Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 953: Thousands of waves!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Just as Li Weiqian was playing with his life-saving treatment, Wan Dong seemed to be fascinated by a playful game. The more focused his expression, the more invested, and the joy on his face became more and more intense.

The messy lines on the painting axis slowly outlined a clear method in Wan Dong's mind.

At the beginning, Wandong just followed his heart and the power of the law, passively stepped, unskilled, and slightly blunt. Although he successfully avoided the slap of the five fiery blood-blooded cranes, he could not avoid the danger. Thrilling.

But as Wan Dong became more and more proficient at using this body method, the thrilling moments were constantly decreasing. Slowly, the speed at which the flaming blood crane initially made him startle became slower and slower, and it became easier and easier to avoid it.

The five fiery blood cranes are only fairy beasts after all, and they are not as intelligent as human beings. Otherwise, in their eyes, they will certainly be able to see the horror and even the fear that penetrates into the soul. But that's fine. Without fear, there is no retreat. Although the five fierce blood cranes kept screaming incessantly, they did not retreat. Instead, the offense became more and more fierce, and there was an endless posture.

This is undoubtedly providing Wandong with an excellent opportunity to continue to refine his body skills, and with the increase of the true meaning of wind understood by Wandong, and his insight and understanding of the laws of wind, Wandong discovered that His fit with the wind has also been infinitely improved. At this time, there was a wind, condensed around Wandong's body, like his body protection Zhengang, protecting his body.

The flaming blood crane's wings shot, and did not even touch Wandong's body, but was first weakened by the wind gang to half the strength, and the speed was also reduced by 50%, making Wandong easier to avoid.

After swallowing more than a dozen elixirs, Li Weiqian's injury finally improved by 60%, and the qi in her body also re-formed a mighty trend. Huo, Li Weiqian opened her eyes, although the injury was only 60%, yes With five fierce blood cranes, Li Weiqian has only a 50% chance of winning. But she couldn't go on any longer, maybe Wan Dong would die.


Li Weiqian opened her eyes and was about to lift Wan Dong to help Wan Dong, but the situation in front of her surprised her.

Where is the shadow of Wandong between heaven and earth? Only five fiery blood cranes were left, as if they were deviled, forming a circle, flapping their wings in turns, in that case, as if the five fiery blood cranes were fighting against the air, Is n’t this the devil?

Just when Li Weiqian was confused and confused by the scene in front of her, a faint shadow suddenly passed across the corner of her eyes.

"No!" Li Weiqian's heart suddenly jumped, her eyes narrowed hurriedly, and this squint, Li Weiqian immediately discovered a phenomenon that shocked her.

Where did the five fiery blood cranes get caught? Of course, they are not fighting against the air. In the middle of them, a faint figure is moving at a pace that makes her tremble, trembling at the pace that makes her tremble.

Just like the wind, beyond the limits of human vision, no traces can be traced.

"Who is !? Who can perform such a terrible body?" Li Weiqian's heart seemed to sink and rise in the raging waves, and it was difficult to settle for a moment.

Li Weiqian subconsciously excluded Wan Dong. It was not her despising Wan Dong. It was this way of doing things. Such a profound mystery, even if it was the first stage of her earth wheel, was at its peak.

If a vulgar kid has mastered this kind of body method, it would be too shocking!

Li Weiqian had to come closer subconsciously, hoping to observe this body method more closely at a close distance, and with a strong hand, she suddenly dragged her.

Li Weiqian looked back in surprise, Lin Feng had already stood up.

"Lin Feng, how are you?" Li Weiqian couldn't care about the body and the body, and all her thoughts were transferred to Lin Feng.

Lin Fenglang laughed and said, "My brother didn't lie to me. My whole body has been restored to its original state!"

In fact, without Lin Feng, Li Weiqian can see. At this time, Lin Feng was energetic and energetic, and there was no longer the slightest weakness and exhaustion when the previous Dao Qi was exhausted. What shocked Li Weiqian even more was that Lin Feng's momentum at the moment was so close that she seemed to be on par with her.

"Feng, your cultivation base is ..."

Lin Feng couldn't help grinning, "Why, do you feel it? I have realized some of the mysteries of the earth wheel, and the bottleneck has been loosened. It shouldn't take long before I can condense into the wheel wheel and enter the earth wheel!"

"My God! So what exactly did Xu Yaoting eat for you?" Li Weiqian stared at Lin Feng for a long while and exclaimed suddenly, Nana asked.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, “I do n’t know, according to him, it ’s called Bao Yuan Dan, but I ’ve never heard of it. But now there ’s one thing to be sure. Compared with this, Yuan Ping ’s Magic Demon Dan is simply Scum! "

Li Weiqian nodded dumbly, although there was no words on her mouth, but she was very agreeable to Lin Feng's words.

After taking Baoyuandan, Xiuwei's growth rate is only higher than that of Huanyaodan, but after the weak period of taking, Huanyaodan is a full year, but Baoyuandan is not even an hour. In this ring alone, Illusionary Demon is weak! What shocked Li Weiqian even more was that after taking Bao Yuan Dan, Lin Feng could still realize the true meaning of Dao Lun and usher in a breakthrough. This makes Biao Yuandan's value skyrocket!

This explosive Yuandan is not only an amulet for life-saving at a critical moment, but also an ultimate treasure to improve cultivation and insight breakthrough!

How can something that just goes against the sky appear in the hands of a common boy? In addition to shock in Li Weiqian's heart, there are many unsolvable doubts!

"Then ... that's my brother?" Just when Li Weiqian was shocked by the magic of the explosion of Yuan Dan, Lin Feng also exclaimed, looking at the one surrounded by the five fiery blood blood cranes with a somewhat dull expression. Light figure.

"Should ... shouldn't it? Such a mysterious body method, maybe a senior Taoist ..."

"No! It's him! It's my brother!" Compared with Li Weiqian's suspicion, Lin Feng's expression was firmed at once, and he said with a loud voice, and at the same time a thick surprise and admiration, like the water ripples in his His face ripped quickly.

"How do you ... how can you be so sure? You don't think that this kind of series method, even if it is extremely rare in the Daomen World, how can it appear in the Ascension Continent?"

"Hahaha ... My brother is a freak and can't be treated with common sense! Isn't Explosive Yuan Dan also something that shouldn't appear on the Ascension Continent?"

Lin Feng said this, Li Weiqian was suddenly speechless, and his heart was even more ups and downs!

"call out!"

Just when Lin Feng and Li Weiqian looked at Ruan Yunyan's figure in a daze, a **** sword awn suddenly rose up, and the two of them hadn't waited for the reaction. A burst of blood rain suddenly flew away, one head The flaming blood crane separated from the body immediately fell to the ground.

"This sword ... his ..." Li Weiqian is accustomed to using a sword and has a deep understanding of the swordsmanship, but this protruding sword makes her breath out.

In terms of power alone, this sword is not very powerful, but the combination of this sword and that body's power suddenly increased it by more than ten times, and even Li Weiqian, the first-level swordsman of the earth wheel, couldn't help but feel cold.

If the body method can not be combined with the attack, no matter how subtle, it also falls into the lower ranks. In fact, from the beginning of Wan Dong's epiphany of this body method, he began to wander in his mind, how to connect this body method with the sword in his hand.

And as he became more and more skillful in using this body method, he finally caught him a chance, and he wielded a sword with great power!

The other four fiery blood cranes apparently did not expect such a situation to occur, and their bodies were all stagnant, especially the fiery blood crane's leader, even hissing in the sky was almost hysterical, a pair of giant wings, flapping more anxiously, Lifting the wind blades in the sky straight up, wishing to cut Wan Dongsheng into meat.

It's just that Wan Dong at this time has already felt the true meaning of some winds, and has also learned more about the laws of wind. These wind blades formed by the wind can hurt him a bit?

Wan Dong didn't even avoid it, but rushed directly into the wind blade. This scene really stunned Li Weiqian and Lin Feng, and his heartbeat stopped.

But in the next second, a scene that shocked them happened. After Wan Dong rushed into the wind blade, the wind blades collapsed automatically, not to mention injuring Wan Dong's body, not even blowing his clothes.

"Feng, I ... I think your brother is not a freak, it is simply a devil!"

Lin Feng bit his lip tightly, so that she would not exclaim.

Lin Feng didn't speak, but nodded vigorously. At first glance, he agreed with Li Weiqian's words.

Entering the wind blade of the continuous film is like a fish swimming into the sea. Wan Dong does not have half of the discomfort. The heroic soldier Huo Ran lifts up in his hand, successively three swords, successively breaking through the sky, and it is dazzling!

Three swordsmanship, three screams, three flaming blood cranes turned into six paragraphs, and fell from the sky.

When was this incomparably fierce blood crane turned into a hen and a terrier in front of Wan Dong, and there was no room for resistance, only the slaughtered man remained.

Li Weiqian's beautiful eyes almost jumped out of her eyes. You know, even for her, it's impossible to kill the fiery blood and blood crane so easily.

"Demon! Great demon!" Li Weiqian murmured as if reading a sutra.

Lin Feng suddenly smiled at this moment and turned back to Li Weiqian, "Weiqian, you said, if my brother one day stepped on the door, what would it be like?"

Li Weiqian felt a sudden shock in her heart, and her eyes were rushed to shining light, and her heart was dark, if Wan Dong stepped on the door, it would be a wave of waves, and the situation changed! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402447->

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