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Wan Dong's voice had just dropped, and a group of exhorts immediately exclaimed, and there was much dissatisfaction in the expression. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it? Just before Lai Wanli exchanged two Yuan Jing for one Pei Yuan Dan, they all saw it in their eyes, it is inevitable that they would blame Wan Dong for being so thin, and there was no flat water in a bowl.

At the same time, Lai Wanli's heart landed steadily and securely, and at the same time, a deep gratitude surged in his heart. Wandong's pricing is obviously to give him profit margins, and the profit margins are still considerable. Otherwise, if Wandong's pharmacy also sells Pei Yuan Dan at the price of two Yuan Jing, why would anyone buy Pei Yuan Dan in his hand?

"City Lord, you seem a little unfair? Why Lai Wanli can get Pei Yuan Dan from your hands at such a low price, but we all have to pay the price of a Yuan Jing? Who's Yuan Jing? It ’s not because of the strong wind, is it? ”Someone shouted unevenly during the casual repair.

The shouts together resonated immediately, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

Seeing the stance of "rebellion" in a group of casual repairs, Lai Wanli hurriedly said, "You, what is business? Buying and selling from the heart, voluntarily voluntarily, this is the business, otherwise it is buying and selling, overlording! He is the master of Pei Yuandan. He naturally has the right to set prices according to his own wishes. As a buyer, you can also make a decision whether to buy or not. The two parties voluntarily voluntarily, this is fair! "

"You shut up! The benefits will make you go alone, and of course you feel fair! You profiteer!" Lai Wanli was okay, and as soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted everyone's anger to himself, scolding one slice.

Even though Lai Wanli was covered in mouth, in the face of everyone's anger, there was nothing to say, and his forehead sweated.

Wan Dong was not in a hurry, he was not angry, he smiled slightly, and stood up, saying, "You, I supply Pei Yuandan to Brother Lai at a lower price, it is because of my love! Before, iron It's very aggressive and everyone is on the sidelines. Why is only Brother Lai standing up and willing to speak for the city's lord? "

Wan Dong said that the group of chatters who were still chattering just now were silent for a while, and they looked embarrassed. Lai Wanli couldn't help but straighten his waist, his expression was very excited.

Wan Dong did n’t want to blame the public for repairing. After suppressing the discussion of public repairs, the words were followed by a slow voice and said, “Of course, I have no intention of blaming you. You are all alone and weak. I do n’t want to be a hostile to Juejian Sect. I understand them all, but it ’s because of my understanding that I am more grateful to Brother Lai. I ’m grateful for it. ? "

"Master Lord ..."

In Wandong's words, Lai Wanli dare to move, and tears flashed in his eyes.

Wan Dong nodded to him, and then said, "But everyone can gather in the city's main palace today, and that also gave me Xu Yaoting's face. It is my friend of Xu Yaoting. I have no reason to treat you badly. Everyone who is here today, I will be dead for a while People record their names one by one, except for everyone, especially those of the Sect of Ascension in the Mainland, buy Pei Yuan Dan from our pharmacy, all five Yuan Jing, no bargain! "

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, the dissatisfaction of the casual repairers immediately disappeared, and it was even more joyous. Everyone's face showed a bright smile, and a pair of heartfelt congratulations to Wan Dong, plus a very grateful expression.

This is how people like it. Compared with the above, the more depressed the more, but compared with the lower, no matter how depressed the mood can instantly disappear. This kind of characteristic is not necessarily the inferiority of human beings. It is more like a kind of spiritual self-protection of human beings. It is also indispensable.

Lai Wanli couldn't help but gave thumbs up to Wandong, his face full of admiration.

Wan Dong pressed his hands in vain, and the rest of the group quickly calmed down, and Wan Dong said, "I know that you may not be as happy as you are in the Ascension Continent. If you have been aggrieved outside, although you can come to my city's main palace, Xu Yaoting must come forward for everyone! "

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, a group of people suddenly fell into a silence, and everyone looked at each other, and at a time figured out the meaning of Wan Dong's dialect.

Lai Wanli hurriedly said aloud, "What are you still doing? The Lord of the City is taking all of us as friends. We can't help but know what's wrong. Besides, the Lord of the City will cultivate for the world, and he will support us. , Dare to bully us? "

These individual repairs are not unsolicited. They are all because of longing for freedom and unwillingness to be restrained. It is very difficult for them to return to the main palace of the city, but if they become friends with them, it is easy.

Lai Wanli itself is also a self-cultivation, and naturally understands the mind of the self-cultivation. These words immediately waked up these self-cultivation. A strong force can provide them with asylum without restraining their friends, which is what they need most.

The silent atmosphere suddenly dissipated, and the whole city's main palace was once again immersed in joy.

Wan Dong was also in a good mood. He turned to Hu Gui and said, "Lord Hu, order people to set up a banquet. I want to have a drink with everyone."

After all, Wandong clenched his fists to the people. "You are the Lord of the Thunder City. I have nothing to ask for. I only ask the people of the Thunder City to live and work without interruption. I hope you can help me!" "

"City Lord, you'll just say what you said. Shenlei City is also our home. Since it's our own business, how can we help?"

Lai Wanli knows how to reciprocate and confess to Li, even against the sound, the group of people who are eager to repair, and they are full of excitement.

At the same time, Wan Dong also told Zhong Sanxiu that his pharmacy not only sells Pei Yuan Dan, but also recycles all kinds of immortal grass and kernels, and promises that the price of the bulk repair here will be 20% higher than the market price, and once again got The support of the public repair.

Such a win-win situation, even Wan Dong did not expect in advance, and the mood is very comfortable! Especially looking at the Yuan Jing piled up in front of him, Wan Dong was even more excited.

After reaching for a piece, he took the qi in his body slightly, and in a blink of an eye, he merged with Yuan Jing, and then Wan Dong clearly felt that the qi originally stored in Yuan Jing seemed like a trickle. Penetrated into his body. As soon as these Dao qi entered the body, they immediately merged with the Dao qi in Yuan Fuzhong, and no longer distinguished each other.

It is just that there is not a lot of morality in this Yuanjing, so the growth brought to Wandong is not very obvious, but it is also real and cannot be ignored.

A lot of accumulation of Yuan Jing will enable Wang Yangde to improve their cultivation quickly, and secondly, they can also save enough capital, so as not to wait until he arrives in the Daomen World in the future, and be regarded as a poor man.

A series of articles appeared in Wan Dong's heart, and a snorting noise made him startled. Wan Dong hurriedly turned his head to see that Yuan Jing, which was originally held in his hand, had turned into a dust at this time, and passed through the fingers and drifted away.

The Dao Qi inside Yuan Jing was absorbed, and Yuan Jing itself lost its support and turned into dust, which is a natural thing. After a brief consternation, Wan Dong was relieved soon.

But at this moment, Lai Wanli aside suddenly exclaimed: "How ... how could this be?"

Wan Dongning looked around and saw Lai Wanli's face shocked and nervous. When Wan Dong looked to him, Lai Wanli was in a state of anxiety, making a vowed gesture in a hurry. Lord Master, I ... I swear to God, these Yuan Jing are absolutely ... true, if I lie to you, I will fight five thunders! "

Wan Dong was stunned for a while, and smiled, "What's wrong with you, I didn't say this Yuan Jing is fake."

"But ... but why this Yuanjing ... but ..."

Lai Wanli was trembling and speechless. Wan Dong thought about it and immediately understood. Because it contains Dao Qi, Yuan Jing is indestructible. Suddenly turned into dust at this time, Lai Wanli naturally thought that Yuan Jing was fake.

Wan Dong was clear in his heart, but there was no need to explain to Lai Wanli. He smiled and said, "You can rest assured, these Yuan Jing are true, I have already experienced it." Received in Tie Sha's storage ring.

Not to mention, this storage ring is really convenient. If not, Wan Dong has absolutely no way to carry these more than three hundred yuan crystals.

"Is it you ..." Lai Wanli was a wise man. When he saw Wan Dong's expression, he immediately understood it and could not help but exclaim.

Wan Dong didn't deny it, nodded with a smile, Lai Wanli's heart suddenly jumped violently, more and more Wan Dong felt unfathomable.

Wan Dong is very enthusiastic, and even more so because of Wan Li, Ma Yunliang, and Hu Gui, who took the lead. The feast was very lively from the beginning, and the atmosphere was extremely high!

Just as everyone was drinking, a faint floral fragrance, which somehow started, spread quickly. Wandong frowned slightly, this floral fragrance is extraordinary, a hint of nobleness in the quiet, it is by no means ordinary.

Looking up slowly, I saw a piece of white snow-like petals, which came with the wind, and flew away. In the blink of an eye, it was a rain of flowers.

"Hua Qingtian is here!" Wan Dongzheng was amazed by this scene, and Lai Wanli aside, whispering abruptly.

"Hua Qingkong?" Wan Dong cast his gaze for inquiry.

Lai Wanli coughed and lowered his voice. "Hua Qingkong is the first master in the young generation of Jiuxiao Pavilion. Even in Ascension Mainland, it is also a famous young man."

"Is the Jiuxiao Pavilion very powerful?" Wan Dong asked with a smile.

Lai Wanli hurriedly said: "Of course! The sects of Ascension Mainland are like birds in the woods, but there are countless. But the most powerful are the seven forces of one pavilion, two gates, four gates. They are absolutely dominant in the entire Ascension mainland, and the rest Sect, never dare to offend! This Jiuxiao Pavilion is the one among them! "-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402304->

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