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"You ..." Wan Dong said this, and Xu Sansan couldn't help but stunned slightly, which was quite unexpected. 77nt.Com Qianqian Novel Network (updated by 92Ks.Com in this chapter), not all websites are the first launch, search + you will know. Obviously, Wan Dong hesitated, not because of cowardice, for fear of other considerations.

Xu Sansan is a clever woman. At this time, she is only concerned about chaos, and her thoughts are inevitably extreme. Hearing Wan Dong's words, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

He coughed lightly and said, "Then be careful!"

Wan Dong yelled, turned his head to Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli, and said, "In a while, you will fully cooperate with Lady Xu. At the same time, you must pay attention to the movements around you at any time.

Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli thought Wandong was worried about their safety. After listening to it, they were not grateful but did not think elsewhere. At this time, although Wan Dong felt dangerous, he could not tell the truth clearly, knowing that the two Dai Lai did not fully understand the meaning of his words, but did not know how to explain further. I had to sigh and take one step at a time, I hope he felt wrong.

"It's just that this fairy beast group is so crazy, how should you pass?" Looking at the dense, almost impenetrable fairy beast group in front of him, Xu Sansan's face was sad.

Only then did she save people's hearts, she didn't think about it so much, she calmed down at this time and realized that it was not easy to go to Xiao Lang's end.

Wan Dong lightly frowned, his thoughts moved, and the hilt entrenched in his Yuan Fu immediately appeared in his palm. The ray of light spread out, turning into a sword edge that was indistinguishable from reality, pointing directly to the sky.

"This sword ..." Xu Sansan's heart jumped wildly, his eyes full of consternation.

Xu Sansan was born in the mainland of Ascension, and his vision is natural. He stared blankly at the radiant, translucent divine sword in Wan Dong's hands, and there was a surge of heart and soul.

"Shen Bing! Absolute Shen Bing!" Lai Wanli, who is good at trading, is of course unique in his vision, and at a glance he saw that the extraordinary sword in Wan Dong's hands exclaimed with excitement.

Where does Wan Dong have thoughts to explain the reason of this sword to them? Suddenly turned his head and said, "Dingshanwei, help me!"

"Yes!" Dingshan Weiqi responded, pulling the crossbow in his hand. When Wan Dong's body vacated, 10,000 strong crossbows, and at the same time, the sound of the string off, and together, turned into a puff of buzz, let Dai Yajun, Lai Wanli and others all felt a burst of blood boiling.

The rain of arrows covering the sky and the sun, carrying a wave of destruction, fell into the fairy beast group without looking back.

The arrowheads made of purple gold are astonishingly powerful, and there are sounds of sharp blades entering the flesh everywhere, blood flowers splashing everywhere, immortal beasts, and there is a chaos immediately, all kinds of stern roar Suddenly resounded through the clouds.

After being under siege for a long time, the casual repairers who were almost at the end of the strong crossbow, were stunned by the sudden scene in front of them, and could not help stopping their movements. However, they do not have to worry about being killed by the fairy beasts. The whole fairy beast group has been stirred up by this arrow rain.

Arrow Rain not only brought death, but also brought fear. Spiritual fairy beasts are especially sensitive. At this time, all dissatisfaction is looking back with fear.

"Why ... what's going on?" A group of casual repairers exclaimed.

Xiao Lang was also greatly excited, and looked eagerly towards the back of the fairy beast.

"Xiao Xiaoxia, is someone here to save us?" Someone shouted, with excitement and tension in his voice.

Xiao Lang nodded his head lightly and was about to speak. Suddenly, there was a more terrifying breath than the arrow rain before it, and it swept away. I don't know where it came from, but it was swift and violent, and it spread out in an instant!

"This is ..." At this time, even Xiao Lang couldn't calm down any more and exclaimed with a straight mouth.

"Such a pure Dao Qi, such a terrible breath, is it that an old monster above has come down? No ... No, although this Dao Qi is extremely pure, it is not very powerful, it should not be those old monsters, but What's going on with the terrible breath of the **** sea? "

Xiao Lang was completely confused by this sudden breath, his expression changed from time to time.

Compared with Xiao Lang's doubts, Xu Sansan was almost frightened. He stared blankly at Wan Dong, who was gone, looking at the magical soldier in his hand, constantly spitting out a piece of blood-like light, and the whole person could not help shaking.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it. Someone could release such a terrible sword as if to drag the whole world into a sea of ​​blood.

In order to pass through this fairy beast group, in addition to ‘Blood Slave Thousands of Lis’, Wan Dong could n’t think of any other way.

A group of panicked fairy beasts that had been fought by Jian Yu was now shrouded by the "Blood Slaughter", and even more chaotic. Fairy beasts of low level, lying directly on the ground, pressed by the breath of blood slaughtered thousands of miles, could not stand up, and those of higher ranks were all running around. Jianfeng.

I do n’t know if it ’s because it has been performed several times. Touched by the mind, pointed by Jian Feng, almost no hesitation, the power is constantly increasing.


All the blood of the sky fell into the fairy beasts, just like a grenade rainstorm, a burst of air, densely packed, like a rainstorm hit the silver plate, almost sighed. All kinds of fairy beasts were thrown into the air one by one with violent strength. The previous fierceness disappeared without a trace, and only the fear and despair were left.

A direct route to Xiao Lang appeared at the foot of Wan Dong.

"Dingshanwei attacked!" With a burst of excitement, Wan Dong didn't look back, and Ling Kong went straight to Xiao Lang.

Make it like a mountain! Ten thousand Dingshan guards did not hesitate for half a minute, put away the strong crossbow, waved the scimitar, and rushed towards the fairy beast like a tide. The Nine Palaces and Nine Songs are well-trained and skillful as long as they have been drilled. From the air, Dingshanwei seemed to be an extremely sharp steel knife, which was directly inserted into the fairy beast group.

Xu Sansan shook his head vigorously, and then he woke up from the deep shock. As soon as he looked up, Dingshanwei had already rushed out dozens of feet, hurriedly yelled, and led Dai Yajun, Lai Wanli and others, and rushed out together.

If it's a single fight, Xu Sansan and those who do loose training. Each one can easily deal with more than a dozen Dingshan Guards, but if the army is fighting, they are afraid that even the Dingshan Guards of the same number will not be able to deal with them.

Following Dingshanwei, even if he rushed into the center of the fairy beast group, Xu Sansan did not feel any pressure. Where the sword light swept away, a fairy beast fell like a cut wheat. It's not how powerful Xu Sansan's sword is. It's really the fairy beasts swept by her sword light. They are all 'second-hand goods' that have been devastated by Dingshan Wei.


Three consecutive loud noises, surrounded by the fairy beasts around Xiao Lang, were swept away by the golden light, and Wan Dong, like a **** descending from the sky, steadily landed in front of Xiao Lang.

"You ... you are ..." Xiao Lang looked at Wandong, his eyes full of surprise.

"City Master! Really you?" And when Xiao Lang was surprised at Wan Dong's youth, the group of casual repairers beside him were all cheering together.

Wan Dong's eyes swept away, most of the faces he had seen in the city's main palace.

Nodded, Wan Dongdao "I'm sorry, I'm late!"

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, all the casual repairers shed tears. Of course I was moved, but more of it was the joy of the rest of my life.

"City Lord?" Xiao Lang was even more confused.

Wan Dong smiled at him and said, "Younger brother has heard the reputation of Xiao Xiaoxia early. Seeing it today, it really deserved reputation!"

Xiao Lang's words didn't mean anything to compliment. Seeing Xiao Lang almost covered the wounds all over his body, Wan Dong really admired him. None of his wounds were born for himself, let alone say, on this point, it is worthy of the name of a hero.

"Protect Xiao Xia from taking a rest, and leave the rest to me!" Waiting for Xiao Lang to respond, Wan Dong opened his mouth undoubtedly.

"How do I do it? Or do I come!" Xiao Lang straightened up subconsciously.

Wan Dong didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and the two scattered repairs on the side made a wink. The two scattered repairs immediately came forward and forced Xiao Lang to the back.

Xiao Lang wanted to be angry, but when he saw Wan Dong's firm, iron look, he couldn't help laughing, and looked at Wan Dong's eyes, which became milder at this moment.

"Xiao Daxia, the master of the city's master is so unpredictable, you don't have to worry about it at all!"

Seeing a group of casual practitioners mentioning Wandong, their eyes showed a kind of respect and admiration from the heart, which made Xiao Lang more curious about Wandong.

Wan Dong was not deliberately cool, he really did not intend to explain to Xiao Lang. In order to pass through the fairy beasts, he did not hesitate to use "Blood Slaughter", when he felt that the threat hidden in the dark was several times stronger than before. And he also has a feeling of being stared at. If it is creepy, it may be a little exaggerated, but it will not be much worse.

Needless to say, the hidden threat has already noticed him.

It ’s like a time bomb. No one knows when it will explode. Wandong can only seize every minute and every second, first solve the fairy beasts in front of him, and then concentrate on dealing with hiding in the dark Threat.

Standing in the position originally belonged to Xiao Lang, Wan Dong's heart suddenly settled. The soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, how can you be a big threat?

The false and real sword edge lifted up, and the qi in the body spontaneously gathered on the sword edge. The brilliance of the sword qi and zodiac, and suddenly a large and large area of ​​fairy beasts, all fell into the pool of blood. The pressure on a group of loose repairers suddenly relieved most of them, and they all took a breath ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402326->

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