Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Where is still fighting, it is clearly a fierce battle of table tennis, but unfortunately, Wan Dong plays not a player, but ... table tennis. +

While flying around in the air, he still suffered from the pain that seemed to fall apart. Wan Dong's mood was conceivable. If it were n’t for the magical soldier in his hand who still lacked a sharp sword, every time he helped him to shed most of his strength, he might have been torn apart.

"You looking for flat-haired animals, I don't pluck you alive, I don't have a surname of Wan!" Wan Dong's eyes were already red because of his anger, and he even kept a vow of poison in his heart.

No matter how red your eyes are, and how poisonous your vows are, you won't be able to help Wandong get rid of her predicament. In fact, Wan Dong's situation at this time is getting worse and worse. With such heavy blows and continuous accumulation, even if the Divine Soldier resists, he cannot withstand indefinitely.

Wan Dong can't remember how many mouths of blood he spurted. His internal organs and internal organs were all shaken, and a sense of weakness, like a wave, kept hitting his mind, reminding With him, maybe the collapse is in the next second.


Just as another fiery blood crane swooped over to Wandong, suddenly, a purple Yingmang burst through the void like lightning, and blasted. The flaming blood crane clearly realized the danger, and a high-pitched cry came out of his mouth. His body suddenly collapsed, and he had to let Wandong go and chose to avoid it.

As a result, the five combos of the fiery blood and blood cranes were immediately interrupted, and Wan Dong finally got a breathing machine related to life and death.

Where can I find the pain of the whole body up and down, Wandong just clenched his teeth, lifted a trace of qi, and quickly walked the whole body to restore the repair to the maximum extent. Half an hour, just over one tenth, the battle has just begun.

After a little recovery of strength, Wandong subconsciously looked in the direction of Jianmang's shooting. I saw Li Weiqian's delicate body trembling suddenly, and a blood arrow spurted from his mouth.

Wan Dong couldn't help but feel the heat, and that life-saving sword was indeed issued by Li Weiqian.

She must be in the gap of healing, seeing Wan Dong in desperation, so she ignored all the interruption of the healing and sent the sword to the fiery blood blood crane. This little Nizi looks cold and frost, but her heart is hot like fire, it seems that Lin Feng has not misunderstood people.

"Let's go!" Just when Wan Dong's heart gave a big reward to Li Weiqian, Li Weiqian suddenly struggled and waved at Wan Dong. Although the two were not close, Li Weiqian was very weak and Wan Dong couldn't hear her voice. But from her opening and closing her mouth, Wan Dong still understood what she meant.

go? Wan Dong shook his head. Not to mention whether he can leave at this time, even if he can, Wandong will not leave.

Everyone has a destiny and has been doomed from birth. The practice of seeking Taoism is to reverse the fate of the world, so that my life can jump out of the cycle. In this way, my heart is the basis for the monks to fight against heaven and earth, and the key to reversing destiny.

And to fight against heaven and earth, I must strengthen my heart! How can I make my heart stronger? There is no other way, only things follow my heart, based on the will of my heart. Even if it is to go through the fire and die, Jiuduan is dead.

If Wandong left at this time, it would be against my heart, and it would leave a shadow on my heart. This will be a bad result for future cultivation!

So Wandong can't go, even if it's dead!

Wan Dong didn't speak, but after passing Li Weiqian an extremely firm look, he faced the fiery fiery blood cranes again, with a straight figure and immovable lines, revealing unyielding and firm.

Suddenly Li Weiqian's eyes were hot, and he didn't say much, just out of the storage ring, he felt out a dozen tablets of panacea, and all his brain swallowed into his mouth. Look at these magical pill, Baoguang circulates, the gas is sorrowful, it must be a treasure that Li Weiqian does not want to use. At this time, in order to complete the healing as soon as possible, she also ignored it.

Wan Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, staring vigorously in the air, looking for the next fierce **** crane offensive opportunity, and his thoughts went crazy like electricity.

This fiery blood crane is like an elf in the wind, the speed is too fast. If he can't keep up with its almost perverted speed, Wan Dong can't escape being beaten to death. But to keep up with its speed ...

At this moment, Wan Dong's pupil shrank suddenly, and a fiery blood crane traversed a strange path in the air, as if it was riding the wind, not right, then the wind is like its second wings , The fast man made his scalp numb and rushed towards him.

Wan Dong didn't even have a chance to react, and the whole person was shot and flew out again.

The pain was still the same, but it seemed that Wan Dong had lost his feeling at this time, but he didn't say anything. A pair of eyes were staring at the trajectory left when the flaming blood crane broke into the sky.

Some familiar, where seems to have seen the track!

Wan Dong's mind seemed to be swept by the wind, leaving a trace of it, but it was not easy to think about, and it was more difficult to grasp.


With a high-pitched cry, Wan Dong's eyes locked on the second flaming blood crane, and it was such a trajectory that appeared in the air, and Wan Dong's body also turned sideways again.

Wan Dong knows that a new round of 'combo' has begun, but this time, Wan Dong's heart is full of tension and fearlessness, and some have a stronger and stronger expectation, flooding his mind. .

Wan Dong's figure flew in the air, which he couldn't control, but he could control his own eyes and kept moving between the five fiery blood cranes. One after another, Wan Dong felt more and more familiar with the trajectory, slowly gathering more and more in the air, too late to dissipate, crisscross, like a messy pattern ...

"Pattern? ... Drawing a shaft!" A thunderous roar came suddenly from Wan Dong's head, which was originally swept by the breeze and no trace was found. At this time, it suddenly turned into a storm wind, and there was wind everywhere trace!

This flaming blood crane crossed the track of the sky, clearly distinguished from the messy lines on the painting axis, but it is the same from the same birth!

Does n’t that picture reveal not only the original avenue rules of the heavens and the earth at the beginning, but also the true meaning of the wind, the law of the wind?

When Wan Dong's mind roared, the world's most refined spirits automatically penetrated into Wan Dong's body from all directions. These heaven and earth qi are many times more pure than ordinary heaven and earth qi, and the transformation with Dao qi almost reaches a terrible two to one level.

You know, even if Wandong practiced the Xuantianwu God's tactics, he can only reach three to one when he transforms the essence of heaven and earth into Daoqi, and other monks, Wandong can guess a rough idea without asking. Achieving five to one is enough to be proud of the world.

These heaven and earth spirits seem to come from the wind that permeates the surroundings. Although the wind is invisible, it is also a heaven and earth spirit, and it is also transformed from the heaven and earth spirits. Wan Dong Wan Wan did not expect that he was only aware of the true meaning of the wind on the scroll, and he could get such a great benefit with a little understanding. This painting axis makes Wan Dong feel more and more extraordinary.

With the influx of heaven and earth spirits coming from the wind into the body, Wan Dong ’s injury was quickly contained, and he was still recovering at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and the pain of the heart was suddenly weakened a lot. Let Wan Dong's mind suddenly swell.

It was just that the offensive of the five fiery blood cranes was already fierce, and Wandong was shot three times in full time after the fart of Wandong's epiphany. It's just that Wandong at this time is like Xiaoqiang who can't die to the fiery blood crane. The damage of the fiery blood crane to him is not as fast as Wandong's own healing speed.

"After trying the true meaning of the wind, let's try the law of the wind again! Do you flat-breed animals use the wind?"

Wan Dong's eyes flashed a fine mane at the same time, and the messy lines on the painting axis appeared in his mind. A qi in Yuan Fu immediately poured into Wan Dong's feet. At the same time, the ubiquitous wind around him also became Wan. In an instant, Dong's helper felt that Wan Dong's body seemed completely weightless, like dead leaves floating on the water, like feathers floating in the wind. The thought moved a little, and he stepped out under his feet.

Wan Dong didn't know why it was so oblique, but just collapsed out naturally. It should be so, but there is no reason to say that this is the rule!

However, in this span, the magical effect appeared. A flaming blood crane photographing him hurriedly shot an empty space. His body lost his balance and staggered, almost falling from the sky.

Since the fight was surrounded by five fiery blood cranes, this is the first time that Wan Dong has avoided the fierce blood crane.

Before waiting for Wan Dong to feel a little happy, a sudden strong wind blew from the left wing, and the second fiery blood crane approached.

Another line crossed in Wan Dong's mind, and he stepped out without any hesitation under his feet. The second one, the fiery blood-blooded crane slapped and fell again.

The third and the fourth, the leader of the fiery blood crane, shot successively, and Wan Dong ’s feet also moved continuously. The original awkward figure in front of the fiery blood crane turned into a wind-like spirit in an instant. No, Wandong seems to be completely melted in the wind, becoming a part of the wind, and the figure is clearly visible from the original, gradually becoming hazy, and in the end, there is only a faint, A shadow that is as intangible as a trace of wind.

啾 ~ 啾 ~ 啾 ~

The sky is full of screams of fiery blood and blood cranes, and this hissing sound is becoming more and more anxious, and more and more fierce.

Li Weiqian's heart seemed to float on the raging sea, and it was difficult to be quiet for a while. She didn't even have the courage to open her eyes. She was afraid that once she opened her eyes, she would see Wan Dong's bloody, fragmented appearance under the wings of the fiery blood crane. Just clenched her teeth tightly, and turned her qi to the extreme, no matter how fast ... faster!

Wandong--by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402446->

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