Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 817: Pei Yuandan is also divided into pros and cons!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Don't look at Lai Wanli's cultivation, but he has been in business for so many years, but he has seen a lot of good things, and his knowledge is quite extraordinary. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it? Pei Yuandan, who passed his hand, is not in the minority.

"This ... this is Pei Yuandan?" And when Lai Wanli looked at Pei Yuandan handed over to him by Wan Dong for a long time, it came like this.

Wan Dong frowned at the time. After all, he was the first to refine Pei Yuan Dan. It was not surprising if something went wrong. Zhangkou asked: "Why, there is something wrong with Pei Yuandan?"

"Of course! And the problem is big!" Lai Wanli shouted in shock, the consternation in his voice couldn't hide it.

Wan Dong snorted and said, "Impossible, I made it according to the recipe. Why is there a problem? Is it that I practiced it wrong?"

"Wrong? No no no, not wrong, but right, that's right! This ... this Pei Yuan Dan is more than twice as powerful as the best I've seen before." Lai Wanli said this one Out, the whole scene suddenly fell into an uproar.

Those individual repairers all cast their eyes full of shock, and even the iron shaw that couldn't move on the ground could not help but raised their heads and looked at the Pei Yuan Dan in Lai Wanli's hands.

Everyone was shocked, but Wan Dong's mind was settled down, and I really wished to slap Wan Li's mouth. Did he talk like this and gasp fortunately, Wandong didn't have a heart attack, otherwise he would be shocked by him.

"City Lord, can I ask in a hurry, where did you get this Pei Yuan Dan, and which masterpiece of the alchemy master? Could it be the handwriting of Dan Sheng who has disappeared for a long time?" Chong Wandong asked like a ball.

Wan Dong shook his head and smiled, "I don't know the Dan Sheng you said, and you don't need to know the origin of these Pei Yuan Dans. I only ask you, would you like to exchange them with Pei Yuan Dans?"

"Yes, of course I do! Um ... I used two Yuanjings for one such Pei Yuan Dan, Master Cheng, do you agree?" Lai Wanli groaned for a moment and said with open mouth.

"Two Yuan Jing for one Pei Yuan Dan?" After listening to Lai Wanli, Wan Dong couldn't help but be surprised. The most ideal price in his mind is that one Yuan Jing for two Pei Yuan Dan, but the price given by Lai Wanli, but completely turned over.

At this time, Lai Wanli did not know. The true value of this Yuan Jing, and Wan Dongdong did not really know. The Pei Yuan Dan made from the white fire dragon is much more precious than the ordinary Pei Yuan Dan.

However, Wan Dong was still very satisfied with this price. He nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, just the price you said. However, I have no idea how many Yuan Jing you have on my body!"

"What do you mean? There are a lot of Pei Yuan Dan in the hands of Lord Cheng?" Lai Wanli was stunned.

The casual practitioners on the side could not help but breathe.

Wan Dong nodded gently.

The storage ring on Lai Wanli's finger immediately flashed a gleam of glory, and people with clear eyes knew at a glance that Lai Wanli was counting his wealth. About a while later, after thinking about it, Lai Wanli suddenly appeared in front of him with a huge amount of masterpieces and hundreds of yuan crystals.

In the end, it is business, and it really is an extraordinary shot, and the surrounding repairs all burst into exclamation.

Lai Wanli smiled and looked at Wandong Road, "I was originally going to keep these Yuanjing and exchange it with the monks of Daomen Dajie World. Since the master of the city wanted to exchange Pei Yuandan for these Yuanjing, then I would give Lord Lord. There are almost three hundred and twenty Yuan crystals here. Even if it is three hundred pieces, you will receive 150 Pei Yuan Dan for Lord Lord. "

Wan Dong laughed, and said, "You are the atmosphere! But as a city lord, how can you take advantage of you? Three hundred and twenty yuan crystals, one hundred and sixty pei yuan dan, I will not Less for you! "

"One ... one hundred and sixty? You ... do you really have so many Pei Yuan Danna?" As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, Lai Wanli's eyes widened in shock, and his face was unbelievable.

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing. "Ah, dare you take out 320 Yuan Yuan to tease me?"

"No, no, even if I have the courage to dare, I don't dare to tease you, Lord Master! It's just Lord Lord, let's talk about the front, what I want is the same quality as this Pei Yuan Dan. But look down upon. "

"In the end it is a businessman! You can rest assured that I am the Lord of Thunder City, will you still pit you? Come and pick yourself, take it away if you meet your requirements, and leave it to me if you don't meet your requirements! "

With that said, Wan Dong took out two small porcelain bottles from his arms, pulled out the corks, and poured all three hundred Pei Yuan Dan on the table. When he set up, he felt a refreshing medicinal fragrance. The wind drifted across the city's main palace, even if only a trace of it smelled, it made people feel excited.

Lai Wanli rubbed his eyes vigorously and then rubbed, almost all of them were blinded alive, only to be sure that he was not dreaming.

Those individual repairers are even more stupid to look at. They are so dull that they haven't moved for a long time. If it were not just that Wandong had defeated Tiesha by means of thunderbolt, it would be difficult to ensure that no one would **** at the heart and ventured forward to **** it.

"Brother Lai, please, you're welcome!" Wan Dong said with a smile.

"Hey, hey!" Lai Wanli hurriedly responded several times, and then rushed forward along the way.

Produced by Wandong, it must be a boutique! Lai Wanli didn't need to pick it carefully at all, just grab a hand, and each one was not inferior to the one in his hand. Lai Wanli quickly counted 159, and together with the previous one, it was exactly 160. It has been selected at any time, but Lai Wanli's eyes are still tightly staring at the remaining 140 or so. It feels as if the eyeballs are welded on these Pei Yuan Dan of.

upset! Annoyed by the tide, the mountains and tsunami surged in Lai Wanli's heart. He was annoyed why he didn't accumulate more Yuan Jing, as if the wolf encountered a large piece of meat, but it was as uncomfortable as it could not be eaten. Although this feeling cannot be said to be better than death, it is also painful.

"Why, so quickly selected?" Wan Dong asked with a smile.

Lai Wanli had to make all his effort to collect his gaze from the remaining Pei Yuandan, and looked at Wan Dong pitifully, looking like he couldn't stop talking.

What a keen sense of Wan Dong, he saw through his mind at a glance and said with a smile, "Brother Lai, we will not be a hammer trade, there are opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"In the future? That is to say, besides this batch of Pei Yuan Dan, the Lord of the City has other things?" Lai Wanli couldn't help but take a breath, his face full of shock, even horror.

It is because Lai Wanli has experienced too much Pei Yuan Dan, so he knows more clearly the value of this batch of Pei Yuan Dan in Wan Dong ’s hands. Ordinary Pei Yuan Dan, if it is in the hands of a complete junior warrior, can only make up half of its true energy at best. This half of the true energy, when facing the fairy beast, may allow the warrior to escape from death, but it is absolutely impossible to launch a counterattack. But Wan Dong ’s batch of Pei Yuan Dan, for a strong first-level powerhouse, even if there is only a trace of true energy at the end, just take one and it will be instantly filled, which is tantamount to another The ability to fight back against the fairy beast and achieve the final victory. The difference in this point is absolutely essential and very valuable!

Such a high-quality Pei Yuan Dan is like a top grade. Perhaps only one out of ten thousand pieces can be supplied like Wan Dong, which is almost unimaginable in Lai Wanli.

It wasn't him who was shocked. All of the scattered repairs on the spot held their breath and looked at Wandong's eyes as if they were looking at the gods.

Wan Dong smiled gently and said, "As long as you have enough Yuan Jing, how many Pei Yuan Dan you want, I have it here!"

"Sure enough!" Lai Wanli involuntarily exclaimed, looking into Wan Dong's eyes, full of incredible.

This sentence of Wan Dong undoubtedly shows him that at least Wan Dong has a way to refine such Pei Yuan Dan, otherwise he will be confident! ?

Lai Wanli almost spoke out, wanting to see this alchemist who successfully refined these Pei Yuan Dan, fortunately, Lai Wanli has not completely lost his mind, and he controlled his mouth at the critical moment. Once this question is asked When I came out, I was afraid that his friendly relationship with Wandong would end here.

Yuan Jing! Not long after Lai Wanli was excited, this question appeared before him. Wan Dong made it clear that Lai Wanli wanted to get this endless Pei Yuan Dan, provided he had enough Yuan Jing. Lai Wanli spent countless efforts, but only accumulated more than three hundred yuan crystals. It can be seen that this crystal is not a stone that is full of mountains and mountains, and it is not so easy to get.

While Lai Wanli was frowning, Wandong smiled slightly and turned to look at the long-awaited casual repairs, saying, "Tell you a piece of good news, I will open a pharmacy in Shenlei City to sell this kind of training. Yuan Dan. If you are interested, you can go there and buy. "

When Wan Dong said this, he was injecting a stimulant into the crowd, and the entire city's main palace was overwhelmed by the shouting of mountains and tsunami.

Pei Yuandan is very important for those Zongmen disciples. For these loose repairs, it can only be more important!

Sect disciples go out in groups, even if you are in bad luck, at least there are brothers and sisters who block it for you, giving you time to restore your qi, even if you are not good, you can be rescued, not to be buried in fairy beasts belly.

However, these scattered repairs are different. The lonely and widowed soldiers alone form a large army, but they are rich in gains, but they take much more risks. Once the true energy is exhausted, there is only one result, that is death!

Lai Wanli was in a hurry when everyone was happy, but if Wandong's pharmacy could sell Pei Yuan Dan continuously, would anyone else buy Pei Yuan Dan?

Lai Wanli was about to speak, and Wan Dong suddenly said loudly, “However, I am not a philanthropist, Xu Yaoting, if you want to buy Pei Yuan Dan, you should also bring out Yuan Jing. I have already thought about the price. Yuan Jing exchanges a Pei Yuan Dan. "-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402303->

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