Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 899: Yuanyangmen headquarters!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Seeing Wandong transforming into a mad dragon and breaking away, Shi Xiong suddenly took a long breath, and his expression was excited. He held Dai Yajun tighter and shouted, "Yajun, I suddenly have a hunch, Yuntianmen and The fall of Yuanyang Gate is today! "

"Cough ... Then let's not be idle, hurry up to end the fighting here, and rush to the top of the mountain. If it is late, I'm afraid there will be no good drama to watch!"

Dai Yajun, who was completely relaxed, was full of bright smiles on her pretty face, and she looked more charming. +

Shi Xiong raised a loud laugh in the sky and turned into the enemy group like a tiger in the mountain. The masters of Yuntianmen and Yuanyangmen, including Yunxiao, were almost cleaned up by Wan Dong, Wu Zunzhi, and Xiao Lang, and the rest were just some small shrimps. Shi Xiong immediately showed his might.

Seeing Shi Xiong's addiction to kill, Dai Yajun was also tickled in the heart. Originally, she wanted to learn something. However, Shi Xiong didn't give her a chance at all, and she was so strict that she didn't even give her the chance to shoot. It makes Dai Yajun smile bitterly, which is too sweet and sometimes a trouble.

"Dan Xiazong, the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect listen, if they don't want Qi Dongxu and Wu Chaoying to die nine sections, they obediently restrain the old man!"

Just when Shi Xiong's fists and feet were spreading and killing was addictive, a roar of thunder rolled suddenly from the direction of the mountain top.

"What !?" Shi Xiong and Dai Yajun were suddenly taken aback, staring hurriedly toward the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, they were too far apart. They could only hear the sound, but could not see the figure.

"Shi Xiong, is what he said true?" Dai Yajun was crying anxiously.

Shi Xiong ’s brows were even more wrinkled, and Shen said, “If they just want to scare us, then my master and your senior Wu will definitely break their plot on the spot, but now they ca n’t hear their voices. I am afraid it has really fallen into the other party's hands. "

"Then ... how is that good?" After all, Dai Yajun was a girl and immediately panicked.

Shi Xiong shook his head and stared at the three rapidly approaching hilltops, muttering, "I can only put hope on them right now."

"It seems that we are going to speed up!" Wan Dong raised Yunxiao and soon overtook Wu Zunzhi and Xiao Lang.

One of Wu Zun turned back to see Yun Xiao, who was holding Wan Dong in his hand, with a violent expression. He smiled and said, "With this kid, things will be easier to handle." Lin Quan, you do n’t want to come here. If there is a slight failure of Sect Master Qi and Sect Master Wu, you are waiting to collect the corpse for Yun Xiao! "

"Wu Zunzhi !? Are you still alive?" After a brief silence, Huang Linquan's anger broke out again. 77nt.Com Thousands of Novel Network (This chapter is updated by Just Love Reading Book Network 92Ks.Com)

"Hahaha ... You three giant Yuntianmen are not dead yet, how can I Wu Zunzhi die! Obediently wait for me, your grandfather Wu is coming!" Thinking of the various insults he had received at Yuanyang Gate before, Wu Zunzhi When his heart was neutral, there was a surge of anger that could not be stopped.

"Huh! Since you want moths to put out the fire and throw yourself in the net, I have a lot of reason!"

"Bastard! Xiao Lang, Master Xu, will climb to the top of the mountain in a moment. Anyway, you have to hand me that Huang Linquan to deal with it." Wu Zunzhi said angrily to Xiao Lang and Wan Dong.

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "You have to deal with Huang Linquan, please, but my brother wants the magic demon Dan on him. At a critical juncture, I must intervene!"

Wu Zunzhi also knew the importance of this phantom demon to Wandong. Without much comment, he nodded heavily.

The three of them galloped all the way, and after a while, they climbed to the top of the mountain. Yuanyang Gate is one of the seven major gates of the Ascension Continent. The rolling palace-like buildings, one after another, are scattered, and there are thousands of them, which is very majestic.

Wan Dong just struck the top of the mountain and was deeply shocked by the sight. He has seen the palaces of the Qingyun Empire and the Iron War dynasty. In his opinion, it is quite spectacular, but compared with the headquarters of Yuanyangmen in front of him, it is a rare thing, and it is not worth mentioning.

"Wu Zunzhi, your old life is really hard enough!" When Wan Dong's eyes were looking around, a rugged voice pulled Wan Dong's eyes away.

It is about the same age as Li Zhongfei, but it is much more burly and magnificent than Li Zhongfei. It is less than two meters tall. Arms stand on the chest, arms are full of high arched muscles, giving an explosive visual impact. Look at the muscles on the body, the dark color, at first glance looks like steel casting, you can feel a very hard feeling without touching.

Together, Wan Dong ’s two lives have never seen such a strong man, it is simply the embodiment of strength!

Although his cultivation practice is almost the same as Li Zhongfei, it is definitely not difficult to defeat Li Zhongfei with his strong **

Just when Wan Dong speculated, which one of the three giants of Yuntianmen, Wu Zunzhi suddenly snorted, saying, "Huang Linquan, my life is indeed hard, but what about your life? Isn't it just as hard? "

"Ha ha ha ... although you can try it! If it is not a step ahead of the third, I will let you taste the taste of my iron fist!" Huang Linquan waved his fist, when the air was neutral, there was a whine. The muffled noise like a roaring wind, one can imagine how powerful this Huang Linquan is.

"Wu Zunzhi, did your damsel's brain get flooded? Since he escaped, why should he come back?" Just as Wu Zunzhi and Huang Linquan stared at each other, there was a somewhat weak voice that sounded. .

Wan Dong turned his head to look around, and saw an old man in gray robe with immortal wind and bones, sitting with pain on the ground not far away. Blood stains on his chest, pale as snow, obviously not bad. Next to him, there was a childlike woman with excellent hair care, a gentle and dignified manner, and a magnificent manner. In this way, the two should be Qi Dongxu, the head of Dongxuzong, and Wu Chaoying, the head of the Jade Girl Sect.

Wu Chaoying's injury seemed to be heavier than Qi Dongxu's. At this time, he only slightly opened his eyes, and then he closed tiredly, even lacking the strength to speak.

"Qi Daoyou, Wu Daoyou, can the two still hold up?" Anyway, the two fell into such a field because they wanted to save him Wu Zunzhi.

"What do you say?" Qi Dongxue asked in reply, then coughed loudly, a scream of blood, and kept falling down the corner of his mouth.

Wu Zun consciously wanted to approach the two, and a figure suddenly fell in front of them out of thin air.

Wu Zun first was stunned. After seeing this person's face clearly, he immediately yelled and shouted, "Yuan Cangzi, you are a beast with a friend for your honor, I really looked at you wrongly!"

At first glance, Yuan Cangzi seemed to have a degree of imagination with Qi Dongxu, but also a body of immortal wind and a straight face full of air. On the basis of appearance alone, it is really difficult to classify him as an outlier.

"Back to friends for glory? Wu Zunzhi, when did you treat me as your friend?" Yuan Cangzi suddenly burst out a laugh, suddenly destroying his immortal temperament, giving people an extraordinary sense of madness.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Zunyi froze and asked sharply.

"In your and Xue Chengfeng's eyes, my Yuanyang Gate is just a vassal of your Danxia Sect, and my Yuan Cangzi is only a subordinate who lives on your nose. Every time you scream and drink, you are indignant. I put it on an equal footing with you? "

"Fart! Chengfeng and I treat you as a brother. This is so casual. Have you ever discriminated against you? Besides, don't I take advantage of Fengfeng to help you? You were irritable at that time and made great achievements as soon as possible. Consummation, he did n’t hesitate to take risks, jumped into the air, and almost got into trouble. He ran through the wind and traveled thousands of miles. After many hardships, he found you the fairy grass before we saved you! , Why do you need to do this? "

"Humph! That's just your kind of charity!"

"You!" Unexpectedly, Yuan Cangzi would be so extreme and narrow-minded, and Wu Zunzhi was almost straight-hearted.

Xiao Lang was also surprised. Yuan Cangzi's performance was like a new person.

"Yuan Cangzi, why are you so confused!" Xiao Lang could not help but shouted.

"Xiao Lang? Oh, I see, you must have saved Wu Zunzhi, right?" Yuan Cangzi sneered and said suddenly.

"Xiao Lang, you came just now! You and I have cleared the account of Yuntian Gate, should we clear it today?" Huang Linquan's eyes sharpened and he stared at Xiao Lang fiercely.

Xiao Lang glanced back at him, shouting with a very impatient tone, "Shut up for me, now I don't want to talk to you!"

"What !?" Xiao Lang's contemptuous expression, impatient tone, all made Huang Linquan angry, and a sudden murderousness rose from his body immediately.

Xiao Lang didn't seem to see it, and ignored it completely, but stared at Yuan Cangzi.

Among the Seven Great Sects, in addition to Wu Zunzhi and Xue Chengfeng, Xiao Lang has a good relationship with this Yuan Cangzi. Seeing Yuan Cangzi changed to what it is today, it is inevitable that I was a little worried.

"Xiao Xiaoxia, you don't need to look at me like this. You may be disappointed, but now I am the real me! From then on, my Yuan Cangzi will never surrender to others, and will never suffer even the slightest. Grievance! I want to be a master, I want to put everything under my feet. Even you, can't stop me! "Yuan Cangzi's crazier, roaring more fierce, let people listen to the creeps.

"Idiot! Even if we agree, I'm afraid Yuntianmen won't agree!"

When Yuan Cangzi was crazy, Wan Dong suddenly said quietly, as if a pot of cold water made Yuan Cangzi's roar abruptly stop, and even made his whole person shrouded in a bitter cold.

Huang Linquan's eyes narrowed fiercely, and he shot Wan Dong like a cold arrow. Only then his attention was focused on Xiao Lang and Wu Zunzhi. He actually ignored Wan Dong. Wan Dong deliberately condensed breath has a great relationship ...

The author's off-topic: first update the four chapters, and then another chapter after dinner, so that today is five changes, the three chapters owed yesterday are still one chapter short, and strive to make up for the four changes tomorrow! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402388->

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