Seeing the surprised expressions of several people, Ning Caichen was also a little puzzled. He immediately turned to Xu Yang and introduced to everyone: "Brothers, this is Brother Li, who is coming with me."

Everyone was startled when they saw this, and then they noticed that there was another person in the hall.

No, it should be said that there was an extra person at some point!

This caused everyone to sit on the spot, not knowing what to do for a while.

Just now, they only saw Ning Caichen.

When did this person come in, and why didn't they notice it at all?

Everyone was frightened for a moment, but soon relaxed inexplicably.

Only the three women turned pale, lowered their heads, and sat there, not daring to speak.

But several scholars did not notice it.

Feng Sheng, who was quite enthusiastic, stood up and said: "It turns out to be Brother Li, disrespectful."

After that, he sat down again and said to everyone: "I didn't want to go on a trip. I stayed overnight in an ancient temple and met you brothers and three girls. It is really a happy event in life. Tonight, I should get drunk and sing."

After that, he poured himself a glass of wine.

There were also wine glasses in everyone's hands. Apparently they were drinking from each other just now, and Feng Sheng filled them one by one.

Finally, he also presented two cups to Ning Caichen and Xu Yang: "Brother Ning, Brother Li, please!"

Seeing that this man looked wild and wild, although he was a bit dissolute, he was not annoying, so Ning Caichen did not refuse and took the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"Brother Ning is huge."

Feng Sheng smiled and asked again: "Who is Brother Ning from? How could he come to stay here?"

Ning Caichen did not hide anything: "I am from Zhejiang, living in Jiaxing, and want to study at Guobei Academy. However, I have to spend too much money on the road. I am about to run out of money and cannot afford the expenses in the city. I heard that there is a temple here, which is very convenient. door, I want to come and stay."

"Guobei Academy?"

After hearing these words, several people had different reactions.

"So Brother Ning wants to study at Guobei Academy?"

Feng Sheng smiled and sighed: "I heard that Guobei Academy has a good education, and even women can enroll in it. There are ten beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, eight beauties in Qinhuai, and countless beauties abandon brothels and join them. If there is a chance, I would like to see them. Ichiban.”

Hearing this, the scholar named Xie beside him also smiled and said: "Brother Feng is indeed a passionate prodigal, bohemian and uninhibited. He is indeed a role model for our generation!"

Another person said: "But I heard that the mountain chief of Guobei Academy is domineering and domineering, which is very out of line!"

"It's not just out of line, it's simply treason!"

A richly dressed young man said coldly.

"There have long been rumors that he, Li Liuxian, has no regard for anyone and has long been disobedient and treasonous. When he was in Guobei County, he dominated the place, claimed kingship and hegemony, and treated the government as if it were nothing, forcing countless families to lose their lives."

"In recent years, he has expanded even more outwards, extending his black hands to various prefectures in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and even all over the south of the Yangtze River. Branches have blossomed everywhere, including Taoist temples, martial arts schools, chambers of commerce, bodyguard shops, cloth shops, grain stores, pharmacies, and clothing, food, housing, and transportation. , he has to control all aspects, leaving no room for others at all."

"Now, not to mention Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangnan, I am afraid that the entire south and the seven provinces have been touched by his evil hands!"

"His academy, said to be an academy, is actually just a vassal town. The nine main academies are responsible for the affairs of three divisions and six ministries. They also raise private soldiers, manufacture armor and weapons, and collect taxes on their behalf. He has done what the court should do, and the court does not He did what he was supposed to do, so what else is this than treason?"

"Today's seven southern provinces are no longer the seven southern provinces of the imperial court, but the seven southern provinces of Li Liuxian and his Guobei Academy. I don't know how many people were oppressed by his despotic power, and even had their homes confiscated and exterminated."

"This person behaves like a robber. Since ancient times, he has never been the best in literature, nor the second in martial arts. Throughout the dynasties, hundreds of schools of thought have contended, but he wants to be the only one who dominates other academies. If he does not enter Guobei, he will be labeled as heresy."

"There is also Taoism and Buddhism. If the Taoist temples do not merge Taoism into Guobei Academy, they will be destroyed by him, or they will be forced to leave their hometowns."

"He also confiscated the land in the world and annexed various industries. He did not use tricks to obtain it, but directly robbed it by force. I don't know how many people were forced to lose their families and become homeless!"

"You are a traitor and a traitor, and everyone in the world would like to eat his flesh alive!"


The richly dressed Mr. Chu became more and more excited as he talked, and finally even smashed his wine glass.


Seeing him like this, several people looked stunned and didn't know what to do.

Mr. Chu ignored it and turned his attention directly to Ning Caichen: "So I advise you not to go to Guobei Academy. That filthy place does not deserve the name of an academy. If you go there, you will only make trouble for the tiger!"


"Brother Chu is drunk!"

"Brother Ning, please forgive me."

After hearing this, several people hurriedly settled the matter.

However, Mr. Chu did not show off his face: "I am not drunk, I am very sober. Others are afraid of Li Liuxian, but I am not afraid of Chu Jiangliu."

"If you want to make it perish, you must make it crazy. What Li Liuxian did is the craziest of madness, the craziest of madness. No one in the world can tolerate him. He will be destroyed in an instant!"

"Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, he has refreshed the civil service and reorganized the world, and with the help of the Buddhist monk Cihang, he will definitely be able to recreate the prosperous times of the Xianzong Zhongxing and great rule, wipe out all kinds of rebels, and cause chaos in all directions!"

"So Brother Ning, I advise you, don't make a mistake and get on the thief's ship, otherwise you will be implicated and buried with him. It will be too late to regret... Come, Brother Feng, fill up another glass, and you and I will drink together." "

Mr. Chu's face turned red as he spoke, and he didn't know whether he was drunk or awake.

Everyone was speechless when they saw this.

Only one person became serious.

That is……

"Brother, this is wrong!"

Ning Caichen stood up and said to Mr. Chu: "Although Guo Bei Academy's actions are somewhat domineering, in these troubled times, there should be thunderous means to sweep away the world and clarify the world!"

"In today's world, although all the three religions are authentic and sects, they still have sectarian opinions and factions. There are endless fights and chaos. This is where most of the chaos in the world comes from!"

"Guobei Academy integrates the ten traditions, resolves the disputes in the world, vigorously promotes practical learning, and helps the development of people's livelihood. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the national power flourishes, sweeping away the previous signs of twilight and decay."

"Is this a thief?"

"This is the master of the king's way!"

Ning Caichen looked at Mr. Chu: "Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and those who fail to govern and behave morally should be replaced. Just like the cycle of life and death, this is the law of nature and the law of heaven. How can we talk about tampering?"


Hearing what he said, Mr. Chu became even more furious, threw his glass and cursed: "Okay, it turns out he is also a traitor. Before he entered Guobei Academy, he was bewitched by his heresies. You can't stay here!" "

Having said that, he drew his sword.

"Brother Chu, Brother Chu!"

"No, no!"

Seeing this, several people hurriedly stopped him.

Ning Caichen, however, was not afraid: "I am not talented. Although I am not strong enough to tie a chicken, I am not afraid of the threat of a sharp sword. I will kill him if I want. I don't know Brother Chu's family background, but I can't bear such consequences?"


At this time, Mr. Chu also calmed down. Looking at the confident Ning Caichen, he pushed the sword back bitterly: "Traitor, don't be arrogant. The new emperor will be established and the holy monk will return. The court will be able to reorganize the world. I will never surrender, and when the time comes, you don’t have to regret it!”

After that, he settled down and ignored Ning Caichen.

Seeing this, the other scholars had no choice but to persuade Ning Caichen to sit down.

Scenes like this have become commonplace in places south of the Yangtze River in recent years.

The collision, conflict and influence of old and new ideas are manifested in all aspects.

The concepts, speeches, stances, and positions of literati are also one of them.

Seeing the big from the small is enough to understand the changes in the seven southern provinces in recent years.

The two forces, the old and the new, each have a group of supporters and have related interests.

In this way, quarrels are all good, direct action, and life-or-death fights are not uncommon.

This is the sweeping trend, the impact of waves, the collapse of old forces and old rules, and the establishment of new forces and new orders.

Blood and killing are inevitable!

In this regard, the few scholars who had not yet taken a stand could not say much. They could only try their best to appease both parties to avoid blood splatter tonight.

Feng Sheng did not dare to persuade him to drink anymore. He could only change the subject and asked Ning Caichen: "Brother Ning, you live in Jiaxing. If you want to study in Jinhua and Guobei, shouldn't you be in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces? How did you come here?" This Guangling land?"

"The land of Guangling?"

"What Guangling land?"

These words made Ning Caichen look stunned: "Isn't this Suzhou Prefecture?"

"Suzhou Mansion?"

"What Suzhou Prefecture?"

When Feng Sheng heard this, he was also surprised: "This is Guangling County. I am from Guangling. I went on a trip a few days ago. I was intoxicated with the mountains and rivers. I forgot the time and wandered around randomly, so I came to this temple. There is no way I can run from Guangling." Suzhou, right?"

"No, isn't this Hangzhou?"

"Nonsense, this is clearly Jiang Ning!"

"Brothers, don't joke with me, this is obviously Jin Yang."

"This, this, this..."

Listening to the words of the two people, the other scholars also changed their colors and looked at each other in shock.

"No, there's something wrong with this place!"

Mr. Chu also sensed something was wrong. He stood up and pulled out his sword. He looked around the crowd in shock and anger, and then looked around the ancient temple. His face was pale and his heart was panicked.

How could he be here, drinking and having fun with these strangers of unknown origin and identity?

This is not his style at all!

Why would he do something that goes against common sense and cognition, and yet he doesn't even realize it.

What the hell does this happen?

Ning Caichen was also a little uneasy. The strange feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. He couldn't help but come to Xu Yang: "Brother Li, something... seems to be wrong."


Xu Yang smiled when he heard this: "What do you think is wrong?"



Before Ning Caichen could say anything, Mr. Chu turned around and rushed towards him, pointed his sword directly at him, and asked in a mixture of shock and anger: "Are you a human or a ghost?"

"what are you doing?"

Such behavior made Ning Caichen startled, and then he stood up angrily: "If you are dissatisfied, come to me, don't bring trouble to others."

"Shut up!"

Mr. Chu shouted angrily, staring at Xu Yang with his eyes, pointing at Ning Caichen: "When he came in just now, we only saw him alone, and we didn't see you at all. Why did you come in? No, what the hell are you?"


"I'm a storyteller."

Seeing this, Xu Yang smiled: "Now there is a story, I wonder if you would like to hear it?"


As soon as these words came out, there seemed to be magic power. No matter what everyone's thoughts were, whether they were willing or not, everyone sat down obediently at this moment, including Mr. Chu who had his sword unsheathed.

While everyone was listening, he also spoke.

"Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a tree on the mountain..."

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