Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 898: Genius is falling!

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"Hum! The light of Ying Chong dares to compete with Sun and Moon?" Yun Xiao roared loudly, his palms split to the sides. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it?

The two extremely strong palms burst at almost the same time, and Shi Yan and others who were rushing towards Yunxiao, together with several other disciples of the Jade Girl, were rushed back together. Sighing and sighing, the sound suddenly turned into a film.

Shi Xiong swept away with his eyes, and immediately found that none of them hurt lightly. Especially Shi Yan, who suffered the most damage, kept vomiting blood in his mouth.

"You are all waste, it's not worth my Yun Xiao's shot! Go away and someone will greet you!" Yun Xiao's expression is so arrogant, as far as the eyes can see, like seeing ants and mosquitoes, it makes Shi Xiong hate his teeth.

"Wu Chaoying and Qi Dongxu must have reached the top of the mountain, and only they are worthy of my battle in the sky. There is no time to delay with your waste, Shi Xiong, Dai Yajun, you die!"

Yun Xiao roared sharply, waved his palm, and dashed towards Shi Xiong and Dai Yajun. The powerful and overbearing energy turned into a mad dragon, spreading his teeth and dancing claws, and it was so terrible that immediately made Shi Xiong and Dai Yajun feel a threat of death.

"Yajun, it seems that you and I can only be a pair of dead mandarin ducks." Yun Xiao's power is fierce, and it is clearly aimed at taking his life, not to mention that Shi Xiong has been seriously injured now, even when he is in his heyday. , It is absolutely unstoppable. He couldn't help laughing, and looked at Dai Yajun with a sad expression.

"Is the fatal mandarin duck good? As long as you and I don't separate anymore, what is the difference between life and death?" Dai Yajun looked at Shi Xiong affectionately, without looking at the sky that swooped over with his murderous murder, anyone can see , She has already put her life and death out of touch.

"Lovers will eventually become dependents, okay! Hahaha ..."

Just as Shi Xiong and Dai Yajun hugged each other tightly, waiting quietly for the final moment to come, a loud laugh suddenly sounded from behind them.

Dai Yajun looked up subconsciously and saw that Wan Dong looked like a mad dragon and was rushing in at an alarming speed. It may be that Dai Yajun's eyes were noticed, and Wan Dong smiled at her with a wink.

Dai Yajun's heart, which had originally been silent, no longer holds any hope, seemed to be reactivated, and it was vigorously excited, more provocative than ever.

"City Lord!" Dai Yajun subconsciously shouted, snuggling against Shi Xiong's chest, as if trembling like an electric shock.

"What the Lord of the City Lord?" Shi Xiong turned his back to Wandong, not as convenient as Dai Yajun, and hadn't seen Wandong descending from the sky yet, his mind was still in a trance.

By the time Shi Xiong looked back, Wan Dong's figure, like a flash of lightning, swept over from the top of their heads, waving their palms, and already greeted Yunxiao.

"Where did the idiot dare to be an enemy of this seat?" Yun Xiao did not look at Wan Dong in his eyes, thinking that Wan Dong was just an ordinary disciple of Dong Xuzong. Three-point force, until ready to kill Wan Dong first.

Yun Xiao's abacus is very good, but unfortunately, he has no eyes!

The two men's palms collided into one place in the air very quickly. When Yunxiao was about to exert his strength and stunned Wandong to death, suddenly, a huge force as unstoppable as the collapse of Mount Tai was only in In an instant, he came to him.

Yun Xiao was too late to respond. When the palm was standing, there was a sudden pain, and then the pain, like a wandering snake, spread quickly on his body. Yun Xiao suddenly darted in front of his eyes and almost passed out on the spot. .

When he came back to God, he realized that not only his hand bones were broken, but also his arm bones and even his shoulder blades were shattered. The entire right arm can be said to be completely destroyed. .

But this injury is only the second, compared to the internal organs that he almost collapsed, it is almost nothing.

Yun Xiao couldn't believe what had happened. With one move, he almost completely abolished him. Who could have such a terrible practice?

"Hum! The first genius of Ascension Mainland, but that's it!" Wan Dong snorted coldly, with a move in his right hand, an invisible force, and he took Yun Xiao to the sky.

Looking at Wandong, Yun Xiao's eyes almost jumped out of his eyes, full of deep horror.

"You ... who are you?" Yun Xiao asked with a trembling voice, his voice hoarse, completely losing the domineering just now.

"Don't you deserve to know?" Wandong's eyes flashed sharply, strangling Yun Xiao's neck, and suddenly exerted his strength, immediately Yun Xiao's expression was covered by a thick painful color. "As long as you know, in front of me, you are just a ants that can be pinched to death at any time!"

"You ... you ..." Yun Xiao tried hard to say something, but couldn't say anything. Her heart was cold and trembling.

Seeing Yun Xiao being held by Wan Dong as if he were a dead dog, Shi Xiong's lips were extremely dry and his tongue was sticking out. He didn't know what to say, but he just laughed bitterly.

Shi Xiong has seen a lot of geniuses fall, but such a miserable fall like Yun Xiao, and so few, I am afraid not many. Seeing Wan Dong again, the awe of Shi Xiong ’s heart deepened undoubtedly.

Dai Yajun didn't think about it so much, Wan Dong's sudden appearance made her seem to see the savior in distress, leaving only unspeakable surprises. Because of excitement, his voice was trembling and asked, "Master, why are you here?"

Wan Dong chuckled and said, "I watched the stars last night, and I found that you are here today with Shi Xiong, and as a friend, I have no reason to congratulate?"

"Let's come!" Said Wan Dong, and Dai Yajun suddenly blushed and lowered his head to give a soft sip, so charming.

Shi Xiong was much more generous, and he was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he gripped Dai Yajun's hands more tightly, as if loosened, Dai Yajun would grow wings and fly away.

Wan Dong laughed aloud and said, "When this is not the time to narrate, Yun Xiao should have been executed immediately, but I still have some use for him, don't you mind?"

Shi Xiong quickly shook his head and smiled bitterly in his heart. Even if he minded, would he dare to say it? Just look at Yun Xiao's dead dog-like appearance, Shi Xiong's heart burst into chills. I feel that what Dai Yajun said to him at the beginning was really correct. If a person like Wandong becomes a friend, it is definitely a great fortune, but if he becomes an enemy, it will be a nightmare that will never wake up!

Shi Xiong was really fortunate that when he was in the city's main palace, he was able to retreat from the cliff and did not offend Wan Dong to his death.

"That's good! Xiao Xiaoxia and Wu Senior have already gone to the top of the mountain, I have to chase them immediately, be careful yourself!"

"Xiao Daxia and Wu Wu?" Dai Yajun and Shi Xiong looked at each other in surprise, turned their heads around Wan Dong's eyes, and saw that Xiao Lang and Wu Zun's two looked like tigers rushing into the flock, with full firepower. The figure kept rushing to the top of the mountain.

But the disciples of Yuanyang Gate and Yuntian Gate who stood in front of the two lay down like wheat that had been cut down. As long as they lay down, no one could stand up again.

Only because of the power of these two people, the Yuntian Gate and Yuanyang Gate, which had originally prevailed, immediately appeared to be defeated.

"Senior Wu didn't fall into Yuanyangmen's hands, how did he ..." Looking at the dragons and fierce tigers, he wandered through the enemy groups, and Wu Zunzhi, who was so desperate, was full of doubts on his face.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I will explain it later!" After that, Wan Dong turned his head to Shi Yan and took a hook, raising his voice, "Come here!"

"Ah? I ... I have been honest recently, and I have been introspecting! Really, my elder brother can prove it for me!" Shi Yan is now afraid of dying Wandong, seeing Wandong coming to rescue Shixiong and Dai Yajun. Although he was happy, he didn't dare to move forward, but he was far away. After being greeted by Wan Dong, Shi Yan's heart was almost shocked and almost didn't jump out of his throat, he quickly waved his hand and said.

"Let you come over and come, can I be a demon who eats people and does not spit bones?"

Wan Dong's face was shattered, and Shi Yan's heart fluttered again, whispering in his heart, "You are indeed not a demon, but you are ten times more terrible than a demon, okay?"

He whispered in his heart, but he didn't dare not listen to Wan Dong's words, and came to Wan Dong carefully.

Wan Dong's eyebrows flicked up, and then he shot with lightning in his right hand, and immediately shot Shi Yan on the body for more than ten times. The shot was fast, and Shi Yan even had no chance to react.

"I have solved the prohibition on you, and I have healed the injuries on you. Remember, do more good deeds in the future, and you must not bully others!"

"I ... I can feel the presence of true energy again, brother, I'm okay, I'm really okay!" Shi Yan froze for a moment, then jumped up excitedly like a child.

Shi Xiong was also very gratified. Although Shi Yan was much more honest during this period of cultivation, it was obviously much more boring than before. Shi Xiong has always been worried about what shadow this will leave on Shi Yan's heart, and now it seems that he is too worried.

"Don't just look at the joy, do you remember the words of the master of the city?" Shi Xiong said with a deep voice.

"Remember, remember! I will definitely be a good person in the future!" Shi Yan nodded in a hurry and said loudly.

Nothing can be taught! After this lesson, Shi Yan's future road should not be crooked.

"Okay! I'll take a step!" Wan Dong waved his hand and lifted Yun Xiao, the whole person rose like a dragon.

Wan Dong didn't immediately go to the top of the mountain. After taking off his body, he took a slight pause. His palms were turned and pressed. At the time, a large piece of golden light shone from the sky like a rainstorm.

And wherever there is golden light, there must be the killers of Yuanyang Gate and Yuntian Gate! With this palm, I don't know how much danger and pressure was eliminated for the disciples of Jade Girl Sect and Dongxu Sect. Throughout the entire battle, the Jade Girl Sect and Dong Xuzong took the upper hand completely and won the final victory, but only the problem of time remained ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402387->

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