Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 951: Fighting fierce blood crane!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Half an hour? Half an hour, Lin Feng's qi can be restored? Is this possible? You have to know that even the Phantom's Illusory Demon Pill must take a full year to make the consumer's cultivation recover as before, Is n’t your spirit pill better than the magic fairy pill? ”

Lin Feng was very excited, but Li Weiqian was a little more puzzled, Nana asked. +

Wan Dong glanced back at her and said, "It's this time, where can I have time to explain to you? Brother Lin, you'd better hurry up, I can't support it for long!"

"Wei Qian, I believe what Yao Ting brothers say!" Lin Feng's expression suddenly became firm when he saw Li Wei Qian's suspicion, and said loudly.

Li Weiqian gently shook his head and said, "I don't believe him, but ... just five full-blooded fiery blood cranes, can he resist half an hour with him alone?"

In fact, Lin Feng had the same doubts, but now Wan Dong is the only hope for Li Weiqian and him to live. This person will always deliberately ignore the information that is unfavorable to him, but it is a human nature, and there is nothing wrong with this. This was just broken by Li Weiqian. Lin Feng didn't want to face it. He looked at Wan Dong solemnly.

"Brother, otherwise, you ... you should leave alone!" After struggling, Lin Feng's conscience finally prevailed.

"Okay! Let me kill the five fiery blood cranes by myself. I can't do it, but if I only resist half an hour, it should not be a problem."

Lin Feng shook his head. He obviously didn't believe Wan Dong's words, but when he was about to say something, suddenly, the momentum of Wan Dong's body burst like a rocket skyrocketing.

"Xuan Xian ... Intermediate !?" Although the whole process only took a few breathing efforts, the shock to Lin Feng and Li Weiqian was indescribable.

Lin Feng's mouth murmured, a face completely covered by the shock. Li Weiqian was also surprised. She never imagined that the vulgar kid who had always been regarded by her as a ruin would have such a profound cultivation. What surprised her even more was that Wan Dong was able to completely conceal his breath and easily concealed her eyes from the first stage of the earth wheel. This seemed to Li Weiqian to be a bit unbelievable.

"Yes, brother, you ... you're hiding me so hard!" Lin Feng couldn't help shouting again and again.

Wan Dong chuckled and didn't answer. His body burst into an upright, greeted the five flaming blood cranes straight like an eagle.

"Lin Feng does not mean that the ordinary world is small, the spirit of the world is shallow, and the cultivation is more effective. Without the help of our own way, even if it is impossible to be reborn, how could anyone cultivate to the middle level of Xuan marks? A few years old, such a talent and achievement, even in our doorstep, is absolutely first-class. "Li Weiqian's eyes were full of doubts.

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "My brother really can't talk about common sense! There is not much time, I will resume cultivation first."

Lin Feng no longer said to Li Weiqian, sitting cross-legged, calming his mind and starting to sense the qi in his body. Sure enough, as Wan Dong said, after the extreme fatigue and weakness, he began to have a trace of qi and re-accumulate, which undoubtedly let Lin Feng Chang breathe a sigh of relief.

The five fierce blood cranes really came to seek revenge. They were murderous. When they saw Wandong, they immediately screamed and flew up. The current one, slightly larger in size, seemed to be a leader, and his wings flew abruptly, and a gust of wind like a sharp blade suddenly blasted towards Wandong.

Ordinary flaming blood crane, the combat power is not under the ground fire dragon, the combat power is comparable to the first level of Xuan marks, and this flaming blood crane leader, the ordinary combat power is stronger than the ordinary flaming blood crane, this time it is again mysterious Strengthen, the combat power is actually chasing the peak of Xuan marks.

Not to mention, the light of this wing has already made Wan Dong feel the great pressure, and the subconscious will have to dodge. But the thought of Lin Feng and Li Weiqian behind him had to bite the steel teeth and chose to fight hard.

A palm wind burst out, and it was strong and collided with the wind gang shot by the flaming blood crane leader. Although Wandong was already prepared in his heart, he was startled when a great force was transmitted.

This fierce blood crane's combat power is even stronger than he estimated. Not only is the peak of Xuan marks, but it has even approached the first stage of the earth wheel indefinitely.

And seeing Wan Dong's figure, as if pushed by a bulldozer, he burst back several steps in a row, Li Weiqian's eyebrow tightened immediately, his face full of infinite worry. In a hurry, she also launched the Xianjue formula. She quickly resumed her cultivation practice, and she had already decided in her heart that Wandong could hardly hold on for half an hour. She said that she couldn't get the key.

Wan Dong was retreated by the leader of the blazing blood crane, and he had time to make adjustments in the future. He only listened to the thunderous wind blowing around him, and Wan Dong's heart tightened, looking up, good guy, and the other four fires Blood Crane actually took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on him.

"Good animal!" Wan Dong burst into tears, forcibly stabilizing his body, and his body's qi was surging like the Yangtze River, and his palms were split like lightning, with four faces, like four crazy dragons, attacking four fires Blood Crane.

"Grandma's! Can't clean up your boss, can't you clean up all of you?"

Wan Dong's mouth was scolded, but the reality was that he was shocked. He really couldn't get rid of these four. His palm strength is not stiff, but the four fiery blood cranes are just like the elves in the wind, the body is amazingly fast, flexible and terrible! Wan Dong's four palm strengths are not yet imminent, and the figures of the four fiery blood blood cranes have been swayed by the wind lightly, and the four palm strengths suddenly fell through.

"What ?!" Just when Wan Dong was shocked, a rumble roared with a terrible coercion that seemed to shatter him, and suddenly sounded from his side.

Wan Dong turned his head to look, and his eyes narrowed suddenly. The flapping wings of the fiery blood-blooded leader flew a dense wind blade and rolled towards him like a tornado.

In the Daomen Great World, I dare not say, but among the fairy beasts of the vulgar small world, the fiery blood crane is definitely the power of the wind to the ultimate fairy beast. This point Wandong is clear, but Wandong did not expect Yes, the leader of this fiery blood-blooded crane actually exerted the power of the wind to such a terrifying level. Each wind blade has the power to slash the Xuan marks below the middle rank, not to mention that these wind blades are turned into pieces.

However, at the moment of fright in Wandong's heart, the four fiery blood blood cranes of the spiritual position also gathered up at this time, separating four positions, and forming a surrounding circle with the fiery blood blood crane leader, surrounding Wandong in the center. Then they flapped their wings together, and when they stood, there were four wind blades, squeezed towards Wandong like four walls.

Although the wind blades released by these fiery blood cranes are far less powerful than the fiery blood crane leader, they are more in number and cooperate with each other. The threat to Wandong is not inferior to the fiery blood blood. Crane leader.

At this time in front of Wan Dong, the sky was full of flying wind blades, dense and dense, almost covering everything. And as the wind blade raged, the air surrounding it seemed to be drained, making Wandong's breathing difficult.

Wan Dong's sweat all over stood up, an unprecedented pressure fell on his shoulder, even more terrible than Li Weiqian's sword of death.

"Break me!"

Although it is terrible, it is impossible to let Wan Dong die. The eyes suddenly burst out with a fine mane, the tongue burst into spring and thunder, and the thoughts were urged, and the magic soldiers entrenched in the Yuan House suddenly appeared in the hands. The coming wind blades collided together.

There was a sudden bang like a torrential rain, which shook the earth.

Li Weiqian, who was restoring his cultivation as much as possible, was shocked by this momentum, Huo opened his eyes, looked at the blood cloud and wind blade strangled together in the sky, and there was a burst of surprise on his face, looking at Wandong ’s eyes, It was a little more horrifying.

Although the body is the first, Li Weiqian's eyesight is still there. You can't see it. What is the power of this bloodshed?

Wandong broke through to the middle level of Xuanhen and cultivated for a skyrocket. The power of this blood slaughtered thousands of miles was also more and more amazing. However, this **** sacrifice to kill Qianli, but only to defeat the sky wind blade, actually failed to hurt even a fiery blood crane. Instead, it turned Wan Dongzhen's body upside down, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

The difficulty of these fierce blood cranes is really beyond Wan Dong's expectations. I don't know who it is. There are such energies to strengthen them.

The wind blade collapsed, and the five wings of the fiery blood-blowing crane spread their wings together, riding on the wind, and suddenly pulled up dozens of feet high.

After the power of the blood slaughtered thousands of miles, five fierce blood and blood cranes, all turned sharply, the fast, really like the violent wind, basically Wan Dong has not yet had time to react, and has forced him before.

This time the flaming blood crane no longer sacrificed the wind blade, but directly waved its wings and patted Wandong.

Wandong had no time to react quickly, and had to cross the Divine Soldier with his sword edge to block the wings of the fiery blood and blood crane. It felt like he was hit hard with an iron hammer. Even if he was wearing iron armor, he couldn't save.

A terrible force, like a drill, penetrated through the Divine Soldier and hit the body of Wan Dong.

As soon as Wan Dong's throat was sweet, a sip of blood had spewed out, and the whole person was like a broken kite, retreating backward.

However, before waiting for Wan Dong to react from this hit, a shadow flashed in front of him, and another fiery blood crane flew at him with his wings. Wan Dong waved the Divine Soldier to block again, and immediately a **** arrow spurted out. He then changed direction and flew out again.

While Wan Dong was still flying in the air, the third fiery blood crane dived over him at an alarming speed ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402445->

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