Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Okay! It's a word! I will never let you wait too long!" Wan Dong's heart shook up and burst into the air. Specially, I only have one sentence for \ 'reading the book, the update speed is twice as fast as other stations, and there are few advertisements.

"Yao Ting, come here, I have a few words to tell you." Sun Daobaichong Wandong beckoned and took Wandong a few steps away.

Xu Wenchuan snorted when he saw this, and said, "This Sun Daobai is always so mysterious and sneaky, not at all open!"

Liu Yunxi chuckled and said, "Who hasn't got any secrets in your body this year, what do you do so much? Kerr, my good granddaughter, didn't you hurry to see grandpa?"

"Grandpa!" Liu Ke'er couldn't hold back anymore, only to see Wan Dong talking to them about the business, and he could not bear to come forward to disturb. At this moment, upon hearing Grandpa's call, he immediately rushed into Liu Yunxi's arms like a homely swallow. He didn't laugh, but he staggered Liu Yunxi.

Looking at the baby granddaughter in her arms, Liu Yunxi looked and felt satisfied, and she smiled straight on her face, "Yes, girl, they are all perfect, better than your grandfather!"

Liu Yunxi's eyes flashed a few strange colors in succession. Such a rapid improvement really made him feel unbelievable.

Liu Kerr was blushed by Liu Yunxi, hiding in his arms, and coquettishly said, "What's so great about me? Yangde is so powerful. Although they are all perfect, I'm afraid I can't take his ten swords!"

"Really? Yang De's boy, come over and show me!"

"Hey ... Grandpa Liu is good!" When Wang Yangde faced the others, it was like a sword with a sheath, all of which was cold, and people were afraid to come close, but when he faced Liu Yunxi, he immediately counseled. That Wei Nuo Nuo, cautious look, is really a bit funny.

"Good boy, I really have two sons, and I did not insult your royal family's reputation. Kerr followed you, and I was barely relieved."

"Grandpa! Who ... who is going to follow him?" Liu Keer's face turned red, like the red apple, and people couldn't help but want to take a bite.

"Ah? It turns out that you don't want to talk to him. That's just right. I dragged you a bunch of sons and brothers in Yunzhong City. This is the top appearance. Sai Pan'an, this time I'll take you back to the folks. satisfying."

"Grandpa, you ... keep it for yourself, I ... I won't go back!" Liu Keer was dumbfounded when he heard it, and he pushed Liu Yunxi away, and subconsciously went to Wang Yangde's side, that panic It looks like a frightened little white rabbit, and Liu Yunxi laughed loudly.

"Marriott !?" Just when Liu Yunxi teased Liu Kerr happily, enjoying the joy of the world, Xu Wenchuan's eyes suddenly caught Marriott's figure from the crowd, and his expression suddenly rose and shouted loudly. .

In Xu Wenchuan's life, he has achieved great victories in battle, and he has achieved great achievements. Now Xu Tianlong is enthroned as emperor. He is also the emperor who became the emperor. There are very few people who can get his eyes, but Marriott Marquis is definitely one of them.

"Huangxiong Xiong has seen the old man!" The same is true of Marriott Yung. The respect for Xu Wenchuan in his heart has even subtly affected Wandong.

"Hahaha ... It's really you! Speaking, our grandfather hasn't seen you for more than a decade?" Xu Wenchuan is such a straightforward temperament. I don't like you. I'm too lazy to give you one. The vigorous performance is never hidden in the heart.

It's just that Xu Wenchuan didn't know that his two grandpas could be called into Marriott's heart.

"Thirteen years! The last time I met, it was still in the Cloud City." Marriott said with exclamation. But in thirteen years, the world has changed dramatically. If it were 13 years ago, who would have thought that they would meet here today? Who can think of that kind of intimacy between them?

"Yeah! At first, you came to see the emperor of our country on behalf of the kingdom of heaven. You have achieved great success and are prosperous. But now, your double temples have also become more white, let alone my old man!"

"Where! In my eyes, the old man is still as majestic as he was 13 years ago!"

"All right! You don't need to wear a high hat on my head. I remember, when you and I, and the three people of Tianlong, had a sea drink, they drank the wine from the Dingshan King's Mansion. It ’s a pleasure to be able to tell the difference! What ’s the matter? Let ’s meet again this time, let ’s fight again! ”

"Hahaha ... The old man's words were said to be in my heart. That's what I meant!" Marriott Xiong laughed, holding Xu Wenchuan's hand tightly, and refused to let go.

Everyone had a good time talking, but Sun Daobai's expression was serious, and after pulling Wan Dong aside, he took out a treasure chest with a length of no more than 20 centimeters from his arms. The reason it is said to be a treasure box is because the whole body of the treasure box is crystal clear, bright and vivid, and feels slightly warm. It looks like jade rather than jade. Even if Wandong has extensive knowledge, he can't see the texture. More rare is the dragon carving on the treasure box, nine to eighteen plates, hidden in the auspicious clouds, the dragon's head is high, the breath of the dragon is breathing, the eyes are angry, lifelike! A few more glances, it makes people feel that the dragon on the treasure box is about to fly away.

"Grandpa Sun, this is ..." Wan Dong's eyes are different from mortals. He not only saw the exquisite luxury of the treasure box, but also noticed that there was a layer of air flowing endlessly above this treasure box, which was by no means an ordinary thing. .

"I think you should see it too. This thing is by no means a thing of the earth, right?"

Wan Dong nodded heavily.

Sun Daobai said softly, "I don't hide it. The fire and poison in my body is due to this treasure box!"

"Oh?" Wan Dong's expression was startled.

Sun Daobai sighed and recalled, "Speaking of that, it was more than 40 years old. At that time, I was a young man like you. I once fell into a cliff because I went to the mountain to collect medicine. Next, I met the owner of this treasure box, a monk from the world of Daomen. "

"A monk !?"

"Yes! But at that time, he was seriously injured and died soon. Before he died, he gave me this treasure box and asked me to do everything possible to send it back to Daomen World, and Say, this treasure box is related to the safety of the Three Realms. "

"Related to the safety of the Three Realms?" Wan Dong gasped, these three realms, mostly referring to the Daomen World, the Ascension Continent, and the Vulgar Small World. What kind of thing is actually related to the safety of the Three Realms?

"Yeah, but what is the name of this treasure box, but he didn't tell me about it. Just Qian Dingwan asked me not to open this treasure box. But ..."

"But Grandpa Sun opened the treasure box because of curiosity."

Sun Daobai smiled and shook his head bitterly, saying, "At that time, after all, I was young. The more he refused to let me open, the more I wanted to open. As a result, as soon as I opened the treasure box, a blaze was like lightning, and I even Even if there was no chance of reaction, the fire light went straight into my stomach. Since then, I have been suffering for 40 years. "

After hearing Sun Daobai's words, Wan Dong finally understood the origin of the white fire dragon, but it was only the tip of the iceberg. It was still far away from the real veil of the white fire dragon. However, the white fire dragon in his body actually related to the safety of the Three Realms, which really surprised Wan Dong.

It seems that the origin of this white fire dragon is more than Wan Dong's imagination!

"Grandpa Sun, did the monk tell you to send this treasure box to anyone in Daomen World?"

"No! Actually, he didn't have time to say, he died. Hey! I didn't listen to other people's warning and opened the treasure box suddenly. I already felt that I couldn't live with others. Now that you have a chance, you can take this treasure box Go to the Daomen Dajie World. Even if you just throw it somewhere, you can finally fulfill my promise to others forty years ago, and you can relieve some of the guilt in my heart. "

Wan Dong nodded and carefully put the treasure box into the storage ring. Dao, Grandpa Sun, don't worry, until Daomen World, I will find a way to find out the origin of this treasure box.

"That's naturally the best!" Sun Daobai patted Wan Dong's shoulder, and the heavy expression finally relaxed.

Look at the face of the Buddha without looking at the face of the monk! Wu Zunzhi, Wu Chaoying, Qi Dongxu, although they are all well-known characters in Ascension Mainland, but they did not dare to have the slightest negligence and showed enthusiasm to Xu Wenchuan, Sun Daobai, Leng Shuangrong, Liu Yunxi.

Hearing that Xu Wenchuan was going to fight with Sun Daobai, Liu Yunxi immediately came to enjoy. The Liu family was originally a founding family, all of whom were iron-clad men, and there were almost no bad wines. Liu Yunxi was a fairy in the wine, until the point of no wine and no joy.

Wu Zunzhi immediately ordered people to go to Zhang Luo to drink good food and prepare to give Xu Wenchuan a good job to catch the wind. This lively atmosphere makes Wan Dong and Xiao Lang also greedy, but time is not waiting for people, they really can't afford to delay.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Wan Dong and Xiao Lang first left Dan Xia Zong and went straight to Yuntian Gate.

"Brother, do you say the news that the three giants of Yuntianmen are dead? Has it reached Yuntianmen now?" On the road, Wan Dong asked with concern.

Xiao Lang frowned lightly. "Ascension to the mainland is widespread and sparse. Messages are not convenient. I don't think it's that fast!"

Wan Dong yelled and said, "It's better to be so! Otherwise, once the news reaches Yuntian Gate, the trees will definitely fall."

Xiao Lang couldn't help laughing. "Although you are good-looking, you don't have to be so good? Isn't Yuntianmen Shunhen Yuncao scattered? Are you worried?"

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "If you haven't arrived yet, the Yuntian Gate will have fallen and scattered. Do you think those disciples of the Yuntian Gate will be so kind to leave the treasure house to us?"

"Oops! Oops! Brother, hurry up!" The words awakened the dreamer, Xiao Lang slapped his forehead at a speed like a meteor, and Wan Dong couldn't catch up. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402419->

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