Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 864: Depressed Zhu Cai!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Xiao Lang smiled softly and said, "I also want to know the answer to this question. + The content update speed is faster than the Rockets, don't you believe it?"

"A young man in a mundane small world has such a great ability, this ... this just doesn't make sense!" The blood skeleton killer seemed to be deeply lost in confusion, shaking his head non-stop.

"At this time, you probably shouldn't think about this, because this is meaningless to a person who is about to die!" Xiao Lang's right hand flicked gently, and the blood skeleton hand fell to the ground and immediately flew to his sword. In hand.

A slightly chilled sword tip hit the throat of the blood skeleton killer.

The blood skeleton killer suddenly woke up to God, and the doubts and confusion in his eyes immediately retreated like a tide, replaced with a cold tingling scalp, and smiled evilly: "I admit that I failed, use Without you, I will break it myself! "

After waiting for Xiao Lang to react, the blood skeleton killer suddenly pulled out a dark short dagger from his arms and stabbed it into his chest.

"You ..." Xiao Lang couldn't help but be surprised, but didn't expect that the killer was so strong.

"Being ... as a blood skeleton killer, when the mission fails, there is only one choice, that is ... death, but you don't be proud, after I die, there will be other blood skeleton killers looking for you, one picks up One, forever, until ... you die! "

Seeing that the blood skeleton killer tilted his head and felt alive, Xiao Lang's heart did not feel a trace of lightness, but became more and more heavy. The words before the blood skeleton killer is dying are not words of intimidation, but facts. From now on, even if Ling Wushuang, as the gold master, voluntarily revokes the assassination of characters, it is useless.

The true energy from the Mingshen Soul Jade is extremely filling, helping Xiao Lang to recover to the middle level of the earth wheel, let alone the peak of the yellow species in Wandong. About Mo Yi's time, Wan Dong opened his eyes.

He was full of energy, and there was no fatigue. Obviously, he was recovering.

After glancing at the blood skeleton killer lying down, Wan Dong laughed, "This **** is finally dead, and our escape career can finally be over."

Xiao Lang didn't know what to say, but just shook his head with a wry smile. Instead of ending, the escape career is just the beginning, and it will become more and more dangerous!

Wan Dong didn't notice Xiao Lang's strange expression, Zhangkou asked, "Brother, what are your plans next, come back to Shenlei City with me."

Xiao Lang is a genuine monk, and has already reached the first stage of the earth wheel. Among the monks, he is also a master. His understanding of the monk and his understanding of the Daomen World are all great wealth for Wandong. Wan Dong very much hopes that Xiao Lang can become Wang Yangde and Luo Xiao, their enlightenment teachers, and lay a solid foundation for them to enter the Daomen World in the future.

Wan Dong thought Xiao Lang would agree to his proposal briskly, but Xiao Lang frowned, and said, "I'm afraid not! This miracle has appeared for the second time. Because. Otherwise, who knows whether this miracle will appear for the third time, and who knows what will happen after the third appearance of the miracle? "

"Brother is going back to heaven?"

Xiao Lang yelled and said, "Only when the Heaven Continent is picked up will everything be ascertained."

Wan Dong pondered for a moment and said, "Then I will go with you!"

"You go too?" Xiao Lang was slightly surprised.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Yeah, anyway, it is also idle! Going to the legendary Ascension Continent to open your eyes is also a good thing!"

"But there is danger ..."

"I'm too lazy to go if it's not dangerous!"

"You ... hahaha ... you haven't been in the Thunder City for ten days, aren't you afraid that your friends are worried?" Xiao Lang shook his head with a smile.

Wan Dong's expression condensed and said quietly, "They will indeed worry about me, but I think they must have full confidence in me, too!"

Don't look at Wandong's free and easy words, but if he knows that Marriott Martial and Wan Youqi are in Shenlei City at this time, he might not be able to say these words.

"That's good! Although I still don't know what is going on with this miracle, I vaguely feel that it's not a good sign. You have a lot of tricks, and I'm always surprised! I'm with you It ’s more reliable! "

"Haha ... what are you waiting for, brother, lead the way!"

With the laughter of Wan Dong and Xiao Lang, the two straightened into streamers and flew to Ascension Mainland.

Shenlei City, when it was time for the palm lights at night, this time in the past, Zhu Cai ’s inn was always very lively, eating, staying at the sharp children, wave after wave, not busy until midnight, will never be calm.

But today is different. Early Zhu Cai made people close the door of the inn, and he drank sullenly with a sad face all by himself.

Over the past ten days or so, Zhu Cai went to the main palace from time to time to find out about Wandong, but every time he was disappointed. In the first few days, Zhu Cai would comfort himself, but Wan Dong had no news for more than ten days in a row, and Zhu Cai finally couldn't hold back any more, even the business he was so worried about.

"Second brother, are you drinking boring again?" Zhu Cai's eldest brother finished his business and sat across from Zhu Cai, his face full of concerns and worries.

Zhu Cai waved his hand and said, "Brother, don't worry about me, just let me drink. If you don't drink, I can't sleep."

Zhu Cai ’s eldest brother wanted to say thank you, but when he heard Zhu Cai ’s words, only a sigh remained, and he took a wine glass silently and drank with Zhu Cai.

After a few glasses of wine, Zhu Cai ’s eyes were a little bit hot, and he said with a bit of intoxication, "Brother, please tell me, is my brother a good person?"

Zhu Cai ’s eldest brother poured a glass of wine into his stomach violently and said, “If he is not a good person, let alone Baoer Belle, even my sister-in-law and I have already done the dead soul.”

"Yes! At first, I thought the ghost banned the army and Yu Qinglin, and the scourge, if not my brother came forward, I don't know how many people would die, my brother, that's a good man with great virtue, but ... … But why God ca n’t get along with him. Is n’t that God really blinded? ”Zhu Cai said excitedly, he could n’t help but patted the table heavily, and straightened the tableware and chopsticks on the table. Is slanting.

"Second brother, you have to believe that good people have good rewards, and the lord of the city will definitely be fine!"

"But ... but my brother hasn't heard from the news for more than ten days. How can I explain it? Chu girl said, this time, my brother encountered an unprecedented strong enemy, and I ..." said Zhu Zhu. I couldn't help worrying and shed tears.

When Zhu Cai's elder brother was about to comfort him a few more times, a sudden knock on the door suddenly sounded. Zhu Cai ’s eldest brother was about to get up to open the door. Zhu Cai suddenly grabbed a glass on the table and threw it out fiercely. He said angrily, “I ’m in a bad mood today, do n’t do business, leave me!”

"Second Brother!" Zhu Cai's elder brother was worried when he saw such impulsive anger.

Zhu Cai waved his hand and said, "Brother, don't worry about him. When he knocks on him, he will naturally leave. Come and come, let's continue to drink!"

However, Zhu Cai obviously underestimated the patience of the knocker, and despite Zhu Cai's constant insults, the other party did not mean to give up at all.

Finally, Zhu Cai ’s elder brother could n’t help but stood up and said, “I ’ll go check it out and find a way to kill him.”

"What's the point! Without you, let me go!" Zhu Cai also stood up, pressed his elder brother back on his chair, and rushed towards the door.

"Where do you get rid of things, don't you understand people?" Zhu Cai roared angrily while he was still opening the door.

But when Zhu Cai opened the door, his anger suddenly disappeared. I saw outside the door, a young woman of about twenty years old, with tears in her eyes, staring at him with tears in her eyes, despair and pleading surging between the brows.

Zhu Cai is not an iron-hearted person. Moreover, in the face of such helpless eyes, how many people can not feel sympathy?

"Girl, you ..." Zhu Cai's attitude softened at once.

"Save ... save us?" The woman's tears shed before the woman's words were finished, and her heart was aggrieved.

Zhu Cai listened to her saying that she realized that the girl was still holding a man in her arms. She was also dressed as a woman, but her body was covered with blood stains. At first glance, she was seriously injured. Dead past.

"Did you come from the Ascension Continent?" For so long, Zhu Cai received a lot of warriors from the Ascension Continent and exercised his eyesight.

The woman nodded gently.

"Have you met a powerful fairy beast, or how could it hurt so badly?"

This time, the woman neither answered nor nodded, but chose silence.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Cai didn't continue to ask any questions, and hurriedly shouted at the hotel, "Brother, come and help!"

Zhu Cai ’s eldest brother came and heard the news, and then the two brought the woman who had passed away into the inn together. The woman followed up without forgetting to close the door carefully, as if fearing someone would chase it.

Zhu Cai opened the inn, but there were not many other things, but there were more rooms. He chose a quieter one and put the woman who had passed away on the bed. Zhu Cai found out that there was another bone wound on her shoulder. At first glance, she was injured by a sharp weapon. Reminiscent of the young woman's prudence, Zhu Cai immediately judged that this might not be injured by the fairy beast, but more like being chased by the enemy.

"Boss, do you ... do you have trauma medicine here?" The young woman asked hopefully.

"Yes, yes! I'll get them for you!"

Zhu Cai, a man with a lively mind, is extremely good at discovering business opportunities. Since he discovered that there were more and more warriors coming to the Thunder City from Ascension Continent, he began hoarding some healing remedies. In the face of fierce immortal beasts, even the warriors of the Ascension Continent, few are unscathed. When we arrived at Zhu Cai, we could not only eat in the restaurant, but also heal the wounds. This is undoubtedly a great convenience for those who are armed.

One or two visits not only brought an additional benefit to Zhu Cai, but also made his inn more and more lively, and the source of customers was rolling! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402350->

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