Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 838: Had to bow his head!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

The Great Consummation is the Great Consummation, and the power of this flutter is ten times more fierce than that of the tigers going down the mountain. Accompanied by bursts of scalp numbness, Gu Lie crossed the distance with Wandong in a blink of an eye, his right hand pawed, and fell towards the cover of Wandong's head.

If this claw is grasped, it is entirely conceivable that Wan Dong's head will burst like a watermelon.

It's just how could Wandong make him real? Seeing Gu Lie grabbing, Wan Dong couldn't avoid it, only waiting for Gu Lie's meat claws to be separated from the top of his head by a punch, Wan Dong then raised his fist violently, heavy punches, straight to Gulie's claw.

"Little bastard, you are looking for death!" Gu Lie roared loudly, his expression more angry, and his claws more urgent. Straightly crush Wan Dong's fist first, and then scratch Wan Dong's head like tofu. If not, it will hardly dispel his hatred.


In a very dull sound, Wan Dong's punches were not leaning against Gulie's claws. When the two touched reality, Gu Lie's face immediately showed a gruesome and cold smile. Just as Gu Lie's heart was violent, and the curved five fingers had to be slammed, crushing Wan Dong's fist, a terrible force like a **** broke out, and it was first sprayed out of Wan Dong's body. Hit his heart.

This force was so strong and fierce that it gave Gu Lie the feeling of being hit by a cannonball that had been ejected from the front, and his chest was suddenly dull, and he flew out. He flew out dozens of feet before he tried his best, and he hit the ground heavily, so that Gu Lie, who was already a great consummation, was also bursting.

It was not just Gulie who was enlightened, but Xu Sansan was the same. In fact, Xu Sansan's shock was even above Gulie. She confronted Gu Lie several times and was most aware of Gu Lie's cultivation behavior. When she really dreamed, she did not expect that Gu Lie would be defeated so easily, giving people a sense of unreality like in a dream.

"Dare to block me, die!" Fist blasted Gu Lie, Wan Donggao's figure sitting on the horse's back did not even shake a trace. Leng Yan's eyes swept, and his mouth was like spring thunder. Even if it was Xu Sansan, that kind of stoicness could not help but look in his eyes.

Gu Lie stood up with a trembling tremor, and the pain in his palms ran through his body like electric current. Looking down, Gu Lie's right palm left a fist print incomparably clear, and now it was purple and black. Even if you move your finger a little, the pain in your heart will make him sweat, and his right hand, even if it has not been discarded, I am afraid it will take a long time to recover.

Gu Lie couldn't believe it was true. The deputy pavilion master of Jiuxiao Pavilion would lose in a mortal hand in a stroke, which seemed to him a nightmare.

"You ... who are you?" Gu Lie looked up at Wan Dong, his eyes full of vigilance.

Wan Dong sneered, not answering and asked, "Are you going to block me?"

Wan Dong's aggressive look made Gu Lie very annoyed. You should know that such eyes, such breath, such momentum, have never appeared on him. When was Gu Lie trampled under his feet?

Gu Lie wanted to shoot out subconsciously, but suddenly the very strong punch of Fang Cai Wandong flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but stagnate.

"Your Excellency went to Fahua Mountain, I don't know what to do?" Gu Liechang took a breath, forced his anger down, and used the honorific title. This is not easy for Gu Lie, who is used to arrogance and arrogance.

It is a pity that Wan Dong did not accept his love at all.

Gu Lie's words just fell, Wan Dong suddenly tightened the reins in his hand, and his crotch horse immediately raised a pair of front hooves, and there was a loud hissing sound in his mouth. The huge and tall figure jumped up directly To Gu Lie.

The horse's figure has not yet been settled, and Wan Dong's palm has already slashed to Gu Lie.

"Ah !?" Gu Lie had no idea that Wan Dong would be so intense, a pair of surprised eyes almost jumped out of his eyes. He waved his hands in a hurry and blocked it.

Although Gu Lie was already in the Great Consummation, in front of Wan Dong, he was as vulnerable as a baby. The palms of the two collided together, and even one breathing effort did not arrive, Gu Lie's palm strength had already collapsed first, and then the whole person was under the power of Wan Dong, as if flying like a cloud, flying again and again Went out.

This time it was not so easy, a mouthful of blood rushed out, letting Gu Lie look blue for a while.

When Gu Lie stood up in shock, Wan Dong snorted, "Where do I go and what do I need to report to you?"

"You you you ..." Wan Dong's expression made Gu Lie feel that he was the little boy who was not influential, small debris, so humiliating.

"Ah !!!" Gu Lie was so angry that he couldn't even speak, but at this time, a scream was screaming one after another.

Gu Lie looked back in panic, and saw that the dozens of disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion finally couldn't resist Dingshanwei's continuous, archery arrows, and began to suffer casualties. As soon as the casualties appeared, they seemed to be contagious and spread in a blink of an eye. Even the master of the consummation is inevitable, and one by one begins to collapse.

"You ... do you really dare to kill our people in Jiuxiao Pavilion?" Gu Lie's mind jumped up and down, and he couldn't believe it was true.

In Ascension Continent, who dare not give Jiuxiaoge some face? Where has he seen a terrible and simple master like Wan Dong, who said that if he killed, he wouldn't leave Jiuxiao Pavilion with the slightest face. Those who don't know think that Wandong and Jiuxiao Pavilion are mortal enemies.

"This young man's spicy means!" Xu Sansan couldn't help but sigh. However, I was very relieved in my heart. I haven't seen Jiuxiao Pavilion so emaciated for a long time.

"You see nothing in the coffin and no tears! It seems that you will not give way without killing you!"

Just when Gu Lie was frightened, Wan Dong's expression was a sudden chill, and there was a murderous opportunity, which immediately diffused from his body.

The roar of the beast from the depths of Fahua Mountain is getting louder and more anxious. Obviously the battle there has been heated up and there is no time to delay it!

"Dingshanwei stepped forward!" Wan Dong roared, Dingshanwei immediately moved in unison.

The successive rain of arrows just now made those chills shot by those disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion. At this time, they saw the Wanding Mountain Guard, while waving their scimitars, swiping their horses, and the cold light flashing from the scimitars, covering the sky In fact, the temperature around them dropped a few degrees at once. Those disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion were even more frightened. Where there is the guts to face the head-to-head, coincidentally flew back.

"Gulie, it's not easy to train a few elite disciples in Jiuxiao Pavilion, do you really want them to die here?" Xu Sansan said suddenly.

"Stop ... stop!" Xu Sansan's words made Gu Lie shivering, but he was awake. He now no longer doubts whether Wandong will kill them. If you stop it again, Tie Ding will, as Xu Sansan said, not only the disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion he brought are to die, but I am afraid that even he himself can't escape the robbery.

Gu Lie shouted, and his forehead was covered with sweat beads.

"If you want to enter Fahua Mountain, just please, we ... we will stop it!" Gu Li's drooping head and weak voice are not difficult to hear. He really admitted this time.

Seeing Gu Lie lower his head, Wan Dong also shouted Dingshan Wei. First, there is no time to delay, and second, Wandong does not want to do things too badly.

"Go!" Wan Dong didn't even look at Gu Lie, sipped, and patted the horse to Fa Huashan

"Slow!" Xu Sansan hurriedly swept over and blocked Wan Dong's horseshoe.

Wan Dong frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Why do you want to stop me?"

Wan Dong's cold eyes made Xu Sansan's mind tremble for a while, and he cried out in his stomach, and there was such a domineering young man like Wan Dong. Compared with one of them, the so-called talents of those ascending continents are simply farts!

Xu Sansan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I never meant to stop you, actually ..."

"Xu Xiaxia!" Before Xu Sansan's words were finished, Lai Wanli suddenly walked over, full of surprises.

Xu Sansan flicked his eyebrows and looked at Lai Wanli up and down. Meiyu asked with some doubts, "Are you ..."

"Daughter Xu, don't you know me? I'm Lai Wanli. At first, thanks to you and Xiao Xiaoxia's rescue, I was saved from being buried in the hands of thieves. Why, don't you remember me?"

"Lai Wanli?" Xu Sansan frowned for a moment, and Emei's eyebrow stretched out suddenly, with a surprised expression on his face. "It's you! Sorry, I ... I didn't remember it for a moment."

Lai Wanli repeatedly waved his hand, "People who have benefited from the heroine Xu and the hero Xiao, such as the crucian carp crossing the river, you can't remember it for a while, it is also a matter of course.

"Exactly!" Xu Sansan nodded busy, anxiously on his face.

Lai Wanli yelled and said, "We all have the master of the city, also came to save Xiao Xiaoxia!"

"Master Lord?" Seeing Lai Wanli's eyes fell on Wan Dong's body, Xu Sansan's heart was curious.

Lai Wanli said to Xu Sansan "Yes! This is the owner of our **** Thunder City."

"Good young Master!" Xu Sansan couldn't help but exclaimed, his face full of admiration.

Lai Wanli said that Xu Sansan was with Xiao Lang. When he loved the house and under the dark, Wan Dong's attitude towards her softened. Tao said: "Time is pressing, let's take the time to go to Xiao Xiaoxia first!"

Xu Sansan didn't have to be like this. Wan Dong's words could be said to be in her heart, and nodded quickly, saying, "I ... I thank Lord Cheng for Xiao Lang, thank you all!"

"Although Xiao Xia and I have never met each other, we can admire what he has done, but we are deeply admired, and Xu Xia does not need to thank you!" Rushing towards the depths of Mount Fahua. Dingshanwei went with him, so there was no hesitation! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402324->

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