Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 866: Sword Optimus!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Both Yu Qingping and Xiaohui opened their eyes in shock, and they could n’t believe it anyway. An ordinary person, facing the strong man from the Ascension Continent, could have burst of such domineering on his body. What is it?

Not only is Qing Ping and Xiao Hui puzzled, Li Yi is also confused. There is only one sentence for + I, the update speed is ahead of other stations, the advertisement is only a little under the anger at this time, he is too lazy to think about it, his eyes narrowed, his high palm will fall on Zhu Cai ’s body

At this very moment, a team of heavily armed officers and men rushed in. Before Li Yi came back to God, the sharp arrows of cold light flashing on and off, he had aimed at Li Yi and several other disciples.

"Where did the wild seed, so brave, dare to spread the wild here !?" A general who described the rugged, heavily armored armor, stepped in with a severe face, full of hostility, and fell directly on Li Yi body.

"Wild Seed?" Li Yigang came to Shenlei City from Ascension Mainland. Obviously he didn't know the famous hall among them. Hearing what the general called him, he exploded and burst into roar. He had to split Zhu Cai's palm and transfer When he came, he ran to the general.

"Elder and slow!" Seeing Li Yi's palm fall, he suddenly rushed out of a disciple of Sword Sect behind him, anxiously stopped his palm front.

"Huh?" Li Yi's brow furrowed suddenly, and there was an unpleasant look on his face.

The disciple of the Jianjian Sect hurried to Li Yi's ear and whispered a few words, as if explaining something. Slowly, Li Yi's icy, frost-like expression eased, and his brow furrowed, "Although they are the people of the **** Leicheng, can't they be so arrogant?"

The disciples of Juejian Sect said with a smile, "Elders, please take your anger, this is not for everyone!"

Li Yi snorted lightly, and said, "For the sake of the Sect Master who valued the Lord of the Thunder City very much, I don't have to blame what happened today. You can let them go!"

Upon hearing this, the disciple of the Sword Sect, nodded again and again, and hurriedly came to the general, saying, "This general, I am a disciple of the Sword Sect, and I am here to do things. I hope you will be more convenient ..."

"Convenient? Huh ... Come on, come and grab me! Who dares to resist, kills on the spot!"

The disciples of the Sword Sect were exquisitely proud of their eight sides, and they were complacent on both sides, but they never thought that the general did not give any face, and screamed angrily, and all the officers and men suddenly gathered around.

Such decisiveness made the disciple of the Sword Sect dumbfounded, and even Li Yi was shocked.

As a warrior in the Ascension Continent, which one is not the eye above the top? In addition to paying homage to the monks of the Daomen Great World, to the people of the ordinary small world, they have always only been regarded as untouchable ants, willing to add a little color, they will feel that they are degraded and expensive, and where can you think that there will be something like today encounter?

"It's against you!" Li Yi's anger was already unsatisfactory. At this time, he couldn't hold back. With a scream, he flew to the general.

"Arrow!" The general was also unambiguous and ordered decisively.

An arrow rained immediately, and he shot straight towards Li Yi.

How does Li Yi know the relationship between Zhu Cai and Wan Dong? Wan Dong has already explained that, in any case, to ensure the comprehensiveness of Zhu Cai and his inn. Now the whole city of Gods and Thunders, regardless of the military and civilians, mention Wandong, which is not convincing orally, admiring like a god? Love the house and under the dark, this Zhu Cai's status in Shenlei City has also been quite detached. In order to protect Zhu Cai, the general in front of him has exerted a lot of effort, how could he lose?

At the beginning, Li Yi did not take these officers and soldiers into his eyes at all. However, when he faced the arrow rain, he realized that it was never as simple as he thought. The sharp arrow that flew off the string, when breaking through the sky, gleamed with a faint glow of purple light, and at the same time, there was also a threat of biting, which immediately enveloped him. Li Yi didn't dare to doubt at all. This seems to have the sharp arrows fired by ordinary soldiers, and definitely has the power to penetrate through his body protection!

"How could this be?" Li Yi was shocked, his figure hurriedly twisted in the air, almost exhausted, and then he hid this arrow of rain. When he landed, he was shocked by the cold sweat.

Not only are the strange arrows shot by these ordinary officers and men, even their cooperation with each other is clearly through deliberate planning and drills, otherwise it is just to avoid, he is also an elder swordsman elder who has reached a satisfactory intermediate level. So laborious!

Of course, Li Yi did not know that the bows and arrows used by the soldiers and soldiers of Shenlei City were exclusively created to deal with these masters from the Ascension Continent. All of them contain purple gold, and the lethality is naturally amazing. And the coordination between these archers is also a true biography of Dingshan Wei, one wave after another, continuous. With the cooperation of this arrow and each other, it is no longer known how many masters from Ascension Continent who are not in control have planted in their hands. A little Li Yi can't stand the big storms!

"Everyone, please move slowly!" A disciple of the Sword Sword who had been walking in Shenlei City for a long time suddenly jumped out. Li Yi did not know the power of the official army of Shenlei City, but he was very clear.

You know, some disciples such as Tie Sha and others who were in trouble at the city's main palace are still locked in the prison of Shenlei City. It was because he was not in Shenlei City that he escaped.

This disciple of Sword Sect didn't care about Li Yi, who was looking sturdy, but walked quickly to the general, and he was stern, smiling, and flattering.

"This general, everything is misunderstood, our Sword Sect is really offended ..."

"Hum!" The disciples of the Sword Sect hadn't finished speaking, and the general interrupted him with a cold hum.

He walked up to Zhu Cai in front of him and bowed in a respectful way, "Mr. Zhu, are you okay?"

Zhu Cai smiled softly and said, "Fortunately, the general came in time!"

"Yes, it should be ..." The general quickly hurriedly leaned back to respond, with a respectful attitude, and more and more at a glance.

Seeing such a scene, Xiaohui realized that Zhu Cai, the owner of the inn, was really unusual, and his eyes were full of splendor.

"General, they ..." Zhu Cai pointed his finger at Li Yi and others.

The general ’s smiling face was cold immediately, Huo Ran turned around, and his sharp, knife-like eyes stared at Li Yi, shouting, "You guys who are in the Sword Sect, listen to our **** thunder The city is a dragon and a tiger, and whoever dares to reinvent it will be killed without mercy! "


Li Yi, as the elder of Jue Jianzong, also has a considerable identity. Why was he once reprimanded in public? A face turned from green to black at once, and people who don't know would think he was poisoned.

Li Yi was angry to the extreme, but the general did n’t even give the opportunity to speak, and then shouted, "What are you? You are not in a hurry !? Within ten miles of this inn is the restricted area for you! The general sees you here and will kill you! "

Seeing Li Yi's face covered with anger was terrible, but he just couldn't attack. Yu Qingping and Xiaohui were very excited to look at each other and looked at each other with joy, especially Xiaohui, who was excited to shed tears.

"Not yet, do you want to die here?"

Seeing that Li Yi was slow to move, the general was furious and waved his hand suddenly, and then there were hundreds of crossbows directed at him again, making Li Yi's heart breathless.

"Just go away!" The disciples of the Jianjianzong hurriedly made a smile, leaned into Li Yi's ear, and kept talking, seemingly persuading him to be patient.

When Li Yi first came to God Leicheng, where did he know that the officers and soldiers of God Leicheng were so overbearing? Although they were extremely uneasy in their hearts, they could look at the crossbow arrows flashing brightly and violently.

Just when Li Yi wanted to endure this breath for a while, he snorted suddenly and suddenly rang.

I saw a piece of sword and awn like snow and goose feathers, which came straight from the rain of those archers behind. The archer of the Thunder City, although the skill of the arrows is superb, but the martial arts are weaker after all. The attack on the explosion is obviously unstoppable. In the blink of an eye, the blood mist blasted away The thick **** smell suddenly filled the whole inn.

The cultivation base of the person who attacked the sneak attack was not ordinary. Hundreds of archers actually fell into the pool of blood after the first round of sneak attack. When the archers reacted and were about to turn back to face the battle, the second and third waves of the sword's awns fell shortly afterwards.

A dozen breathing efforts before and after, and hundreds of archers, all died on the spot, and no one was alive.

"Who !?" The general jumped like thunder, and a pair of eyeballs jumped out of his eyes.

A figure, like wind and catkins, suddenly jumped into the eyes of everyone, actually a young man of twenty-four or five years old. A jinyihuafu, noble and dusty, a pair of cold faces, although young, but also not angry and prestige, a domineering of the superior, full of his body, at first glance is not a mortal.

As soon as the young man appeared, his body kept going, and he went straight to the general.

The general did not want to be outdone. With a three-foot blade in his hand, he rolled up a sword light and swept head-on.

"Humph! Carving insect skills, dare to show their eyes in front of the son?" Faced with the general's offensive, the young man was unavoidable, and his figure was without pause. His left hand waved with long sleeves and an invisible force Qi, roaring and stirring immediately, and in a blink of an eye all the sword qi released by the general.

When everyone saw the young man's movements clearly, the general's throat had been choked by the young man's pliers.


The general exploded with a roar, and he chopped off the young man's right hand with a sword, but the sword was only halfway through, and the young man's left hand was already patted on the general's arm. Hearing a snorting in the mouth of the general, the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"Jian Qingtian !?"

Yu Qingping and Xiaohui clearly recognized the young man and exclaimed in his mouth, his expression changed wildly.

Li Yi on the side was a fierce joy, the anger on his face dissipated like a cloud ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402352->

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