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"Coming from Ascension Mainland? Where are they?" Wan Dong asked in a shock. Love \ 'Reading

"This is the headquarters of Dan Xiazong. They are unidentified after all. I didn't take them here in a premature manner. They are waiting at the gate at this time." Wu Zhaoying said.

"Daddy, maybe it's my grandfather. They are here!" Wan Dong groaned slightly, his heart suddenly clear. From the mundane world, who traveled all the way to find him, I am afraid that only Xu Wenchuan, Sun Daobai, Leng Shuangrong and others have such strength.

"What are you waiting for, please? Hurry! We should meet in person!" Marriott Xiong heard that he was more anxious than Wandong. Before Wandong's response, his people had already rushed out.

"Sure enough!" Wan Dong just saw Xu Wenchuan as soon as he swept out of the mountain gate. Not only Xu Wenchuan, but also Leng Shuangrong, Liu Yunxi, even Sun Xiaoya and Leng Yuecui came together.

Several people at this time were like ants on the hot pot, and their paces were anxiously pacing back and forth, but some of the disciples of the Danxia Sect guarded the mountain gate, otherwise they would have rushed in.

"Grandpa!" Wan Dong shouted, flying like a bow and arrow.

"Yao Ting!" Finally, when he saw Wan Dong, Xu Wenchuan's dangling heart suddenly fell to the ground, and his face showed an unprecedented excitement.

The same is true for the rest of the people, especially Leng Shuangrong and Leng Yuecui's grandchildren, looking at Wan Dong's eyes as if the drowning man saw the life-saving straw.

"Sun'er Yaoting has seen Grandpa!" Wan Donggang and Marriott Xiong Xiong chatted with Xu Wenchuan, but he didn't expect Xu Wenchuan to appear in front of him. Wan Dong's heart was also full of surprises. Before he came to Xu Wenchuan, the whole person had already worshipped.

"Hahaha ... Hurry up, hurry up!" Every time Xu Wenchuan saw Wandong, this heart seemed to be filled with honey, not to mention how comfortable it was.

He pulled Wan Dong up from the ground and looked carefully with a pair of warm eyes. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied Xu Wenchuan was in his heart, and he nodded and smiled, "Wow! I haven't seen it for a few months. It's tall and strong again. , This little face is even more handsome! Well! People are also spirited, like my grandson of Xu Wenchuan! "

Xu Wenchuan thumped Wan Dong's chest, only wishing to infuse all the words of praise in his mind on Wan Dong's body. But even so, he could not fully express his pride and satisfaction with his baby grandson.

However, looking at Xu Wenchuan, Wan Dong's eyes showed a deep regret. From Yunzhong City to the Ascension Continent, they apparently suffered a lot along the way. On Xu Wenchuan's face, there is even dirt that hasn't been wiped out yet. Look at that body, covered with new or rescued mottled blood stains, and the fairy beasts scattered along the way, certainly did not let them suffer less.

"Grandpa, are you injured?" Wan Dong asked with concern.

Xu Wenchuan shook his head and said, "Yao Ting, don't worry about me first. We came to you not far away this time, we are looking for you to save your life!"

"Help !?" Wandong was shocked. Now the ordinary world can be said to be flattened. Who can threaten Xu Wenchuan and Leng Shuangrong's lives.

"Let me go!" Leng Shuangrong came forward anxiously and said to Wan Dong, "Yongsi was taken away by the Ping family, Yao Ting, no matter what, you must save Yongsi. ! "

"What !? When did this happen? Isn't it a long time before your agreement with Pingjia?" Wan Dong was surprised and asked quickly.

Leng Shuangrong sighed and said bitterly, "A month ago, the Ping family suddenly came and hit us by surprise, and the person's cultivation is really not comparable to that of Ping Fei Peng and I, I am completely Not his opponent, not even his one move! If Yong Si is not threatened with death, I am afraid that my wife is now lying in the coffin! "

"Yeah, in order to save my grandmother and sister, this girl Yong Si was forced to promise to go with the Ping family to Daomen Dajie. The Ping family is so bad, I am really worried that the girl Yong Si will be wronged when he arrives at the Ping family." Xu Wenchuan Shaking his head, his face was full of pity.

"Yao Ting, in any case, you must help me rescue my sister, I beg you!" Leng Yuecui's face was full of tears, flung in front of Wan Dong, holding his arm tightly.

Wan Dong's brow furrowed, and a look of anger appeared on his face. When Ping Fei Peng was killed, Wan Dong and Leng Shuangrong expected it to be today. Because of this, Leng Shuangrong's three grandchildren would practice martial arts like that. But I did not expect that the Ping family would send people in advance, and Leng Yongsi was still taken to the Daomen World.

"Yue Cui, don't worry about it first. Of course, I won't sit back and watch your sister's business. But Grandpa, Senior Leng, how did the Ping family come?"

"Naturally through the teleportation array." Leng Shuangrong replied without thinking.

"Teleportation?" Wan Dong was somewhat surprised. It stands to reason that the day of the election is approaching, even if the Ping family sends people, it is possible to set up the teleportation array in the Ascension Continent, and then take the road to Yunzhong City to meet Leng Yongsi. After all, setting the teleportation array directly in the cloud city requires a lot of financial resources and manpower, which is far less convenient than setting up on the Ascension Continent. Is it possible that the young master of the Ping family can't wait any longer, so that the time for picking up Leng Yongsi will be so long in advance?

But no matter what happened in this, Leng Yongsi was taken to Daomen World at this time, the situation is really worrying.

"Master Pingjia is the most elegant, and has a bad reputation in the Daomen World. I don't know how many girls are ruined by him. No one is ghosts or ghosts. Yaoting, the fate of this cold girl, I am afraid ..." When he came over, he looked a little heavy.

"Yao Ting, this is ..." Looking at Xiao Lang's extraordinary temperament, Leng Shuangrong turned to look at Wan Dong.

Listening to Xiao Lang's words, Wan Dong's mood became heavier and heavier, saying, "This is my sworn brother Xiao Lang. He came from the Daomen World!"

"Daomen Dajie?" Leng Shuangrong's eyes lit up immediately.

Leng Yongsi was taken to the Daomen World. In Leng Shuangrong's view, it was as if the heaven and man were separated forever. At this time, when she saw someone coming from the Daomen, she suddenly felt that she was away from the Daomen World Not as far away as she imagined, and her distance from Yong Si was also shortened a lot.

"Xiao Daxia, you are from the Daomen World. You must have the ability to ask for help to save my poor granddaughter! In fact, I also know that it has been more than a month, I want to chant her ... She has already suffered the venom of the Ping Family, but I do n’t ask for anything else, I just ask her to come back to me alive, even if I see her again! "

At this time, Leng Shuangrong was already in a hurry and was a little messed up, and regarded Xiao Lang as a savior.

Xiao Lang hurriedly said, "Seniors, rest assured, since Yaoting and I are brothers, his friend is naturally my friend. After returning to Daomen World, I will try my best to save your granddaughter from the poison of the family!"

"Are you going back to Daomen Dajie? Xiao Xiaoxia, then ... can you take me with you?" Leng Shuangrong said quickly, with a face full of sincerity.

"That's a big world. It's too dangerous. You can't take the risk, Senior!"

Although Leng Shuangrong's cultivation practice is already great, but in the Daomen World, this is really nothing, and after all, Leng Shuangrong's age is too old to withstand any tossing. The key is Leng Shuangrong's temper. Once in Dadaomen World, in order to save her granddaughter, she will be ignored regardless. Sooner or later, he will be hit by the venom of Ping's family.

"But I can save Yongsi girl!" Leng Shuangrong was suddenly excited.

Wan Dong busy said, "Sister Yongsi has me to save, don't you believe me"


Leng Shuangrong wanted to say more, Xu Wenchuan reached out to stop her, and said, "I said old sister, you should listen to Yaoting. You are so old to reach the world of Daomen, Yaoting also scores and takes care of you, How to save Yong Si wholeheartedly? I think, we old guys, stay in the ordinary world and wait for good news. Yao Ting is right, you have to believe him! "

Thanks to Xu Wenchuan's persuasion, Leng Shuangrong finally changed his mind after hesitating for a while. "Well, okay, but you have to bring Yuecui. This child is still young. I hope she can go to Daomen World to meet the world."

"Well, there is Xiaoya!" As soon as Leng Shuangrong's words fell, Sun Daobian led Sun Xiaoya over.

"Grandpa, I still have to take care of you. How can I leave?" Sun Xiaoya said quickly.

Sun Daobai smiled and said, "Silly girl, your grandfather, I have hands and feet, no people, no lack of care. Grandpa can't be your towing oil bottle, which will affect your future. The world of ordinary world is too much after all. Little, before we had no chance, now we have a chance, of course we ca n’t give up. Yao Ting, Xiaoya, I will leave it to you later! "

Seeing Wandong frowning slightly, it seems that there is something to say, but Xu Wenchuan preemptively said, "OK, you do n’t have to think about it anymore! Yue Cui and Xiao Ya are very good children, and they worked very hard at this time. They have all achieved perfection and will never drag your hind legs! "

Leng Yuecui and Sun Xiaoya are in Yunzhong City all the year round. Although they are not like Wang Yangde, they can practice in Bailong Snow Mountain. However, Sun Daobai, Xu Wenchuan, Leng Shuangrong, and Liu Yunxi are all attentive and their progress is only faster than that of Wang Yangde. Slightly slower. If they take Lingdan made from the core of fairy beasts again, their practice should be able to advance to the perfect middle level, and they are comparable to Tang Xinyi and Luo Xiao.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I'm worried about several of you old people. We young people are all gone. Who will come with you to relieve boredom, I'm afraid you will feel lonely."

"Hahaha ... Okay! You can have this thought, we old and undead are already satisfied. Although the days will be a bit boring, we can't delay your great future because of us. Besides, wait until one day, you These dolls have been greatly repaired, and they occupy a place in the Daomen World. You can take us to the Daomen World to wander around! The scenery of the Daomen World, we really want to see and see. "Xu Wenchuan said with a big smile . --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402418->

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