Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Three great consummations, a large number of consummation, perfect middle ranks, plus an unfathomable Wandong, these forces, this kind of background, even the Seven Great Sects of Ascension Mainland. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it? Even more frightening is that these people are still so young, future achievements ...

Xu Sansan couldn't help but shuddered a few times, but he was afraid to think anymore.

"Yang De, what's wrong with this?" Liu Kerr, Ye Qingyu led everyone hurriedly to see the sight of the messy ground, his eyes slightly glared.

Wang Yangde laughed bitterly, looked at Xu Sansan, who looked sad, and shook his head. "It's a big deal. The woman said that our boss killed her beloved and asked our boss to pay his life!"

"What !?" Liu Kerr and others all exclaimed, his face unbelievable.

"Are you looking for our boss to avenge?" Hu Yue swept forward, full of anger in the tiger's eyes.

This retreat, Hu Yuexiu can be said to have skyrocketed. Now it is a complete and intermediate level, with a strong momentum, and it is no longer a wait-and-see youth can be compared.

Hu Yue, Wu Yang was his best brother when Xu Yaoting was alive. Wan Dong was reborn with Xu Yaoting's body, and he walked closer with them. When it comes to feelings, the two of them are the deepest between them and Wan Dong. Wang Yangde, they may have to weigh the right and wrong, Hu Yue and Wu Yang have no such pedantic, no matter what the reason, right or wrong, as long as they are the enemy of Wan Dong, it will not work!

Looking at Hu Yuemei's shouting, it seemed that he wished to shoot immediately. Xu Sansan's heart was desperate. If he wanted to avenge Wandong, how easy would it be?

"Tiger Yue, you must calm down and don't be rude to the woman Xu!" With a deep, deep drink, Venerable Hidden Blade came out of the air.

"Senior Hidden Knife !?" Xu Sansan was surprised when he saw the presence of Hidden Knife, and a smile appeared on his face. It seems that the two are acquaintances.

Venerable Hidden Sword smiled broadly, and said, "Hold Lady Xu, it was more than a year since you said goodbye last time?"

Xu Sansan nodded hurriedly and was about to reply. He suddenly found that the breath of Venerable Hidden Sword was not the same as a year ago. It was like a new person. That Yuanyuan Yuezhi's momentum was actually more condensed than Wang Yangde.

Xu Sansan's heart couldn't help but jumped, pointing at Venerable Hidden Sword and opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

His Holiness Sword smiled slightly at the sight, and his heart was filled with emotion. For more than a year, when he got to know Xu Sansan, he was only a complete first-stage, and his cultivation practice was worse than Xu Sansan. Xu Sansan is looking at his age, only to honor him as his predecessor, but Venerable Hidden Blade knows that he is not worthy at all. However, a year later, it was time and again. In the face of Xu Sansan's predecessor, Venerable Hidden Sword is An Zhiruo, willing to bear it, without any shame in his heart.

"Senior, do you know this woman?" Wang Yangde asked with open mouth.

Venerable Hidden Blade nodded with a smile. "Me and Xu are also old friends."

"That's great! You quickly explain to this woman Xu, maybe there is any misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Venerable Yin Dao looked at Xu Sansan with some doubt.

Xu Sansan was like a bullied child who saw his parents, full of grievances and pains, and immediately turned into tears, and said with tears, "Senior, Xu Yaoting, he ... he killed Xiao wave!"

Having said that, Xu Sansan finally couldn't restrain it and burst into tears.

Venerable Hidden Blade was also obviously taken aback, and shouted silently, "What are you saying? Xiao Lang, he ... is he dead?"

Xu Sansan burst into tears and nodded his head heavily, and said sadly, "Xiao Lang, he ... he must have died in Fahua Mountain. This is Xu Yaoting's fault, and I will let him pay his life!"

"Why ... how could this be?" Venerable Stealth Sword, who was also at a loss at this time, couldn't hold his white-browed eyes straight.

"Senior, who is that Xiao Lang?" Liu Kerr asked, looking at His Holiness the Hidden Knife's expression, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Venerable Hidden Blade sighed, "This Xiao Lang is not an ordinary person, bright and decent, righteous, a rare chivalrous man! I have received his favor more than a year ago. If it was not his guidance, I might It's already in danger. "

"Yes, senior! Xiao Lang, but your year-end friend, you can't ignore him for his death? Xu Yaoting's cultivation base is high, but it must not be your opponent. You must pay for Xiao Lang. Fair. "

"Ah? This ..." Xu Sansan's words immediately caused His Holiness the Sword to frown. "Will there be any misunderstandings in this? With Yao Ting's temperament, he should be a friend with Xiao Lang, how is he? Maybe Xiao Lang killed him? "

Xu Sansan snorted bitterly, "Even if Xiao Lang was not killed by Xu Yaoting himself, he was also indirectly victimized! Senior, Xiao Lang's hatred, don't you really care?"

"This, this, this ..." Xiao Lang on one side and Wan Dong on the other, which really embarrassed the Hidden Sword, and sweat beads oozed from his forehead.

"Never give up! I can't find it today, and I'll find it tomorrow. No matter how long it takes, I must find it!" Just when Venerable Hidden Blade was overwhelmed by Xu Sansan's burning eyes, Dai Yajun's voice sounded loud. .

The people turned their heads and saw Dai Yajun, Chu Yunyan, Lai Wanli and others, who came in with extremely heavy faces.

"Lai Wanli!" Seeing Lai Wanli, Xu Sansan's eyes lit up suddenly, his figure jumped up suddenly, and he stepped in front of him in one step.

"Lady Xu, are you awake !?" Seeing Xu Sansan, Lai Wanli's expression was also revitalized.

Lai Wanli shouted and was about to greet Xu Sansan. Wan Wan didn't expect that he hadn't waited for him to take a step. Xu Sansan slapped it on his face. Lai Wanli went straight back three steps.

"Lady Xu, you are ..." Spitting blood, Lai Wanli looked at Xu Sansan with amazement.

"Shut up! You ungrateful villain, Xiao Lang almost lost his life in order to save you that day. You are good, when Xiao Lang was in danger, you even abandoned him! I asked you, this is you The way to repay Xiao Lang? "

Looking at Xu Sansan, who was violently thundering, Lai Wanli was also in a sorrowful heart, totally ignorant of how to respond.

"Xu Xuxia, you first get rid of your breath." Dai Yajun saw this and hurried up to persuade him.

"Well, I am ungrateful to you, the selfish selfish villain has nothing to say. I just ask you, where is Xu Yaoting's **** now? Even if Xu Sansan is desperate, he will break him Ten thousand dead bodies! "

"Shut up! I don't know who you are, but if you are a friend of Xiao Lang heroes, you are not qualified to humiliate our city master!" Chu Yunyan's mood was so bad that he heard Xu San again These three words almost exploded in the lungs, and he couldn't help but screamed loudly.

"What are you talking about?" Xu Sansan's pretty face chilled and looked coldly at Chu Yunyan.

Dai Yajun hurriedly took her hand and wept bitterly, "Sister Xu, don't say it, Xu Gongzi and Xiao Xia disappeared together ..."

"Missed together? What do you mean?" Xu Sansan's heart snapped and asked in exasperation.

The Hidden Swordsman on the side, Wang Yangde, Luo Xiao and others listened to it, and they came together too busy.

Dai Yajun gave a long sigh and said sadly in her eyebrows, "Women Xu, you really have no reason to blame Xu Gongzi. Xu Gongzi is doing this for our own good. Xu Gongzi is not greedy for fear of death, he will you After being stunned, instead of leaving with us, I chose to stay and fight alongside Xiao Xiaoxia ... "

"Wh ... what?" Xu Sansan didn't think about it at all. Dai Yajun said that it was like being in the head, straight eyes smashing Venus hair, and his expression was full of incredible.

Dai Yajun bit his lip tightly, nodded with emphasis, and then quietly said, "That blood skeleton killer is too powerful. Xu Gongzi knows that we are staying, we can only add casualties, and can't help at all. He didn't want to Seeing the sacrifices of all of us, so only ... "

"Actually ... it was like this?" Xu Sansan was completely dumbfounded, his heart was choppy, and it was hard to calm down.

At this time, no one had the mind to ignore Xu Sansan's thoughts. Luo Xiao couldn't wait to ask, "What about the boss? Have you come back?"

Chu Yunyan could n’t help wiping her tears, shaking her head and saying, “It ’s been almost a day, but there is no news at all. Dai girl they even went to Fahua Mountain, but except for the messy and **** ground Besides, nothing was found anymore. "

"Blood ... blood stains?" Chu Yunyan's words, like a dull hammer, hit the hearts of everyone, and the atmosphere of the city's main palace almost solidified almost instantly.

Chu Yunyanhuo looked up at Xu Sansan with a very annoyed voice in his voice, "In order to help that Xiao Lang, the Lord of the City Lord even spared his life, you still arrange him like this, and shouted that he would shatter him. Duan, what ... what heart did you grow? "

"Ah !? I ... I ..." Chu Yunyan reproached, just like a knife, directly poked on Xu Sansan's apex. Xu Sansan's body flicked, but he took three steps backwards involuntarily, and the bridge was pale.

"Don't ... Isn't he the boss ..." Hu Yue's body seemed to be electrocuted, trembling non-stop, all of a sudden, even his teeth were not so neat.

"No! Don't talk nonsense!" Wu Yang burst into tears, and his voice came to cry.

"Don't worry everyone, the boss's cultivation is clear to all of us. Looking at the whole world of vulgarity, who is his opponent?" Luo Xiao hurriedly shouted, which was meant for everyone, but also for himself. .

Luo Xiao wanted to comfort everyone, but unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, Dai Yajun and Chu Yunyan couldn't help crying.

Xu Sansan murmured dullly, "The blood-skeletal killer is not a mortal, but from the Daomen world, really ... monk!" --By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402338->

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