Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 851: Xu Sansan's shock!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"You ... who are you?" Xu Sansan asked, looking at Wang Yangde in shock. +

Wang Yangde didn't pay attention, but frowned and looked around. When he saw the officers and soldiers lying on the ground, his expression suddenly became severe.

"Princess Wang!" Hu Gui was overjoyed when he saw Wang Yangde. He shouted loudly, and the subconscious went to Wang Yangde.

Of course, Xu Sansan would not let him get out so easily, and quickly reached out to block, but she just reached out, and the pressure of her heart trembling suddenly came to her. Xu Sansan immediately exclaimed, where did he dare to chase Hu Gui, and jumped aside, busy.

"Princess Wang, you're out! What about the others?" Hu Gui finally asked with joy.

Wang Yangde nodded lightly and said, "The others are about to leave the border. I heard something moving here, so I came out in advance. Brother Hu, what happened here?"

Wang Yangde's question, Hu Gui's face immediately rolled up with seven points of anger, turned around and pointed to Xu Sansan.

"Wang Ba egg, beware of your mother tearing your mouth!" Hu Gui was scolded as a stinky woman. Where can Xu Sansan endure? With a scream, his face changed a little bit.

However, with Wang Yangde on the side, Xu Sansan did not dare to shoot at random, and could only stare at Hu Gui several times.

Wang Yangde turned his head to look at Xu Sansan and said in a deep voice, "Who are you, so bold, and dare to come here to spread the wild!"

Xu Sansan did not answer and asked, "Who are you? Looking at your young age, you have achieved the Great Consummation. It should be promising. But why are you willing to fall for the little bastard?"

"Little bastard?" Wang Yangde froze for a moment, a little puzzled in his eyes.

Hu Gui snorted angrily, and said, "This wicked woman scolded the Lord of the City Lord. She also said that she would break the Lord of the City Lord into pieces."

"Huh?" As soon as Hu Gui's words came out, Wang Yangde's expression immediately changed again. His eyes were more cold, and when he looked at Xu Sansan, he became more hostile.

Xu Sansan couldn't help but tremble for a while, but he never expected that there would be people like Wang Yangde beside Wan Dong. It is said that things gather together, and people divide into groups. Do these abnormal people have some abnormalities beside them?

Like Wang Yangde, at such an age, he is already in a great consummation, and it seems not too much to say that he is abnormal.

"On your own, and want to kill our boss?" Wang Yangde smiled coldly and slowly raised the Chixiao sword.

With the improvement of the realm and the surge of cultivation practice, the spirit of Wang Yangde's whole person has also changed. Although he is young, his actions, words and deeds are filled with an admirable attitude.

Xu Sansan's feeling may be slightly weaker, but Hu Gui couldn't help but worship Wang Yangde at this time.

"You ... you said that little **** is your boss?" Xu Sansan's face was startled.

"Shut up! If you dare to speak out to my boss again, I will kill you here!" Wang Yangde burst into a scream, and the Chixiao sword in his hand seemed to feel the anger in his heart and spontaneously buzzed Here, a fighting spirit like a volcano erupted suddenly.

Only then did Xu Sansan realize that Wang Yangde was not only the Dzogchen, but he also had a very high gold content. At least Gu Lie, the deputy pavilion of Jiuxiao Pavilion, who is also a great consummation, is by no means his opponent.

Xu Sansan was taken aback by surprise, but it would be impossible for her to just die. Especially when she thought that Xiao Lang had left the world, she was even more desperate. It's better to go underground to follow a loved one if he lives like a walking dead.

Making up his mind, Xu Sansan's pretty eyebrow rose suddenly, the body's real energy immediately turned the wind, and stared at Wang Yangde, "No matter who it is, I want to stop me!"

"Hahaha ... It's a big tone!" Wang Yangde laughed loudly, the Chixiao Baojian suddenly came out of the sheath, and a bright red light like the evening glow rose into the sky, reflecting the red sky.

With Wang Yangde's prestige, Xu Sansan's mind fell deeper, and his momentum was almost instinctive.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yangde shook his head and condensed his voice. "It's just your way to kill our boss. It's a delusion! I advise you to cherish your life!"

"Where is there so much nonsense! Let me die!" Xu Sansan did not wait for Wang Yangde's voice to land, but he slammed and yelled back toward Wang Yangde with a wave of no return.

Xu Sansan's posture is desperately desperate, and the true energy in his body is actually ten percent, and he is unable to defend!

The palms spread out layer by layer, one after the other, layer upon layer, layer upon layer, like a sea surge, there is a phase that will engulf Wang Yang's voice.

If the opponent is Hu Gui, or even someone who is equivalent to Xu Sansan, in the face of such an offensive, Xu Sansan will be in chaos. It is a pity that Xu Sansan is facing Wang Yangde at this time, and Xiu Wei is far above her!

Facing Xu Sansan's palm strength, Wang Yangde's face was calm and normal, and his wrist shook, and the Chixiao sword immediately burst into ten thousand red glows. For a time, the whole world banged loudly, and Xu Sansan poured his palms with all his strength, almost supporting a breathing effort, and then collapsed, leaving Wang Yangde's clothes corner from the beginning to end Last move.

Even Hu Gui, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but sigh, sighing that Xu Sansan was so far worse than Wang Yangde.

Hu Gui thought that Xu Sansan would retreat when he saw such a situation, but he was wrong. After the offensive was broken by Wang Yangde, Xu Sansan's figure not only did not retreat, but also shouted loudly towards Wang Yangde. Fiercely pounced, and one hand even grabbed the red night sword in the hand of Xu Wang Yangde.

Wang Yangde couldn't help but sneer. Xu Sansan's actions, in his view, are tantamount to death!

Wang Yangde was about to teach Xu Sansan three lessons. His eyes suddenly caught Xu Sansan's face. His mind suddenly jumped. He subconsciously drew his sword away from Xu Sansan's hand.

Xu Sansan fell into disappointment, she seemed to be very surprised, the whole person was stunned.

Wang Yangde frowned, "You are deliberately dying!"

"How is it?" Wang Yangde saw through his mind, Xu Sansan no longer disguised, screamed, and rushed towards Wang Yangde again.

Wang Yangde retreated and smiled bitterly, "Aren't you going to kill our boss? How are you going to kill you if you die?"

Xu Sansan's figure kept on, like a crazy tiger, fluttering towards Wang Yangde again and again, and at the same time his expression was full of despair. "I can't even kill you, how can I kill your boss?"

Wang Yangde's heart was funny for a while, and the conversation between the two seemed to be transferred.

Xu Sansan's words aroused Wang Yangde's curiosity, waved a hand, and took Xu Sansan back a few steps, asking "what hatred do you have with our boss, why do you have to kill him?"

"Your boss is despicable and shameless, killing my most beloved person, you said I should kill him !?" Wang Yangde asked, just stabbed in Xu Sansan's pain, Xu Sansan was almost rushing towards collapse Wang Yangde shouted, tears spewing out.

After listening to Xu Sansan, Wang Yangde and Hu Gui were surprised. If this is the case, then the hatred between Wandong and Xu Sansan has grown, and it is no wonder that Xu Sansan will be so crazy.

Looking at the distraught Xu Sansan, Wang Yangde coughed lightly and asked, "Is your beloved person a bad person?"

"Bah! You are bad guys! My beloved one is a well-deserved hero and hero!"

"Then this is wrong! Our boss is the best, and it is impossible to kill a good person."

"Your boss is good? Hahaha ... It's a laugh! I have never seen such an **** and such a hateful **** like him!"

For a while, Wang Yangde didn't know what to do, and slowly put away the Chixiao sword. Before things are clear, he can't really kill Xu Sansan?

"What do you mean? Don't you want to fight me again? Then take me to your boss!"

"Girl, can you calm down first ..."



Just when Wang Yangde had no way to take Xu Sansan, and when he was distressed in his heart, a burst of wind broke into his clothes.

Wang Yangde looked back and saw Liu Kerr, Ye Qingyu, Luo Xiao and others, who were coming together.

Seeing them, Wang Yangde's mind was relaxed, and this woman and woman were always easier to communicate.

Wang Yangde didn't think too much, but Xu Sansan was dumbfounded!

"And ... two great consummations! And ... and still two young girls, I ... I wouldn't be dreaming!" Xu Sansan's eyes stared straight at the headed Liu Ke Er and Ye Qingyu seemed to have a magnitude 10 earthquake in their hearts.

Compared to when she saw Wang Yangde before, she was more horrified! ?

"You are finally out!" Wang Yangde said with a smile.

Liu Kerr smiled at him charmingly, and said, "If it were not Zongyang, Wuyang, Xiaoqi and three guys, they would be out of the way!"

"Sister Ke'er, don't say it. Don't you want us to be ashamed and die, are you satisfied?" Wuyang said with a bitter expression.

Among the people, only the three of them have the lowest level of cultivation. This time they only need to achieve perfection. Logically speaking, the three of them should be the first to succeed, but the result is exactly the opposite. This was also an oversight by Wan Dong, who thought that letting them break through with Wang Yangde would make them take advantage of it and break through faster, but in fact, this put a lot of pressure on the three people out of thin air, which hindered Their breakthrough.

Fortunately, there was a hidden sword sage who persuaded him, and this did not let the three men fall into the magic road.

The conversation between Liu Kerr and Wuyang attracted Xu Sansan's attention to the large group of young men and women.

Xu Sansan was shocked again, even holding his breath.

Among this group of young men and women, the lowest level of cultivation is the state of perfection, and the foundation is extremely stable! In a trance, Xu Sansan thought that someone had gathered all the young and talented people from the Ascension Continent here. This lineup can no longer be described as "luxury".

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402337->

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