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Only this storage ring is only available in the Daomen World, and the ordinary small world is hard to see. There is only one sentence for + I. The update speed is two times higher than other stations. The advertisements are less adventurous. The continent is closely related to the Daomen World. There is no connection between the two sides. There are several storage rings. It is not surprising. Looking at Tie Sha's greedy appearance, it is presumed that this storage ring is also extremely precious in the Ascension Continent.

Wandong took the two storage rings in his hand and observed them carefully, and it really felt strange. If nothing else, let me say that the material used to cast the storage ring made Wandong unable to speak, not any metal known by Wandong.

Speaking of all, Wan Dong's knowledge about the Daomen Great World all comes from the memory of Xuantian Daming God. But the memory of Xuantian Damingshen, so far, he has only inherited and integrated less than one percent. Speaking of it, it is not as good as half a bottle of water. I do n’t know the origin of the storage ring. It is normal.

Wan Dongzheng looked closely, and suddenly felt a scorching eye on himself, moved his heart, looked up, and saw that Lai Wanli was staring at the storage ring in his hand, and the eyes almost fell out of his eyes. Out.

Wan Dong smiled and threw his storage ring back to him. Lai Wanli hurriedly caught his hands. His expression was so excited that he almost couldn't help but kneel down and thank Wan Dong.

"City ... Lord Lord, it stands to reason that this storage ring is already your loot, and I shouldn't ..."

Wan Dong waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "You didn't just save me, so I was willing to give this storage ring to Tie Sha. Give you."

Wan Dong said this, Lai Wanli immediately lowered his head a little embarrassedly, and said, "Actually I ... I am also selfish. Tie Sha just came towards me as a storage ring. Today I can't escape anyway. Since the storage ring is definitely determined to return to Tiesha, I thought about using it as a personal relationship and befriend the lord of the city. When that time, the lord of the city sells my personal relationship a little, and I lost it today, and I earn it again That ’s why this is ... "

After listening to it, Wan Dong was shocked for a while, then he couldn't help laughing out loud. Lai Wanli's mind turned really fast, and it fits the characteristics of a profiteer. However, although Lai Wanli was selfish, at this time he could clearly and plainly speak to Wan Dong, which was enough to show that his heart was also open-minded, but it made Wan Dong's favor for him greatly increased.

"Anyway, I have to take your love! You will take back the storage ring. In the future, if you are a trader in my Thunder City, I will welcome you as well. But your heart can't be too dark, can't pit people!"

"Yes, yes, everyone earns is earning, only lasting. This is the reason I know."

Wan Dong nodded and asked, "How can I use this storage ring?"

"What? You ... you won't use a storage ring?" Wan Dong's words surprised Lai Wanli. Tie Sha is an elite disciple of Sword Sect, and cultivation is extraordinary. Such a master can be easily defeated, but even the storage ring will not be used. This is really unreasonable to Lai Wanli.

However, Lai Wanli was clever and didn't wait for Wan Dong to answer, he was busy: "In fact, it is very simple, as long as the true energy is penetrated into this storage ring, the things stored in the storage ring will be clear, and then Driven by ideas, you can achieve access to things. "

Wan Dong frowned as soon as he heard it. If it was for others, it was indeed simple, but for Wan Dong, it was not the same. You know, at this time, Wan Dong's body has no longer even a trace of true qi, all of which are pure qi. Although this qi is an upgraded version of true qi, it is not true qi. In case Hu comes and destroys the storage ring, that's not good.

Wan Dong coughed and asked Lai Wanli, "Brother Lai, where did you get this storage ring from?"

Lai Wanli smiled, didn't hide from Wan Dong, not to mention so many casual repairs, he couldn't hide it, and he readily replied, "This storage ring, I spent a lot of money from the world. Bought it from a monk. "

Similar to what Wandong had expected, Wandong again asked, "Since this storage ring is from Daomen World, and the monks of Daomen World are practicing Dao Qi, then this storage ring should not use Dao Qi. Is it urged? "

Lai Wanli yelled, "In fact, both true qi and qi are a kind of energy situation. The only thing that can drive this storage ring is energy, nothing about true qi and qi. If true qi is used, it is only a little It ’s a lot of trouble. Of course, this is relative to these low-level storage rings. If you change to the high-end storage ring that can accommodate Dachuan Dashan, you must need qi to drive it. "

"It turns out so!" Wan Dong's heart was fixed, and he hurriedly sent a trace of energy to the storage ring in his hand.

As Lai Wanli said, as soon as Dao Qi got into the storage ring, a gleaming glory flashed from the storage ring. In this glory, the objects stored in the storage ring would One by one appeared in Wan Dong's eyes, of course, only Wan Dong can see the images of these objects.

This storage ring is really a good thing, the capacity is amazing. At this time, what appeared to Wandong, Lin Lin, added up, several times more than the pile in front of him. If so many things are mentioned by people, I am afraid that there will be dozens of strong men who speak less. It can be placed in this storage ring, but it has no weight, even if there is only one person, it is also easy.

Seeing Wan Dong driving the storage ring, Tie Xia's eyes popped out, his lips twitching, apparently cursing something, but he never dared to scold.

There are many things in Tiesha's storage ring, including the fairy core, blood steel purple gold, clothes and food, and alternative weapons. Wan Dong inspected them one by one, and there was nothing particularly surprising. Until Wan Dong's eyes fell on dozens of fist-sized white stones.

At first, Wan Dong thought that these were white gems, but soon, he discovered that this thing was never a gem! Because in them, Wan Dong even discovered the breath of Dao Qi, and it was very pure. Although there is not a lot of Dao Qi in each piece, it is really Dao Qi, without adulteration.

Wan Dong never thought that there would be something in this world that could store Dao Qi, which made Wan Dongzhi a little unbelievable. Blood steel and purple gold, because they contain the essence of heaven and earth, and become valuable in the small world of ordinary people, then how to calculate the value of this gem with moral energy? Wan Dong couldn't imagine it.

As soon as Wan Dong's thoughts moved, his hand immediately added a piece of this white gem.

Wan Dong didn't even hide his surprise, raising his hand and asked Lai Wanli, "Brother Lai, what is this?"

"You don't know this? This is Yuan Jing!"

"Yuan Jing?" Wan Dong froze for a moment, searching through the memory of the Xuantian Great Ming God he had merged, without any information.

"Yes!" Lai Wanli nodded, the light flashing in his hand, and several white crystals flew out of his storage ring.

Seeing this, Wan Dong was shocked. It seemed to him that this extremely precious thing was not very rare.

Seeing Wan Dong's astonishment and doubt, Lai Wanli smiled and said, "Don't look at this Yuan Jing besides it's pretty, it seems useless. The gold and silver of the ordinary small world are the same. My storage ring was bought from the monks of the Daomen Great World with these crystals. "

When Lai Wanli said that Yuan Jing was useless, Wan Dong's mouth could not help but twitch. But soon, Wan Dong was relieved.

Dao Qi is stored in this crystal, and the warrior ’s ability to sense is simply not sensed, and it is even more useless. Is it useless? This Yuan Jing is really a rare thing for monks, but Wan Dong did not expect that Daomen World would even use this as a currency.

"Then where did you get such a polycrystal?" Wan Dong asked curiously.

Lai Wanli replied, "Our Ascension Continent is closely related to the Daomen Great World, and it is gradually affected by it. This Yuanjing has also become a kind of currency in Ascension Continent. It can also be used for trading. The Yuanjing in me I earned it and kept it deliberately, preparing to deal with monks from Daomen World in the future. "

"No, I'm asking, where did the crystals from Ascension Mainland come from?"

"Oh, of course, it was dug from the Yuanjing ore vein? This Yuanjing ore vein is like the gold and silver mines of your ordinary small world, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can dig it out. Now in our ascending mainland, there are many People live on it! "

"Since Ascension Continent has Yuanjing ore veins, why is there no ordinary small world? Although Ascension Continent is artificially distinguished from Ordinary Small World, the two coexist in Dongxuan Continent after all."

Lai Wanli thought for a while and said, "There should also be Yuanjing mineral veins in the small world of ordinary people. The number may be relatively small. In addition, Yuanjing is of little value in the small world of ordinary people. No one deliberately looks for it."

Wan Dong nodded slightly, and Lai Wanli's words made sense. Just like this gold mine and silver mine, no one is looking for it, and it does not exist.

Wan Dong suddenly laughed, turned his head to look at Lai Wanli, and said, "Brother Lai, if I use Pei Yuan Dan for this Yuan Jing, are you willing?"

"What are you talking about? Lord Ma, do you have Pei Yuan Dan in your hand?" Wan Dong's voice just fell, and Lai Wanli couldn't help but exclaimed, and the scattered repairers on the side were also in chaos.

Wan Dong nodded and said, "There are some!"

"Then ... would that show me?" Wan Dong nodded, Lai Wanli was even more excited, and said in a hurry, even with a little pleading.

"What's wrong with this?" Wan Dong took a Pei Yuan Dan out of his arms and threw it to Lai Wanli.

Lai Wanli hurried forward, and took it carefully ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402302->

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