Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 928: Yuntianmen Remains!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong and Xiao Lang galloped all the way, almost never stopped. Finally, on the second day, they came to Wuji Mountain where Yuntian Gate is located. Love \ 'Reading

The Promise Mountain is vast and vast, rolling and rolling, looking at it from afar, like a dragon walking a snake, imposing! On one of the highest peaks, the Yuntianmen headquarters rose from the ground.

Yuanyang Gate was already magnificent enough, but compared with Yuntian Gate, it was still inferior. Every building of Yuntian Gate is covered with golden glaze, standing on the top of the mountain. When the sun rises, it looks from a distance, and the golden light is filled with a suffocating majesty and majesty.

"This Yuntian Gate really has great weather and great atmosphere!" Even Wan Dong couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Lang nodded softly and said, "It is indeed so! With the weather of Yuntianmen, it can almost catch up with the second-class family of Daomen. In order to build such a headquarters, I don't know how much wealth Yuntianmen has searched in Ascension Mainland! "

Wan Dong yelled, "Yeah, the golden light of the hope is brilliant, but the bones are piled up. Just looking at this glorious headquarters, you will know how evil Yun Tianmen has done!"

"Don't sigh, let's go up the mountain, lest we have more dreams at night!"

Xiao Lang urged, Wan Dong was about to take a step. Suddenly, there was a scream, and it came from afar. "Everyone chased me! Don't let the remnants of these two Yuntianmen escape!"

"Yuntianmen Remnant !?" Upon hearing this, Wan Dong and Xiao Lang immediately looked at each other for a moment.

It seems that the news of the death of the three giants of Yuntianmen has spread, and the former clan of Yuntianmen has come to seek revenge. Their hearts sank suddenly.

"Let's go and see!" Wan Dongdao said, leaning over and swiping in the direction of the shout.

At this time, a man and a woman, two figures, are holding each other, struggling to escape. The man's name is Feng Nan, a disciple of Yuntianmen, and the woman's name is Zhai Lan, his wife, but he did not join Yuntianmen.

Feng Nan couldn't believe it until now. Yun Tiannan, Huang Linquan, Li Zhongfei, the three giants of Yuntian Gate, were all killed. In fact, he was not the only one to believe, and none of the entire disciples of Yuntian Gate believed. But soon, the enemy killed Wuji Mountain from all directions, and did not wait for the disciples of Yuntianmen to react. The whole Wuji Mountain was almost blood-washed.

Feng Nan saw the opportunity quickly, and then escaped with Zhai Lan, but unexpectedly, it was blocked by Qianba.

This money tyrant is also an old acquaintance for Feng Nan. As the head of the flying wolf faction, Qianba is still somewhat famous in Ascension Mainland, although the flying wolf faction can only be regarded as a third-rate martial art at best.

But Feng Nan and Qian Ba ​​met each other not only because Qian Ba ​​was the head of the Flying Wolf faction, but because of his wife Zhai Lan.

In fact, it is very cliché. Qianba is not only greedy and violent, but also very lustful, but Zhai Lan is quite long and pretty. By chance, Zhai Lan was caught by Qian Ba. Since then, it has been harassed by him.

Feng Nan didn't want to turn to Yuntianmen, but it was too urgent to be watched by Qianba. In desperation, he turned to Yuntianmen. After Feng Nan became a disciple of Yuntianmen, Qian Ba ​​really converged. What Feng Nan Wanwan did not expect was that Yuntianmen, the premier super faction in Ascension Continent, collapsed overnight.

"Feng Nan, don't worry about me, go on your own!" Zhai Lan also trained martial arts, but the cultivation was very shallow. Since marrying Feng Nan, he has been dedicated to taking care of his daily life. .

At this time, seeing that he could not help her husband a little bit busy, but instead became her husband's burden. Looking at the blood stains on Feng Nan's body, Zhai Lan finally settled down and said in tears.

"What?" Feng Nan was anxious as soon as he heard it. "What should I do? If you fall into the hands of Qian Ba, he will definitely torture you! Go away!"

Zhai Lan was always gentle and gentle in front of Feng Nan, but this time, it seemed like he had changed a person. Feng Nan pulled hard, but failed to pull her.

Zhai Lan shook away Feng Nan's hand hard, and also said anxiously, "One person is better than two people to die! My heart is determined, you ... you don't care about me!" It was the sword that killed him all the way back.

"Lan'er!" Feng Nanji's eyes were all staring out, and he hurried to chase. But at this moment, more than ten figures, swishing rushed by, just happened to surround Zhai Lan.

"Hahaha ... Why don't you run away as a pair of adulterers?" Qian Ba ​​flew over with a laugh.

Needless to say how Qian Qianba is a man, but by looking at his respect, he can understand why Zhai Lan did not want to marry him. His face like a mountain carving, except for the blind and mentally disabled, is only strange if he is willing to follow him!

"Qianba, you are nothing more than me. As long as you let Nange go, I ... I will deal with you!" Zhai Lan stared at Qianba and shouted sharply.

"Crack!" Zhai Lan's words just fell, and Qian Ba's slap fell on Zhai Lan's face. Poor Zhai Lan's weak body suddenly fell to the ground, her mouth cracked and blood shed.

"Bah! You slut! You are all rotten by Feng Nan now, do you think I'm still rare? You are not worth anything!"

"You!" Zhai Lan was humiliated, and Feng Nan was violently thundering, and the sword rushed towards Qianba.

However, when Feng Nan was ten feet away from Qian Ba, there were five or six figures in the diagonal stabbing, and they jumped out together, and forced Feng Nan back to life.

"Ha ha ha ... surnamed Feng, you are also a man, even if you can't protect your own woman?"

"Qianba, if you dare to move Lan'er a little hair, I will hack you alive today!" Feng Nan hated his mouth full of steel teeth, all of which would be broken.

"Threat me? You should know my temper, I hate others to threaten me!" Qian Ba ​​sneered and pulled Zhai Lan from the ground suddenly, without a trace of pity Xiangxiyu, directly choked her neck, even Is rude.

Seeing Feng Nan ’s expression like a fire-breathing, Qian Ba ​​smiled more and more evil, saying, "Although this **** is worthless, it is not even worth mentioning shoes for Lao Tzu, but it is quite good to make my men happy. It's a pity that I send a small wolf with a small number of hundreds of people. I don't know if I can make you a **** cool! Hahaha ... "

"I slaughtered you!" Feng Nan was already out of anger, slammed with a scream, and a sword spread out a thousand cold mountains, and rolled towards the Qianba blizzard.

"Oops! The disciples of Yuntianmen are really powerful! It's just ... who cares about you? Hey ..." Qian Ba's yin and yang smirk burst into a sudden, far back, and when Feng Nan was going to chase, A dozen or so disciples of flying wolves blocked his figure like a wall.

"Get away from me!" Feng Nan roared like thunder. But a dozen or so disciples of the flying wolf pie are not vegetarian. This time, in order to take more advantage in Yuntianmen, Qianba brought all the first-class players in the flying wolf pie.

Although Feng Nan's cultivation base is not bad, he has just achieved completeness. Among the dozen or so disciples, there are seven or eight complete elementary grades, and one complete intermediate grade. Feng Nan wants to break through their pinch, how easy is it?

Jingle bells!

After a crunchy sound like an iron hit, Feng Nan's figure not only did not advance, but actually stepped back more than ten steps in a row.

Looking at Feng Nan who was besieged by the crowd and floating in time, Qian Ba ​​pinched Zhai Lan's chin, and said with a smirk: "Look at your little white face, the whole is a waste. You actually chose He is blind! "

"Qianba, do you know why I didn't choose you? It's not because Nange is so good, but because you are not human at all, you are a beast!"

"Indiscriminate!" Qian Ba ​​was furious, strangling Zhai Lan's neck with five fingers, and Zhai Lan groaned in pain.

"Qianba, there is a kind of heads-up with me!" Hearing Zhai Lan's painful cry, Feng Nan's heart almost shrank.

"Hum! Are you worthy to do it with me? Hum! You dog of the family! Listen to me, don't want this **** to die in front of you, you will give me your own arm!"

"If I cut my arm, would you let Lan'er go?" Hearing Qianba's threats, Feng South Africa was not angry, but there was a hint of hope in her eyes. It can be seen how important Zhai Lan's position is in his mind.

"Hey ... that's not necessarily, it depends on my mood!" Qian Baxie smiled repeatedly.


"What are you? You can do what I say, I don't care!"

Feng Nannu's mouth full of steel teeth bite loudly, and his eyes were even redder.

"Nan Ge, Qian Ba ​​is a beast. You must not be fooled by him!" Zhai Lan shouted anxiously, worrying that Feng Nan would do stupid things.

However, her call, Feng Nan was more determined, nodded at Zhai Lan, condensed, "Laner, I must save you!" Feng Nanhuo looked at Qianba, coldly Said: "If you are a man, keep your promises!"

Without any hesitation, Feng Nan cut off his left arm with his sword without any hesitation.

"Don't!" Zhai Lan burst into a cry, and his expression was full of speechless despair.


Just at the moment when Feng Nan's left arm was about to be unsafe, a sharp finger wind swept across the sky, and was shot on Feng Nan's sword. A refined steel sword was broken by this wind. Cut off.

"Who is it !?" The expected drama was interrupted in this way. Qian Ba's face suddenly showed a anger, and he looked viciously in the direction of the wind.

Wan Dong and Xiao Lang, one left and one right, came out sullenly. Wan Dong didn't expect that he would rescue a Yuntianmen disciple, but in the situation just now, he couldn't help but he wouldn't, otherwise his conscience would never forgive himself for a lifetime.

"Where did the two of you **** come from, what a good thing to dare to spoil Lao Tzu?"

Seeing that Wan Dong and Xiao Lang were not very old, Qian Ba ​​suddenly gave a scornful heart, and shouted rudely.

"The Flying Wolf faction is indeed well-deserved." Xiao Lang smiled coldly, and a chill appeared on his face. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402421->

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