Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 842: Blood skeleton!

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The power exuded from this person was so strong that Xu Sansan was even a little breathless, and she still did so, not to mention the rest. (This chapter is updated by 92Ks.Com on Love Reading Book Network) + Dingshanwei are tightly close together. With the group's momentum, this can barely support.

Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli did not have the advantage of Dingshanwei's legion, but they could only contend with their own strength. The situation was more difficult than Dingshanwei. It took a while for Dai Yajun ’s pretty face to be covered with fine sweat beads, and her delicate body shivered like electric shock.

Among the people, only Wandong can maintain a calm. One reason is that his cultivation practice is much higher than the others. Secondly, Li Baiyi's power is much stronger than the one in front of him. Now that we have faced it, we naturally need to be more calm.

Moreover, is the fear of the unknown hidden in the dark, is it human nature, and once the veil of the unknown is lifted, the fear will be nothing.

Not afraid of going back or not, but Wan Dong also knew in his heart that this person's cultivation behavior is more than a little higher than him. The power of World War I may be there, but if you want to win, Wan Dong does not hold any hope.

At present, only hope can be pinned on Xiao Lang's body. But Xiao Lang and Wan Dong were full of doubts.

The first point is Xiao Lang's cultivation behavior. After practicing the Xuan Tian Wu Shen tactics, Wan Dong has a keenness far beyond ordinary people. Waiting for the idle man's cultivation, Xiu wanted to hide his eyes. But for Xiao Lang, Wan Dong's keenness seemed to be much slower.

According to the attack power Xiao Lang had shown before, his cultivation behavior should be almost the same as that of him. It must have surpassed the Great Consummation and should have risen to the level of a monk. But Xiao Lang's feeling to him seemed far more than that. And if it is really only equivalent to his cultivation, then there is no reason to provoke such a strong enemy.

And there is another point, Xiao Lang is also using qi. But unlike His Holiness the Sword, Xiao Lang no longer has a trace of vitality in her body, including congenital fetal breath. This shows that Xiao Lang has completed the rebirth, perhaps he is a real monk.

Since it is a true monk, how can it live in Ascension? Since it is a true monk, how can the Jiuxiao Pavilion be so brave to be an enemy?

There are too many doubts in Wandong's heart, and there are so many clues, even if he is as clever as him, it will be difficult to straighten out at once. (This chapter is updated by Just Love Book Online 92Ks.Com)

Furthermore, at this moment, in the face of this strong enemy who clearly came from the Daomen world, all doubts are of no significance, leaving only life and death.

Wan Dong glanced back at Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang was still adjusting his breath. Wan Dong could feel that the qi in his body was recovering at an alarming rate. From this, it can be seen that the celestial tactics he cultivated should be similar to the thunder collapse tactics in terms of grade. They will never be ordinary celestial tactics, nor will they be able to appear in the small world of vulgarity, or even ascend to the mainland. Fairy tactics. From this point of view alone, Xiao Lang must have a bright future.

"Dingshanwei stepped forward!" Just when Wan Dong's thoughts were tumultuous, a sudden burst of noise sounded.

Under the leadership of several commanders, Dingshanwei split into five teams in an instant, and the crossbows were filled, and they all aimed at the silhouettes in the sky. Just waiting for an order, they launched in stages, creating an uninterrupted arrow. rain.

This is a good way, but in the face of absolute power gap, it is meaningless.

The monk wrapped in blue light had a sardonic smile on his face. The expression was as if Ding Shanwei was a group of ants and a group of clowns.

"Dingshanwei retreats!" Wan Dong frowned and gave a loud cry.

The Dingshan guards looked to him with hesitation, Wan Dong did not speak, but his expression remained unchanged.

The military order was like a mountain, and Dingshanwei did not hesitate for a long time, and then backed away.

"Your kid is very interesting, and you can find my whereabouts! And the morality you have seems to be different. Before I kill you, talk about your origins." The monk seemed to Wan Dong very much Interested, Zhangkou said.

As for the others, he was directly ignored by him. This is not surprising. Others are afraid that even if they are tied together, they may not hurt him.

Wan Dong's expression was indifferent and faint, said: "What kind of origin can a boy in the ordinary small world have?"

"Huh! Boy, this is giving you a chance. If you have some origins from this seat, maybe this seat will spare you today!"

"No need! I Xu Yaoting will never have a connection with your hide-out man."

"Ravage! You know, with your attitude, I can break you up!"

The monk burst into tears, an invisible coercion suddenly fell on Wan Dong's shoulder. It felt like two mountains were suddenly dropped on his shoulders, weighing in the weight of Wan Jun, and Wan Dong's figure could not help shaking.

However, it was only a sway, and soon, a qi rose in Wandong's body, which withstood the pressure.

"Hah! It seems that you really have a few brushes!" The monk sneered, his expression more severe, and the weight on Wandong's shoulders also doubled instantly.

Wan Dong couldn't speak anymore, and cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead.

Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli couldn't believe their eyes. They never dreamed that someone could force Wan Dong to this point. Although he wanted to help Wandong with his heart, he could not overcome the fear in a moment, and the scene fell into a dead silence.

"You came to me, why bother with others?" Just when Wan Dong felt more and more hard, Xiao Lang slowly stood up. Stretching his hand against Wandong's back, a powerful air suddenly poured into Wandong's body.

With the help of Xiao Lang, Wandong's expression suddenly swelled, and his body's qi rushed out. No matter how Xiao Lang reacted, he wrapped his qi and rushed towards a pair of shoulders.

A series of gas explosions immediately came from the calm air. The pressure that the monk poured on Wandong's shoulders instantly disappeared, and Wandong's body and mind suddenly relaxed, making him unable to help moaning.


As soon as Wan Dong turned his head, Xiao Lang was staring blankly at him, his expression was full of inexplicable surprise.

Wan Dong froze for a moment, and quickly smiled, "Thank you Xiao Xia for his help!"

Xiao Lang opened his mouth, but he couldn't even say a word. Xiao Wan realized that Wan Dong was more special than he had imagined when Wan Dong wrapped his air and snarled. Especially the qi of that body, which was beyond his imagination.

The monk didn't think there was anything special, but thought Wandong and Xiao Lang joined forces, which only offset his coercion.

Xiao Lang took a deep look at Wan Dong and raised his head to the monk, saying, "Who is your Excellency, Xiao Mou doesn't remember you being the number one enemy!"

The monk smiled and did not shy away. He said, "Take people's money and eliminate disasters for others!" In the soil underfoot.

Wan Dong looked at it with a blood-red flag, a skull on one side, and a black sword on the other. It was a bit delicate.

Wan Dong didn't know the origin of the flag, but Xiao Lang seemed very clear. A face suddenly changed color, and his voice shouted with a little shock, "Blood Skeleton !?"

"Sure enough, I am a bit knowledgeable, it seems that I can spend less time talking."

"I ... Can I ask who appointed your lord to kill me?" Xiao Lang asked, his voice slightly gray-faced.

"According to the rules of our blood skull, we can't disclose customer information. But this time it is special. The customer himself asked that before I kill you, I must let you know who died in your hands ... … "

"No need to talk!" Xiao Lang interrupted his words decisively before the monk finished speaking. Then a face was shrouded in a thick bitterness, sighed, and muttered, "She even hated me to such a point, in order to kill me, it is everything! I think she can please you This blood cave black sword killer came to kill me from Daomen World to this Eastern Profound Continent, must it cost a lot? "

"Hey ... one hundred thousand amethysts!"

"Ten ... hundred thousand !?" Xiao Lang shook his head after exclaiming.

Wan Dong only knows Yuan Jing, but he has never heard of amethyst, so there is no definite concept of one hundred thousand amethyst, but looking at Xiao Lang's shocked appearance, it would not be a small number.

"Now that you already know my identity, are you breaking it yourself, or should you let me do it? Hey ... but when it comes to the front, if you force me to shoot, I am afraid that you will not be able to keep the whole body."

Xiao Langchang took a breath and said, "I have long heard that people who are targeted by blood skeletons are never endless, and I understand my own ending. However, the others here are innocent, I Hope you can let them go. "

"Yes!" The blood hole killer was refreshing.

Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Wan Dongdao, "Little brother, I wanted to drink 300 cups with you. Unfortunately, God doesn't make beauty, I'm afraid I don't have this opportunity. I'm sorry to ask you to lead everyone away as soon as possible.

"No, I won't go!" Xiao Lang's words just fell, and Wan Dong hadn't finished speaking yet, Xu Sansan shouted first.

"Thirty-three, you have to obey!" Xiao Lang sighed and said.

"No! I will always be by your side, even if I die, I will not leave!"

Xu Sansan's heart is blue, and he has long seen that Xiao Lang is ready to die, crying.

Seeing Xu Sansan burst into tears, Xiao Lang was heartbroken. While wondering how to persuade Xu Sansan to leave, Wan Dong suddenly stepped forward and waved his hand on the back of Xu Sansan's neck.

"You ..." Xu Sansan looked at Wan Dong in surprise, and just after a word, the man fainted.

Xiao Lang was a little surprised at first, but soon he was relieved. He smiled helplessly and said, "Thank you, you helped me again. If you let me come, I really can't stop."

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402328->

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