Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 828: Dingshanwei is back!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Why?" Dai Yajun's heart suddenly froze and shouted in confusion.

Wan Dong blinked at her with a smile and said, "If I agree, then Shi Xiong will no longer beg you. When you are married, he will not listen to you, wouldn't it be my sin?"

"Ah! Xu Gongzi, you ... I ... I'm gone!" After listening to Wan Dong, Dai Yajun was embarrassed and said a sentence, he would have to escape.

Wan Dong hurriedly stopped her and said, "Miss Dai, don't hurry to go, I have nothing to say about it."

Dai Yajun looked at the letter and turned his head around. He saw Wan Dong's expression solemnly, and he seemed to have something serious to say, and he settled down.

Wan Dong really has something to ask Dai Yajun, no longer kidding, saying, "Girl Dai, I think your qualifications are no worse than that of Shi Xiong, Hua Qingkong, why are they all cultivated in Dao, but you are not?"

Dai Yajun heard the expression dimmed and said, "The light qualification is not good, and you must have a high-level mentality. Only when the two are united, can you build Dao Qi. Jiuxiao Pavilion, Dongxu Sect is strong, and spends a lot of money to buy from Damen Dajie The extremely elaborate fairy tactics, Hua Qingkong and Shi Xiong, can be so young that they can cultivate Taoism. Although our Jade Emperor Sect nominally ranks among the seven major sects, in fact, whether it is financial or other aspects, compared to the other six major sects, Quite a bit inferior. "

"It turns out so!" Wan Dong nodded gently, almost as expected.

"By Xu Gongzi, you also released Dao Qi during the battle with Tang Peng, and the Dao Qi you possess is extremely pure, and it is by no means Shi Xiong. Hua Qingkong can be compared, forgive Yajun for taking the liberty and dare to ask the son What kind of fairy tactics are you practicing? "

Seeing Wandong mentioning it, Dai Yajun also had the courage to ask out his curiosity. You should know that whether you are in the Ascension Continent or the Daomen World, such inquiries are taboo.

Dai Yajun believed that Wan Dong would not be angry for this, but what she did not expect was that Wan Dong smiled slightly and suddenly asked the sentence "why, do you want to learn too?"

Waiting for Dai Yajun to recall the meaning of Wandong's question, Wandong's lips touched and said lightly, "I can teach you!"

"Teach ... Teach me?" Dai Yajun couldn't believe his ears.

You should know that in Ascension Continent, each family's heart and magic formulas are the top secrets of each family. Even the disciples in the door have to undergo several screenings before they are willing to teach each other. As for outsiders, don't think about it. If someone accidentally peeks, they will immediately be hunted down by the other party to do their utmost and do everything they can. Where is there like Wan Dong who actively teaches his own immortal tactics?

"However, the magic formula I practiced is too strong for your women to practice. I have another fairy formula that is suitable for you!" Just when Dai Yajun was dumbfounded, Wan Dong Again.

"What fairy trick?" Dai Yajun asked involuntarily, blurting out.

Wan Dong smiled slightly and said, "I look at your peace of mind, good character, and softness. I have a" return to oneness ". Peace and softness are just tailored for you."

"To be together?" Dai Yajun murmured.

Wan Dong nodded, his hands were blowing like spring breezes, and slowly moved, a trace of mysterious Qi Qi immediately ripped from Wan Dong's body, concealed the heavenly path, followed the constant, in the dull, frequently magical Light.

In the end, he came out of the Ascension Continent, with extensive knowledge, and Dai Yajun ’s self-cultivation has reached a satisfactory state. His eyes are sharp, his touch is sharp, and he is immediately attracted by the mystery of one's breath. .

This smart apprentice is the most worry-free. For Dai Yajun, Wan Dong doesn't need to spend much time on her lips. Dai Yajun alone can understand that she can master 50%. What Wan Dong has to do is just to answer the questions one by one from Dai Yajun, to solve the puzzles, and to open up his chocks. It is very simple.

On the thirty-sixth week of his deeds, Dai Yajun suddenly found that in his Yuan Mansion, there was a trace of Lu Xian Qi that was very different from the true Qi. Even though Dai Yajun had never eaten pork, she had seen Pig Run. Of course, she knew that this trace of fairy spirit was the kind of dream she wanted. Although there is only a trace of it now, it is like a seed coming out of the ground. With careful care, one day, it will grow into a towering tree.

Happiness came so suddenly, Dai Yajun was so excited that she didn't know what to do, her body trembled, her tears were like broken beads, and she slid down her smooth and pink cheeks.

"Xu Gongzi, your great grace, how can I repay!" Dai Yajun looked at Wan Dong, and said with a little cry.

Wan Dong laughed and said, "Why don't you repay what you don't repay? Between friends, why don't you say that? After that, you become a pro with Shi Xiong, and your cultivation behavior is not as good as him. What if he bullies you? What to do now? Well, as long as you practice hard, from now on, you will only be bullied by Shi Xiong! Hahaha ... "

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you ... you're here again!" Wan Dong's laughter made Dai Yajun embarrassed, and his head was buried in the tall chest.

"City Lord!" In a scream, the alley came running, his face filled with joy.

"It seems that Hu Tongling has brought us good news, let's go!" Wan Dong waved and ushered Chu Yunyan and Dai Yajun.

"Master Lord, Venerable Hidden Blade and General Luo, they are back!"

Sure enough, it was good news. Wandong's heart shook up, pulling up his body like a crossbow arrow, and swept straight towards the city gate. Standing on the gate of the city, looking in the distance, the smoke and dust rolled in the distance, and dozens of silver-clad teenagers with enough shadows led a large army of tens of thousands of people to the Thunder City.

You don't have to go to the front, you can feel the sky-high momentum just by looking from a distance. After repeated experience of Bailong Snow Mountain, not only Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others have made great progress, even Dingshanwei's combat power has also increased geometrically.

If Dingshanwei at this time can resist the million heroes with one hundred, Wandong has no doubt at all. I'm afraid that on this Dongxuan continent, there will be no second powerhouse to compete with it.

"They're finally back!" Shi Xiongfei flew by and landed beside Wandong, his eyes watching the rolling crowd, his expression solemn.

Wan Dong looked back at him and smiled and asked, "Do you know them?"

Shi Xiong chuckled softly and said, "Which one of the Ascension Mainlanders who came here does not know? I have not only seen it, but I have also dealt with them."

"Oh? How about the outcome?" Wan Dong's eyes lit up and he was quite interested.

Shi Xiong lifted his chest and said in a loud voice, "If I fight alone, I will win! But this is nothing to be proud of. I came from the Ascension Continent, and I am highly valued by Dong Xuzong. It ’s more natural than to be able to beat them, but it ’s natural! But if they join hands, I ’m just afraid of ten of me, and I do n’t want to get a bargain. ”

Wan Dong nodded, and Shi Xiong's words were very pertinent.

"Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde ’s young people do n’t talk about it first, that Dingshanwei is really powerful! Everyone ’s cultivation is obviously not very high, but as a whole, the fighting power is surprisingly powerful. The whole Bailong Snow Mountain periphery Their fairy sales, from weak to strong, were almost all overthrown by them. In addition to the protection of Venerable Hidden Sword from the side, they are the strongest forces around Bailong Snow Mountain! "

"Hahaha ..." Shi Xiong's words just fell, and a loud laugh suddenly rose, rushing into the sky.

Not waiting for everyone to wake up to God, a reddish sword awn suddenly cut through the sky and went straight to Wandong.

"It's Wang Yangde! His cultivation has taken another big step!" Before Wan Dong spoke, Shi Xiong shouted first, his expression full of surprise.

"However, shouldn't Wang Yangde be yours, how could he shoot you?" Shi Xiong asked more and more surprised when he saw the target of the sword.

Wan Dong smiled slightly and said, "I am right, but I am spoiled!"

After saying nothing, Wan Dong showed his figure, his right hand was raised, a golden light, and immediately fell towards the red sword sword. When I saw it, I was about to hit it. The red sword sword suddenly split into two, turning into two indistinct sword shadows, which bypassed the golden light released by Wandong and attacked Wandong's upper and lower plates .

"Miao!" Shi Xiong's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help uttering an admiration.

Wan Dong's brows were also raised fiercely, and he was applauded in his heart. The practice of life and death in the Bailong Snow Mountain is indeed very good. Wang Yangde's understanding of the holy sword is more than just a little bit, and it has almost reached the stage of success.

However, Wang Yangde wanted to help Wandong with this sword, which is obviously not realistic. When two crimson sword shadows were forced to reach Wandong's arm, Wandong Huo's hands reached out, and he caught two sword shadows with a pair of flesh palms.

Shi Xiongzhi on the side was shocked with a cold sweat, and he sighed in his heart, "It really is the daring artist!"

Poof! Poof!

With two soft sounds, Wang Yangde's two red sword shadows, without exception, fell on Wan Dong's palm at the same time. Immediately afterwards, two golden lights flickered into the sky, and the two red sword shadows were like a fire thrown into the sea, and they were completely annihilated in the golden light immediately.

"Pervert!" A whisper came from the air, who could be Wang Yangde?

"Yangde gave way!" Wang Yangde's voice hadn't fallen yet, and Luo Xiao's shout rang.

Along with Luo Xiao's shouts, more than ten colorful and colorful strength suddenly tore the sky, like more than ten roaring colorful dragons, while rushing towards Wandong.

"You are rebelling!" Wan Dong laughed loudly and stood up, not shining, but fell directly into the ten-odd energy. When everyone was guessing what Wandong was going to do, it seemed that Wandong's surroundings had suddenly turned on the switch, and the golden light of the sky suddenly rose into the sky.

Under the light of the golden light, the more than ten energies seemed to be **** by a rope, first stuck in the air, then a little twist and change, and finally in the roar of Wandong , Actually turned their heads one after another, and flew back instead ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402314->

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