Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 843: The peak of the yellow species!

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Wan Dong nodded and looked at Dai Yajun, Lai Wanli and others. "You take good care of Lady Xu and leave Fahuashan as quickly as possible. Not all websites are the first to start, search + you will know."

"What about you?" Dai Yajun blurted.

Wan Dong's blood-skeletal killer in the sky smiled coldly and said, "I have to stay to meet this stranger."

"What !?" As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, everyone exclaimed.

The power of the blood skeleton killer is obvious to all. Wan Dong's behavior is tantamount to suicide in their eyes.

"No! Xu Gongzi is too dangerous!" Dai Yajun anxious, no matter how much, opened his mouth.

"If Mr. Xu doesn't leave, then we won't leave! It's a big deal. Everyone fights with this guy!" They all said that businessmen value profits but they seem to be different, but Lai Wanli seems to be a stranger, and he is more determined than Dai Yajun.

Wan Dong frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Why, I need to knock you all out like you did in Xu Xu, then you are willing to obey?"

"Xu Gongzi, you ..."

Even before Dai Yajun ’s words were spoken, Wandong interrupted Wandong Road, “Do n’t be wordy, just give me back! If Hero X and I did n’t go back in time, then the safety of God ’s Thunder City would be pleased. After the second miracle, the number of fairy beasts doubled. I am afraid that the outer periphery of the White Dragon Snow Mountain can no longer accommodate them. If the fairy beast group rushed out of the White Dragon Snow Mountain, threatening the God Lei City, I hope you can all join forces , Work together to protect my **** Leicheng! "

Wan Dong ’s words sounded a bit like explaining the aftermath, Xiao Lang frowned, “Brother, if you want to help me so you just want to stay, do n’t have to. I can deal with this guy. ... "

Speaking of Xiao Lang's words, Wan Dong suddenly turned his head and glanced at him, with a certain joking expression in his expression, and Xiao Lang's next words could not be said suddenly. In my heart, I scolded "Stinky Boy!" And smiled helplessly.

Xiao Lang's remarks may be okay to deceive others, but want to pass through in front of Wan Dong, but don't even think about it.

Seeing that Wan Dong's intentions were decided, Dai Yajun, Lai Wanli and others, although very sad, had to obey their orders, lowering their heads and making no more noise.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "Besides, Baiyue City and our **** Leicheng are close to each other, like brothers! I hope you can help when Baiyue City encounters a crisis. Here, Xu thank you all Now! "

"Mr. Xu, don't say it anymore! In order to save us even our lives, we need to open up. Do you still need to ask for this little thing? Whether it is Shenlei City or Baiyue City, as long as we all have a breath, There will be no loss! "

Dai Yajun took the lead in stating his position, and the rest of Lai Wanli and others responded by shaking their arms, which relieved Wan Dong of a worry.

Who knows whether the blood-skeletal killer will turn out to be violent, and suddenly he changes his mind. After Wan Dong briefly explained some things, he immediately urged everyone to go on the road.

"Boy, don't you think it's a pity that your great life hasn't started yet, and it's about to end here?"

The blood skeleton master is still trustworthy, or Dai Yajun they are in his eyes, but only ants, whether it is dead or alive, it doesn't matter. After Dai Yajun and others walked back one step three times, the blood skeleton master slowly fell down, standing opposite Wan Dong and Xiao Lang.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows with a smile, and there was an endless sense of warfare on his body.

"Huh, should I praise you that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or should I call you stupid? In front of this seat, do you naively think you have a chance to survive?"

"You are just the first stage of Xuan marks, if you change it before, I can crush you to death with one finger!"

The tone of the blood skeleton killer is not arrogant. The look to Wan Dong and Xiao Lang is more like looking at the dead, which aroused Xiao Lang's arrogance and sneered.

"Xuanhen first-order?" Wan Dong looked up and down at the blood skeleton killer, his eyes flashing with curiosity.

Regarding the division of the realm of the Daomen Great World, Wan Dong knew a bit from the memory of Xuan Tian Da Ming Shen, but he didn't have any intuitive feelings. When Ping Fei Peng was killed at Leng's home, Ping Fei Peng was only the first stage of the yellow species. At that time, Wan Dong's cultivation practice was still very weak, and he joined forces with Leng Shuangrong.

"So, you used to be powerful?" The blood skeleton killer looked at Xiao Lang with a cold eye, his eyes full of sarcasm.

When the other party asked, Xiao Lang's face involuntarily exuded a sense of sadness, as if he remembered something sad.

"Hey, let's take a look, what is my realm?" There has never been a comparison. Wan Dong is really curious about his current state of cultivation.

Blood Skull Killer withdrew his eyes from Xiao Lang's body, and looked at Wan Dong carefully, his face slowly revealed a look of doubt, "Look at your Dao Qi Xiu, it should have reached the peak of the yellow seed, But in your body, I don't feel the slightest kind of breath, but it is somewhat similar to those of the warriors. What a freak, you kid? "

"Yellow Seed Peak? Right, if I were really the Yellow Seed Peak, how could it be so different from your Xuan Scar's first order?"

"Humph! Idiot! It's ridiculous that you even use the warrior's set to measure the monk! On the surface, my training is only one heavier than you, but I have broken a big bottleneck more than you. If I now Standing in the sky, then you are standing on the ground, how do you compare with me? "

Wan Dong couldn't stand the other's coquettish look, but he really didn't understand some things. Like this so-called big bottleneck, Wan Dong had heard of it for the first time. Isn't the bottleneck the bottleneck? He has encountered it many times before. Is this bottleneck divided in size?

Xiao Lang seemed to see Wan Dong's doubts, Zhangkou said: "One monk needs to pass through the six realms of the yellow seed, the mysterious mark, the earth wheel, the heavenly grid, the Shinto, and the Holy Soul. Each of them is divided into three stages: primary, intermediate, and peak. From primary to intermediate, from intermediate to peak, there is a bottleneck, which is called a small bottleneck. To improve and leapfrogging, you need to break through a major bottleneck. "

"Understood, boy, although on the surface you are only one day away from me, but in my eyes, you are still only ants, and you can destroy them with your fingers!"

"Understand your sister! Today I am the peak of the yellow seed, but I want to destroy your first stage of mysterious scar!"

The blood skeleton killer's arrogance finally angered Wan Dong. Before the words fell, Wan Dong slashed over with a sword.

Although Wandong only has a bare sword handle in his hand, the sword blade with a bit of illusion is equally powerful. Under the filling of Wandong's qi, he immediately rolled up the sky and hurriedly hurriedly rushed towards it. The blood skeleton killer fell.

"I really don't understand how you are so stupid, how did you cultivate this body of cultivation." The blood skeleton killer gently shook his head, his figure stood still, and his fingers flicked slightly, only listening to the sharp noise. , Breaking through the sky, a blue light resembling a phoenix like a phoenix, spreading out suddenly, wings spread in one, and the sword awn released by Wandong was destroyed by an invisible wind, blowing in all directions .

Wan Dong only felt as if he was being pushed by a violent force. He burst back more than ten steps in one breath, and then stood still.

But before waiting for Wan Dong to stabilize his mind, an unprecedented pressure came to him. Wan Dong only felt as if he was standing under a high-voltage wire, and his hair was standing upright.

When I looked up, I saw the azure blue palm. I don't know when, but I have reached a place less than a foot away in front of him.

This palm shadow is not very huge, but it is strangely clear, even the palm print can be seen clearly. The Taoism contained in it is like that electric current, whispering, violent, like a terrible breath that can tear the world and the world apart, ready to rush out at any time, Wan Dong ’s heart was instantly Mentioned his voice.


With a loud drink, Xiao Lang's burly figure suddenly came to Wan Dong's side. The blade in his hand was struggling to rise. At the point of the sword, a greenish green light, Huo Ran bloomed like a hundred flowers .

"No, dangerous!"

Although Wan Dong's cultivation base is much worse than the blood skeleton killer, his keenness is detached. Taking a look at it, Wan Dong found that the power contained in Xiao Lang's swordman's sword was completely inferior to the morality in that palm shadow. If the two collided, Xiao Lang was afraid that he would suffer a big loss.

However, Wan Dong's shout had just fallen, and Jianmang and the palm shadow collided firmly. However, as Wan Dong had expected, Xiao Lang was alive and flew, but the azure blue palm shadow at the moment of extinguishing the sword mandrel actually changed the direction strangely, next to Wan Dong and Xiao Lang. 'S body slipped over and burst apart not far behind them. The air waves formed, like a tornado, threw Wandong and Xiao Lang away from the distance.

Although the fall was painful, the two were not injured. Wan Dong realized that Xiao Lang wasn't trying to confront each other, but rather skillfully led the other party's energy to the side.

To tell the truth, Xiao Lang said that in the past, he could crush the blood skeleton killer with one hand. Wan Dong thought he was bragging, but now it seems that the past Xiao Lang may be really not simple.

If nothing else, his quotation is enough to make Wan Dong Xinsheng worship.

Xiao Lang's tactics of "introduction" depended not on the cultivation of Taoism, but on the understanding of martial arts and the extremely rich practical combat experience. This is currently beyond the reach of Wandong.

Not to mention Wandong, even the blood skeleton killer was obviously taken aback, and his face changed for a while.

"I seem to really underestimate you!" The blood skeleton killer said with narrowed eyes.

Xiao Lang grinned with a hearty laugh and said, "If you admit defeat now, I may still leave you a life!-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402329->

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