the Holy Soul Realm can never be generalized!

Time seems to be stagnant!

The sky and earth gradually blurred from everyone's eyes and disappeared, leaving only a dark cloud and a golden light!

Maybe it was ten thousand years, or maybe it was just a moment. When everyone noticed that heaven and earth were back again, the dark clouds and the golden light, the magic army and the Buddhist sounds had disappeared without a trace! The roaring gust of wind turned into an intoxicating spring breeze, and the constantly shaking earth returned to calm again.

"Who won?" Ping Wu Niang whispered and hurriedly turned to look at Chang Sibo and Mu Tiannan.

But the two people at this time, the general calmness of the expression, like the calm deep sea, people can not see the slightest message.

"I thought my cultivation progressed, but I didn't expect your cultivation progress too! As in the past, I still can't beat you!" Chang Sibo spoke first, his expression calm and his voice indifferent.

Mu Tiannan's white eyebrow slightly picked up and said, "However, I can't kill you now!"

"Do you think you could kill me before?"

"Although it takes a little bit, but if I want to, you can't live!"


Mu Tiannan smiled coldly and dismissed it, saying, "Speak, you have been wandering around my Mu family for so long, what the **** is it for?"

"Naturally destroy your Mu Family!"

"Don't make the old man laugh! Although the old man can't kill you now, it's okay if you can find teeth on the ground."

"Sooner or later one day, you will find that the one who is looking for teeth all over the place will be only you!"

"Chang Sibo, are you here to fight with the old man? Tell me your purpose!"

"Destiny Gold!"

Chang Sibo stopped covering up and shouted loudly.

Mu Yucheng and Mu Ao were surprised when they looked at each other. Jiang is still old and spicy, Mu Tiannan's judgment is indeed right!

"You were sneaky before, sending someone to chase around the seven peaks of my Mu family, just to find out where the fate of gold is? It's a pity that you got nothing, so you got mad and hit the door simply. The old man is wondering, are you really brainless, or are you crazy? With your little manpower, do you want to steal the fate of gold from our Mu family? "

"Hum ... you don't need to grab anything you want in this seat, you will be delivered to me obediently."

"Chang Sibo, is your brain broken?" Mu Yucheng couldn't help but sneered when he couldn't see Chang Sibo.

"Mu Yucheng, I advise you to be kind to me, otherwise you will regret it!" Chang Sibo looked at Mu Yucheng sideways, except for the sarcasm in his face, he was mocking, and he didn't even take this Mu Family Lord. Put it in your eyes.

Seeing this, Mu was furious and immediately shouted, "Nan Lao, since he sent him to the door, he definitely didn't let him leave alive. We will work together and we will kill him under the palm!"

Mu Munan's words are really exciting. If Chang Sibo was killed here, it would definitely be a heavy blow to the blood skeleton. Moreover, this is not impossible, it is a rare opportunity!

"Whatever orthodox is said, it's just a group of shameless villains who can only bully less!"

"Ruer and other thieves, everyone is to blame, even if you bully less, how about it? If you think you can restrain us with such words, then I can only say, you are too naive!" Said disdainfully.

"Chang Sibo, show your last resort!"

Although Mu Tiannan was emotional, he also knew that Chang Sibo would never do the stupid thing that came to the door to die, and there was an ominous premonition rising in his heart, and he shouted.

"Still you are smarter! Listen, quickly give me the fate gold and give it to me. If it is late, I am afraid that the life of Mulian girl will be in danger."

"Lianer !?"

As soon as Chang Sibo's words came out, Mu Yucheng's expression immediately changed, and he couldn't help but shouted almost out of control.

Mu Tiannan's brows were also instantly condensed into a ball, a face, gloomy like dark clouds!

"Chang Sibo! Do you dare to move a lotus hair, I will put you down!"

Mu Yucheng's face was grim, and the murderous Chongchang Siber roared.

It's a pity that Chang Sibo is completely free from threats and sneered, "You can't even protect your daughter. Your father is a failure! It's no use yelling in front of this seat. If you want your daughter to be safe, just Trade in fate gold! "

Seeing Mu Yucheng's face full of pain, Mu Tiannan knew that Chang Sibo had grasped Mu Yucheng's weakness this time. Because Wan Dong, Mu Yucheng is already full of guilt for Mu Lian. If Mu Lian has another miss, it is difficult to imagine that he can survive it.

"Impossible! How could my sister be in your hands, and you return my sister!"

Mu Tong also followed out of control. If it wasn't Wang Yangde's blocking time, she couldn't help but rush to Chang Sibo. In that way, Chang Sibo had another trump card.

"Dad, you must save your sister, the sister's life is already bitter enough!"

Mu Tong cried to Mu Yucheng while struggling.

Mu Yucheng's eyes filled with a layer of wet mist, especially when he thought of the various sufferings that Mu Lian suffered, it made him want to find a place in his heartache and wept bitterly!

"Second Uncle!"

Mu Yucheng's eyes turned to Mu Tiannan, which means self-evident. For Mu Lian, he did not hesitate to give up his life. How can he care about the destiny gold?

Mu Tiannan knew Mu Yucheng's thoughts, but was very embarrassed. Destiny Gold is in Guanzhong with Mu Family Ancestor. If Mu Family Ancestor does not leave the customs, they will not be able to get Destiny Gold at all. But even if the ancestor came out of the customs, they got the fate gold, whether they can exchange the fate gold for Mulian, then it is up to the ancestor to decide. And will the ancestor agree?

In order to save Mu Lian, he has to take the entire Mu family's destruction and the great risk of the Daomen being subverted. The probability that the ancestor promised will never exceed 10%! --End of Chapter Content->

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