Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 839: Unknown danger!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Seeing this situation, Xu Sansan nodded frequently, hoping to be born. Relying on Wanli nodded, he hurriedly chased up and rushed deep into Fahua Mountain.

"Deputy Patriarch, the brethren have suffered nearly half of their casualties. Is that the case?" Wan Dong and others just left, and a disciple of Jiuxiao Pavilion said to Gu Lie with resentment.

Gu Lie turned back and glared fiercely at the disciple. He sneered and said, "Why don't you say it when the others haven't left yet? Fool things, and sell in front of Lao Tzu?"

After talking, Gu Lie suddenly raised his palm and beat him. The corner of the mouth of the disciple of Jiu Xiaoge who cracked straight, the blood flowed, and he stepped back a few steps in a row, bowing his head, and dared not say more than one word.

Gu Lie snorted and said, "That boy's cultivation is terrible, I feel he can even kill me. For such a strong man, what can we do other than recognize it? But, although we can't deal with him, Ling Shangxian It will definitely make him worse than life! Hum ... Xu Sansan, I'll see if you can save Xiao Lang! "

"Look! They are there!" Everyone entered the Fahua Mountain, and running shortly, Xu Sansan shouted in exclamation.

At this time Xiao Lang and others had already retreated to the broken wall, but the price paid was quite large. There were at least a hundred corpses lying on the ground. Even Xiao Lang was bathing in blood at this time, and there were so many wounds on his body that I didn't know how much was left.

When Xu Sansan saw this situation, the whole person was anxious, and his eyes were full of tears.

"Xiao Xiaoxia! Xiao Xiaoxia!" Just when Xu Sansan was anxious to cry, Xiao Lang's situation was worsening. Only a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded, a glorious blood like a summer flower, blooming from Xiao Lang's body.

The claws of a flaming tiger grabbed Xiao Lang's body mercilessly. Even if he was as strong as Xiao Lang, he couldn't bear it, and screamed back.

The casual repairs on the side were all exclaimed, and the subconscious wanted to rush up to support Xiao Lang, but saw that Xiao Lang was staggering and retreating, under a near-impossible situation, he took a backhand sword. Huohuo's sword light, with a swish, pierced the throat of the exploding tiger and killed it under the sword.

"Don't move! Don't mess up, don't mess up!" Xiao Lang split the flame tiger with a sword, not waiting for his body to stand firm, let alone deal with the injury on his body, he shouted in a hurry.

At this moment, formation means everything! The formation is chaotic, and these defensive defenses that are not easy to arrange will collapse and be destroyed in an instant.

On this point, Xiao Lang is clearly better than anyone else, so that everyone will be disregarded.

"Grandma, these animals are really annoying!" Xiao Lang's figure was slightly swaying, and there was endless exhaustion between his eyebrows.

As the core of the entire defense, Xiao Lang was under pressure beyond imagination. Not to mention, just such a long time of nervousness is enough to make people collapse, not to mention, Xiao Lang is not only fighting for himself at this time, but also carrying the life of nearly a hundred casual repairs. Coupled with all the wounds and bleedings in the body, the double blows on the body and spirit, it is difficult to imagine how Xiao Lang persisted until now.

"Uh!" With a cry, a man who was a few years younger than Xiao Lang stumbled back to the side, his body bleeding and his expression full of pain.

Xiao Lang glared, stepped forward, dragged him behind him, swept his sword at the same time, and swept back a silver wolf who was following him.

"Asshole! Who made you move your position?" Xiao Lang scolded, and the trembling eardrum buzzed.

The man's injury was not light, but there was no trace of regret on his face. He shouted, "Xiao Xiaoxia, you hurt too much, and you should rest and rest. Let me take your place!"

Hearing this man's words, Xiao Lang's heart sighed for a while, but his expression was as rigid as before, and said sharply, "I don't need it, I can withstand it! Give me back to your position, and you can't move any more. Not only for you, but also for others! "

"Xiao Xiaoxia!" The man couldn't help shouting.

"Go back!" Xiao Lang ignored them completely, screamed and pushed him back directly, and once turned around, he stood at the forefront of the defense line.

"Everyone believes in me, as long as you have faith, as long as you hold on, we will not die! No!" Xiao Lang burst into roar, his swordsman swayed in succession, several swords, like thunder in the fairy beast group The explosion exploded in the sky, raising a sky of blood mist.

At this time, Xiao Lang looked like the God of War that would never fall, awed by involuntary hearts.

"Xiao Lang!" Finally arrived, Xu Sansan saw Xiao Lang covered in blood at a glance, and could not help shouting loudly, and tears came out of a pair of phoenix eyes.

It's a pity that Xiao Lang didn't dare to be distracted by the roaring fairy beasts, and didn't notice Xu Sansan's cry.

Xu Sansan gritted his teeth, and then he rushed into the fairy beasts to merge with Xiao Lang, but was forced to die by a powerful hand.

Xu Sansan looked back, and it wasn't her other people who held her back, it was Wan Dong, and his expression changed several times. "Let me go, I'm going to save Xiao Lang!"

Wandong frowned tightly, and there was some uneasiness in his expression. If someone familiar with Wandong saw this expression on his face, he would be surprised. Wan Dong didn't seem to hear Xu Sansan's words, his eyes kept searching around, and the uneasy look on his face became stronger and stronger. It feels as if there is something extraordinary that will suddenly rush over.

Wan Dong is really uneasy because he feels a danger, an unprecedented intensity that he has never felt before. This feeling came when Wan Dong stepped into Fahua Mountain, but when he came here, he did not find the source of this dangerous feeling. But one thing, Wan Dong can be sure, that is in this Fahua Mountain, the most dangerous is not this fairy beast group.

"Let me go, let me go!" Seeing Wan Dong ignored him, Xu Sansan was extremely anxious, and his mouth was repeatedly spoiled.

Wan Dong frowned, and said with a deep voice, "You calm down, if you want to save Xiao Xiaoxia, you must first cherish yourself. Who do you think you are, and just rush into the fairy beast group with your cultivation behavior, which is tantamount to suicide!"

"Then you can! Your cultivation level is so high that even Gu Lie is not your enemy. You will be able to rush over. We should be able to rescue Xiao Lang from inside and outside together!" Xu Sansan said eagerly. .

In fact, the method that Xu Sansan mentioned coincided with Wan Dong's original idea. Xiao Lang and Yigan were trapped and repaired, and it was really the end of the strong crossbow. If Wan Dong did not rush to the past, help them stabilize their positions, maybe they will wait for them to kill the fairy beast group, Xiao Lang and others will have been buried in the fairy beast profit Under the claw.

But now the situation is a bit different, the secret threat has not been found, and the sudden shot is simply to find a dead end!

Wan Dong is completely unsure whether it is the fairy beast or the man hidden in the secret. If it is a fairy beast, it will be a super strong fairy beast beyond Wan Dong's imagination, if it is a human, it will be an extraordinary master who is hard to find in the world, and there is no doubt that its cultivation base is set on Wan Dong, otherwise it is flat Will not bring such a strong sense of danger to Wan Dong.

"Why, are you afraid?" After seeing Wan Dong not responding for a long time, Xu Sansan was even more anxious, and his attitude naturally became worse, and he opened his mouth.

Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli, who came over together, all felt a harsh ear. If Xu Sansan is not Lai Wanli's benefactor, Lai Wanli may have fought back. In his mind, Wandong, standing on top of the sky, even the Cloud Gate, and Jiuxiao Pavilion are not afraid. Will they be afraid of the fairy beasts in this area? Xu Sansan's words were simply an insult to him.

"Why don't you talk, are you really afraid?" Xu Sansan originally wanted to excite Wan Dong, but he saw Wan Dong silently, his face became more and more ugly, and Fang Xin couldn't help but burst into a rage, his voice There were three more surprises in the game.

Lai Wanli and Dai Yajun also found anomalies, and looked blankly at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong coughed, and his expression was a bit unnatural. "I'm not afraid, but I haven't figured out some things. I don't want everyone to sacrifice."

"It's all here, Xiao Lang and they are there. What else are you confused about? Are you making excuses for your fear and cowardice?" Xu Sansan couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Xu Gongzi, what the **** is going on?" Dai Yajun also began to feel puzzled, Nana asked.

Wan Dong didn't know how to explain to them for a moment, his brows grew tighter.

"Roar !!!" Just when Dai Yajun was puzzled by Wandong's attitude, a loud roar suddenly sounded.

The people turned their heads and saw that the long sword in Xiao Lang's hand suddenly burst out into the sky, like a mad dragon, sweeping up among the fairy beasts. Such an overbearing sword power, such a sharp sword spirit, even Wan Dong was looking in his eyes and was shocked in his heart.

Immortal beasts were immediately hit hard, several explosive tigers, several silver wolves, and several double-headed ostriches, and were swept up by sword gas into the sky together. After landing, they directly turned into ground minced meat.

Such a powerful sword is naturally an addiction, but in Wan Dong's view, it is nothing but drinking thirst to quench thirst. As soon as the sword momentum ended, Xiao Lang's figure was swaying for a while, and he had to lean on the ground with a sword, which barely stood still. Obviously, such a domineering sword move, Xiao Lang did not want to send it.

And that fairy beast group was only slightly blocked. After Xiao Lang's sword gas disappeared, and did not stay too long, he immediately rushed to Xiao Lang and them.

Seeing the situation of Xiao Lang and others getting more and more difficult, Xu Sansan finally couldn't help it, and Chong Wandong shouted, "I think Xu Sansan misread you! Let go of my coward, you are afraid of death, but I am not afraid! "

Drink it. Seeing that Wan Dong hasn't meant to let go, he bites the silver teeth and actually stabs at Wan Dong's chest.

Wan Dong sighed softly and pointed with his right hand. He caught Xu Sansan's sword edge and said, "Come and command everyone to attack the fairy beasts. I will help Xiao Xiao to stabilize the defense line!" --By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402325->

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