Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1378: What a ruthless Wandong!

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"Second Uncle, tell me, how can I connect my ancestors and ask his old man to go out?" When Mu Tiannan frowned, Mu Yucheng seemed to have lost his patience, and his voice was full of eagerness, and even a bit of persecution. mean.

In order to save Mulian, Mu Yucheng ignored everything.

"Yucheng, you must calm down now, don't mess up Fang Cun!"

"I can't control that much! Lian'er has suffered enough. I can't let her suffer any more! Otherwise, what qualifications do I have to be her father?"

"But you have to know that even if the ancestor came out of the gate, he would not be able to use Destiny Gold to exchange Lian'er! Destiny Gold is about the safety of the entire Daomen, compared to Lian'er's life ..."

"I don't care about those! If the ancestor promised the best, if I didn't agree, then I would ask. If it didn't work, then I would **** it!"

"Yu Cheng!" Hearing this, Mu Tiannan couldn't help but scream, "If that's the case, then you are bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestor! Not only is it not worthy to be the master of the Mu family, even a child of the Mu family is not worthy!"

Fortunately, the ancestor is still in retreat. If he is allowed to hear Mu Yucheng's words, it may not cause much disturbance. The ancestor of the Mu family, that is the character that must make Mu Tiannan fall down! This plane is a well-deserved god!

"Then ... what should I do? Is it just watching Lianer die like this?"

Mu Yucheng hugged his head, his voice full of pain and helplessness. As the head of the Yipin family, he probably experienced this moment for the first time. Mu Tiannan couldn't help but put away his anger, as a father, Mu Yucheng's approach is understandable!

"Hey ... Mu Yucheng, although I can't look down on you, but I have to admit that you are still a bit **** like this, like a man!"

Seeing that Mu Family's chaos became a pot of porridge, Mu Yucheng was almost crazy, and Chang Sibo consciously controlled everything, his face full of pride.

"Where is Lian'er now? How can you prove that Lian'er has really fallen into your hands?"

Mu Yucheng was already in chaos, and Mu Tiannan stepped forward, staring at Chang Sibo and asked.

"Why should I prove? You can't believe it!"

"You ..." Mutianan was annoyed.

Chang Sibo sneered with a sneer and said, "Don't talk nonsense! Give me the fate of gold, and I will exchange Mulian for you! If you don't follow me, I will turn around and leave, preparing for your life, even Mulian's corpse. Not at all! "

"You are clearly playing the trick of the empty glove white wolf with me! How can I be fooled by you!"

"Hahaha ... Mutiannan is really smart! But you have to be careful, smart is wrong!"

Mu Tiannan's brow furrowed immediately. Chang Sibo's set of illusions and tricks really made people headache. Mu Tiannan didn't dare to gamble. The blocking was too big, even he couldn't afford it.

"I believe! I believe!" Mu Yucheng rushed forward and said repeatedly.

"Yucheng, you ..."

"Second Uncle! I believe Lian'er must be in his hands! I beg you, please ask the ancestor to come out!"

"Yes, Mu Tiannan, you still have to let your ancestors hand me the fate gold. After all, the fate gold is also a dead thing, but Mu Lian is alive." Chang Sibo said with a smile. .

"Chang Sibo, you are not afraid that our ancestors will go out of the gate and slap you with a palm?"


Mu Tiannan said quietly, like a punch in Chang Sibo's heart, making his face difficult to see immediately.

The ancestors of the Mu family, who had been so popular a hundred years ago, have now closed their doors for another hundred years. I am afraid that no one can say what kind of realm they have reached. Once out of the border, it must be amazing, if you want to hack him to death, perhaps it is not difficult at all.

"Mulian's girl is in this hand, what's so scary about this seat?" Chang Sibo didn't want to be timid and sneered.

"Yucheng is Lian'er's father, so he will listen to you. But when our ancestors closed, Lian'er was not born yet, do you think he would care?"

Mu Tiannan said that Chang Sibo's words were poor and his expression was even more ugly.

Mu Tiannan saw this and smiled coldly, saying, "Well, I can persuade the ancestor not to kill you, and even persuade the ancestor to give you the destiny gold, but before that, you want me to see the lotus first. At least, sure that Lian'er is really in your hands. Otherwise, it will be a deception of our ancestors, which will surely arouse the anger of our ancestors. At that time, I can not only speak for you, I am afraid that I will still be myself. Hard to guarantee. "

"Okay! You just want to find a chance to save Mu Lian from me. But I tell you, you may be able to do it, but you don't have that opportunity at all. As long as you move, me and my people will Let Mu Lian die on the spot! "

"So what else do you have to worry about? Bring Lian'er here!"

Chang Sibo pondered for another moment, and finally waved his hand, attracted a blood skeleton killer, and whispered, "Go, let Yuhuaping they bring that girl here!"

The blood skeleton killer took his life away, and Chang Sibo assembled the blood skeleton killer and the blood-clothed men scattered around him to form a very tight line of defense, which blocked Mu Tiannan and others. Seeing this situation, Mutianan frowned. Chang Sibo didn't show any intentions he expected. With this line of defense, even if he is as violent as Mu Tiannan and wants to break through, he will have at least half a cup of tea. Under the premise. And half a cup of tea is enough for Mulian to be killed thousands of times.

Mu Tiannan's palm behind his back could not help but clenched into a fist, and sweat oozed out from the palm of his hand. According to this situation, today Mu Lian is afraid that it is really fierce. Mu Tiannan could not help turning his head to look at Mu Yucheng, his eyes full of guilt.

"Yugong, why hasn't there been any news in front of us? It's better to take this girl up, I don't believe my family will die!" Mid-mountainside, Jiao Huang said anxiously to Yuhua Screen.

Yu Huaping's eyes squinted suddenly, and a cold power flashed out, causing Jiao Huang to tremble involuntarily. "Jiao Huang, how dare you, how dare you question Chang Gong?"

"No, no, no one dares to dare! Just ... just ..."

Being stared at by Yuhua Screen with that kind of gaze, Jiao Huang even said that it was unfavorable, and there was frequent cold sweat on his forehead.

"Enough! Yu Gong did this, he must have care in his mind, you and I just have to obey our orders!"

"Yes! Remember to teach Yu Gong!" Jiao Huang responded busy.

Yuhuaping turned his head to look at Wandong, seeing Wandong sitting on his knees, closing his eyes and raising his mind, so he said, "Jiao Huang, you really should learn more from the ghost face! No surprises, no mess, and the most important thing is, It ’s not like you, so much talk, and it ’s all nonsense! "

Jiao Huang looked at Wan Dong's gaze, revealing a faint look of faintness, but he didn't dare to defy the rain screen, and nodded repeatedly.

"It's a common sinister villain, what's so easy to learn?"

Mu Lian said suddenly, his voice was full of hate.

Li Baiyi was seriously injured, and Li Xuan and Li Wendao were directly abolished by Wan Dong to cultivate his behavior. How could Mu Lin not hate him? He gritted his teeth and hated him so much that he couldn't kill him!

"That's it! I was blind, and at first thought he was a good person! I see that among the blood skeleton thieves, there is nothing worse than him!"

Lu Feng's courage is really big. Even if her strong enemies are around, she still has no fear. When Mu Lian's words fell, Lu Feng couldn't help but agree.

"Hahaha ... You two little girls, let's accumulate a little bit of eloquence. On this way, the fairy beasts are vertical and horizontal. If it is not the ghost face that shoots several times, you have already become a thing in their belly." Screen laughed.

"Bah! This girl isn't rare, he saves it!" Lvfeng couldn't help but spit.

Mu Lian is also a fan of noodles and said coldly, "Don't think I don't know your purpose! You want to use me to threaten my father. I tell you that you will not succeed!"

Mu Lian had embraced the mortal heart at this time, only to see Mu Yucheng on the last side, he bit his tongue and committed suicide, never dragging Mu Yucheng's hind legs.

"See Yugong"

A blood skeleton killer flew over, kneeling down on the rain screen.

"Does Chang Gong have any orders?" Yu Huaping asked.

"Chang Gong has orders to take Mulian up the mountain!"

"Hahaha ... It seems that Changgong is finally showing a showdown with Mu Family! Let's go and be careful all the way. This is the site of Mu Family after all. We must not let Mu Family steal this girl from halfway! "

Wan Dong stood up and pointed to Li Baiyi, Li Liu and Lu Feng three people said, "Bring them together too? I'm worried that when we reach the top of the mountain, we won't wait for Mu Yucheng to compromise, this girl will bite her tongue and kill herself! Go to the three of them, or have a check on him! "


Mu Lian turned back angrily and stared at Wan Dong, his mouth full of silver teeth, and a biting rattle. Why can't I figure out that a person who hates so much and understands himself like that, is he not sent by the heavens to torture her? How can she easily see through her mind? Such a person, being a friend and a lover, is definitely the best choice, but if you are an enemy, it is absolutely the most terrible and the most hateful!

Yuhuaping nodded and said, "Your concerns are not unreasonable! Well, just bring the three of them together."

"What about Li Wendao and Li Xuan?" Jiao Huang asked with an open mouth.

Before waiting for the Yuhua screen to speak, Wandong casually said, "The two of them are no longer useful, they are useless. If you kill them!"

"you dare!"

Mulian couldn't believe her ears, and could not help but roar. Li Baiyi, Li Liu, and Green Phoenix are also angry Qiqi's smoke, especially Li Baiyi, the eyes can't be turned into a sharp arrow, give Wan Dong a Wan Jian to wear!

Even Jiao Huang couldn't help but shuddered, and there was a chill in his heart, as if he had just met the Venerable Ghost Face, and looked at him up and down. All doubts about Wandong in my heart immediately disappeared. Such a move not only resembles the ghost-faced Venerable's handling style, but it is even more ruthless than the ghost-faced Venerable! --End of Chapter Content->

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