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Wan Dong didn't even bother to talk to him, just glanced at him with some sympathy, then closed his eyes, and concentrated on resuming repairs. +

"What kind of eyes are you kid, do you dare to look down on this seat?" Wan Dong's light eyes immediately angered the blood skeleton killer. There was a thunderstorm, and the blood skeleton killer waved to Wandong.

Xiao Lang snorted aside, and stepped out in one step, reaching for the blood skeleton killer's wrist.

The blood skeleton killer also seemed to be expecting Xiao Lang to shoot, with a strange laugh in his mouth, and suddenly withdrew his palm. At the same time, a very cold swordmand suddenly flashed up and shot towards Xiao Lang's throat.

Xiao Lang couldn't help but stunned for a while, daring to love this blood-skeletal killer's play was actually a trick to fight the west, fearing that his goal was Xiao Lang from the beginning.

Seeing Xiao Lang's daze, the smile on the blood skeleton killer's face was even more proud. Although Wan Dong's eyes annoyed him, he wouldn't make him irrational. If he had such patience, what qualification would he have to be a blood skeleton killer?

Xiao Lang's judgment is correct at all. Killing Xiao Lang by surprise, Wan Dong is the fish meat on the knife, only he can be slaughtered?

This trick of the blood skeleton killer is not poisonous. If it is still Xiao Lang before, Xiao Lang will definitely die. But now, the means of the blood skeleton killer, in Xiao Lang's eyes, is just a trick.

Just when Xiao Lang was stunned, the cold blue sword mangling came to Xiao Lang's throat, and he would see blood three inches further. The blood skeleton killer seems to have seen Xiao Lang's painful collapse, and he has even begun to wonder how he should torture Wan Dong after killing Xiao Lang, in order to eliminate his hatred. However, at this moment, the sudden change, Xiao Lang's body did not move, but his right hand was suddenly raised at an alarming speed. With **** together, he actually moved towards the blue sword.

"Death!" The blood-skeletal killer sneered, his wrist trembling, and the blue sword suddenly made a big deal, making it clear that he wanted to cut Xiao Lang's fingers alive.

The next second, there was a sudden sound of bang, as if the soldiers were crossing each other. The blue swordmand met Xiao Lang's fingers in the air without suspense. But the broken finger and blood flying in the blood skeleton killer's expectation did not appear, but the blue sword awn, after a violent tremor, quietly dissipated and collapsed.

"Why !?" The blood skeleton killer was suddenly taken aback, and he couldn't help but take a big step back.

At this time, the feeling of regaining full prosperity and regaining control of heaven and earth made Xiao Lang excited, and his eyes flashed in a flash of light, suddenly, it was like a new person!

"I said before that we have escaped for ten days, and now it's time for you to escape. But you haven't listened to me, it seems that God's will is to let you die here." Xiao Lang suddenly pointed to that Blood skull killer, clanging with passion.

"What are you talking about? This seat will die in your hands, what are you doing in the spring and autumn? Do you break my streamer sword first?"

After a brief shock, the blood skeleton killer immediately woke up, gritted his teeth and uttered a low growl, his body suddenly moved forward, and a sword immediately turned into an indistinct streamer in his hands. Gorgeous and gorgeous.

The blood-sword killer's streamer sword is still as fast as before, and the blue sword-mans seem to exceed the time and space limitations and appear beside Xiao Lang from time to time. But now Xiao Lang, even if it is described as "reborn", is no exaggeration.

No matter how fast the Blood Skeleton Killer's streamer sword is, it is no faster than Xiao Lang's figure. The blood-skeletal killer only felt that the flower in front of him, Xiao Lang's figure had become blurred, like a ghost, floating, and the Daomang that he sacrificed, even Xiaolang's body could not be reached, One by one.

Is this a scene that has never happened? You know, just half an hour ago, the blood skeleton killer almost used this streamer sword to give Xiao Lang a piece of life. In just half an hour, the contrast was so great that even the nerves of the blood skeleton killer could not be calmer at this time, and the exaggerated expression could be compared to hell.

"Your sword is too slow! At this speed, dare to claim to be a streamer sword?" The blood skeleton killer can't see Xiao Lang's figure, but he can clearly hear his sarcasm, a face instantly becomes Make a terrible.

"Too slow, right? Okay! Don't regret it!"

The blood skeleton killer was deeply irritated. In the roar of the roar, the sword in his hand was waving like rain, and the blue sword mandala was dancing wildly, like a rainstorm. Not only did the speed suddenly increase by 30%, the lethality also doubled.

The **** skull-killer's face was so hideous that he could only hope that Xiao Lang would be alive. But when he was almost frantically casting a streamer sword, a breeze suddenly came towards him.

The blood skeleton killer didn't care at first, but when the breeze blew through, Xiao Lang's figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, but he almost swallowed his tongue in surprise.

There was a strange cry in the mouth, and the subconscious body burst backwards, but Xiao Lang ’s speed was beyond his imagination. Even if he used all the strength of the milk, he could not pull away from Xiao Lang. The distance is as if Xiao Lang has stuck to him.

"I Xiaolang has never hated a person like this, you are the first!" Xiao Lang said, and suddenly raised his hand to the face of the blood skeleton killer.

The blood skeleton killer had just raised the idea of ​​dodge, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his cheek. Only then did he find that Xiao Lang's slap had fallen on his face. This speed is much faster than his streamer sword.

No matter how fast his streamer sword is, there are always signs to be found, but Xiao Lang's slap has reached the invisible state.

The blood skeleton killer screamed and fell to the side. After landing, he realized that Xiao Lang's surprisingly heavy slap actually knocked down his pair of front teeth.

Regardless of the fierce pain, the blood skeleton killer jumped up from the ground anxiously, and asked with a tremble in surprise, "You ... what kind of footwork are you using?"

"Footwork? Hahaha ... You're relying on footwork because I can win you? You stupid thing without eyes, you shouldn't die who should die?"

Xiao Lang laughed loudly, and strode towards the blood skeleton killer.

"If you want to grow, you will take my palm!" The blood-skeletal killer was ruthless enough, and he roared loudly, but actually waved his palm and faced Xiao Lang head-on.

"How about taking a palm of your hand !?" Xiao Lang also screamed angrily, his figure stood still, and waited for the blood skeleton killer's palm to reach him, then he waved his palm to welcome him.

The blood skeleton killer ca n’t believe it anyway. In half an hour, Xiao Lang can return to the first stage of the earth wheel, holding a breath in his chest, hoping to use his full strength palm to completely Xiao Lang returned to its original form!


The palms of the two people were solid in the air, and the two strong strengths immediately collided. The blood skeleton killer slammed his teeth and urged all the qi to crush Xiao Lang in one fell swoop, but it was at this time A terrible strength that made him shudder suddenly broke out. In contrast, his qi was as weak as a baby, completely unable to resist, and only one could not breathe, and it was declared to collapse.

Just when the blood skeleton killer was too surprised to react to what happened in the end, his entire body had been taken up by this terrible and powerful force, and he was hit by a cave. The top, then fell to the ground like a broken sack.

The severe pain that seemed to fall apart made the blood-skeletal killer groan incessantly. Compared with the shocking shock in his heart at this time, the pain on his body seemed to be nothing.

"What the **** is going on here?" After a long while, the blood skeleton killer came back to God and asked, leaning on the wall of the cave, looking at Xiao Lang dumbly.

Xiao Lang shook his head and sneered, "I'm afraid you never dreamed that my cultivation behavior has been restored as before."

"Restoring as before ?! The first round of the earth wheel !?" The blood skeleton killer's eyes widened, and her voice was sharp like a woman.

Xiao Lang nodded, no need to keep secret to a person who was about to die!

"Hahaha ... the surname Xiao, did you get mad? This is a small world of ordinary people, and your cultivation will never be restored to its original state!" The blood skeleton killer laughed regardless of his cough.

The blood skull killer's absence of the coffin and no tears of course made Xiao Lang feel funny, but what he said made sense to Xiao Lang, didn't he think so before?

Xiao Lang did not speak, but silently fully bloomed his momentum. An unprecedented and powerful pressure, like an invisible storm, immediately covered the whole body of the blood skeleton killer.

The blood-skeletal killer, who was crazy and laughed loudly, suddenly stopped his smile, then his eyes were screaming, his mouth wide open, and the whole expression was full of silent shock and confusion. Slowly, even his body began to tremble, as if he was naked and wrapped in ice at this time.

"This ... this is impossible, no ... impossible!"

The first breath of the earth wheel was recognized by the blood skeleton killer.

Xiao Lang sighed slightly, turned around and looked at Wandong in a somewhat complicated mood. Since he met Wan Dong, everything that happened around him is like a dream, filled with a kind of untrue and incredible.

"Is it because of him !?" The blood-skeletal killer was keen, but at this moment Xiao Lang's eyes were caught and exclaimed.

Xiao Lang nodded and said slowly, "You are right! If it were not for him, I might have died in your hands!"

"This ... what is this kid !? No, I should ask, is this kid a human or a ghost?" The blood skeleton killer shuddered a few times, and when he looked at Wandong again, it was full Dreaded, even ... fear!

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402349->

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