Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 829: Congenital birth rate!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

To be so smooth and natural that it can be used to perform the "Dou Zhuan Xing Zhan", it requires incomparably deep cultivation, and secondly, it requires extremely keen judgment and unparalleled control over true energy. + Shi Xiong stood aside, seeing everything clearly, and the shaking of his heart was even more incomparable.

A series of dozens of exclamations came, and dozens of figures invariably flew back in different directions. At first glance, it looked like a summer flower blooming, which was also spectacular.

"Boss, you are too great!" The tiger's shout sounded in the dust smoke, full of energy.

Wan Dong laughed and said, "If you don't teach you anything, you will have to commit chaos sooner or later."


Wan Dong's laughter did not fall. In the distance, a huge palm like a mountain suddenly struck the air. Along with it, there was a terrible breath to destroy the whole world.

Shi Xiong's eyes suddenly squinted. The true energy in his body ran at an uncontrollable speed. If it wasn't for Shi Xiong's opportunity, he quickly suppressed it. This breath alone was enough to make him get into trouble.

In a blink of an eye, Shi Xiong's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his voice yelled with surprise in his voice, "This must be the great consummate strongman, it must be!"

"Senior Hidden Sword, why have you always joined in the excitement?" Shi Xiong's face was shocked, but Wan Dong was smiling.

The shoulders shook gently, and the slender and gigantic figure instantly separated seventeen or eighty shadows. Every shadow showed a tendency to split the palm, so a series of seventeen or eight palms, like a mad dragon, intertwined into a giant net from different directions, hit the mountain-like palm shadow.

The scene was comparable to a comet hitting the earth. Two great energies collided fiercely in the air, and they kept making loud noises like thunder. Shi Xiong and others were upset by the shock of blood, almost hard to stand still.

Although the huge mountain-like palm shadow was overbearing, it was still difficult to resist Wan Dong's palm strength. After endless blows, after supporting about a few breaths, it eventually disappeared.

"Yao Ting, it seems that your cultivation is more than a great consummation."

The shadow of the palm dissipated, and the stable figure of Venerable Hidden Blade came slowly into the air. It seems that the state of the law is solemn, as if it were not a person in this world.

Wan Dong's eyes narrowed slightly. Compared with the past, the Hidden Blade Venerable at this time has changed in spirit and spirit. It seems that the trial of Bailong Snow Mountain is not only good for Wang Yangde and Luo Xiao, but also for the Venerable Hidden Sword.

"Not Great Consummation?" Shi Xiong looked startled, slightly surprised. But soon, the surprise became a matter of course.

Venerable Hidden Sword is the strong man of the Great Consummation. If he can easily resolve his offensive in this way, then the cultivation base will naturally be above the Great Consummation. But above the great consummation ... Shi Xiong's mind couldn't help but burst into a look, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, more and more awe.

"It looks like Senior Yindao is about to surpass the Great Consummation, which is really gratifying!"

Hidden Swordsman's cultivation practice can conceal others, but it cannot conceal Wandong. With his cultivation at this time, he has reached the peak of the Great Perfection Realm, and he is only one step away from the Yellow Seed Realm of the monk.

Unexpectedly, the expression of Venerable Hidden Blade suddenly became serious, shook his head and said, "Beyond the Great Consummation? Ha ha ... I also thought, but this final transformation from the warrior to the monk, I am afraid that I have been in my life There is no chance. "

Listening to Venerable Yindao ’s voice was solemn and his expression was somber, Wan Dong frowned lightly and asked with a somewhat puzzled question, “How could it be? I see the true energy in the body of Senior Yindao, only the last trace is left. It ’s all turned into Dao Qi. It seems that it ’s only a few days before the realization of the Yellow Seed Realm. "

"Sure enough, you didn't even notice Yaoting." Listening to Wan Dong said, Venerable Hidden Sword suddenly gave a long sigh, and his expression was full of disappointment.

Wan Dong became more and more puzzled, and his doubts were more intense.

Venerable Hidden Blade asked frowningly, "Don't you think there is any difference in this last trace of true energy in my body?"

Venerable Hidden Sword said, Wan Dong hurriedly looked at the last trace of his body that had not been converted into Dao Qi. After looking around for a while, Wan Dong's expression suddenly changed, and there was a shock in his voice that shouted, "This is not ordinary true energy, but a congenital birth!"

Venerable Hidden Blade nodded and said in a deep voice, "Everyone born in the world will have a trace of innate fetal breath. In fact, like the seed of Dao, this is the seed of true Qi. With him, we can continue The cultivation of real Qi accumulates and arduously seeks in martial arts. This congenital fetal breath is never like the real Qi that we later practiced, it will not be converted into Dao Qi so easily. And this trace of congenital fetal breath cannot be successfully converted into Dao Qi, then it will never be able to form the seed of Dao Qi, and it will never be able to achieve the realm of the Yellow Seed. Ha ha ... Unexpectedly, this trace of congenital fetal breath was originally a gift from heaven to us, but at this time it became our pursuit Heaven ’s biggest bond! "

When Wan Dong recognized the last true truth in the body of the Hidden Sword, he understood everything that the Hidden Sword said. In an instant, Wan Dong's mood also became heavy. If this problem cannot be solved, it is not only that the Hidden Blade Sovereign cannot be promoted, but also Wang Yangde and Luo Xiao.

"Why haven't I encountered this problem? Isn't there a congenital fetal breath in my body?" Wan Dong asked involuntarily.

"Impossible! If people do not have congenital births, they are afraid of dying as soon as they are born." Venerable Hidden Blade shook his head and said with certainty.

"Is it Xuan Tian Wu Shen Ju's relationship?"

Wan Dong's heart seemed to have only one explanation. In fact, thanks to Xuan Tian Wu God's tactics, he has embarked on a completely different path from ordinary monks. Ordinary monks need to pass the yellow seed, black mark, earth wheel, celestial, divine, holy spirit six realm and eighteenth level before they can reach the peak, but what Wandong needs to experience is Chengdan, transforming the god, returning to the triple heaven of the emptiness Reach the peak. The two are so far apart that they are completely different.

"If you want to be a monk successfully, there is no other way. You have to be reborn!" Shi Xiong suddenly came over and opened his mouth.

"You know what's going on?" Wan Dong looked back at him in amazement.

Shi Xiong smiled and said, "This is of course! In Ascension Continent, this is no secret at all. The first thing that every selected young handsome man needs to do after entering the Daomen World is to be reborn."

"How to reborn?" Wan Dong asked in a hurry.

"There are many more methods. It's like a panacea, Tongmai, and sashimi. It seems that every family in Daomen World has its own method. For Daomen World's power, it is not difficult to regenerate."

"But in this way, all the selected warriors must be controlled by the Daomen Dajie family?"

"That is of course! When people come to us to choose talents, they want to be turned into fresh blood and injected into the family. You are not under control and do not listen to the command, so why should they choose you?"

Wan Dong shook his head. Who knows what families of Daomen Dajie World will move in secret when they are reborn? At that time, they were born and changed their bones, but they became their slaves. Isn't that too wrong?

"Wait! You said that the family of the big world of the world will also use Ling Dan to regenerate the warrior?" Wan Dong's eyes lit up suddenly.

Shi Xiong is also a wise man, knowing Wan Dong's expression, he knows what Wan Dong is going to do. Say "I know you are a very good alchemist besides being extremely high, but I advise you not to be delusional. In the Daomen World, the spirit pill that helps the warrior reborn is not uncommon, but that It is in the Daomen Great World, in the Ascension Continent and the Ordinary Small World, but it is a rare thing that can never be found. Not only is it difficult to refine, but the materials required for refining are scarce, and there are almost no! "

Although I know what Shi Xiong said makes sense, Wan Dong will never give up even if there is a glimmer of hope. Gently smile, do not take Shi Xiong's words to heart.

Seeing Wan Dong's chest-shaped look, Shi Xiong couldn't help but be agitated. After all, in this world, who really wants to be a slave to others, driven by others?

"You ... wouldn't you really be able to make a rejuvenated spirit pill?" Shi Xiong stared at Wan Dong closely, and asked in a naughty voice.

"Even the spirit pill such as Qinqi Pill and Gushun Pill, my boss can refine it. Why is it difficult to regenerate the pill?" With a chuckle, Wang Yangde came with a sword of Chixiao and came over with heroes.

Shi Xiong glanced back at him, and was suddenly taken aback. Nana asked, "Why ... how did your cultivation practice grow so much?"

When Wang Yangde shot Wan Dong, Shi Xiong's feelings weren't real. At this time, he faced Wang Yangde face-to-face, judging from the coercion from the other party, he immediately judged that Wang Yangde Xiuwei had already stepped into a successful middle level.

Although compared to his cultivation practice, it is still a little worse, but compared to the last time Shi Xiong met Wang Yangde, Wang Yangde's progress is not a little bit.

The talents are different, and he has endless resources. Shi Xiong is no stranger to the rocket-like surge. But Wang Yangde's speed-up is not rocket-like? It's incredible!

Wang Yangde's eyes stared straight at Shi Xiong. It looked like a hungry wolf staring at his prey, saying, "I remember you! I lost to you that time, I will challenge you again!" "

In Wang Yangde's eyes, the twinkling battle was full of fighting. That high fighting spirit, all eyes looked blank, all brought a lot of pressure to Shi Xiong, the expression changed instantly.

However, Shi Xiong also had his own arrogance, and it was absolutely impossible for him to bow his head without defeat. What's more, Shi Xiong still has more than 60% confidence in defeating Wang Yangde. But if Wang Yangde was allowed to practice at such a horrible speed for a few days, Shi Xiong would not dare to say.

"You can improve at this speed, you must rely on it! Wait, you just mentioned the Qi Qi Dan and Gu Soul Pill?" The color of excitement ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402315->

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